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The proposal relies upon the cross-disciplinary expertise of the PI nanofabrication, SERS biodetection and co-PI cell biology, protein folding diseases. In case of success, this combining of traditionally unrelated disciplines, cell biology and electro-optical engineering, will significantly enhance our capacity to detect, monitor and modulate condensation behavior of proteins. We also expect to discover key properties of aberrant proteinaceous assemblies in order to rationally improve preventive health care.

The proposed activities will provide unique cross-disciplinary training as well as a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment to all participating group members. Radiation medicine plays a critical role in the lives of Canadians for diagnosis and treatment. However, fundamental questions remain regarding the interactions of ionizing radiation with tissue and ensuing biological response. Advancement of knowledge is hindered due to the limited approaches available to assess radiation energy deposition dose and connect with response at cellular levels.

The proposed research will bring together expertise in physics, biology, and bioinformatics to develop a novel system for evaluating radiation energy deposited in cells and the associated cascade of biological events. The physical component of the system will be comprised of a population of cells adjacent to a chemical dosimeter, namely radiochromic film. An approach will be developed to culture cells such that they may be irradiated simultaneously with the film. After irradiation, experimental measurements using Raman spectroscopy will detect bio chemical changes within the film and cells, generating micron-scale maps of response to radiation, which will be linked to cell viability and function.

Monte Carlo simulations of the irradiation of the system of film and cells will be used to quantify energy deposition with micron-scale resolution.

Machine Learning approaches will be used to correlate experimental and simulation results, mapping the impact of radiation on cellular response. This research proposes a unique direction – the development of a system for carrying out micron-scale analysis of energy deposition within a population of cells coupled with biological response therein.

Once established, this system will be used to investigate the effects of high and low dose radiation on various cell types cancerous, normal and in vitro tumour cell and patient-derived systems. It offers the potential for high reward as a new paradigm-changing approach to study fundamental questions in radiation medicine by bridging the knowledge gap between radiation’s insult and biological response, leading to translational outcomes including better radiation treatments improved tumour cell kill, less normal tissue toxicity.

There are no other comparable systems in existence due to the considerable challenges in evaluating energy deposition and biological response on cell scales, and no established Machine Learning methods for connecting the two. Further high-risk elements come from variability in biological response, as well as experimental uncertainties. Scientific breakthroughs will arise from the active control of molecular pathways in living organisms while simultaneously monitoring the impact of these changes at the cellular or tissue level with molecular resolution.

This control of molecular pathways is necessary in medicine to find the molecular origins and cures to diseases, but also in environmental sciences to improve the sustainability of agriculture. At the center of this challenge lies a technological gap, because contemporary techniques do not control and monitor biochemical pathways. We propose the development of a new technology combining optophysiology nanosensing with optogenetics to fill this gap, which will serve in this project to understand the neurochemical underpinnings of Parkinson’s disease and the biochemical molecular pathways controlling plant growth.

Optogenetics is used to activate or silence molecular pathways in cells. In neuroscience, it serves to trigger the secretion of neurotransmitters with exquisite time and spatial resolution to investigate the molecular mechanisms of neurotransmitter release and neurodegenerative diseases.

In plant biology, it is used to stimulate and control plant growth, with the aim of increasing crop productivity and creating more sustainable agriculture.

However, the chemical information acquired by modern fluorescence and electrochemistry tools limits the ability to fully understand the chemical biology of plant and animal tissues in optogenetics studies.

Plasmonic optophysiology is a technology capable of monitoring a large spectrum of chemicals using the power of surface-enhanced Raman scattering coupled to machine learning. Plasmonic optophysiology is fully compatible with optogenetics, but instrumentation combining these two approaches does not exist. In this grant, we will develop and validate novel molecular technologies, based on our respective expertise in technological and applied science to address two of the grand challenges in the 21st century in agriculture and brain diseases.

A substantial number of young people are facing increasing difficulties in i completing an education; ii entering the workforce; and iii moving out of the parental home to become established and independent adults. This phenomenon is known as “failure to launch” and is a serious and oft-ignored issue that can contribute to social exclusion, marginalization and adverse mental health. Importantly, evidence suggests that young Black men are particularly affected by failure to launch.

Importantly, research indicates that factors such as low educational attainment, unemployment and loneliness are strong determinants of adverse mental health outcomes in youth including substance abuse, depression and suicidality. In this study, we will use a novel participatory action research approach to address failure to launch in young Black men. This will involve university researchers from diverse disciplines working closely at all stages of the project with a Black educational community organization that includes teachers, youth and parents.

In particular, the team will:. This is a high-risk project with the potential for high-reward, as it will be the first study of its kind focused on failure to launch in young Black men, with the grassroots community partner driving project progress throughout.

Ultimately, this study may produce a feasible intervention, which will be packaged and primed for? This will help address a serious and oft-ignored racial inequality with severe psychosocial consequences. Paraplegia from spinal cord injury SCI is a devastating condition. SCI leads to spasticity, where the paralysed limbs become overreactive to innocuous stimuli.

Spasticity negatively affects quality of life by generating spontaneous movements, preventing hygiene, and interfering with sleep. Spasticity also implies that, even though muscles in patients with SCI cannot be voluntarily controlled, they remain strong and effective at generating movement. Spinal cord stimulation SCS is a technology used in clinic for the treatment of chronic pain.

It consists of implanted epidural electrodes connected to a battery. When activated, the electrical current activates spinal cord neurons and generates a tingling sensation in the limbs which alleviates pain.

When the current is increased, reflex motor contractions can be seen. This is considered an adverse effect of the stimulation as these contractions are uncontrollable and can be painful. Because patients must feel the stimulation for it to be effective, SCS is seldom used in SCI patients, as their injury typically abolished sensation in the paralyzed limb.

This also means that, in theory, stimulating the spinal cord below the level of injury could induce motor reflexes without generating pain. The goal of this multidisciplinary project is to restore voluntary movement in a spastic, paralyzed limb by inducing controlled reflex contractions using spinal cord stimulation.

