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Canada day vancouver island 2048 xom dividend date

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Company Background Teck Resources Limited is a resource company, which engages in mining and development of mineral properties. Summation of the earnings from the latest 4 Quarter or 2 Half Year results announcement, adjusted for the current number of shares. Based on latest results announcement Full Year, Half Year or Interim , adjusted for carrying value of “Other Share Capital”, illustrative financial effects of corporate actions if applicable and the current number of shares.

Dividend is based on latest Full Year results announcement, adjusted for current number of shares and excludes special dividend.

Based on reported cash and cash equivalents at end and extracted from the latest results announcement Full Year, Half Year or Interim , adjusted for the current number of shares. Rounded to the nearest thousand. The figure pertains to the respective exchange the stock is listed on. Updated on 12 Aug Please click here for more information. Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure that the calculations performed by the features of this site are reliable, the features are provided on the basis that:- no liability is accepted for any errors or inaccuracies resulting from your use of these features; many of the data inputs including share prices are obtained from third party sources for which we assume no responsibility.

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By continuing to use this webite, you will be agreeing to our Privacy Policy , Terms and Conditions and Cookie Policy. Sembcorp Marine. MarcoPolo Marine. RH PetroGas. Mapletree Log Tr. Best non-. Best aporting Best working— Mrs. Wood’s Wavefly Roderlek. Con- test wiruior. Miss nsie Richards, Mr. Martin, Dr.

Barton, Mr. Allex, Vancou- ver, Mr. Peter, tiaiixes, J. Carey, M. Conway, E. Loverlcit, R. Wer- ner R C. Metropolitan Building. R0 Tws Unit! EXcltislve of South Okanagan. Writing off part of this sum Is intended. Brady, A. Lee, Ueattle; A. M Blckncl, J. Kovick W J Burge. SJoquLst, Drlnkwater, S. McDonald, Mr. Vancou- ver: A. Curtis, San Francisco; Mr. Hammill’s Skippy Largest dog hi. Wood’s Waverly Roderick. Best boy handler under nine — Tommy McVle.

Bosley s Noddy. Best Rlrl handler over nine— Bar- bara McVie. Bloomfleld’s PIdget. Best novlc fr-MlM Westlnghouae’s Carl. Beat brace— Mlas R. Rarfleld’a HeatherbeUe Scottish Terrler. Duncan; Mr. V CarLsijii. Port Alberni; H. Esquimau; John C. WiUlams, You- bou; Mrs. ViCoria Mr. Bal- lantync. Comox: H. Blakeney, Vletorla: Miss A. Cal- gary. Mothers and fathers of club mem- bera and Interested friends o the young. Refreshments will be Korvoii at the conclusion of the woricout.

CfKich FYank Hy. Nor tu her heart ahie im hates It— but fears, which are Ljndle;. Harneid s. Best team— lira. Bloomfleld’a four Junior pupplen. Best hi show— Mrs. Roosevelt, and wealthy Oeorge X. New Yorlt. Haven Olark. Theae pictures promlae to be exeeptlbnally interest- ing and Mr. Pearce haa the latest sound equipment with hla flut- chine. The room was gaily deooratad wKh flr boughs and Ch’ -;.

Smith, Mrs. Ritchie and MIm L. Mra, Jack Tay- lor and Mr. Orleve reoelaed tb – – solatton awards. Mrx R J. Smith end Mr. Macdonald were hUh aal aocwra at aaettaa t: piness and relief will accompany you when you leave. Exchange your old radio tor i new RCA Victor with all the latest radio improvements.

Listed below arc the new models in Victor Combination Radios and you cjn sec at a glance you needn’t sptnd txtravaggntly to own one. Modol U I Alice McGreffor. Aa Mr. McLanahan left Clymer, tea. Hall, with the worthy pmktent. Campbell, In the dialr. ICc«t«ll, cap: am of the fiuurdi, from her team. The ofU- een tautaltod were: President, Mrs. Duncan; past president, Mrs. Campbell ; chaplain, firs. Uraham; fi n a nc ial M crstTy ,.. BMdto; ivcordlnc secretary.

IC Carter; first conductor, Mrs. Mason; second conductor, Mrs. Molyneaux; Inalda guard. Ruby; ouUlde fuard, Mrs. Spavin; trustee. Hennis; planl. Spavin ami her oommltUt, brought tho. Tyrrell In the chair Mrs.

