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We discuss the unusual binding properties of SecA and SecB in context of a model for transfer of the precursor along the pathway of export.

Fiester, Steven E. Acinetobacter baumannii is a Gram-negative opportunistic nosocomial pathogen that causes pneumonia and soft tissue and systemic infections. Screening of a transposon insertion library of A.

Outer membrane proteins involved in nutrient transport, adherence, and biofilm formation were also reduced in Although some of these protein changes could negatively affect the pathobiology of the derivative, its virulence defect is mainly due to its inability to acquire iron via the acinetobactin-mediated system. These results together indicate that although the C terminus of the A.

Complementation analysis of the ssaD1 mutation, isolated as a suppressor of the secA 51 Ts mutation that renders growth of Escherichia coli cold sensitive, was used to show that ssaD corresponds to nusB, a gene known to be important in transcription antitermination. DNA sequence analysis of the ssaD1 allele showed that it creates an amber mutation in the 15th codon of nusB. Analysis of the effect of different levels of NusB protein on secA transcription and translation suggested that NusB plays little or no role in the control of secA expression.

Accordingly, mechanisms by which nusB inactivation can lead to suppression of secA 51 Ts and secY24 Ts mutations without affecting secA expression need to be considered. Comparison with the structure of the E. Phytoplasma phylogenetics based on analysis of secA and 23S rRNA gene sequences for improved resolution of candidate species of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’.

In this study, primers based on the secA gene have been developed into a semi-nested PCR assay that results in a sequence of the expected size about bp from all 34 phytoplasmas examined, including strains representative of 12 16Sr groups.

The main differences between trees were in the branch lengths, which were elongated in the S ISRS rRNA gene tree when compared with the 16S rRNA gene tree and elongated still further in the secA gene tree, despite this being a shorter sequence. The improved resolution in the secA gene-derived phylogenetic tree resulted in the 16SrII group splitting into two distinct clusters, while phytoplasmas associated with coconut lethal yellowing-type diseases split into three distinct groups, thereby supporting past proposals that they represent different candidate species within ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’.

The ability to differentiate 16Sr groups and subgroups by virtual RFLP analysis of secA gene sequences suggests that this gene may provide an informative alternative molecular marker for pathogen identification and diagnosis of phytoplasma diseases.

The Sec translocase pathway is the major route for protein transport across and into the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria. To investigate the generality of microdomain formation, we determined the distribution of SecA and SecY by immunofluorescent microscopy in Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumococcus , which is an ovococcus species evolutionarily distant from S.

In early divisional cells, both Sec subunits concentrated at equators, which are future sites of constriction. In late divisional cells, both Sec subunits were hemispherically distributed in the regions between septa and the future equators of dividing cells. This dynamic pattern of Sec distribution was not perturbed by the absence of flotillin family proteins, but was largely absent in most cells in early stationary phase and in cls mutants lacking cardiolipin synthase.

These results do not support the existence of an ExPortal microdomain in S. Instead, the localization of the pneumococcal Sec translocase depends on the stage of cell division and anionic phospholipid content.

Two patterns of Sec translocase distribution, an ExPortal microdomain in certain ovococcus-shaped species like Streptococcus pyogenes and a spiral pattern in rod-shaped species like Bacillus subtilis, have. Climate variability during the deglaciation and Holocene in a high-altitude alpine lake deduced from the sedimentary record from Laguna Seca , Sierra Nevada, southern Iberian Peninsula.

High-resolution X-ray fluorescence XRF , magnetic susceptibility MS , color and lithological analyses have been carried out on a 3. This is the longest sedimentary record retrieved from an alpine lake in southern Iberian Peninsula. Besides, alpine lakes are very sensitive environments to climate changes and previous studies showed that Laguna Seca could provide an excellent record to identify millennial-scale climate variations during deglaciation and the whole Holocene.

Arid events are also shown at ca. A progressive aridification trend is also observed in the Holocene, changing from more humid conditions during the early Holocene to more aridity during the late Holocene.

Transposon-disruption of a maize nuclear gene, tha1, encoding a chloroplast SecA homologue: in vivo role of cp-SecA in thylakoid protein targeting. A nuclear mutant of maize, tha1, which exhibited defects in the translocation of proteins across the thylakoid membrane, was described previously.

A transposon insertion at the tha1 locus facilitated the cloning of portions of the tha1 gene. Strong sequence similarity with secA genes from bacteria, pea and spinach indicates that tha1 encodes a SecA homologue cp-SecA. Our results confirm predictions for cp-SecA function made from the results of in vitro experiments and establish several new functions for cp-SecA, including roles in the targeting of a chloroplast-encoded protein, cytochrome f, and in protein targeting in the etioplast, a nonphotosynthetic plastid type.

Our finding that the accumulation of properly targeted plastocyanin and cytochrome f in tha1-ref thylakoid membranes is reduced only a few-fold despite the near or complete absence of cp-SecA suggests that cp-SecA facilitates but is not essential in vivo for their translocation across the membrane. Input of pharmaceuticals through coastal surface watercourses into a Mediterranean lagoon Mar Menor , SE Spain : sources and seasonal variations. The major source of pharmaceuticals running into this watercourse was an effluent from the Los Alcazares WWTP, although other sources were also present runoffs, excess water from irrigation, etc.

In this urban and agriculturally influenced watercourse different pharmaceutical distribution profiles were detected according to their attenuation, which depended on physicochemical water conditions, pollutant input variation, biodegradation and photodegradation rates of pollutants, etc.

Attenuation was lower, however, for diclofenac, carbamazepine, lorazepam, valsartan, sulfamethoxazole among others, due to their known lower degradability and sorption onto particulate matter, according to previous studies. The maximum concentrations detected were higher than ng L -1 for azithromycin, clarithromycin, valsartan, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. These high concentration levels were favored by the limited dilution in this low flow system, and consequently some of them could pose an acute risk to the biota of this watercourse.

Considering data from to , it has been estimated that a total of Occurrence and seasonal distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and legacy and current-use pesticides in air from a Mediterranean coastal lagoon Mar Menor , SE Spain. The occurrence and seasonal distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs and legacy and current-use pesticides CUPs in air were characterized around the Mar Menor lagoon using both active and passive sampling devices.

The seasonal distribution of these pollutants was determined at 6 points using passive samplers. Passive sampler sampling rates were estimated for all detected analytes using an active sampler, considering preferentially winter data, due to probable losses in active sampling during summer high temperatures and solar irradiation. The presence of 28 compounds 14 CUPs, 11 PAHs and 3 organochlorinated pesticides were detected in air by polyurethane passive sampling.

The maximum concentrations corresponded to phenanthrene pg m -3 and chlorpyrifos pg m The distribution of contaminants was spatially and seasonally heterogeneous. The highest concentrations of PAHs were found close to the airport, while the highest concentrations of pesticides were found in the influence area of agricultural fields western stations. PAH and herbicide concentrations were higher in winter than in the other seasons, although some insecticides such as chlorpyrifos were more abundant in autumn.

The presence of PAHs and legacy and current-use pesticides in air confirmed their transference potential to marine coastal areas such as the Mar Menor lagoon.

Coastal lagoons are ecosystems highly vulnerable to human impacts because of their situation between terrestrial and marine environment. Mar Menor coastal lagoon is one of the largest lagoons of the Mediterranean Sea, placed in SE Spain and subjected to major human impacts, in particular the mining of metal sulphides. As a consequence, metal concentration in water column and sediments of this ecosystem is usually higher than in other areas.

For monitoring ecosystem health, the present study has assessed the ability of Cotylorhiza tuberculata for bioaccumulating metals from sea water.

Up to 65 individuals were sampled at 8 different sampling stations during the summer of Although the concentration values for different elements considered were moderate Pb: 0. In any case, the use or disposal of these organisms should consider their metal content because of their potential environmental and health implications.

Programa de conservacion para aves migratorias neotropicales. Mas de especies de aves terrestres migran a Norte America durante la epoca reproductiva para aprovechar los sistemas templados.

No obstante, las aves migratorias neotropicales pasan la mayor parte de su ciclo de vida en los habitat tropicales y subtropicales de paises latinoamericanos y caribefios donde viven en una asociacion cercana con las aves residentes. Soil and water conservation strategies and impact on sustainable livelihood in Cape Verde – Case study of Ribeira Seca watershed.

Baptista, I. Cape Verde, located off the coast of Senegal in western Africa, is a volcanic archipelago where a combination of human, climatic, geomorphologic and pedologic factors has led to extensive degradation of the soils.

Like other Sahelian countries, Cape Verde has suffered the effects of desertification through the years, threatening the livelihood of the islands population and its fragile environment. In fact, the steep slopes in the ore agricultural islands, together with semi-arid and arid environments, characterized by an irregular and poorly distributed rainy season, with high intensity rainfall events, make dryland production a challenge.

To survive in these fragile conditions, the stabilization of the farming systems and the maintenance of sustainable yields have become absolute priorities, making the islands an erosion control laboratory.

Soil and water conservation strategies have been a centerpiece of the government’s agricultural policies for the last half century. Aiming to maintain the soil in place and the water inside the soil, the successive governments of Cape Verde have implemented a number of soil and water conservation techniques, the most common ones being terraces, half moons, live barriers, contour rock walls, contour furrows and microcatchments, check dams and reforestation with drought resistant species.

The soil and water conservation techniques implemented have contributed to the improvement of the economical and environmental conditions of the treated landscape, making crop production possible, consequently, improving the livelihood of the people living on the islands. In this paper, we survey the existing soil and water conservation techniques, analyze their impact on the livelihood condition of the population through a thorough literature review and field monitoring using a semi-quantitative methodology and evaluate their effectiveness and impact on crop yield in the Ribeira Seca watershed.

A brief discussion is given on the cost and. Ethnoecological knowledge may be understood as spontaneous knowledge, culturally referenced of any society’s members, learned and transmitted through social interactions and that are targeted at resolution of daily routine situations.

The traditional knowledge in small scale economy societies as well as the non-academic knowledge in urban-industrial societies might be included in this concept. The general objective pursued here was to study the knowledge that peasant farmers have on management of plant species utilized for pest control.

For this, the methodological instruments employed here to investigate the ethnoecological knowledge were: direct observation, structured and semi-structured interviews, and tours conducted by local peasant farmers. The recovery and comprehension we get about this knowledge as well as the farmers’ savoir faire, are extremely important to the revival of ancient agricultural practices, which have been forgotten due to advances in modern agriculture.