Briefly, in the neurophysiology laboratory, a neurosurgeon will implant a SCS system in cats with SCI to generate stereotypical motor reflexes. An external stimulator will be controlled in real-time by a custom-designed, wearable, haptic glove interface in which each finger will be assigned to a specific and functionally relevant reflex. The strength, duration and combination of induced reflexes will be modulated to recreate limb actions, such as postural maintenance, leg extension and gait.

Proprioceptive signals will be measured from the dorsal columns by recording local field potentials and transmitted back to the glove as vibration patterns to refine motor control. If successful, this study would demonstrate how pathological spasticity in SCI can be used to restore volitional movement in a paralysed limb.

The real-time induction of reflex motor contractions through implanted epidural electrodes would open a completely new treatment paradigm for individuals with paralysis, which is currently an incurable condition.

How does knowledge production and dissemination in the social and natural sciences implicitly or explicitly marginalize, diminish, and ultimately erase the contributions of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour BIPOC scholars within Canadian institutions? In other words, what accounts for the erasure of BIPOC scholars in our disciplines and how can such marginalization be addressed using an integrative cross-disciplinary approach?

Bringing Canadian scholars from across social and natural science disciplines, this project aims 1 expose hidden contributions of BIPOC scholars across the social and natural sciences, 2 explore the epistemological ramifications of racism and whiteness within the sciences in Canada with emphasis on lab ethnography, and 3 initiate interdisciplinary transformation through syllabi diversification workshops.

Our objectives will be addressed using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods consistent with the epistemological pluralism embedded in the research team, and will form the basis for launching what we envision in the long term as a National Centre of Excellence for Inclusive Scholarship.

By exposing the hidden contributions of BIPOC scholars, exploring the epistemological ramifications of whiteness and racism, and initiating interdisciplinary transformation within the Canadian academic context, this project seeks to disrupt the prevailing systems of whiteness and thereby facilitate the decolonization of the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge within Canadian institutions.

While operating a research program and developing new scientific practices within a plural, reflective and collective interdisciplinary framework is at high risk of failing, this project has the potential to fundamentally alter the inclusivity and diversity of Canadian academic disciplines. In particular, the cross-disciplinary thinking and collaboration that is fundamental to this project represents a significant first step in transforming our disciplines into anti-racist sites of inclusive excellence.

Antibiotic resistance is rising at an alarming rate and is particularly problematic in chronic wounds infections. Wounds are most commonly infected with Staphylococcus aureus, colonizing chronic wounds as biofilms. Biofilms are surface-associated microbial communities tolerant to antibiotics; however, they are often studied under standard in vitro conditions, likely overlooking key virulence factors involved in infection.

Indigenous peoples have long used natural remedies to treat wounds and infections; however, their knowledge has rarely been considered for modern medicine. The stagnation of the antibiotic discovery pipelines prompted us to turn to Indigenous medicine as an untapped source of potential new antimicrobials. This project aims to uncover novel biofilm-related virulence factors and discover new treatments for drug-resistant S.

Unlike typical antibiotic discovery campaigns, we will combine high-throughput whole-genome approaches with the exploration of traditional Indigenous medicines.

Objective 1 aims to uncover novel biofilm virulence factors by screening a sequence-defined S. We will characterize putative novel factors in an ex vivo human skin infection model and assess their mechanism using established microbiological and biochemical assays.

Objective 2 will explore Indigenous medicines to combat S. An array of Indigenous medicinal plants will be selected, guided by Elders, and screened for their anti-biofilm activity under wound infection-mimetic conditions.

Top hits will be tested in in vivo and ex vivo skin infection models. Objective 3 will identify the mode of action of these hits. We will fractionate the traditional remedies and assess the anti-biofilm activity of the fractions.

Active principles will be identified using various chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques, and the S. This work will provide valuable insights into the bacterial responses under clinically relevant conditions while providing novel druggable virulence targets for new antimicrobial strategies. By integrating modern and Indigenous approaches, this novel research charts a path for new anti-biofilm treatments for chronic wound infections.

This proposal calls for the development of a flexible drone-based platform that will provide novel measurement capabilities for both astrophysics and glaciology. Radio-frequency astrophysical measurements often employ stationary telescopes dishes or antennas that are sited in remote, rugged locations.

One of the most critical aspects of radio telescope characterization is the measurement of the spatial response on the sky, or the “beam pattern. For some radio telescopes, the details of the beam pattern are further complicated by dependence upon the electromagnetic properties of the underlying earth.

In these cases, complete knowledge of the beam pattern requires careful characterization of the earth using measurements from ground-penetrating radar. Ground- and ice-penetrating radar measurements are fundamental to glaciology research. This process is not only time-consuming, but also potentially hazardous to the personnel conducting the measurements.

The measurement challenges facing both of these fields present an exceptional opportunity to combine interdisciplinary expertise to develop shared instrumentation with wide-ranging benefits. We propose to develop the technology for a custom built drone that will operate in the Canadian high Arctic and that will have the flexibility to carry an assortment of payloads to service both astrophysics and glaciology research.

Antibiotics have saved countless lives, transformed healthcare and extended life expectancy by decades. With use, however, these therapies have become increasingly ineffective due to the development of drug-resistant bacteria.

The need for new life-saving antibiotics has reached crisis proportions. Since the discovery of penicillin almost one hundred years ago, the search for new antibiotic drugs has always begun with a chemical compound that halts the growth of bacteria. The ensuing decades saw dozens of new antibiotics found in this way but it has now been more than fifty years since the discovery of a new drug to treat the most dreaded bacterial pathogens. Indeed, despite remarkable technological advances in the modern era, the search for new antibiotics fundamentally remains a hunt for novel compounds that kill bacteria.