Baker, vlce-prr. Howe; secretary, Mrs plain. Warr; first guide, Mrs. Henry: second guide, Mrs. Aldridge; third guide. MeVte; inside guard. Mrs Pleld- houae; outside guard. Bechtcl, trus- ts, Mra. OoldwM and Mrs. An- drew. O Bridges, Mrs. Watson; Juvenile advisory committee, Mesdames C. Oosnell, A. McVle, Swan. H Baker, Aldridge. The scrutineers ‘wore MMdamee number. December 15, after whkb an old-tliM 4mmo vlU belMld. Assembly No. MUbum in the chair. The president, Mrs. A pleasing IncMent took place at tht.

Noman Tayl r. Camsew Stn -t. The appointment of officers was as follows Honorary president. Dickson; honorary vlco- presldent. Miss M. Miss Palrnian; treasurer, Mrs. Neal; extra cent secre- ury, Mn. Miss Moti:. Smith; “Living MeeMfe” Mcrrtsry. Wilis and Mr. Spencer Elliott wUi open the aflalr at I pjo. There will be stalls jf home cookmg. Aftomoon toa Will be served, and teacup reading will be featured.

In the evening at 8 o’clock, a five hundred card party wiu be held, with the Men’s OuUd m oharft. F Sullen, on Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5 o’clock. Fairfield W. Moslc wa. McOavIn, wife of the Mayor of Victoria, opened the affair, com- plimenting the association on its work and wishing it every success She was presented by little Beverly Husband with a sheaf of white chrysanthemums.

Eric Thom- son had charge of the fancywork; Mrs. Wright, dolU Mrs. Humphries, candy. Afternoon tea wa. Green and her committee. At o’clock, eighty guests. Which was served by Mrs. Moon and her oohunittoe. Musical seiectlona bvought the evonlnt to a close. Metchosin W. MetchoBin, held a. H, Gardiner re port-d for the educational eommiU tee. This pn. NumbOT Cno noon. Bolton, vicar of the pariah, dcelarod the affaU- open at 3 o’clock, and from then until tf o’clock the stallholders were kept lm.

Sexton was a wel- come guest. Bell and with greenery and a single candle Miss K. Chegwin and Mrs. I-VrRus Reld inaiiaRocl the needlework. Witty and Mrs. Hel- gesen, the home cooking; Mn. Jackson, the superfluities, and Mli. Bolton and L. A large crowd attended the weekly danrr held n-ccntly in the A. The elghtsomc reel cor. Miss Peterson. Ounn and Mr. Noble acted as judges Dr. Olefin presented the cups to the winners. M-ntt’d with a cordage bouquet by the president, Mi. Allott wiU be the guest speaker for the evening As this will be the snniul meeting, it Is hoped that there will be a full at- tendance of members.

It was decided that all – mijeis should meet on Thursday afternoon. Minns, convened thr tea which was aenrod at tables bentred St. Andrew’s Y. Iliie tiic most complete.

Up Aid was held recently at the home of Mrs. Ar- rangement« were made to hold the Sunday school Christmas treat on December 79 m The Sail the next meeting will be held-Ak the home of Mrs. Hyalop, Plnewood Av- enuo, on Januwy I.

Members of the Chi. Arthur Amutrong. Columba W. Chrutmas gifts and home cooking win be in char»B of the ladles, also. Tho affair will open at 3 p. Under the auipicr. The proceeds will be In aid of the mortgage fund. Martin’s Y. Election of offloen tor tho coming year will take place.

Each guest is asked to bring a ftf t. Mrt renowned lor Hit bctttty of their ttyliat Sad SM. Ym, too, wiN tliart h«r Mp piwi gg. Ttic W. A Hevifw No. Hall tomorrow etg- nlng at 8 oc’lock Election of offi- cers for the coming year will take place. George Daughters of St. George Lodge. There will be a jltubUe insUUakioa of all officers. TeJephonc Operators win hold their monthly tea at David Spencer.

Ltd , on Tue. Madame Sander. The monthly meeting of the W. In the S. SI, Martin’s Lnion. The monthly meeting of St. Mar- Th. Pua Pattern iM. Anne Adam. C«6bSe frwn moat becoming. S8, 34 MM II. Write iflalnly slxe, lamt. Pattern Department. Vic- toria, EC. Pro Patrta W. Canadian Le- gion. Oov- cmment Street. Martin were the “hares ” and all the fals- trails were entrusted to the. Why cali her Peggy?