The data obtained here showed that a huge body of knowledge the farmers have on many forms or strategies of management are generally compatible with scientific knowledge. Achieving a good ecological status in water bodies by is one of the objectives established in the European Water Framework Directive.

Cost-effective analysis CEA has been applied for selecting measures to achieve this goal, but this appraisal technique requires technical and economic information that is not always available. In addition, there are often local insights that can only be identified by engaging multiple stakeholders in a participatory process. This paper proposes to combine CEA with the active involvement of stakeholders for selecting cost-effective measures.

This approach has been applied to the case study of one of the main coastal lagoons in the European Mediterranean Sea, the Mar Menor , which presents eutrophication problems. Firstly, face-to-face interviews were conducted to estimate relative effectiveness and relative impacts of a set of measures by means of the pairwise comparison technique.

Secondly, relative effectiveness was used to estimate cost-effectiveness ratios. The most cost-effective measures were the restoration of watercourses that drain into the lagoon and the treatment of polluted groundwater. Although in general the stakeholders approved the former, most of them stated that the latter involved some uncertainties, which must be addressed before implementing it. Stakeholders pointed out that the PoM would have a positive impact not only on water quality, but also on fishing, agriculture and tourism in the area.

This approach can be useful to evaluate other programmes, plans or projects related to other European environmental strategies. Creating a stakeholder-driven unified conservation blueprint for 15 southeastern states. The dramatic changes sweeping the Southeastern United States — such as urbanization, competition for water resources, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and climate change — pose unprecedented challenges for sustaining our natural and cultural resources.

Defining the conservation landscape of the future requires a new model of working together across entities, factions, and political boundaries through a collaborative process. We will illustrate how ecosystem service valuation can be built using a stakeholder-drive process which has united the conservation community through a shared, long-term vision for the future through the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy SECAS. Through SECAS , diverse public and private partners have worked together to design and achieve a connected network of landscapes and seascapes that supports thriving fish and wildlife populations and improved quality of life for people across the southeastern U.

This blueprint stitches together the conservation and restoration priorities of multiple LCCs in the region into one unifying map — a living spatial plan to make the SECAS vision a reality. Whether you are an urban planner, a private landowner, a non-profit advocate, a public lands manager, or anyone else committed to sustaining our natural and cultural heritage for future generations, join the SECAS conversation at www. Aims Data on differences in clinical characteristics and management of COPD in different countries and settings are limited.

We aimed to characterize the profile of patients with COPD in a number of countries and their treatment in order to evaluate adherence to recommendations of international guidelines. Method This was an observational, international, cross-sectional study on patients with physician-diagnosed COPD.

Demographic and clinical characteristics, risk factors, and treatment were collected by their physician via an internet web-based questionnaire developed for the study. Results A total of 77 investigators from 17 countries provided data on patients. The countries with the highest number of patients included were: Argentina , Ecuador , Spain , and Hong Kong Overall, Patients reported a mean of 1.

The deposit occurs within a thick carbonaceous phyllite package, containing intercalations of felsic and intermediate volcaniclastic rocks and dolomites.

Considering the temporal and spatial association of the deposit with the Rio das Velhas orogeny, and location in close proximity to a major NNW-trending fault zone, it can be classified as an orogenic gold deposit.

Two types of ore occur in the deposit: dark gray quartz veins and sulfide-rich gold orebodies. The sulfide-rich orebodies range from disseminated concentrations of sulfide minerals to massive sulfide bodies. The orebodies have a long axis parallel to the local stretching lineation, with continuity down the plunge of fold axis for at least 4.

The group of rocks hosting the Morro Velho gold mineralization is locally referred to as lapa seca. These were isoclinally folded and metamorphosed prior to gold mineralization. The lapa seca and the orebodies it hosts are distributed in five main tight folds related to F1 the best examples are the X, Main and South orebodies, in level 25 , which are disrupted by NE- to E-striking shear zones.

Textural features indicate that the sulfide mineralization postdated regional peak metamorphism, and that the massive sulfide ore has subsequently been neither metamorphosed nor deformed. Lead isotope ratios indicate a model age of 2.

The lapa seca are interpreted as the results of a pre-gold alteration process and may be. Protein translocation in Escherichia coli is initiated by the interaction of a preprotein with the membrane translocase composed of a motor protein, SecA ATPase, and a membrane-embedded channel, the SecYEG complex.

The extent to which the signal peptide region of the preprotein plays a role in SecYEG interactions is unclear, in part because studies in this area typically employ the entire preprotein. Using a synthetic signal peptide harboring a photoaffinity label in its hydrophobic core, we examined this interaction with SecYEG in a detergent micellar environment. The signal peptide was found to specifically bind SecY in a saturable manner and at levels comparable to those that stimulate SecA ATPase activity.

Chemical and proteolytic cleavage of cross-linked SecY and analysis of the signal peptide adducts indicate that the binding was primarily to regions of the protein containing transmembrane domains seven and two.

The signal peptide—SecY interaction was affected by the presence of SecA and nucleotides in a manner consistent with the transfer of signal peptide to SecY upon nucleotide hydrolysis at SecA. The overall objective is to develop a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell SOFC stack that can be economically produced in high volumes and mass customized for different applications in transportation, stationary power generation, and military market sectors.

In Phase I, work will be conducted on system design and integration, stack development, and development of reformers for natural gas and gasoline. In Phase II andmore » Phase III, the emphasis will be to improve the SOFC stack, reduce start-up time, improve thermal cyclability, demonstrate operation on diesel fuel, and substantially reduce materials and manufacturing cost by integrating several functions into one component and thus reducing the number of components in the system.

The overall objective is to develop a solid oxide fuel cell SOFC stack that can be economically produced in high volumes and mass customized for different applications in transportation, stationary power generation, and military market sectors.

In Phase II and Phasemore » III, the emphasis will be to improve the SOFC stack, reduce start-up time, improve thermal cyclability, demonstrate operation on diesel fuel, and substantially reduce materials and manufacturing cost by integrating several functions into one component and thus reducing the number of components in the system.

The subject report summarizes the results of solid oxide fuel cell development conducted by UTC Power in conjunction with Delphi Automotive Systems under a cost-share program with from October through March of Over that period Delphi Automotive Systems developed a nearly four times larger area solid oxide fuel cell stack capable of operating on pre-reformed natural gas and simulated coal gas with durability demonstrated to 5, hours and projected to exceed 10, hours.

The new stack design was scaled to cell stacks with power output in excess of 6. Delphi also made significant strides in improving the manufacturability,more » yield and production cost of these solid oxide fuel cells over the course of the program. That design was used as the basis for a 25kW breadboard power plant incorporating four Delphi cell stacks that was tested on natural gas before the program was discontinued due to the sale of UTC Power in early Though the program was cut short of the endurance target of 3, hours, many aspects of the technology were proven including: large-area, repeatable cell manufacture, cell stack operation on simulated coal gas and natural gas and integrated power plant operation on natural gas.

The potential of the technology for high efficiency stationary electric power generation is clear. Acceptable production costs, durability, and reliability in real world environments are the remaining challenges to commercialization.

Anthocyanins have been studied as potential antimicrobial agents against Helicobacter pylori. We investigated whether the biosynthesis and secretion of cytotoxin-associated protein A CagA and vacuolating cytotoxin A VacA could be suppressed by anthocyanin treatment in vitro.

Anthocyanins were added to bacterial cultures and Western blotting was used to determine secretion of CagA and VacA. C3G had no effect on cagA and vacA expression but suppressed secA transcription.

As SecA is involved in translocation of bacterial proteins, the down-regulation of secA expression by C3G offers a mechanistic explanation for the inhibition of toxin secretion.

To our knowledge, this is the first report suggesting that C3G inhibits secretion of the H. This report summarizes the team’s activities during the seventh six-month period July-December of the four-year Phase I effort.

While there has been significant progress in the development of the SOFCmore » subsystems that can support meeting the program Phase 1 goals, the SOFCo ceramic stack technology has progressed significantly slower than plan and CPG consider it unlikely that the systemic problems encountered will be overcome in the near term. SOFCo has struggled with a series of problems associated with inconsistent manufacturing, inadequate cell performance, and the achievement of consistent, durable, low resistance inter-cell connections with reduced or no precious materials.

A myriad of factors have contributed to these problems, but the fact remains that progress has not kept pace with the SECA program. A contributing factor in SOFCo’s technical difficulties is attributed to their significantly below plan industry cost share spending over the last four years.

This has resulted in a much smaller SOFC stack development program, has contributed to SOFCo not being able to aggressively resolve core issues, and clouds their ability to continue into a commercialization phase. In view of this situation, CPG has conducted an independent assessment of the state-of-the-art in planar SOFC’s stacks and have concluded that alternative technology exists offering the specific performance, durability, and low cost needed to meet the SECA objectives.

We have further concluded that there. Even without binders, integrity of SECA is secured via structural joints based on ductility of Cu as well as entanglement of nwSi and nwCu. By controlling the ratio of the nanowires, the number of contact points and voids accommodating volume expansion of Si active material are tunable.

Zero volume expansion and high energy density are simultaneously achievable by the architecture. With support from its federal sponsors U. The bacterial Sec system is required for the organization and function of the MreB cytoskeleton. The Sec system is responsible for protein insertion, translocation and secretion across membranes in all cells. The bacterial actin homolog MreB controls various processes, including cell wall synthesis, membrane organization and polarity establishment.

Here we show that the two systems genetically interact and that components of the Sec system, especially the SecA motor protein, are essential for spatiotemporal organization of MreB in E. MreB mislocalization in SecA-defective cells significantly affects MreB-coordinated processes, such as cell wall synthesis, and induce formation of membrane invaginations enriched in high fluidity domains.

Additionally, MreB is not recruited to the FtsZ ring in secA mutant cells, contributing to division arrest and cell filamentation. Our results show that all these faults are due to improper targeting of MreB to the membrane in the absence of SecA. Thus, when we reroute RodZ, MreB membrane-anchor, by fusing it to a SecA-independent integral membrane protein and overproducing it, MreB localization is restored and the defect in cell division is corrected.

Notably, the RodZ moiety is not properly inserted into the membrane, strongly suggesting that it only serves as a bait for placing MreB around the cell circumference. Taken together, our data reveal that the secretion system plays an important role in determining the organization and functioning of the cytoskeletal system in bacteria.