Our proposal aims to redefine antibiotic drug discovery by innovating at the earliest stage of the discovery process. Rather than searching for chemicals that halt the growth of bacteria, we have developed a method to identify those that instead enhance bacterial growth. How can such compounds help in the search for new antibiotics? We have discovered that these chemicals are a powerful tool for enabling antibiotic action in other molecules.

These growth-promoting chemical moieties can be grafted onto otherwise ineffective antibiotics, vastly improving the penetration of such drugs into bacteria. Importantly, this molecular trickery has spectacular impact on antibiotic efficacy. In the proposed research, we will exploit this discovery platform and the chemical enhancers that we have discovered to create new antibiotic molecules for treating drug-resistant infections.

This work will require an interdisciplinary team to carry out biological analyses of growth enhancing compounds and systematic chemical synthesis to explore their potential to improve conventional drugs.

Our approach has the potential to transform therapy and, consequently, will require new thinking to address socioeconomic hurdles of sustainability, access and stewardship. Thus, we will concurrently examine these elements to ensure that our novel therapy can ultimately be integrated into existing social, economic and healthcare frameworks, in Canada and worldwide.

In all, our innovative science, combined with forward-thinking socioeconomic analyses, have the potential to provide impactful solutions where conventional approaches have failed. Early detection and intervention are critical for supporting optimal outcomes in mental illness, yet gaps remain in predicting individual risk.

Being born very early or very small is known to increase risk for Autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety, and psychosis. As such, preterm birth has been suggested to confer a “transdiagnostic biological vulnerability” to mental illness. Neuroimaging studies describe alterations to the brain’s white matter connectome in preterm birth including substantial heterogeneity that may relate to differential risk.

However, accurately characterizing inter-individual heterogeneity requires reliable deep sampling and synthesizing information from high-resolution whole brain data requires sensitive, validated computational tools. Network control theory is an emerging mathematical framework with which to describe how function and behavior arise from the brain’s white matter connectivity.

Control is essential to the functioning of neural systems and loss of control manifests through brain disease and disorder. We will develop a network control theoretic framework to understand the system-level implications of network alterations observed in preterm birth, and mechanistically describe how heterogeneous white matter alterations may lead to common network patterns that associate with transdiagnostic mental illness risk.

Our interdisciplinary study will integrate methodology from psychiatry, radiology, neurology, network science, and control theory to precisely characterize functional and structural brain networks in youth with transdiagnostic mental illness risk related to perinatal complications.

We will deeply phenotype and densely sample individuals to derive precision brain network metrics and verify their individual reliability and sensitivity to clinical features. We will develop a network control theory-based framework to explain how heterogeneous structural alterations lead to functional and behavioral variation, with the ultimate goal of building a unifying network model of mental illness risk.

The development of such a novel, fundamental framework from highly detailed and heterogeneous precision neuroimaging data is inherently high risk and has the potential to yield high-reward personalized early screening tools for mental illness. Background: We trust our doctors to know the safety of the drugs they prescribe.

However, most data on drug dosing and safety comes from small clinical studies that exclude older high-risk patients. This is a problem because as people age their kidney function declines and drugs cleared by the kidney need to be dose-reduced or avoided to prevent adverse reactions. In older adults, 1 in 6 hospitalizations are for adverse reactions to prescription drugs.

The Problem: Understanding the harm caused by which drugs at which dose and in which patients is immensely challenging. Health Canada and the U. Food and Drug Administration rely on post-marketing, population-based studies to inform safe drug prescribing. Our results have been used to refine product-label warnings.

Unfortunately, the traditional pharmaco-epi approach has limitations:. Innovation: We will overcome the limitations of the traditional pharmaco-epi approach by integrating visual analytics into our analysis of administrative healthcare data. This approach will utilize interactive data visualization, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to improve the interpretation of complex analyses.

Using automation, high-throughput computing, and visual analytics, we will simultaneously study the effect of multiple prescription drugs and their interactions on many patient outcomes.

Our novel approach will allow us to efficiently identify and verify adverse drug reactions in vulnerable patient populations. Collaboration: Our interdisciplinary team includes physicians, computer scientists, pharmacologists, and epidemiologists from Computer and Information Science, and Clinical Medicine. Our use of population-based data will allow us to examine risks in under-studied patient groups and by gender.

We will translate this information into better education, policy, and regulation to protect patients and reduce healthcare costs. This technology also creates opportunities for developing portable ultra-violet UV LEDs for water purification, providing an antimicrobial agent with low voltage and power requirements compared to conventional mercury lamp systems.

However, the operational periods are limited by the battery that powers the LEDs and the emitter brightness. With the objectives to extend running times and enhance LED brightness, we propose an approach that utilizes a thermoelectric generator TEG to take advantage of the heat generated from the LEDs. By exploiting the individual expertise through this interdisciplinary project, the disadvantages of one system heating of the LEDs will be used for the advantage of the second electricity generation from heat.

Given the disparate properties of the materials systems involved, this combination has never been considered for energy generation. Its realization would create a new class of hybrid-powered self-sustaining portable solid-state lighting systems that has never been achieved.

The team combines the extensive expertise in optoelectronic devices of the co-PI and in thermoelectric materials chemistry of the PI to define a new standard for portable solid-state lighting. Each technology will be optimized on separate platforms and then combined to create a novel integrated microsystem.

Accomplishing this goal will, for the first time, enable simultaneous cooling of the lighting system that drives the TEG to continuously recharge the portable battery while raising LED performance.

When integrated with portable UV lighting, stand-alone water-purification systems will be enabled. Achieving performance improvements for these applications with this hybrid-power system define the high risk of the project.

The reward is from a fully integrated system on a single platform with no moving parts, enabling portable lighting with autonomous high-reliability operation. This achievement ultimately increases operational lifetimes and function without additional maintenance requirements. Further rewards will be in portable UV LED water purification systems for remote undeveloped regions.