Md ICn. MlM Ruth «Mph«Rl. Chadwlck, sister of Ulti. Shepherd, who was matron of hunor at the wvddlng twenty-five years ago. A wedding cake occu- pied the placf of honor oh the table, which waa presided over by Mrs.

Davcy, who are iilso M. Shepherd Mrs. Stock assisted in serving, jfkingi and reci- tations rendered by Mrs. Barr and Mrs. Shepherd Is a member, called to tender their good wishes aJid community slnirlnit was enjoyed The invited guenf. Marlin, Mrs. Rlppingale, Mrs O. Baekwlth, Mrs. Dingwall, Mrs. A Bartholoinew, Mrs.

Mrs S. K Rowbotham. Munry Mr N. J Arin. Davey, Meesrs. Oavey, Jr. Singing with absolute n«turalne. Those preeent expreated the hope that die would be heard again In Virtorla In the near future. The orrhe.

Tickle, played popular and diirieal num- bers during the afternoon. Mem- ber of the Luxton- Happy Valley association are invited to attend the meetmg and all local members are specially requested to be pres- ent to meet Mrs. Birthday Party Mrs. Sarah Buraey was hosteA. G 11 11 — nateeraph kr oibMu. Kenneth R. The I nvited guests were Mr. Limb, Mr. Moon, Mrs. Parlby and Mus. A musical programme was given by Mr. Q Venables, viollnlat, who waa aceom- lby Mrs.

Moon, la visiting her parents. Qumbart, who la at present in Seattle, will join his wife for the hoUdaya. Hamilton, who ‘ been. Sattafoc- tioa er m a mj l e f u a ded by Van- C«. Oeorge Wtlmshurst will take place on December 10, The tea ‘ ‘ lea were at- tractively decorated with tiny Cflbrlat- ma.

The 5lft. Miss Marjorie Scarrett and. William O Cameron, who were amonft the Seattle visitors attending the. Mr w Thornton Opie, who has’ been visiting here for the past three weeks, is now en route Caat on his way back to his home In feoume- mouth Fngland HiNitcas at Tea Mrs.

Myers, 3 IS Linden Av- enue. She waa aasiated by Mrs. Irene Bastow Huison and Mrs. Hugh Mackenzie returned from Seattle yesterday after apeadlat a few days there. Handle Mathews, formerly, of. Metchosin, art now living at Roberta I Bay. P gt t um nwtve returned to their home in Seattle after a few days’ vialt in the city. P A branches would be mvited. A report on the progress of preparations for the mlnatrel show waa given by Ralph Freethy, who anticipated a succf.

All svniuim to attend the rally at Nanaimo today werk asked to glvw their names tO the pre. Ahull attracted a lartjf num- ber oi people. The proceeds of ‘Jut dance will go towards a radio for the scliflQU. Saywell made ax. Witt, the hall was beautifully decorated with red and white atreamers, with cedar bougha on the walls.

One of the at- ractlona was the “Lambeth Walk. Boulet, supper wa« served, being pro- vlded. SIR JA. Percy C. Richards and Mr Fraser Lister. A panel discussion on school board admlnlstratlen will be conducted by the following newly ‘elected trustees: Mrs.

Oreen, “BuUdlngs and Grounds. George, “Finances. A Helmecken wiij be In the chair. An Invitation Is extended to all parenta and f rlmds of the aehool. SehmtU was elected pres- ident of the Victoria Worn, n’.

Johns, secretary; Mr8. Mark, treasurer: Mra! McKenaie, di- rector; Mrs E. Pint Sbtp, LM. Mark’s Hail on Wednesday at g p. All new members are asked to be preaent. C M Davy, with their children.

Master Thomas and Miss. Sylvia Daw. Tvine nt t’:r. For this production, the aasoclation has engaged a profes- sional dlrecctor.

There are still a few vacancie. Jamaa A. Mc- Vie. M was raised ‘ membrance Day. Sexton, ‘ secretary, reviewed the year’s activl- ties and reported that the money wuo raised by means of membership teas. The in. Two children have been adopted at the Solarium. Wel- fare work, agriculture and horticul-! Home economics and Uidustriee are active from Ortober 1 to the end ot April. An ex- change table Is placed at the room. Salva- tion Army. Pree Church of Eng- land, on Thursday afternoon were Mr.