Identifying a minimum set of efficiency indicators calculated from current information sources. Interventions adopted from the analysis of these indicators could contribute to health services sustainability. We applied the discussion group technique. A total of 23 quality coordinators from around the country and the representatives of the regional quality societies in SECA Spanish Society for Quality in Healthcare participated.

Ten efficiency indicators useful for integrated management areas were identified and accepted, 5 in the area of primary care and 5 for hospital management.

The efficiency indicators agreed upon could contribute to the sustainability of the health system without this affecting the quality of care. Published by Elsevier Espana. Cost-effectiveness of reducing sulfur emissions from ships. We model cost-effectiveness of control strategies for reducing SO2 emissions from U. Variation among marginal costs of control for individual ships choosing between fuel-switching and aftertreatment reveals cost-saving potential of economic incentive instruments.

Optimal simulation of a market-based SO2 control policy for approximately 4, U. Spatial evaluation of ship emissions reductions shows that market-based instruments can reduce more SO2 closer to land while being more cost-effective for the fleet. Results suggest that combining performance requirements with market-based instruments can most effectively control SO2 emissions from ships. During the first phase of the program, lasting approximately years, a 5kW machine was designed, manufactured and tested against the specification developed by NETL.

This unit was also shipped to NETL for independent verification testing which validated all ofmore » the results achieved while in the laboratory at Acumentrics.

The Acumentrics unit passed all criteria established from operational stability, efficiency, and cost projections. During this phase, the overall objective was to further refine the unit meeting a higher level of performance stability as well as further cost reductions. During the first year of this new phase, the NETL SECA program was refocused towards larger size units and operation on coal gasification due to the severe rise in natural gas prices and refocus on the US supply of indigenous coal.

At this point, the program was shifted to the U. With this shift, the focus remained on smaller power units operational on gaseous fuels for a variety of applications including micro combined heat and power mCHP.

To achieve this goal, further enhancements in power, life expectancy and reductions in cost were necessary. The following report details not only the first phase while under the SECA. We find that SeCas 6 is necessary and sufficient for full-length crRNA biogenesis in vitro, and that it relies on both sequence and stem-loop structure in the 3′ half of the CRISPR repeat for recognition and processing. A nivel cosmol6gico pensamos que se ha estado prodticiendo radiaci6n gravitacional en cantidades considerables dentro de las galaxias.

Si los eventos prodnctores de radiaci6n gravitatoria han venido ocurriendo desde Ia epoca de Ia formaci6n de las galaxias, cuando menos, sus efectos cosmol6gicos pueden ser tomados en cuenta con simplicidad y elegancia al representar la producci6n de radiaci6n y, por consiguiente, su interacci6n con materia ordinaria fenomenol6gicamente a trave’s de una ecuaci6n de estado politr6pica, como lo hemos mostrado en otros trabajos.

Presentamos en este articulo resultados nunericos de este modelo. Ifgravitational radiation production has been running since the galaxy formation epoch, at least, its cosmological effects can be assesed with simplicity and elegance by representing the production of radiation and, therefore, its interaction with ordinary matter phenomenologically through a polytropic equation of state as shown already elsewhere.

We present in this paper the numerical results of such a model. Federal Register , , , , We reviewed all comments we received from the peer reviewers for Integration of rye cover crops with alternative liquid swine Sus scrofa L. Merr] cropping systems. The objective of this study was to quantify uptake of manure derived-N by a rye Seca Solid oxide fuel cell SOFC technology is critical to several national initiatives.

Consequently, seals remain an area of highest priority for the SECA program and its industry teams. An innovative concept based on self-healing glasses was advanced and successfully demonstrated through seal tests for hours and thermal cycles to minimize internal stresses under both steady state and thermalmore » transients for making reliable seals for the SECA program. To address this challenge, a modification to glass properties by addition of particulate fillers is pursued in the project.

The underlying idea is that a non-reactive ceramic particulate filler is expected to form glass-ceramic composite and increase the seal viscosity thereby increasing the creep resistance of the glass-composite seals under load.

The objectives of the program are to select appropriate filler materials for making glass-composite, fabricate glass-composites, measure thermal expansion behaviors, and determine stability of the glass-composites in air and fuel environments of a SOFC.

Self-healing glass-YSZ composites are further developed and tested over a longer time periods under conditions typical of the SOFCs to validate the long-term stability up to hours.

The new concepts of glass-composite seals, developed and nurtured in this program, are expected to be cost-effective as these are based on conventional processing approaches and use of the inexpensive materials. Evaluation of fire recurrence effect on genetic diversity in maritime pine Pinus pinaster Ait.

The management of maritime pine in fire-prone habitats is a challenging task and fine-scale population genetic analyses are necessary to check if different fire recurrences affect genetic variability. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of fire recurrence on maritime pine genetic diversity using inter-simple sequence repeat markers ISSR. Three maritime pine Pinus pinaster Ait. The Vila Seca -1 population has been never affected by fire. Thus, fire regime plays an important role affecting genetic diversity in the short-term, although not generating maritime pine genetic erosion.

Preprotein mature domains contain translocase targeting signals that are essential for secretion. Secretory proteins are only temporary cytoplasmic residents.

They are typically synthesized as pre proteins, carrying signal peptides N-terminally fused to their mature domains. Upon crossing the plasma membrane, signal peptides are cleaved off and mature domains reach their destinations and fold. Targeting to the translocase is mediated by signal peptides. The role of mature domains in targeting and secretion is unclear.

We now reveal that mature domains harbor their own independent targeting signals mature domain targeting signals [MTSs]. These are multiple, degenerate, interchangeable, linear or 3D hydrophobic stretches that become available because of the unstructured states of targeting-competent preproteins.

Their receptor site on the cytoplasmic face of the SecYEG-bound SecA is also of hydrophobic nature and is located adjacent to the signal peptide cleft. Evidently, mature domains have their own previously unsuspected distinct roles in preprotein targeting and secretion. They are typically synthesized as preproteins, carrying signal peptides N-terminally fused to their mature domains. Aging effects Aging of metalic surfaces Aqueous cleaning Circuit- card assembly Cleanability Closed-loop soldering Conformal coating Defect Nashua, New Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, in un’ epoca caratterizzata da controlli ed equilibri, i direttori delle riviste devono essere attentamente sorvegliati e ritenuti responsabili tanto quanto gli autori che essi stessi valutano.

Qualunque scorciatoia potrebbe avere conseguenze negative e inaspettate per quella rivista che non si attenesse a tali regole, che vedrebbe intaccata la propria reputazione e che dovrebbe faticare per recuperare la fiducia dei propri lettori. Population genetic analysis reveals a low level of genetic diversity of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’ causing witches’ broom disease in lime.

Despite efforts to study it, no systemic study attempted to characterize the relationship among the associated phytoplasma, ‘ Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’, from the three countries. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene showed that the 57 strains shared The level of genetic diversity was low based on the 16S rRNA The presence of low level of diversity among phytoplasma strains from Oman, the UAE and Iran can be explained by the movement of infected lime seedlings from one country to another through trading and exchange of infected plants.

The study discusses implication of the findings on WBDL spread and management. The evolution processes of DNA sequences, languages and carols. Major deviations with repulsive interactions of some bases are observed for archaea bacteria in secA and for highly developed animals and the human species in enolase sequences. The borders of the structure map for enthalpy stabilized structures with maximum interactions are approached in few cases.

Most letters of the natural languages and some music notes are at the borders of the structure map. Biofilm formation is crucial for bacterial community development and host colonization by Streptococcus salivarius, a pioneer colonizer and commensal bacterium of the human gastrointestinal tract. This ability to form biofilms depends on bacterial adhesion to host surfaces, and on the intercellular aggregation contributing to biofilm cohesiveness.

Many S. To gain an insight into the genetic factors of S. Mutations targeted genes encoding i extracellular components, including the CshA surface-exposed protein, the extracellular BglB glucan-binding protein, the GtfE, GtfG and GtfH glycosyltransferases and enzymes responsible for synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides CwpB, CwpK , ii proteins responsible for the extracellular localization of proteins, such as structural components of the accessory SecA 2Y2 system Asp1, Asp2, SecA 2 and the SrtA sortase, and iii the LiaR transcriptional response regulator.

These mutations also influenced biofilm architecture, revealing that similar cell-to-cell interactions govern assembly of auto-aggregates and biofilm formation. Our study demonstrates that our screening method could also be used to identify genes implicated in the bacterial interactions of pathogens or probiotics, for which aggregation is either a virulence trait or an. Modern shoulder prostheses permit an anatomic reconstruction of the joint, although the biomechanical advantages are not proven.

The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between position of the humeral head and function of the shoulder prosthesis muscle efficiency. Shoulder elevation-motion and rotator cuff defects were simulated in vitro in a robot-assisted shoulder simulator. Active elevation was simulated by hydraulic cylinders, and scapulothoratic motion by a specially programmed industrial robot.

Medialisation increased efficiency by 0. The data confirm that the position of the humeral head affects the mechanics of total shoulder arthroplasty.

Medialisation increases efficiency of the deltoid muscle and may prove useful in compensating isolated supraspinatus muscle deficiency. Lateralisation, in contrast, leads to an unfavorable situation. Objetive: the aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of overweight and obesity in school children full- time state of Morelos Mexico. The nutritional status was obtained through the Body Mass Index, considering the age and sex; weight was measured with SECA scales and height with stadiometer SECA ; international benchmarks were used.

Were higher prevalences of underweight and obesity in men. The male population is more vulnerable to suffer consequences for nutritional deficiencies and excesses. Specific studies are needed to differentiate and address obesity primary type and associated risks to define future actions.

This paper describes the implementation of a patient safety strategy in primary care within the new organizational and functional structure that was created in October to cover the single primary health care area of the Community of Madrid. The results obtained in Patient Safety after the implementation of this new model over the first two years of its development are also presented.

The dynamical evolution of star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud is nowadays a conundrum which deserves particular attention. In this work, we address such an issue by performing numerical simulations of their orbital motions. In order to do that, we adopted a gravitational potential for the galaxy and the presently known spatial-age-metallicity distribution, and attained their birthplaces by computing their orbital motions backwards for an interval equals to their ages.

We aim at investigating the impact on the metal abundance spatial distribution by considering their original positions instead of the present ones.

Circulation and teleconnection mechanisms of Northeast Brazil droughts. The Northern Nordeste of Brazil has its short rainy season narrowly concentrated around March-April, when the interhemispheric southward gradient of sea surface temperature SST is weakest and the Intertropical Convergence Zone ITCZ , which is the main rainbearing system for the Nordeste, reaches its southernmost position in the course of the year.