This reward is particularly significant for First Nations communities, where the technology will eliminate a lack of clean-water access due to infrastructure deficiencies in Canada. The significant environmental, economic and social costs that result from this trade are felt in Canada and around the world. Illegal trade contributes to deforestation and loss of biodiversity, increased carbon emissions, human contact with wildlife infectious diseases, financing organized crime, undercutting legitimate suppliers, and social conflict with Indigenous and local populations.

While Canada and many other countries have strict laws governing the trade in plant and timber products, these laws are poorly enforced due to the challenge of identifying illegal species at the point of inspection. Development of an e-nose solution relies on our interdisciplinary expertise in analytical chemistry, electronic engineering and artificial intelligence AI. The approach will involve generating an odour reference database for trafficked timber and plant products as well as those that can legally enter our borders.

Statistical analysis will identify the mixtures of volatile compounds that accurately distinguish the odour profiles of illegal and legal species. A prototype e-nose NOS. E will be further developed, by augmenting the chamber design, flow and battery capabilities, as well as sensor selection involving AI-based pattern recognition techniques.

This is a high-risk project as it relies on the sensors being sufficiently sensitive to distinguish the distinct species’ odour fingerprints. The resulting prototype will be a field-portable device that collects the odour and rapidly identifies the unique fingerprint pattern for each species in the database. This project will generate the first e-nose on the global market to mimic a dog’s nose for sensitivity with the increased value of rapidly identifying illegal products for apprehension and prosecution of the offenders.

The e-nose would be employed by provincial and federal border enforcement agencies in Canada to regulate the import, export and interprovincial transportation of species covered by international treaties.

It would also be employed on a global scale, including for island nations such as Australia, where forestry crime can lead to significant biosecurity threats. We envision a future in which talk therapies for mental health and addiction disorders can be delivered by a computer, enabling far greater access to therapy. Recent innovations in artificial intelligence make it possible to develop a conversational agent capable of the free-form interaction that is used in human-to-human therapy.

Our specific goal is to help smokers quit smoking by exploring and developing the automated delivery of known-successful clinical therapy. Addiction to tobacco affects 4. These smokers can be helped by a successful talk therapy approach known as Motivational Interviewing MI , in which a clinician gently guides a patient, in a conversation, through a process of self-reflection.

This process has been shown to increase the likelihood of successful behaviour change. The key steps in this approach involve asking open-ended questions relevant to the behaviour, and providing reflective, summative, and supportive conversational responses.

An important part of the conversation is to build trust between the clinician and the patient. Highly-trained MI clinicians, however, are in short supply – there are not enough of them for everyone who needs help, nor are they located where, and available when they are needed most.

If we can successfully build such a system, the cost of deploying help will be significantly reduced, and the ability to help patients at any time and place will dramatically increase.

Our system could also form the basis of many other automated talk-based interventions. The long-term goal of this research is to reduce smoking prevalence world-wide by providing a low-cost method to engage ambivalent smokers in an MI conversation and move them towards the decision to quit.

We will evaluate the success of our system by measuring smokers’ readiness to quit before and after exposure to the intervention by a chatbot. Due to heterogeneity of the disease, precision therapies are essential. The small interfering RNA siRNA therapeutics can specifically silence the expression of target genes including those traditionally considered to be “untreatable” by small-molecule drugs.

However, siRNA therapy faces challenges such as poor cellular uptake, enzymatic and endosomal degradation.

Encapsulation of siRNA in nanoparticles has shown to overcome some of these challenges. However, most nanoparticles tend to accumulate in liver and effective siRNA delivery in extra-hepatic tissues remains a challenge.

Therefore, to maximize the efficacy of siRNA therapeutics in lung cancer, there is an unmet need to develop approaches to achieve preferential accumulation of siRNA in lungs. Conjugation of nucleic acids with hydrophobic moieties has shown to modulate their interactions with plasma proteins, thereby impacting their stability against enzymatic degradation, cellular uptake and endosomal escape. Herein, we propose a highly inter-disciplinary approach, combining expertise in lipid chemistry, polymer chemistry, engineering and pharmaceutical sciences to design and validate a lipidated-siRNA delivery method for lung cancer treatment.

We propose a high risk project to develop monomeric, oligomeric and polymeric lipid-conjugated siRNA therapeutics and perform a systematic study correlating the impact of lipid properties including chain length, hydrophobicity, charge, functional group and degree of unsaturation on the biodistribution of lipidated siRNA. This interaction will enable us to identify unique lipid properties required to achieve preferential accumulation of lipidated siRNA in lungs. We will also evaluate the impact of lipid properties on cellular uptake and endosomal escape of the lipidated siRNA.

Our specific aims are: i Design and evaluate the lipid polyplex with variable structures for cellular uptake and gene silencing; ii Investigate the biodistribution of lipid-siRNA conjugates for lung accumulation; iii Evaluate antitumor efficacy in lung cancer model. The proposed research is risky, from identifying model lipid-siRNA conjugates with preferential accumulation to evaluation of antitumor efficacy in lung cancer.

The successful development of this new approach has the potential to effectively and selectively treat lung cancer with huge social and economic benefits. The cerebellum is a part of the brain responsible for diverse regulatory functions including motor control, sensorimotor adaptation, speech regulation, emotion regulation, and other functions. It is said to be involved in all behaviors of precision. By the neuronal structure of the cerebellum was completely mapped out by Nobel prize winner John Eccles and his collaborators.

Around a theory of cerebellar function emerged in which the cerebellum learns a so-called internal model of the part of the body being regulated. Unfortunately, despite important advances, researchers have not been able to find conclusive experimental proof of this theory.

After a 50 year search, there is still no consensus on cerebellar function. We are pursuing an alternative hypothesis on cerebellar function motivated by ideas from control theory.

We hypothesize that the cerebellum embodies adaptive internal models of exogenous disturbance signals acting on the body. The internal model principle of control theory says that any good controller must build an internal model of all persistent exogenous signals impinging on a control loop. This principle would suggest that cerebellar internal models regard the external world, not the body itself.