John, Shelton. Mrs Jame. Lamjford AmouR the wedding gifts was a dinner. Back From Trip Mr. Hughes ha. Hughes spent. In Ottawa and also visited her brothers in San Pran- daco. MtinR her father. Colonel C. R ToQley. Th« hnde wa« formerly Miss Helen Joan w. Englaifid anf Camclhair. Dresa Suits. Odd linea in twaMla. Harria and Scotch twtada. Uft, 1 ft. Tarnifa, ttc. Imparial Fruit Cake with Almond Paita mti 4acoratarf. IL I ft. Dafaa I Iw Clark’a Sm». I pht. Onbwtrf’t Mm. Sugar, 25c Mixed Vegatablaa: Turnips.

I laaat of laaf approiimatcly 4 Ibt. Fotatoai, 1 lb. NIC Qaality Taa. I tin Royal City Faaa No. Stigar, 2 fta. Miaad Nuts No. Thus eating a very large nwl, or ronntng rapidly up8tftir. One of thr coiulll ;uii. OniT aac- Coupled wtth a disinclination for pliVii. TTnlew the f K fI al. In aeektng the cause of over- weight in a p«tir«ji’ with hrart dis- ease.

We have githtftd gay, colorful gifts from countries far and RMr. Wc litf litrg a ftw of »Im mmf, mmff lAY lOrvfeoa. Here trt gloves for every occjiion. Tailored or novelty ttyiat in all siias Imported fine kid alip-on Of tfoma ttyla. Imported tlip-on suede “f actac” cspeskia. Flaaca lined ride. Ivery pair la ettraetive gift ket.

From the youngest tO tkt oldest on your list Brother or Sister. If you really want to please, give Slippers! WNmon euwns lealhrr tllpprti Ihm r. Irathrr vovcrcs lelea. Slew 8-a. Buy with the utmost confidence of service and lasting beauty. For the really knpertant Christmas gift there could be nothing more satisfying than these choice Oriental Rugs A few of the outstanding rugt are Thrill f 1.

Plate aalara. Steae A a-ll. Madr la pllablr vmnotb rlk I—thee. Ma KttTiaeiae kaala. Uathar earereS reN aalaa. Size 7 X 10 ft. Size 8 I 10 ft Each.. Size 9 I 12 ft Each A radio that it Miparb in tone qaaiity asd all roMsd parforaiaaca.

Mince moetlily. HCA Victor Our selec- fion of open sfock crystal stemware is very extensive and Cocktails, Wines,. Plates, Cocktails and Footed Tumblart. Each ptmn. Dieear, dot. M Soaps, round bowl, dot OIR. Bp Forh.. Other foori. Oomc el tbe rults and vegetables low lo atateh. Is AtkMred4o take emeetae be feeki like ODe vtM has been confined to bed and la noari allowed to get op and go about T he re moval at eaceaa jeelght, In a uarvfid tnimfif HaMier, la nov ” grea t.

GO ,n4 HO CM. England Dec 3 rr , -. I O – Charlea A. Part, atxty-feiw. It WM desired to be sble to send All injured to the hob,. The proceeds from wpeclal games played. The mem- h« -s include Mrs. Keswm and Mrs. Btover id I’-v tht hospital. I Dauier a. Ron re- Earh rlub’ i. Miior pl. Mcintosh aivd Mrs. Mc- intosh, of Victoria and Vancouver.

Everard Orooi’, of Vancouver and Victoria. Both the bride and groom were unattended and the bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a two-pieoc. Her felt hat waa of the aame shaSe as her suit and her corsage bouquet was of orchids.

After the service. Judge and Mrs. Mcintosh went over to Vancouver’ on Ihundajr to attend tha ceramony. Martin Boaa. The bride was formerly Miss Eleanor Stuart. Christmas decorations of scarlet ‘ RobUis. The wadding will uUe place quietly In I the new year. J fimlth. The newly married cotiple wlU reakb on Oscar Street, Victoria. Good Good Care It is wise to give regular attention to so important a matter as vision. Consult your optometrist today. Fanryw irk w. Sharp and Mr.