The recurrent Secas droughts have a severe socio-economic impact in this semi-arid region. In drought years, the pre-season October-January rainfall is scarce, the interhemispheric SST gradient weakened and the basin-wide southerly northerly wind component enhanced reduced , all manifestations of an anomalously far northward ITCZ position. Apart from this ensemble of Atlantic indicators, the Secas also tend to be preceded by anomalously warm equatorial Pacific waters in January.

The altered vertical motion leads to a weaker meridional pressure gradient on the equatorward flank of the North Atlantic subtropical high, and thus weaker North Atlantic tradewinds. The concomitant reduction of evaporation and wind stirring allows for warmer surface waters in the tropical North Atlantic and thus steeper interhemispheric meridional thermal gradient.

To perform a self-assessment of the Scientific Committee of the 25th Conference of the Spanish Society for Quality in Healthcare held in Barcelona on October in order to identify improvement areas for future Conferences. Plan: A description of the preparation of the conference based on the abstract management of the Scientific Committee. Do: description of the implementation.

Check: evaluation of activities. A: improvement proposals for the coming conferences. The SC 22 people worked in the abstracts management, book publishing and development of the scientific aspects of the Conference.

Abstracts evaluation was conducted by 11 pairs of blind evaluators who analysed oral communications and posters, and Oral communications were performed in a total of 36 oral presentations sessions and 24 poster sessions. The book was published with the abstracts, addresses and the Conference opening and closing sessions. Awards: communications graded over 7.

The on-line conference was also well received. The satisfaction with the Conference regarding the scientific activities was good; however, several areas of improvement were identified. Manrique, W. Rango de magnitudes : 2,0 a 11,5 Rango de declinaciones : -3o a o Epoca Media : The precise timing and possible sources of the mafic rocks in the Amazon craton are critical for reconstruction of the Atlantica supercontinent and correlation of mafic magmatism worldwide.

Orogenic gabbro dikes that host gold mineralization are Ma and interpreted as associated with the Ingarana gabbro intrusions of the bimodal calk-alkalic Parauari intrusive suite. The age of Ma can be used as a guide to discriminate older and mineralized orogenic dikes from younger and nonmineralized Crepori- and Cachoeira Seca -related mafic dikes. This value correlates well with the Avanavero tholeiitic intrusions in the Roraima group, in the northern part of the craton in Guyana, Venezuela, and Roraima in Brazil.

Early Statherian tholeiitic magmatism was widespread not only in the Amazon craton, but also in the La Plata craton of southern South America, where it is known as the giant Piedra Alta swarm of Uruguay and the post-Trans-Amazonian dikes of Tandil in Argentina.

The Piranhas dikes fill extensional NNE and. A comprehensive inventory of the ship traffic exhaust emissions in the Baltic Sea from to This model is based on the messages of the automatic identification system AIS , which enable the positioning of ships with a high spatial resolution.

Results are presented on the differential geographic distribution of shipping emissions before Jan-April and after Jan-April the SECA regulations. The predicted NO x emissions in substantially exceeded the emissions in along major ship routes and at numerous harbors, mostly due to the continuous increase in the number of small vessels that use AIS transmitters. Although the SO x emissions have been reduced in in most major ship routes, these have increased in the vicinity of some harbors and on some densely trafficked routes.

A seasonal variation of emissions is also presented, as well as the distribution of emissions in terms of vessel flag state, type, and weight. Witt shbiuma,. Data on UnsyawwetricaI. The aim of this report is to propose a scheme for validation of an analytical technique according to ISO According to ISO , the fundamental parameters tested were: selectivity, calibration model, precision, accuracy, uncertainty of measurement, and analytical interference.

A protocol has been developed that has been applied successfully to quantify zinc in serum by atomic absorption spectrometry. It is demonstrated that our method is selective, linear, accurate, and precise, making it suitable for use in routine diagnostics.

Elias and Kate S. Proposal of a decision making algorithm]. Decision making in the patient with chronic advanced disease is especially complex. Health professionals are obliged to prevent avoidable suffering and not to add any more damage to that of the disease itself.

The adequacy of the clinical interventions consists of only offering those diagnostic and therapeutic procedures appropriate to the clinical situation of the patient and to perform only those allowed by the patient or representative.

In this article, the use of an algorithm is proposed that should serve to help health professionals in this decision making process. Current situation and help for healthcare professionals]. Health care professionals responsible for care of the elderly in the residential environment are anxiously waiting for specific and concrete guidelines in this area, as well as a solid scientific-technical positioning based on the scientific evidence, through which their performances in daily clinical practice can be expressed.

After an updated review of the subject, it seeks to answer those questions that undoubtedly arise in the healthcare professional, as regards the mechanical constraints to which they have to resort in clinical practice. Characterization and evolution of the sediments of a Mediterranean coastal lagoon located next to a former mining area.

Coastal lagoons are ecosystems that are relatively enclosed water bodies under the influence of both the terrestrial and the marine environment, being vulnerable to human impacts. Human activities, such as mining extraction, are significant anthropogenic coastal stressors that can negatively affect ecosystems and communities. In light of the above, the objective of this research is to examine the influence of metal mining activities on the composition of sediments of a Mediterranean coastal lagoon, named Mar Menor.

This paper presents a comprehensive characterization for grain size, mineralogy, geochemistry and organic matter of sediments of this coastal lagoon, investigating their variation along space and time.

Sedimentation dynamics are ruling clearly the grain size predominant in each area of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon, determining the existence of entrainment, transport and sedimentation areas.

For minerals, elements and organic matter, sedimentation dynamics are also determining their distribution. Metagenomes of Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons. Coastal lagoons, both hypersaline and freshwater, are common, but still understudied ecosystems.

We describe, for the first time, using high throughput sequencing, the extant microbiota of two large and representative Mediterranean coastal lagoons, the hypersaline Mar Menor , and the freshwater Albufera de Valencia, both located on the south eastern coast of Spain.

We show there are considerable differences in the microbiota of both lagoons, in comparison to other marine and freshwater habitats. Importantly, a novel uncultured sulfur oxidizing Alphaproteobacteria was found to dominate bacterioplankton in the hypersaline Mar Menor.

Also, in the latter prokaryotic cyanobacteria were almost exclusively comprised by Synechococcus and no Prochlorococcus was found. Remarkably, the microbial community in the freshwaters of the hypertrophic Albufera was completely in contrast to known freshwater systems, in that there was a near absence of well known and cosmopolitan groups of ultramicrobacteria namely Low GC Actinobacteria and the LD12 lineage of Alphaproteobacteria.

The association between lower educational attainment and depression owing to shared genetic effects? An association between lower educational attainment EA and an increased risk for depression has been confirmed in various western countries.

This study examines whether pleiotropic genetic effects contribute to this association. Therefore, data were analyzed from a total of major depressive disorder MDD cases and 14, controls with no lifetime MDD diagnosis from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium with additional Dutch and Estonian data.

The association of EA and MDD was assessed with logistic regression in 15, individuals indicating a significantly negative association in our sample with an odds ratio for MDD 0.

To conclude, our study confirms an association of lower EA and MDD risk, but this association was not because of measurable pleiotropic genetic effects, which suggests that environmental factors could be involved, for example, socioeconomic status. The objective of this project is to develop a 5 kW Solid Oxide Fuel Cell power system for a range of fuels and applications.

During Phase I, the following will be accomplished: Develop and demonstrate technology transfer efforts on a 5 kW stationary distributed power generation system that incorporates steam reforming of natural gas with the option of piped-in water Demonstration System A. Initiate development of a 5 kW system for later mass-market automotive auxiliary power unit application, which will incorporate Catalytic Partial Oxidation CPO reforming of gasoline, with anode exhaust gas injected into an ultra-lean burn internal combustion engine.

Nutritional status of preschool children attending kindergartens in Kosovo. There is very limited data on malnutrition of preschool children in Kosovo. The main objective of the study is to provide a nutritional status profile of preschool children attending kindergartens in Kosovo.

Anthropometric measurements used for this study are weight and height of the preschoolers months. Statistical analyses of underweight and overweight trends across sex and age groups as well as between children from public and private kindergartens were carried out.

Qualitative variables were tested with a chi-square test. The differences between groups were assessed with a Student t test for normally distributed variables and a Mann-Whitney test for abnormally distributed numerical variables. The mean z-scores for weight-for-age, height-for-age, weight-for-height, and BMI-for-age largely fell within 0. The overall percentage of obese children is 2. The incidence of children underweight is slightly decreasing.

A student. Bob presented at over 60 literature and film conferences throughout the world. Bob was a prolific writer, publishing seven acclaimed nonfiction books on film and popular culture topics and dozens of critical biographical essays. An avid book collector, reader and talented artist, Bob enjoyed hiking, photography, oil painting and linocut artwork. Bob married Connie Dufour, the love of his life and a devoted and loving caregiver. Bob was predeceased by his parents and sister, Karen.

Before retiring in , Michael worked for 12 years at the Events Center at Champlain College, leading teams of work-study students to set up and break down spaces for events. Michael was a lifelong lover. He was born on April 17, , in Fitchburg, Mass. He will be sadly missed and will always hold a place in our hearts. Navy for 35 years, including 10 years of active duty and 25 years in the Navy Reserve. He retired with the rank of lieutenant commander. Frank was born in Brooklyn, N.

Robert Spatafora and Vera Rizzo Spatafora. Schreiber High School in Port Washington. Frank was proud of his military service, which included many months on the West Coast and a year in Okinawa, Japan.

He was most at home when seated behind one of his many drum sets. He was an avid collector of vintage drums and took special pride in his marine pearl Slingerland set, which he restored himself.

Frank was also a history and nostalgia buff. He could spend hours talking about military history and putting together models of military tanks, ships and airplanes, all with the finest of craftsmanship. Frank and his wife, Pamela White , formerly of Barre, Vt. They enjoyed trips to Maine, where they would spend time on the beach, visit antique shops and dine out. They enjoyed riding bikes, going for long walks,.

Frank was a laboratory manager in the biology department at Middlebury College from until his retirement in He was a member of the Middlebury Congregational Church, where he served as a deacon for a short time. He was also a proud member of the American Legion in Middlebury and Vergennes.