Any internal models of the body may well reside in other brain regions. By applying recently developed mathematical tools from control theory, we have modelled the cerebellum in the context of two motor systems: the oculomotor system and visuomotor adaptation. Our models recover the known behaviors of those systems, and they are consistent with the neural circuits in the brain.

There remains an overarching challenge that control theory alone cannot address. Can we find experimental evidence that the cerebellum contains internal models of the external world and not of the body? Do internal models of the body reside in other regions of the brain? Control theory and neuroscience must come together to address this challenge.

The stakes for our work could not be higher. Resolving the paradox of cerebellar function would aid medical researchers to understand important classes of brain diseases such as ataxia, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease; it would shed light on the role of other brain regions that interact with the cerebellum; and it would alleviate the dependence on primates for open-brain experiments.

If our hypothesis on cerebellar function is correct, the contribution to science would be seminal. Yet fire and life safety codes provide intransigent guidelines based on human behaviour parameters derived from young male historical datasets, with no consideration for physiological differences due to sex, wellness, age, culture or mental facility. Imagine, instead, if buildings were outfitted with intelligent Safety Companions- flexible and scientifically-grounded life safety systems designed for a range of populations.

Using an interdisciplinary approach the project’s objective is to combine our expertise in fire engineering, exercise physiology and artificial intelligence AI to develop such a Companion. The project will accomplish this objective with three steps.

First, obtain empirical data and tools for real-time assessment of key safety indicators e. To overcome this problem we will develop a novel lung system and suite of new robust sensors to measure what a human inhales in a real fire. Second, unite the novel modern fire data with human physiology to determine human responses to real fire scenarios. Specifically, the fire conditions will be replicated in humans to explore their impact while accounting for sex, age, culture and conditions.

Third, develop an AI Companion that integrates fire-human exposure models and accounts for diverse occupant physiology. Our Companion will use AI to direct evacuation via auditory, visual and kinetic cues. Our project will foster a unique interdisciplinary team linking the seldom combined fields of fire engineering, exercise physiology and AI. Our Companion has the potential to radically change fire safety and how egress models are developed for new buildings.

Success of our companion could substantially improve fire safety especially for those from more vulnerable populations who are unaccounted for in current models yet currently suffer disproportionately greater mortality and morbidity from fires.

The mechanical environment of the central nervous system CNS plays a key role in regulating axonal growth. Both overall stiffness and stiffness gradients impact growth, and it has been shown that local mechanical manipulation can alter growth patterns. Thus, an approach that could non-invasively and locally manipulate tissue stiffness in the CNS could be provide a novel avenue to direct and promote axonal growth.

In particular, in the injured CNS, where scarring results in lowered tissue stiffness, creating an environment that is mechanically more amenable to regeneration could work synergistically with chemical promotors. Focused ultrasound FUS is a novel brain therapy that is clinically approved for treating essential tremor via thermal ablation, but can elicit a wide range of permanent and reversible bioeffects depending on the exposure parameters. At low-powers, focused ultrasound in combination with intravenously administered clinical ultrasound contrast agents microbubbles can cause local, transient and reversible opening of the blood-brain and blood-spinal cord barriers, a therapeutic approach that has not only reached clinical investigations in several brain disorders, but that has been shown pre-clinically to increase neurogenesis and plasticity.

The mechanical changes occurring in the exposed tissue during this and other types of FUS treatment have never been investigated. Given the ability of ultrasound to produce controlled mechanical effects at depth in tissue with high spatial specificity, and the existing evidence that mechanical changes in the CNS environment can impact axonal growth, we posit that FUS can be developed as a tool to promote regeneration.

Specifically, we hypothesize: 1 that focused ultrasound can be used to locally modify the mechanical environment in the brain, 2 that these changes will modify patterns of axonal growth. We will test these hypotheses in rats through two specific aims:. The main outcome of this study will be the demonstration that ultrasound can be used to manipulate axonal regeneration.

This will open up an entirely new therapeutic approach for CNS regeneration with potential application in both traumatically injured and neurodegenerative patient populations.

Language is at the core of Indigenous identities, knowledge systems and world views, and is critical for well-being and social cohesion.

Yet, most Canadian Indigenous languages are nearing extinction, with little to no intergenerational language transmission. The project focuses on revitalization of lullabies and traditional ways of infant oriented speech as means of recreating language-focused intergenerational relationships. Using a multi-method approach, informed by co-design principles, this project connects elder women with younger women who often do not speak their Indigenous language.

Besides the positive impact on language development, lullabies promote emotional bonding between a child and their caregiver. We hypothesize that engaging with Indigenous lullabies will promote the sense of Indigenous identity and create additional support structures for the mothers, contributing to both maternal and infant emotional and health well-being.

We also expect positive emotional health and community benefits for older adults. The project indirectly addresses intergenerational trauma associated with language loss, often through the impact of residential schools, and proposes a restoration of intergenerational language knowledge transmission as a healing process. We propose a unique framework and methodological approach to language revitalization utilizing innovative connections between psychology and linguistics.

Specifically, we are applying a psychology-based theoretical framework, Bronfenbrenner’s socio-ecological model, which puts the infant at the center of the model and examines how a novel parenting approach promotion of traditional lullabies impact maternal, child, intergenerational and community outcomes to language revitalization.

This is novel in that: 1 we are examining the potential to build the foundation for language revitalization starting at an early development point, engaging intergenerational relationships within a community model a proactive approach ; and 2 we are adapting evidence-based parenting programs e. Starting in infancy offers a powerful window to influence healthy development and create an early foundation for language revitalization.

With its unique interdisciplinary lens and multi-method approach, the project has the potential to positively influence mother-child, intergenerational and community outcomes and relationships. However, some gastric cancers are caused by abnormal DNAme of the tumor suppressor p16, decreasing its expression. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to inhibit DNMT only at the p16 gene, so DNMTi also increase the expression of many normal genes, reducing treatment efficacy. In this proposal, DNMT inhibition will be targeted to the p16 gene to increase its expression, mitigating these problems, and in the process making a novel gastric cancer therapeutic.