Har- ,.. Miss Kathleen i Mrs. Shepherd, Roix-rt-s and tho M:. Ella Surpiilis. The L. George Nelson Bishop. Heath, Al- berta, to Mr. James Rrnfn w. Renfrew, Ker Avenue. The wedding will Uke Ivp Christma. McParlane, Mrs. Liiw- rence, Misses M. Pass, U. Phillip and O. Marling presided. The MLS.. S Dod, worth. Benjamin Jahies. The weddinj will talce place quietly the latter part of this month. West, Lac L« Biclie. Hugh A. Bell The bride wa. Her veil of fine embroidered net foAned a tram and was arranged beneath a coronet of orange blossoms, and she held a shower bouquet bf roses and ‘carnations.

She Mr f “. Irene, to Mr. Steve Oalc. Tea was. Haynes, Mrs. William Russell «nd Mrs. Mdmg at the tea urn- d u. Cameron, Mrs. Mulrand Mrs. Winiam Dinambra. MON band. Simon, arm bouqitet of blending chrysan- announoe the en- 1 ihemums. Kanaath McCrindle was best man. Miss Marion Ken- sang Bridal Dawn. A large number of gue. Merrlman was in a sapphire blue velvet gown with cut- velvet. West In. Mip er table, whirh wa.

Mr Saltspring. Island engagement of their. MacM Mr. Guests at the wedding Included. J Kier. Mr FV’rnard [niKwcil. Mi iitul. H HiUier. Uehielet: Itlr. R Lamb, the MLs,se. Shawnigan Lake. Cobble Hill Erliw Mary, to Mr. Frederick Os- bome Sutton, onlv son of Mr nnd [Mrs.

Sill ton. T im ni. The marriage took place in St. Toronto on November 26, Rev. N William H. Torohto, became the bride of Mr. Beach Dfm. Victoria, with wliom he lived while attending. Her doll hat was of matching velvet in the shape of a roae, worn with a sjjoyRer-iPJigih. Her shower bouquet was of roses and lilies of the valley. MarHarct Bll. Donald Rom wan the best man, and the ushers were Mr.

Willam A. Stuart, brother of’ the brMe, and Mr. Mere- dith w. Tlic president. BffAioh, treasurer, gave a satlsfyliK flnaneee. Laur, for traveling, the bflde wore a drees of American Beauty wo w;’h bivit I aocesaerlea. Bowden wUl hve In M itreaL Day and night, the monsstic silhoostte wins applaaae for ita t tor eveniiif. Mr» M. Dredge moved a vote ot thanka to-thc retiring oOeera. With Mrs. Hudson as general Mr. Buifflel«n ud veotrU- cqul. The proceeds of the boooelt »re for the band expend.

Annual avlnc la llckt 4t»»rtBi«Bl. Aiinaal aadnc af tkaaaanda at dol- lara In public warkl. WM lata larplM af n. Attar flaalialac Jakilaa eaiakratlam. T fnilallatlafi af fflaailnatae alrrai de Mr. Oak Bay alone kept Hp doee to the records for aome BMnths past. The buUdmg. Saanlch had but one permit and Ebquimalt had none. Ann Street. A su-roomed dwelling will be erected by an owner who. The single home for Saanlch for the week is to be built by M.

Rendeli on Inverness Road and Olasgoir Avenue. December 18 at a o’clock. A special programme com- mittee has an arrangoBMBtr well in hand, and. Some beautiful decorations are planned by a opeclal committee. The interest and attendance In these Christmas carol festivals have increased each year.

At this serv- ice, “White Olfts. The mu. Choir, led by Miss L.


Canada day vancouver island 2048 xom dividend date


I see dividend growth investors asking for dividend calendars quite often. Since there are many Canadian companies that pay dividends regularly, I want to narrow down the scope of the Canadian dividend calendar.

I then used Morningstar. When a company makes profits, there are a few ways of sharing these profits with its shareholders. The company can reinvest the money in the business, try to grow the business, and reward its shareholders by increasing the share price. The company can also share part of the profit with shareholders via a cash distribution, or a dividend.

For dividend payments, companies usually pay out quarterly dividends. Some companies, like REITs, income trusts, pay out monthly dividends. There are also a few companies that pay out dividends semi-annually or annually. To make things more confusing, although some companies pay dividends quarterly, these payments may not be exactly every three months.

Occasionally companies may decide to pay dividends in a different quarterly interval. As a dividend investor, here are some of the key dividend dates you want to pay attention to. When it comes to dividends, many people get confused with the ex-dividend date. What is the ex dividend date? It is nice to see that there are so many Canadian companies that have increased dividends for more than ten years. As mentioned, I went through the 99 Canadian dividend all star list and used Morningstar.