Funeral services will take place at the Middlebury Congregational Church on Saturday, October 8, at 11 a. Committal will follow at a later date at the Randolph Veterans Cemetery. For years, he kept up with many of his classmates from the Hartford High School graduating class of The U. Army drafted Stu to Korea from to He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service. After Korea, Stu studied full time at the University of Vermont and, at the same time, worked full time as.

In , Stu, age 37, married Anzi Maclean Sinclair, a widow, age 28, with a 3-yearold daughter. Stu and Anzi honeymooned in Jamaica. In , Stu adopted Sheila at age 4. In , they moved to Lake Champlain on Shelburne Bay, where they enjoyed 46 years. Stu became a certified public accountant, then moved to partnership in several CPA firms. Overall, Stu worked 40 years in accounting, retiring in At the same time, Stu enjoyed investing in real estate. He liked to say apartments were. Stu volunteered for the Red Cross, donating pints of blood, including many as an apheresis donor.

He biked for years in the multiple sclerosis bike-a-thon. He belonged to the Ethan Allen Club for 30 years. Stu was treasurer for 24 years at the Green Mountain Porsche Club and enjoyed touring Vermont with the group. Stu was an outdoors guy and a member of many environmental groups. He served as treasurer for 20 years for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. He believed that all wildlife depends on conservation. However, best of all was deer hunting and companionship every fall with longtime friends at camp in Spencer, N.

Stu was also a travel guy, with 18 ski trips to Europe, 17 ski trips to South America and 40 ski trips in the United States. Meeting friends there yearly was icing on the cake!

Stu is survived by his wife, Anzi; daughter, Sheila Jacobs, and her partner, Kimberley. Coon; brother Leon Jacobs Jr. Stu was predeceased by his brother Leonard Jacobs and sister, Pauline Foley. Visiting hours will be on Thursday, October 13, , from 2 to 4 p.

Prospect St. Fairfax Dr. In addition, he organized, contracted and performed with the Musica Aeterna Orchestra in a regular yearly series of concerts sponsored by the Metropolitan Museum of Art between and Later efforts included the formation of the Mozart Orchestra of New York and. Melvin was a consummate creator with an unmatched mind for musical programming.

His extensive musical contacts led him to form Melvin Kaplan Inc. He managed this business while continuing as a performing musician. He continued to develop ambitious ideas long after selling his management business, in The business maintains an office in Burlington, Vt.

Melvin is survived by his wife of 65 years, Ynez Lynch Kaplan. They met while playing together in an orchestra in Connecticut and continued to play music together for the remainder of both their careers. In , he and a friend from Burlington, Vt.

Melvin was the artistic director of the festival throughout its history. After spending most of his life in and around New York City, Melvin transitioned easily to country life in Vermont. He would readily go from wearing a black tuxedo to grungy jeans, work shirt and worn L.

Bean boots to go spend time pulling weeds in one of his vegetable gardens. He had a passion for plants and had a year-round greenhouse, where he took great pride in the tomatoes he could eat in the middle of the winter and the fresh-cut flowers that adorned the table year-round.

He and Ynez traveled extensively, and two of their favorite trips each year were to France and Hawaii. They both loved good food and good wine and maintained a well-stocked wine cellar at home. Melvin and Ynez hosted many dinner parties at their home in Charlotte, with Melvin serving as the sommelier and Ynez as the chef.

He was an avid reader, with a focus on mysteries such as those authored by Dick Francis or Daniel Silva. One of the hallmarks of his character was his passion for. As in music, his timing was impeccable. He had an infectious laugh and a mischievous twinkle in his eye when he was reminded of a joke. Melvin was predeceased by his brother Harvey.

Stu was born in White River Junction, Vt. At home, he enjoyed growing up with. Upon graduating from Juilliard, he became a member of the faculty and taught oboe and chamber music from to His intense passion for contemporary music led to. Want to memorialize a loved one in Seven Days? Post your remembrance online and in print at sevendaysvt.

Or contact us at lifelines sevendaysvt. She later joined Skip in his retirement business, Vermont Strings producer of strings for folk harps , where she did everything except make the strings until she became ill. Among other community activities, she served on the board of directors of Project Independence in Barre and was its chair for several years, seeing it through a tough time.

She also served on the board of directors of Washington County Mental Health and was its chair for several years. Joan enjoyed all animals, cooking, being with grandnephews and -nieces, travel, painting in oil, photography, and spending time with family and friends, especially at the camper on Lake Champlain. Joan was predeceased by her parents and her beloved daughter, Kelly Stallings.

Services will be held on Friday, October 7, , 11 a. Andrews Catholic Church, S. Main St. He enjoyed a round of golf, often using his trusted but rusted 3-iron as a driver. He was a lifelong jazz enthusiast and had a worthy collection of jazz standards. His wry, sometimes ironic wit his first. He was an engaging conversationalist, enjoying a lively discussion on any topic, especially when sitting around a fire enjoying the night sky.

He lived an unhurried but purposeful life, from plying his trade to preparing a good meal. John was predeceased by his father, Thomas Ketcham. Funeral services will be with immediate family, but a celebration of life is planned for Memorial Day weekend at the Coolidge State Park pavilion and group camping area in Plymouth, Vt. Joan Lamere, 78, of Waterbury Center, Vt. She was born in St. Albans, Vt.

Wayne Cross and Madeline Ouimet Cross. She graduated as valedictorian from Swanton High School, class of , and was its class president for all four years. Johnsbury, Newport and Morrisville. Joan also coordinated services for people who are deaf and worked in the Agency of Human Services Training Unit. After retiring from state government, she opened her own employee assistance service and had contracts. John Patnode Ketcham, 60, of Rutland, Vt.

He was born in the snowy month of March in Newport, Vt. He made his home there for 25 years, returning to Vermont in John was a skilled cabinetmaker and took pride in the custom cabinetry and woodworking projects he crafted over the years. His creative side really shined at Halloween, when his intricate costumes and decorations delighted friends and neighbors and won first prize at costume competitions.

John was an enthusiastic. Want to memorialize a loved one? Our obituary and in memoriam services are affordable, accessible and handled with personal care. Post your obituary or in memoriam online and in print at sevendaysvt. I can think of no other 16, online] is all too typical: An irre- reason that we had to hire an out-of-state sponsible watchdog tries to stamp out architect and an out-of-state contractor, alleged discrimination but, in fact, creates who will undoubtedly hire out-of-state victims and tramples on the First Amend- subcontractors, who will order their ment.

But part is not typical: The victim, materials from out-of-state suppliers. Perhaps the voters should syndrome where enemies of free speech consider where their tax dollars are being have come to think that even the most spent when at the polls. The facts speak for themselves. But presihas passed 90 dent Garimella percent of its has shown the budgets over extent to which the last 20 the accusers have years, how do egg on their face.

How at a window at quickly will this Hillel. What are the estimated the First Amendment, as does his refusal operating costs of the new building? If the September 21]: I read with interest the state has to assist, let it be for our poorer article concerning the proposed new neighbors, who will most likely develop Burlington High School, as I am a gradu- a more frugal building design.

Obviously, there is a great need for their poorer neighbors to finance their an institute of higher learning here in the utopian dreams. If you make a mistake and vote for the wrong candidate, you have to live with it for 2 years. Democratic Brattleboro www. BY To fora a person not beholden toas any political party or special to the rightofofthat MATT To vote a Independent person who is running a true Independent, in thetwo-party oval fillsystem.

In-Person Space is Free, but Limited. Register Today! While the methodology behind all such lists deserves scrutiny, for such a small and sparsely populated place, Vermont does seem to offer more than its share of strange sights in the sky. Or are there more earthly explanations for these airborne anomalies? Do you see it? My God! With minimal light pollution this far north in the Champlain Islands, the stars wheeled above us like a road map to the cosmos, thick with constellations and pulsing with light.

Then I saw it. A glowing line, like an iridescent caterpillar crawling across the sky, moved through the cloudless firmament, inexorable and brilliant. I blinked and rubbed my eyes like some rube in a blackand-white film seeing a flying saucer. I found myself breathing deeply, my stomach knotting and my mouth dry as I watched the line of golden lights unspool farther and farther. After a life of fascination with UFOs, was I finally seeing something unexplainable in the skies?

My phone beeped with an incoming text, followed shortly by another. What are the odds? People were still shouting nearby, some laughing in disbelief. It might come as a shock to learn that Vermont is a hotbed of UFO activity, with a long history of the inexplicable and uncanny in its skies. The Green Mountain State placed second in a recent stacker. Vermont ranks high on other, similar lists as well — though one survey. Sometimes it just takes me a bit to do it.

Documented UFO sightings in Vermont date back to the early s. UFOs recently made national headlines, as well. In , the U. Department of Defense released three videos taken by Navy pilots in and that appear to show evidence of the activity of UFOs — or, as the government now officially labels them, UAPs: unidentified aerial phenomena. House Intelligence. Peter Welch D-Vt. For sitting U. First Contact Welch is not the first Vermont politician to think so. Michaud, and lumber and shipping magnate A.

Buell stepped outside after a dinner in downtown Burlington. What the three men claimed to see, and later reported to the Burlington Free Press, could have sprung from the pages of a Jules Verne novel. Other eyewitnesses claimed the ship careened into a horse and stunned the beast before flying away. An author and folklorist, Citro has written more than a dozen fiction and nonfiction books on the paranormal. Citro believes there are three eras of Vermont UFO sightings. The first began with the Burlington encounter in The sighting sparked a nationwide craze.

That obsession reached Vermont just 13 days after Arnold saw a formation. At a. Steele observed the object hovering over the Central Vermont Public Service Corporation building from her bedroom window during a rainstorm. She described it to the Herald as an oval with jagged, multicolored edges.

But, Citro said, the encounter that really captured the attention and imagination of Vermonters happened on Route 12 between Bethel and Randolph and featured some pretty credible witnesses. Richard Woodruff was driving back to Burlington on the night of January 4, , accompanied by a high-ranking state trooper.

As they sped down the road, an object glowing red-orange emerged from behind the tree line and flew across their view at an incredible speed.

Before the doctor could respond, two more objects appeared, joined in formation with the first and then zipped away into the night. The whole encounter lasted maybe 30 seconds, but it left Woodruff flabbergasted. Farmer Lemond Bovat sees a light in the woods near his home in East Fairfield. Richard Woodruff and a Vermont state trooper report seeing an object in the sky on Route Its public information officer waved off Dr. In , Michael Lapp, a year-old maintenance worker at the Buff Ledge summer camp for girls, and Janet Cornell, a year-old water-skiing instructor, were sunbathing on a boat deck in Colchester.