TS-Apt will be delivered to gastric cancer cells using a nanoparticle delivery system NP. Increases in p16 expression, and decreases in p16 DNAme and viability will be quantified.

TS-Apt will be evaluated in a mouse xenograft model by measuring cell growth, and global and p16 specific DNAme. TS-Apt will become a novel class of anti-cancer drugs which selectively increase tumor suppressor p16 expression by inhibiting DNMT at the p16 gene using a single oligonucleotide. This will produce new treatments for gastric cancer which is the third leading cause of death from cancer. The novel interdisciplinary approach combines experts in, drug discovery, to design and test the TS-Apt, nanoparticles, to formulate TS-Apt into NP, and epigenetics, to show that the effects of TS-Apt are confined to the p16 gene.

Unfortunately, reduced building occupancy also leads to the growth of dangerous environmental microbes such as the bacteria Legionella pneumophila the causative agent of an often-deadly pneumonia, Legionnaires’ disease. Under-utilized water systems must be constantly flushed, monitored, and treated using harsh chemicals. Even with these remediations, some buildings become chronically colonized by the pathogen.

A next generation of bioremediation tools would change the dynamic and could potentially eliminate the threat of Legionella from the built environment.

We propose to identify, isolate, and engineer Legionella phages as the first step towards developing “phage therapy” for our buildings. Isolate and engineer phages in order to model bioremediation effectiveness within engineered water systems.

We know that these phages exist, but their identity can only be pieced together by way of short sequence signatures spacers left behind at CRISPR-Cas loci. To gain full utility of this knowledge, we must launch a broad search for Legionella phages in the environment.

Prospecting, whether for gold or new phages is intrinsically a high-risk, high-reward endeavour. Traditional funding streams strongly favour projects with a defined set of candidates in this case, phages in hand, thus this type of project typically goes unfunded, despite its clear benefits for society if successful. TEAM: We have assembled a team uniquely positioned to find the elusive Legionella phage: experts in microbiology, diagnostics, environmental metagenomics, and the modelling of Legionella behaviour within engineered water systems.

Our expertise is matched by a unique set of resources: environmental freshwater metagenomes and the ability to collect more and access to contaminated water samples sent for molecular testing. Key to prospecting is establishing a sustainable search – as such we will develop methodology to integrate Legionella phage detection with existing diagnostic workflows and environmental sampling.

Our experience modelling the built environment will then allow us measure the bioremediation potential of candidate phage. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacterium known for its severe pathogenicity, particularly in immune-compromised patients and those with cystic fibrosis. The increasing incidence of multidrug- resistant P.

Recently, we made a preliminary discovery that a family of compounds can effectively inhibit polyphosphate kinase PPK and attenuate biofilm formation and virulence phenotypes. However, the assays currently available are not amenable to efficient and sensitive screening of antivirulence drug candidates in vivo.

To solve this dilemma, we will develop and test a novel, double layer cantilever microsensor with a functionalized surface to measure pyoverdine levels a surrogate for PPK inhibitor potency. This microsensor will be coupled with electrokinetics electrically charged fluids for assessing drug efficacy with exceptionally high sensitivity and selectivity.

Using this advanced technology, we aim to further screen PPK inhibitor candidates and develop a structure-activity relationship SAR. SAR will facilitate our efforts to improve PPK inhibitor structures and obtain optimized antivirulence drug. If successful, this will be the first antivirulence drug ever developed based on PPK inhibition. PPK is an attractive drug target because its inhibition will unlikely result in antibiotic resistance.

The proposed microsensor has never been designed and developed before and will offer a very effective and economic method for evaluating the efficacy of a PPK drug. The collaboration of two distinct disciplines biomedical research and mechanical engineering in a new way is necessary if we are to meet our objectives. Discovering a PPK antivirulence drug that can treat a P. In addition, the microsensor technology will offer a practical and sensitive means to guide future drug design efforts. For example, transplanting bacteria from long-term pancreatic cancer survivors into mice with pancreatic tumours can reduce tumour growth.

These bacteria influenced the properties of immune cells in the tumour and changed the types of bacterial communities found in the tumour which differ from the bacteria present in the gut. This phenomenon offers an exciting opportunity to improve current cancer therapies, but exactly how certain gut bacteria influence tumours and the immune responses are not understood. A major challenge in understanding tumour-bacteria interactions is a lack of lab-based experimental systems that can accurately and reproducibly reflect the biology of human tumours and their microbiomes, while also allowing a detailed molecular analysis.

The objective of this project is to use newly developed tissue engineering approaches to create and mix different combinations of microbiomes and tumours in a dish that will allow us to study the interaction between a patient’s microbiome and their tumour in the lab. Establish a tissue-engineered based method to create hundreds of unique bacterial communities in a dish and quantify the resulting properties of each community.

Establish a scalable protocol to mix engineered tumours in a dish with products secreted from different bacterial communities to determine the impact of gut microbiome on tumour cell properties. Establish a method to culture bacteria from tumours in engineered tumours in a dish to study the interactions between bacteria and tumour cells.

Knowledge generated here may help us i stratify high risk patients on the basis of what bacteria they carry, ii predict patient response to therapy, iii improve patient response to standard-of-care therapies by modulation of the microbiome, and iv monitor disease progression. This project will also provide new fundamental knowledge about how the composition, organization and surrounding environment of bacterial communities influences their properties and behaviour over time.

They are commonly caused by blockage of the blood flow, which happens when atherosclerotic plaque build-up on the wall of the blood vessels triggers the formation of blood clots. Pathologists study the morphology of plaques to understand what kinds of structure are more likely to pull the trigger. The well-recognized “vulnerable plaques” have enlarged necrotic cores capped by a thin layer s of cells. However, this is not a “one-size-fits-all” feature.