The payment months are recorded in an Excel spreadsheet to allow for an overall view. February is the month with the lowest number of companies paying out dividends. May, August, and November follow behind February closely in terms of a low number of companies paying out dividends. Funny enough, this seems to line up with our monthly dividend income trend.

Since I wanted this post to be a resource for Canadian dividend investors, I have decided to share the master Canadian dividend calendar. It is also easier to work in the spreadsheet than looking at the table above. You can download the master spreadsheet here. If I take the 1 0 best Canadian dividend stocks that I selected, the monthly dividend payment would look something like this:.

Since there are only ten dividend stocks, two of them have to be repeated. If we want to have a different company logo for each month, we can add two companies that pay dividends on these four months. Some investors may want to get dividends each month. For those investors, you may want to take a look at the 13 Best Canadian monthly dividend stocks that I put together.

This post has turned out a bit longer than I anticipated due to all the tables and information. I hope many of you will find this Canadian dividend calendar useful. A word of caution, rather than focusing on receiving dividends each month, dividend investors should focus on investing high quality dividend paying stocks to pay safe and reliable dividends. Focus on the long term stability and growth of the dividends, rather than whether you get paid each month or not.

Please let me know if you find this information useful by leaving a comment or send me an email. Fantastic info on canadian dividend stocks.

Hope you keep updating the master spreadsheet. Very much appreciated! Thanks Bob, this is a lot of your time spent to give a very clear picture of DIY and plan. Thanks again and keep it going. Hi Bob, Can you explain the thinking of holding an ETF with for example, bank stocks in it and also purchasing bank stocks individually? Thanks for compiling the list of Canadian dividend all-starts.

Dividend Daddy particularly appreciates the dividend calendar. This is detailed! I found an app called Dividend Predictor which has been helpful- however they have a subscription required.

Scotia iTrade platform has dividend income projections embedded. Yup spent a lot of time to put this together. Thanks for the list, Tawcan! You have certainly given me a lot of stocks to consider. Enjoy your weekend! Thank you for this chart.

It focuses on a gap in the information I find to increase my knowledge. Well done! I hope to get into the dividend investing game soon when I have a lot more capital and money to play around with.

Bob, your posts are so well prepared and helpful! Since I always read it but never comment, I just wanted to say that I appreciate it very much! Kudos to you! The dividend companies covered in your list are actually Dividend Growers, ie; all have raised their dividend for at least 5 consecutive years per the CDASL you draw the companies from. Good point, I thought about calling it All-Start Calendar but decided not to to make it more generic.

Thanks, Bob! Wonderful list. Appreciate you putting the time! I am not a fan of Google Sheet. We shall see how that works out. There are probably add-ons to do that. Notify me when new comments are added. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. XEQT vs. What are dividends When a company makes profits, there are a few ways of sharing these profits with its shareholders. What are ex dividend dates As a dividend investor, here are some of the key dividend dates you want to pay attention to.

Dividend Announcement Date: This is the date when a company formally announces how much dividends it will pay out. Dividends must be approved by the shareholders before they can be paid. Ex-Dividend Date: This can also be called the ex-date. The ex-dividend date or ex-date is the date that the dividend eligibility expires. For example, if the ex-dividend date is on October 8, someone that buys the stock on the ex-dividend date i. Record Date: The record date is set one day after the ex-dividend date.

This date helps the company to determine which shareholders are eligible to receive a dividend. Payment Date: This is the date when the company issues the dividend payment. TO Atco Ltd. I, 27 Q TRI. TO Saputo Inc. TO Ritchie Bros. TO Cogeco Communications Inc. TO Stella-Jones Inc. TO Andrew Peller Ltd. TO Tecsys Inc. TO Waste Connections Inc. TO Dollarama Inc. TO Hardwoods Distribution Inc. TO Keyera Corp.

V Sylogist Ltd. TO goeasy Ltd. TO Quebecor Inc. TO Badger Daylighting Ltd. V StorageVault Canada Inc. TO Waterloo Brewing Ltd. Canadian dividend calendar — Canadian dividend payout dates As mentioned, I went through the 99 Canadian dividend all star list and used Morningstar. What I found from this exercise: 18 Canadian dividend stocks pay out monthly dividends 81 Canadian dividend stocks pay out quarterly dividends Out of the 81 quarterly payers, 11 stocks pay out irregular quarterly dividends.

These dividend stocks are — Sapputo SAP. TO , Loblaw L.


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