They later claimed that they saw three craft descend toward Lake Champlain, with one ship splitting off to hover above the two teenagers. Their tale of what happened next would attract the attention of astronomer Walter N. Webb, who spent 32 The Buff Ledge incident was reported six years after the first publicized story of an alien abduction in the U. Those figures suggest Vermonters are just as likely to see things in the sky today as they were during the heyday of the flying saucer craze, if not even likelier.

Winooski resident Derek Barrows claims he encountered a UFO in while on a hunting trip with his father in Duxbury.

It was the end of the hunting day, Barrows recalled by phone, and there was fresh snow on the ground. After their meal, however, the men went outside and found that the light had returned and was almost directly above them, high in the sky. Barrows and his father watched, perplexed, as two more lights swooped over the ridge and formed a triangle pattern with the first. The lights darted away in formation, moving swiftly against the backdrop of stars. We lived in upstate New York near West Point, and there were always weird lights moving outside that place in the sky.

Nelson and her partner, Dwight Ritcher, moved into an apartment on the waterfront, just across from the train yard. One night, she and some friends, including a cousin visiting from out of town, took a late-night jaunt into the lake to watch a lunar eclipse.

The evening was overcast, so they stared up at the thick, dark clouds, hoping for a breakthrough glimpse of the moon. But we all saw it — my friends and I and my cousin, all of us. It came down towards us, then veered away.

A few years ago, Breen, the Fairbanks Museum meteorologist, saw something that shook him to his core. Which is no mean feat, considering his experience. He observed flashing colors that seemed to follow him as he drove.

Seized by anxiety and curiosity, he pulled his car over. So I stopped the car and got out, looking directly at the light. He added that identifying anything through a screen or window is a gamble.

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The Automaster BMW. Shelburne, Vermont Shelburne, Shelburne Rd. Vermont Shelburne, Vermont The BMW name, model names and logo are registered trademarks. To that end, FarliceRubio explained to viewers how the speed of the Navy jets that captured the footage could make the object the pilots observed seem to move incredibly fast, as well. He reconsidered his skepticism later. The UFOs resemble little more than spinning tops.

However, later testimony by some of the pilots, including former Navy officers Alex Dietrich and David Fravor, indicated that the UFOs accelerated at one point to a speed near 3, miles per hour. No known terrestrial-made aircraft can achieve that speed; the Lockheed SR Blackbird, currently the fastest jet on the planet, has a maximum speed of 2, miles per hour. Farlice-Rubio and his friend were standing on a deck when they saw an object emerge from low From below, it appeared to be a circle of purest obsidian.

Yet the clouds around the ship reflected what looked to a young Farlice-Rubio like bonfire light. After hovering for a moment, the object moved off, slipping between the clouds.

I wondered how I would report my UFO sighting. I began crafting my UFO description, adding flourishes as I went: A sentientseeming beam of light that emerged from the blackness of space and unspooled like the body of a great dragon. Yeah, not bad. It was so dark that I could barely make out the outline of the friend who owned the house in Grand Isle, even when he stepped closer.

Our friend pointed to the sky where the trail of light had been. I had gone from Fox Mulder to Geraldo Rivera in a matter of seconds, a living justification for the skepticism of observers such as Breen and Farlice-Rubio. What made it worse was that FarliceRubio had told me just days earlier about a friend who had called him with a UFO sighting.

That was Starlink, too. Breen pointed out that Vermonters spend a lot of time outdoors, particularly in the summer. Hungry to get as much out of a short summer as possible, Vermonters may be out and about more than the average American — hence the high number of sightings.

The light from nearby downtown and the glowing, yellow waning crescent moon gave the star field an ethereal look. One star, pulsing indigo to white and back, seemed to detach itself from a constellation and float away like a firefly across a meadow. With a grin, I just watched the rogue light. It blinked twice more, then was gone. This severed paw in a leghold trap was found by a Vermont resident. This is the second year of the challenge, which is a fundraiser for the organization.

The game involves solving clues that are hidden in various spots in and around town, and learning about the region and its history as you play. A central figure in the challenge is Henry Janes, a Waterbury native and physician who served as a surgeon in the Civil War. Maybe he saw me walking in the. But something compelled Shepeluk to emerge from his office and offer assistance. When I explained my dilemma — that I. I was grateful beyond words and felt extra blessed when I learned that Shepeluk is retiring at the end of the year, after 34 and a half years of service.

I caught him — or he caught me — in the nick of time. I deciphered the clue, which was presented in symbols, and followed it to a church.

Never in my life have I been so pleased to arrive at a house of worship. I found the next clue, read it and was starting to feel some momentum. I was certain I knew just where this clue led.

But soon, I was trapped in another Waterbury walkabout — this time, without a living soul in sight. I wandered around a peaceful part of town for about an hour, searching for the next clue.

I reread the clue for the th time and reconsidered its key words and names: grave, quiet, plot, Moody, Watt. I thought about my father, who was a patient person with a fondness for cemeteries and walking. I prowled a few more places in town.

No luck. I started asking for help, targeting the kind of people who know everything in a small town: a baker, a bartender, a mailman and a shop owner. But later, I would need whiskey. The mailman advised me to look out for the white dog on Moody Court.

He assured me nothing was wrong with my eyesight. Evade the algorithms! Make connections with real, live human beings. Learn about the collaboration between John Abele, cofounder of medical device company Boston Scientific and Sarah Kalil, CEO of Vermont-based CoreMap, which is developing new tools to help doctors treat atrial fibrillation. You can learn a lot about a company, or a job candidate, online. Much more. I called a friend, a history buff from Philadelphia, for help.

He did some quick Civil War research and a little deep thinking and decided the clue was about fish spawning. I texted the clue to a knowledgeable Vermont friend. He poured me a whiskey and recommended the jerk chicken sandwich. The lunch rush had subsided; I took a seat outside. The challenge was meant to take me back to the past, but, for the moment, I was pretty satisfied with the present. I took another walk around town — including an.

In June, he led a group of third and fourth graders on a Waterbury Adventure Challenge field trip. I wanted to know how a few dozen 9- and year-olds fared on an adventure that felled me.

Paid for by Brenda for Vermont. Husband-and-wife co-owners Charles Reeves and Holly Cluse told their staff on Monday and then sent an email to about friends and family members announcing that they plan to close the restaurant toward the end of the year. In a phone conversation on Tuesday, Reeves said that date will likely fall between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

With a dinner restaurant, you see your regulars occasionally, but at breakfast there are some people who come in every day. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez D-N. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen. Not that disruptive, surprisingly. Perusing the menu online, I noticed an appetizer of gazpacho with a side of shrimp, a salad using greens from Small Axe Farm in Barnet, and an intriguing take on nachos constructed of wonton chips with tuna tartare, spicy mayo and seaweed.

But the restaurant turned a corner in June, when he hired John Hessler, formerly of the Inn at Burklyn, as his third executive chef. Now, even as food and beverage businesses continue to feel the pandemic fallout, the seat restaurant is thriving.

It offers dual menus: a written one with familiar bistro dishes plus some interesting fusion and a list of daily specials recited by the servers. Both allow diners to take the road less traveled or retread familiar paths, noting the small tweaks that come with seasonal changes.

He simply enjoys working on his upcoming novel at the bar and taking breaks to visit with friends in the dining room. Greene worked at a pizzeria in his youth and spent his college years shucking oysters on Block Island. In Montpelier, he was known. The lockdown scuttled those plans, but soon he cast his eye on the three-story building that had housed NECI on Main.

Some of the dishes would be affordable; others would be elegant enough to satisfy the special-occasion crowd. Reeves said the couple has no plans to sell the Penny Cluse business.

The eatery was named for his wife and her childhood dog, Penny. The couple also owns Cherry Street, in which they opened. Lucky Next Door in September Reeves said the couple will keep that building, which includes housing on the upper floor. They are in discussions with several prospective tenants, but it will most likely become a coffee shop. Reeves said that, after a break of a few months, he will probably look for another food service job — but one that is less consuming than owning a restaurant.

It was great. In both places, the chicken salad is a sleeper hit compared to its more popular brisket-based brethren. I wanted to dive into it right there in the parking lot, smokers in full view.

The store also has a top-notch deli, where made-to-order sandwiches are stuffed with piles of meat smoked on-site. Know of a tasty dish we should feature? Drop us a line: food sevendaysvt. Authentic Mexican Food! Open daily from a. The family has lived in Vermont for 14 years and owned restaurants in Derby, Morrisville and St.

I try to be here and spend time to explain. Melissa Pasanen. Just like the first time, each chip sported its own pile of raw tuna, laced with strands of wakame and dotted with scallion. The dish is a brilliant, upscale version of the classic; even the second time around, it left me wanting more.

Another highlight was a full rack of saucy ribs served with crisp, well-seasoned fries Some other dishes I tried that evening were good, but less memorable. Herein lies the downside of trying to run a restaurant for everybody. One upcoming exception: Hessler plans to have calf-liver butter on the autumn menu. Serving a cup of spicy sauce on the side could have improved the wings without alienating spice-averse patrons. That dish was an anomaly, though. On my second visit, those specials were my focus.

Beneath it was an elegant chickpea salad speckled with shallot. I ate half of them and woke the next morning wondering how long I had to wait to eat the final three. Answer: dumplings for breakfast. One of the best parts of my second visit was the service. Shawn Naramore, one of the waitstaff that evening, was particularly thoughtful and conscientious.

She separated my hot and cold items into different bags. When I mentioned. Its beer menu, short but deft, hits all the right notes for food pairings or simply imbibing at affordable prices. Currently, each beer on the menu comes from a different brewery and showcases a different style, from gose to sour to stout.

That one appears in a drink called The Secret History, named for the Vermont-based Donna Tartt thriller that happens to be one of my favorite novels. Its namesake cocktail — a blend of Barr Hill gin, St. Elder liqueur, lemon and pomegranate — is a runaway hit. Thursday, September 29, at 2 Merchants Row. The restaurant will follow a soft opening schedule over the next few weeks and open for lunch and dinner Tuesday through Saturday starting on October Fans will find familiar offerings on.

A rotating selection of local beers will fill the 24 taps. The larger space — which seats roughly 60, 46 more than the previous location — will allow them to feature multiple artists at once, Patty said. The restaurant also has a built-in stage and will host weekly open mic nights on Wednesdays. The pool table is waiting for you.