In women, more than twice as many blood clots are triggered by plaques having a thick cap. How to identify the real “vulnerable plaques” remains a puzzle. We need to go beyond the reliance on morphology and incorporate Omics data when analyzing histology images. We challenge the traditional morphology-based prediction and hypothesize that underneath the many faces of plaque morphology, it is essentially the combination of disease-related biological processes, and where they are located in the plaques that decide the vulnerabilities.

This project stands at the interface between bioinformatics and digital pathology, aiming to establish a novel model to solve the problems within each discipline: 1 One can analyze gene networks of the entire tissue, but cannot translate them to biological processes without tissue orientation; and 2 The other can define the distribution patterns of pixels in tissue images. However, each pixel does not carry information of gene networks from specific cell phenotypes, and each image represents one section of the tissue.

OBJECTIVE: Create a pipeline that converts disease-related gene networks to pixels in the digital images of plaque sections, followed by spatial analysis to identify their distribution patterns correlated with cardiovascular events. Our team will develop multimodal integration methods to align data from single cell RNA-sequencing and spatial gene expression, in a way to capsule disease-related genes into different microregions across a plaque section.

We can then interpret biological processes in the tissue context. Each microregion, now representing disease-related biological processes, will be analyzed as pixels to determine their distribution patterns correlated with patients’ clinical records of cardiovascular events.

This exploration is the first step towards our long-term goal of developing better methods to identify high risk patients. This interdisciplinary team of experts in brain tumors and soft electronics will use in vivo cell-targeted optogenetics for stimulation of selected brain cells.

We utilize two unique pairs of patient-derived GBM stem cell models exhibiting two different molecular mechanisms of TMZ resistance plus their TMZ sensitive parental lines.

Stereotactic injection of virus for cell-type specific expression of channelrhodopsin-2 CRP2 into the right striatum establishes an optogenetics recipient brain in immunocompromised mice. This probe is connected to a wireless, battery-free subdermal implant and enables extended untethered operations in freely moving mice. Externally controlled optogenetic stimulation of CRP2 expressing cell populations in the tumor microenvironment commences two weeks after xenografting and coincides with the start of TMZ treatment.

Served as temporary on call employee at a variety of job locations as manual laborer completing all job assignments as required. Provided manual labor in loading materials onto trucks as well as unloading when new materials came in. Recyclable Materials. Here’s how recyclable materials is used on recycler resumes: Worked in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment, converting recyclable materials into marketable commodities.

Exhibit the ability to distinguish between various recyclable materials. Separate refuse from recyclable materials.

Operated an industrial plastic grinding machine, to break down defective products, in order to recycle the plastic. Manage Recycle groups for seven counties in mid Michigan, and pick up recyclable items from members.

Safety Rules. Cardboard Boxes. Here’s how cardboard boxes is used on recycler resumes: Used and drove boxed truck and commercial van to pick up cardboard boxes and other recycled items. Placed old cardboard boxes onto a conveyor belt to be shredded and bulked.

Placed cardboard boxes into a compactor so that it can be properly disposed. Waste Materials. Here’s how waste materials is used on recycler resumes: Increased the amount of recovered recyclables at a federally operated facility, significantly decreasing waste material. Teamed with recycling team, collected, separated, and compacted recyclable waste materials in KU Lawrence campus. Operate machines and equipment to remove, package, store, or transport loads of waste materials.

Transport and dispose waste materials to assigned disposal areas. Routine Maintenance. Here’s how routine maintenance is used on recycler resumes: Cleaned, inspected and lubricated recyclable collection equipment or perform routine maintenance or minor repairs on recycling equipment. Cleaned, inspected, and lubricated recyclable construction equipment and performed routine maintenance. Performed routine maintenance and daily inspections on baler equipment. Perform routine maintenance on machinery.

Perform routine maintenance on the baling machinery and remove obstructions in the cyclone as needed. Sales Floor. Here’s how sales floor is used on recycler resumes: Organize and maintain merchandise in stockrooms, sales floor, and shelves. Assist with customer inquiries about products on sales floor and by telephone.

Plastic Bottles. Here’s how plastic bottles is used on recycler resumes: Gather aluminum cans and plastic bottles. Stored aluminum cans, plastic bottles, cardboard, and glass bottles in proper storage container. Receive cans, plastic bottles. Assembly Line. Worked on an Industrial assembly line making polyurethane fabric. Different Types.

Here’s how different types is used on recycler resumes: Handled and separated different types of material for the purpose of recycling. Remove Hard drives from multiple computers and various different types of electronics.

Sorted and cleaned different types of metalLoaded and unloaded metal from trucks Cut different types of alloys with hot saw. Learned different types of lumber. Here’s how ran is used on recycler resumes: Recycled cans ran a beller. Operated large grinders, ran high heat ovens, inspected and painted parts, packaging.

Handled parts that ran off conveyors and are sent for painting. Operated forklift to load and unload pallets, ran baler to compact the recycled cardboard and stack the bales. Here’s how bobcat is used on recycler resumes: work with forklifts, Cat Caterpillars and Bobcats. Operated light duty machinery forklift, bobcat, etc. Sorted recycling and operated a front loading bobcat and forklift.

Here’s how communication is used on recycler resumes: Recycled electronics: include computers, monitors, telephone systems, communication equipment, etc. Use assigned communication equipment to effectively communicate with excavators, utility reps, and company personnel, regarding underground facilities. Displayed responsibility in keeping in contact with managers at temporary agency keeping a constant flow of communication. Show More Skills. What skills help Recyclers find jobs?

Get Started. The eight most common skills based on Recycler resumes in Find which skills are in demand Find Skills. Jobs With Trending Skills. Search jobs near in the US. Little to no experience required. Part Time Jobs Hiring Now. Recycler jobs added within last 7 days. Search jobs with no degree required.