At New York University, where she is a professor of history, Eustace specializes in 18th-century North America, gender, culture, politics and the history of emotion — a growing field that combines historical analysis with psychology and the study of individual and mass behavior, power relations, and community formation.

A native Seneca hunter named Sawantaeny was killed in a drunken argument with two brothers, the white traders John and Edmund Cartlidge. Colonial officials in Pennsylvania feared that the murder might set off a war with the Haudenosaunee Iroquois federation, whose power at that time rivaled or exceeded the influence and military might of the English to their south and the French to their north. But the Indigenous people in the region took a completely different approach to.

She tells the story of three intermediaries, speaking three different languages,. Eustace is a marvelous chronicler, and her book has the narrative power of a novel.

In an email exchange with Seven Days, Eustace shared how she discovered the incident and offered observations on the differences between European and Indigenous views of justice and the lasting significance of 18th-century treaties.

When in your research did you realize how important the year was? I then stumbled on a murder case that tested those laws. Colonial fur traders brutally attacked a Seneca hunter, but Native people sought reconciliation rather than revenge. SD: Where did you first encounter the Susquehannock interpreter and diplomat Taquatarensaly, known as Captain Civility? NE: The Native man known as Captain Civility took a central role in trying to explain Indigenous principles of justice to incredulous and uncomprehending settler colonists.

He tutored colonists. In Covered With resolution, showing them that even a Night I draw on treaty council records murder crisis could provide an occasion as a primary source for 18th-century to strengthen ties of community. Indigenous history and for Indigenous Because I was interested from the theories of justice specifically. I found in my research that philosophical reasoning and sophisthis was an Indigenous job title used by ticated political understanding.

Yet you never idealize generations of Susquehannock diplomats the Haudenosaunee tasked with bridging people nor villainize divides between differtheir Anglo-American counterparts. Have you heard from readI wanted to experiment with using ers who find this story especially techniques of creative nonfiction. The meaningful in showing an alternaphenomenal writing of Hilary Mantel, tive to punitive justice? History can Indigenous treaty in Anglo-American sometimes seem abstract; to know that law.

Eustace, Liveright, pages. Eustace They are also a repository of Native reads with author Julian Sancton at the culture, intellectual history and political Brattleboro Literary Festival on Saturday, philosophy, containing intricate speeches October 15, at 10 a. Plus, VIP can also do your seasonal tire changeover! She held court from her cane rocking chair, the smallest of her yappy dogs scattered over the expensive but severe dress that stretched across her breasts.

I would sit at her feet, next to her support-hose-varnished leg, mesmerized by her ability to ensorcell with tales about the family, long-dead relatives and their lives on the island. What I loved best was that her stories always had a hint of magic woven through them, like a silver thread that glinted now and again. My abuela was never particularly kind to me, always criticizing and pointing out where I fell short compared to my cousins, but her tales were funny and nostalgic, and it was never clear if they were true.

Just before her death, she recounts a family favorite about some escaped zoo monkeys that once ran amok on the family property.

The vision returns daily until, after verifying a few things, Isla writes down the true version of events. This act stops the vision from returning.

As Isla begins to understand her gift, it exacerbates her feelings of being caught between worlds — white and Latinx, American and Puerto Rican, poor and rich,. Try as we might to keep them hidden, long-held secrets have a knack for bubbling up through the muck. When Isla comes home several weeks later, expecting to be reunited with her father, her mother takes her to see his fresh grave. Isla is devastated and, understandably, incredibly resentful that her mother chose to break the news in such a harsh way.

Whether this trauma creates a rift between mother and daughter or exposes one that was already there, their relationship is damaged, perhaps irrevocably. From then on, Isla feels discarded every summer when her mother deposits her in Puerto Rico, even though her life in San Juan is a much-needed respite from her strained relationship with Elena.

Thus, Isla gets her first inkling that her PR family is better off than she and her single mother are in New Jersey, a realization that becomes clearer over time.

But it also gives her a new responsibility that puts her on the path of coming of age. The official story is that her besabuelo shot himself. Unable to ignore her vision, which becomes more real and violent with each repetition, Isla goes full detective to uncover what really happened. Cardinal, like Isla, spent her childhood summers in Puerto Rico. The tantalizing, heady mixture of sights, sounds, smells and tastes is practically an advertisement from the Puerto Rico board of tourism.

No matter where she goes, Isla feels like an outsider, even when people like her sophisticated cousin Maria insist she is one of the gang or part of the family. Though her visions are bewildering and sometimes dangerous, they ultimately help Isla feel more connected to her ancestry, especially when she realizes how deep the cuentista tradition runs in her family.

And a magical world like the one the Sanchezes inhabit is just as enticing. The Flynn announced last Thursday that it has filled a pair of high-level leadership positions. Matt Rogers, formerly of Higher Ground Presents, will become the programming director of the nonprofit performing arts center in Burlington. As programming director, Rogers will assume many of the duties previously handled by former Flynn artistic director Steve MacQueen, who resigned in February.

At Higher Ground Presents, he booked and produced off-site concerts and festivals throughout New England — including about 20 shows per year at the Flynn. Rogers has a strong background booking music and comedy.

Enjoy exquisite Art and fine Craftwork from over juried Fine Artists and Artisans, live music and other entertainment, great food, draft beer, wine, and demonstrations of traditional craftwork. This bold claim challenged status-quo beliefs among European highculture elites in the twilight of the 19th century. Just a few decades later, some groundbreaking modern art movements — cubism, Dadaism, expressionism, surrealism — had defined art even more radically than Tolstoy.

Appreciating art turns out to be more complicated than the men anticipate, especially for their teacher, a sort-of-but-not-quite art professor named. Robert Lyon, played with sensitivity and fussy ferocity by Jordan Gullikson. So, in an epiphany that brings to mind another turn-of-the-century philosopher, John Dewey, Lyon directs his students to appreciate art by making it.

The men begin producing paintings and showing them during class. The play debuted in England in Playwright Lee Hall is perhaps better known for writing the screenplay. In the Vermont Stage production, directed deftly by Cristina Alicea, creativity surfaces readily through energetic performances.

The central ensemble portrays men who are alike in many respects but who embody distinct artistic sensibilities. Not every character develops in great depth, but Alicea steers this troupe clear of didacticism.

The play hits a few Big Ideas About Art a touch too squarely, but the cast is adept at sincerely blending them into the conversation. The play sets up as a familiar tale of uncultured brutes redeemed by a kind, erudite savior. Wooden beams or what looks like wood frame the stage like tunnel supports. A dozen or so soft lights hang down around them. The stage is mostly empty of props and furniture.

Occasionally, a character will pull a chair to center stage to mount a piece of artwork that will then be projected onto the upstage wall. What is an artist, anyway? These heady topics find engaging form in a versatile cast. While paying a social call to his patron, Ben encounters miner-artist Oliver, with whom he shares some rough truths about the rarified art scene. Rol wears anguish like an ill-fitting suit that life has given him scarce occasion to wear. Fidler plays the socialite in full dimension — capable of empathy even for this man well below her station.

Oliver may be her pet project, but he is not her pet. The appearance of art student Susan, played by Clarise Fearn, throws light into the beginning and end of the play. This would not be the end of the line for some of the pitmen painters, but the wider context brings this idealistic story back to earth. Art history, labor history and world history collide like coal cars in a vast tunnel network.

Through October Wednesday through Saturday, p. Advance Your Career Come learn about our graduate programs and our flexible, personalized pathways that allow you to balance work and life while pursuing your degree. Register now! The vigorous indie rock music is from The story is timeless, repeated again and again whenever teenagers confront their first sexual urges. The musical Spring Awakening shoves modern norms against 19th-century repression to sharpen the portrayal of adolescent longing and anxiety.

In the Northern Stage production, the exuberance of musical comedy prevails, though the subject matter includes dark coming-of-age stories.

An immediate critical hit, the musical won eight Tony Awards in , including best musical, best book and best score. Spring Awakening is based on a late 19th-century German play by Frank Wedekind, and the decision to keep that setting for a modern audience sets up an instructive tension between old and new.

A teenager swamped with sexual desire sees only the extremes of firm prohibition or pure indulgence. The musical echoes that split by showing kids in formal collars stomping out a backbeat. Six boys and five girls have individual struggles, told as overlapping stories. The characters stagger under the weight of their own innocence, craving experience yet fearing it, too. Ernst Thani Brant and Hanschen Derek Dubrae Jackson explore their homosexual attraction, and Martha Amaya Braganza finally tells her friends what her father does to her each night.

Two actors play all of the adults, with simple costume changes. These parents, teachers and other authority figures fail the kids at every turn due to their ineptitude, ignorance or cruelty. Ashton Heyl and Paul West play the roles with elegant. Teutonic rigidity, applying just enough caricature to look as otherworldly as teens would see them.

Director Sarah Elizabeth Wansley stages the show playfully. Characters casually draw childish or naughty pictures in chalk on the platforms and framework of an open, multilevel set. The effect is excellent musical theater, but Wansley is ultimately telling a happier story than the characters are feeling.

The audience can lean back and watch with detachment the first fumblings of sexual awareness. The darkest material is treated respectfully but briefly, as if in anticipation of a flinch. The song shows Melchior at his lowest point, underscored by the clever choreographic decision to launch him off a platform in a trust fall.

The story calls for bold, thrilling staging, as in an early number introducing the six boys in a dull Latin class. They struggle along with the Aeneid, but as the recitations drone like a percussion line, Melchior pulls out an anachronistic microphone and belts out the fury his studies force him to suppress.

Musical director Kevin A. Choreographer Ashleigh King gives the dancers big, synchronized gestures that are just short of boy band moves. Lighting designer Travis McHale punches out each mood, and at one point Moritz changes direction and seems to collide with light itself when a bright beam hits him. Talevski plays Wendla with sweet curiosity and a dash more inner strength than the little doll her parents are trying to raise.

A polished five-member band is positioned onstage, wearing schoolboy neckties like the characters. The music is the centerpiece, delivered by a cast of especially accomplished singers. Aching harmonies ring with clarity, and no matter how much sorrow lies in the stories, hope and beauty chime through. The lush finale is uplifting, as if to suggest that all of the struggle will be worth it.

This production makes that threshold exhilarating, no matter how much terror lies underneath. Through October Tuesday through Saturday, p. And no worries, our loan process is as smooth as the open road! Insured by NCUA. Monthly premiums for credit insurance purchased and interest will be added to the loan during the deferred payment term.