Build My Resume Now. Jerry Rose. Wire harnessing Some cleaning of refrigerators My goal is to help assemble refrigerators on an assembly line a day Operated, repaired and maintained mill equipment, prepared lumber for shipments. Utilized commercial manuals to perform maintenance on all types of woodworking equipment and heavy machinery. Mill Work. High School Diploma. Contact Info.

Indianapolis, IN. Employment History. Worked on assembly lines, operated cello machines, packing, palletizing and area clean-up after work was completed. Worked hand trucks, hand jacks and forklifts.

Operated heavy equipment such as backhoe, forklift and wheel loader. Operated, repaired and maintained mill equipment, prepared lumber for shipments.

Cleaning Crew Member. Sanitized bathrooms, showers and locker rooms. Replenish supplies such as paper towels, toilet tissues, and soap; request supplies and equipment as needed.

Scrub and wax floors according to schedule. Vincent Rice. Recycler – Present. Recycler – Cleaning Crew Member – High School Diploma – Create My Resume. Create My Resume Now. Aluminum Cans Heavy Machinery Bailers.



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What exactly does a government resume look like? How can I better sell my skills and abilities for that job I really want? Explore these USAjobs tips and tricks in building an effective government resume. Federal jobs often require that you have experience in a particular type of work for a certain period of time. You must show how your skills and experiences meet the qualifications and requirements listed in the job announcement to be considered for the job. Make sure you include volunteer work or your role in community organizations that demonstrate your ability to do the job.

Use numbers, percentages or dollars to highlight your accomplishments. You can find this information in your performance reviews, previous job descriptions, awards and letters of recommendation. You should tailor your resume to the job announcement rather than sending out the same resume for every job. Customizing your resume helps you match your competencies, knowledge, skills, abilities and experience to the requirements for each job.

Use similar terms and address every required qualification. Your experience needs to address every required qualification in the job announcement. Hiring agencies often receive dozens or even hundreds of resumes for certain positions. Hiring managers quickly skim through submissions and eliminate candidates who clearly are not qualified. Write a Review Cancel Review. You must be logged in to post a comment. View answers to Frequently Asked Questions, discuss your questions with colleagues in The Commons, or contact a site administrator.

Skip to content Rating:. Tip 1: Review the job announcement carefully. For each work experience you list, make sure you include: Start and end dates including the month and year. The number of hours you worked per week. The level and amount of experience—for instance, whether you served as a project manager or a team member helps to illustrate your level of experience.

Examples of relevant experiences and accomplishments that prove you can perform the tasks at the level required for the job as stated in the job announcement.

Your experience needs to address every required qualification. Tip 2: Highlight your experience and accomplishments. When explaining your accomplishments: Include examples of how you saved money, earned money, or managed money. Include examples of how you saved or managed time. Tip 3: Customize your resume. Tip 4: Organize your resume to make it easy to understand.

Use reverse chronological order to list your experience. Start with your most recent experience first and work your way back. Provide greater detail for experience that is relevant to the job for which you are applying. Show all experiences and accomplishments under the job in which you earned it.

This helps agencies determine the amount of experience you have with that particular skill. Use either bullet or paragraph format to describe your experiences and accomplishments.

Use plain language— avoid using acronyms and terms that are not easily understood. Tip 5: Be concise. Look at your resume and ask: Can a hiring manager see my main credentials within 10 to 15 seconds? Does critical information jump off the page? Do I effectively sell myself on the top quarter of the first page? Review your resume before you apply Check your resume for spelling and grammatical errors and have someone else, with a good eye for detail, review your resume. Write a Review Cancel Review You must be logged in to post a comment.

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Before you start creating a brand new resume to apply for a federal government position, you need to choose the way to build it. The former has a number of advantages over the latter. It will make searching and evaluating your resume easier for federal human resources specialists. Second, the resume builder allows you to duplicate your resume, which is very helpful when you need to upgrade the document or tailor it to a specific position. Offering you to use its federal resume builder, USAJOBS provide you with a professional resume writing instrument, which is worth trying out.

For your resume to be searchable and efficient, take your time to learn the subtleties of the federal resume builder USAJOBS has created. We have come up with the top 4 tips that will help you avoid the common mistakes that often prevent the candidates from being recognized as qualified for the job.

Read the announcement carefully! Before appl ying for a position, go to the Qualifications section in the vacancy announcement and preview the vacancy announcement questions.

And more detailed Qualifications list for a Strategic Marketing Analyst position :. As we can see, Qualifications requirements may vary depending on GS position, education, expert level skills or other specific knowledge relevant to a job announcement. So make sure to select a corresponding answer to each question prior to appl ying for a job posting. This is indeed a tedious task but it is totally worth the effort. Although having similar titles, the different job announcement will be using different keywords to describe their requirements for the candidate.

Keep your resume brief, describe your work experience and education relevant to the position you apply for. The advantage of the resume builder is that you get a consistent federal cv, which can be found by a recruiter using a keyword search. Building a resume that is perfectly in tune with the specific announcement will help your application score more points in the competition.

It is true that a resume should normally be kept brief but with the federal government resumes, it is all about the perfect balance between being concise and being informative. This shows how literally complete your resume is. Proofread Believe it or not but such an obvious step in the resume writing process is often neglected by the applicants.

Typographical errors, not to speak of grammatical and spelling mistakes, will seriously impair the impressions of the federal HR specialist even about a seemingly perfect resume. This will train you to be more critical and attentive when you start building your own federal resume.

We provide all the necessary basic technicalities of the resume building process. If you have a vague idea about what to write in each section, we highly recommend examining at least one USAJOBS resume builder example to see how a well-built final document should look like.

Still unsure about how to make federal resume? Your email address will not be published. Searching for Jobs 1. Do Not Leave Blank Fields. Share this Post. Daniella Henderson Daniella knows all ins and outs of the federal hiring process. She is excellent at job hunting strategies, starting from federal resume writing to the final stage of interview conduction.

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