This promotion cannot be combined with other offers. Must be a member of the Credit Union to obtain a loan. The promotion ends on December 31, The world was … quiet. You could hear yourself think.

If you had the privilege, what did you do with that quiet time? Make bread? Go for long walks? Take up a new hobby or craft? Question your existence? Question capitalism? All of the above? That means lining up, sitting in rows at school and work and movie theaters , and, when they die, being buried in rows. Close to two decades after it was conceived, The Birth of Innocence is currently on a limited run of movie theaters throughout the state.

The Birth of Innocence, directed by Malcolm H. The experimental film opens with a black screen and ends with one. In between, the viewer experiences an hour of meditative musings, affirmations and beautiful imagery from nature: nebulae and other parts of our vast universe thanks, NASA! I said verges. Ruiz leads filmgoers through a series of. Rather, The Birth of Innocence is about learning to unlearn that which holds us back and keeps us from embracing an inner self that has always been there and always will be.

But I think people will see The Birth of Innocence more for its experience and tone than for some giftwrapped, soul-searching aha moment. In these inhospitable conditions, many of us still yearn for a life with purpose, joy and connection. The film speaks strongly to that desire, as was evident from the comments of several of the roughly dozen folks at the showing I attended.

Some of the audience members identified themselves as investors in the film, of which there have been many over the years. Both were charged in ; Parker received a four-plus-year prison sentence, while Soteriou received a seven-year sentence. The force behind the movie in its final cut appears to be Williams, whom Parker hired in the early s to help bring the original idea to fruition.

After legal tussles with Parker and others, Williams secured the sole copyright to what would become the finished film. The film was also a means for the group to recoup some of its investments.

Spa guests have full access to the spa, fitness and pool facilities for the entire day. Blackout dates do apply. In fact, it comes from mathematics and refers to the place where a curved line changes direction. But never mind punditry; inflection is also a useful concept for a recent retiree — as is its more philosophical cousin, reflection.

Janie Cohen has reached this transformative place. Over her time at the museum, Cohen mounted significant exhibitions, some featuring international artists and collaborations with major institutions; distinguished herself and the Fleming with her ongoing scholarship on Pablo Picasso; nurtured a devoted and capable staff; built a broad network of professional colleagues, board members and museum supporters; and made lifelong friends in a community she loves.

Did she imagine, when she came to the Fleming in , that she would stay for the rest of her career? Cohen initially hired him in ; in , she named him assistant director. Change may be inevitable with new staff — the Fleming also recently hired a curator, Kristan Hanson — but Dissinger has reason to hope a few things stay the same.

But I found there were aspects I loved, and the main one was creating a strong, innovative staff who are not afraid to try things. As the Fleming leans into this significant and global cultural shift, Cohen is pursuing a more personal goal: making her own art.

In conversation with Seven Days, she reflected on the past and anticipated her future. In between, you had an internship at the Rijksmuseum. How did that come about? My family has close friends in Amsterdam, and they invited me to live with them if I could find a project for the year. With their help, I learned that the Rijksmuseum took on college interns for the academic year.

I applied and was accepted. Was that also when you developed a relationship with the Rembrandt House Museum? That happened later, but because of the contacts I established that year. I was invited to help curate an exhibition on that topic and write the catalog at the Rembrandt House in , and then again on a larger scale with a Spanish Goya scholar in I had another internship, at the Brooklyn.


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Although having similar titles, the different job announcement will be using different keywords to describe their requirements for the candidate. Keep your resume brief, describe your work experience and education relevant to the position you apply for. The advantage of the resume builder is that you get a consistent federal cv, which can be found by a recruiter using a keyword search.

Building a resume that is perfectly in tune with the specific announcement will help your application score more points in the competition. It is true that a resume should normally be kept brief but with the federal government resumes, it is all about the perfect balance between being concise and being informative. This shows how literally complete your resume is. Proofread Believe it or not but such an obvious step in the resume writing process is often neglected by the applicants.

Typographical errors, not to speak of grammatical and spelling mistakes, will seriously impair the impressions of the federal HR specialist even about a seemingly perfect resume.

This will train you to be more critical and attentive when you start building your own federal resume. We provide all the necessary basic technicalities of the resume building process.

If you have a vague idea about what to write in each section, we highly recommend examining at least one USAJOBS resume builder example to see how a well-built final document should look like. Still unsure about how to make federal resume? Your email address will not be published. Searching for Jobs 1. Do Not Leave Blank Fields. Share this Post. This step and your responses will determine if you qualify for the specific position.

The responses to these questions and your experience, skills, education, training and accomplishments must be specified throughout your USAJobs resume. That means your information on USAJobs resumes must meet the required format, keyword criteria and characters permitted. Online formats tend to be restrictive and each has different format requirements. If not written correctly with the required USAJobs resume format, your application may end up being automatically rejected. USAJobs announcements often attract dozens—and sometimes hundreds—of applicants.

Your application and your resume need to be crafted to clear this first hurdle. The application process includes questions that address your level of experience.

The catch is that your answers to those questions have to be supported by the body of your USAJobs resume. As the leading USAJobs resume writing service in the industry, CareerProPlus can help you develop the application package that will get your federal resume seen and reviewed.

We are able to help you ensure the most compelling, impactful, and relevant parts of your federal resume stand out to HR when it matters most. In addition to writing a USAJobs resume that accurately captures your experience and skills, we can also help you to flesh out and integrate the responses to the assessment questions that frequently accompany each posting, improving the chances that your application package will be reviewed.

Now that USAJobs is searchable throughout all federal agencies looking for qualified candidates, it is important to build USAJobs resumes in the federal resume builder instead of uploading your resume.

This will not harm your chances if you just upload your USAJobs resume as an attachment for the specific job you are applying for, but when you apply for a vacancy using the online federal resume builder it will display specific keywords in custom data base searches when other agencies are seeking job candidates with your experience.

There are a different set of keywords for every job. Sometimes building your USAJobs resume can be overwhelming because they are much more comprehensive than applying for private-sector jobs.

Unfortunately there is no reference book on keywords, but if you look at the job duties and specialized skills on each vacancy announcement you will find the keywords populated within the wording. The bottom line is that the federal government now can search resumes on the USAJobs system by job-specific keywords. If your USAJobs resume is not populated with those words, it does not have a chance of being flagged for consideration for other positions that may become available.

This reflects a natural human desire to connect by using the most effective language in a given situation. You should think of your federal resume the same way. It should aim to use the most targeted language possible to convey a seamless fit with the hiring organization. One of the ways you can achieve this with a USAJobs resume is to update it to meet the specific experience requirements and keywords of each job posting.

Successful applicants also incorporate elements from their federal resume into the answers on the accompanying occupational questionnaire for the vacancy. By creating a consistent connection between the resume and the accompanying questionnaire, you will be able to communicate with HR more effectively and will be more likely to earn an interview. All USAJobs vacancy announcements should be read and interpreted prior to applying.

This is essential to ensure your USAJobs resume addresses all the specialized experience and assessment questions. For military personnel, it is important to translate complex military terminology into terms more commonly used in civilian government agencies and the private sector.

This is often one of the more difficult tasks for military personnel who attempt to write their own resumes, and it is something that the professional Master Federal Resume Writers at CareerProPlus have been helping veterans with for more than 30 years. In addition to following the established rules and detailed instructions of a job posting, it is important to ensure that the resume immediately communicates your eligibility.

To help address this, we developed our signature Headline Format back in , when the federal government phased out its Application for Federal Employment form also known as the SF This Headline Format has proven popular with federal HR offices because it places desired keywords at the beginning of each paragraph, allowing HR professionals to quickly and easily locate specialized experience and other requirements related to each U.

You can upload as many as five USAJobs resumes and keep them in your account for as long as you need them. Of course, everything changes over time, and that includes the USAJobs system—sometimes without warning. This can render earlier resumes unsuitable for further use.

Professional career coaches help focus applicants toward the opportunities that make the most of their training, experience, skills, and competencies. An overwhelming majority of federal agencies use USAJobs. While some positions periodically get filled without being listed on the site, USAJobs is by far the best opportunity for most applicants to find and apply for federal government jobs.


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Before maple day canada border collier start creating a brand new resume to apply for a federal government position, you need to choose the way to build it. The former has a number of advantages over usajobs resume builder tools menudo vsu latter.

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Offering you to use its federal resume builder, USAJOBS provide you with a professional больше информации writing читать, which is worth trying out. For your resume to be searchable and efficient, take your time to learn the subtleties of the federal resume builder USAJOBS has created.

We have come usajobs resume builder tools menudo vsu with the top 4 tips that will help you avoid the common mistakes that often prevent the candidates from being recognized as qualified for the job. Read the announcement carefully! Before appl ying for a position, go to the Qualifications section in the vacancy announcement and preview the vacancy announcement questions. And more detailed Qualifications list for a Strategic Marketing Analyst position :. As we can see, Qualifications requirements may vary depending on GS position, education, expert level skills or other specific knowledge relevant to a job announcement.

So make sure to select a corresponding answer to each question prior to appl ying for a job posting. This is indeed a tedious task but it is totally worth the effort. Although having similar titles, the different job announcement will be using different keywords to describe their requirements for the candidate.

Keep your resume brief, describe your work experience and education relevant to the position you apply for. The advantage of the resume builder is that you get a consistent federal cv, which can be found by a recruiter using a usajobs resume builder tools menudo vsu search.

Building a resume that is perfectly in tune with the specific announcement will help your application score more points in the competition. It is true that a resume should normally be kept brief but with the federal government resumes, it is all about the perfect balance between being concise and being informative.

This shows how literally complete your resume is. Proofread Believe it or not but such an obvious step in the resume writing process is often neglected by the applicants. Typographical errors, not to speak of grammatical and spelling mistakes, will seriously impair the impressions of the federal HR specialist even about a seemingly perfect resume.

This will train you to be more critical and attentive when you start building your own federal resume. We provide all the necessary basic technicalities of the usajobs resume builder tools menudo vsu building process. If you have a vague idea about what подробнее на этой странице write in each section, we highly recommend examining at least one USAJOBS resume builder example to see how a well-built final document should look like.

Still unsure about how to make federal resume? Your email address will not be published. Searching for Jobs 1. Do Not Leave Blank Fields. Share this Post. Daniella Henderson Daniella knows all ins and outs of the federal hiring process.

She is excellent at job hunting strategies, starting from federal resume writing to the final stage of interview conduction. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.