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Too often such societies fail to live up to their promise, and too often minorities do not enjoy the same privileges as the majority. From socio-economic disadvantage to discrimination, there is much to be done to right the wrongs that still exist in liberal democratic countries. But this is a debate that democracy allows.

There is only so much that can be improved or achieved under autocratic governments which, by their very nature, stifle dissent and deny basic rights and freedoms. Those who define the agenda of global citizenship should examine, if not recognize, the importance of liberal democratic governance and principles to achieve the goals of global citizenship. When global citizenship is taught in the classroom and elsewhere, such instruction should explore the role of liberal democracy in promoting global citizenship.

We cannot lose sight of the effects of systemic, cross-national deprivation of human and civil rights. It is hard to see how we can achieve all of the aspirations of global citizenship—including diversity, non-discrimination, and social justice to name a few —without the success and acceptance of core liberal democratic values for generations to come. Alliance of Democracies Democracy Perception Index Biden, J. Remarks by President Biden in press conference [Transcript]. Brigham, M.

Creating a global citizen and assessing outcomes. Brown, E. Education, citizenship and new public diplomacy in the UK: What is their relationship? Citizenship, Social and Economics Education , 8 2 , Chong, E. Asian Education and Development Studies , 4 2 , Davies, I.

Globalising citizenship education? British Journal of Educational Studies , 53 1 , Diaz, C. Global perspectives for educators. Evans, M. Citizenship Teaching and Learning , 5 2 , Fernekes, W. Global citizenship education and human rights education: Are they compatible with U. Journal of International Social Studies , 6 2 , Foa, R. The danger of deconsolidation: The democratic disconnect. Journal of Democracy , 27 3 , Frayer, J.

Retrieved from. Guterres, A. Address to the General Assembly [Transcript]. Halewood, M. What kind of goods are plant genetic resources for food and agriculture? Towards the identification and development of a new global commons.

International Journal of the Commons , 7 2 , Macron, E. Mascaro, L. Pro-Trump mob storms US Capitol in bid to overturn election. Motani, Y. The emergence of global citizenship education in Japan. Levinson Eds. Myers, J. Research on teaching global issues: Pedagogy for global citizenship education. Information Age Publishing. Noddings, N. Educating citizens for global awareness. Teachers College Press.

Obama, B. Education for global citizenship: A guide for schools. Repucci, S. Freedom in the world A leaderless struggle for democracy. Freedom in the world Democracy under siege. Reysen, S. A model of global citizenship: Antecedents and outcomes. International Journal of Psychology , 48 5 , Streck, C.

The Paris Agreement: A new beginning. Strege, M. Universal human rights and declaration. The Economist Intelligence Unit. Democracy index Free speech under attack. Democracy index In sickness and in health? Global citizenship education: Preparing learners for the challenges of the 21st century. Global citizenship education: Topics and learning objectives. United Nations General Assembly. Transforming our world: The agenda for sustainable development. Wike, R. Many across the globe are dissatisfied with how democracy is working.

Things like the Culper Spy Ring, the use of invisible ink and secret codes, the American Turtle submarine 9yes there was a submarine that worked during the American Revolution , top-secret gunpowder factories gun powder was such a precious commodity the patriots had to have secret factories and every-day patriots who went on covert missions to help the cause of liberty.

I never discovered these truths until my own research into this time period as an adult. The Great Chain at West Point had an important mission. General Washington needed to prevent the British from taking control of the Hudson River and splitting the American colonies. Washington and the Continental Congress were not going to let that happen! They needed to keep the British fleet in New York, so they financed a giant chain to be forged and installed across the Hudson River at West Point—and it worked!

The chain was installed on April 30, It took 40 men four days to install it. The chain was supported by a bridge of waterproofed logs, like connected rafts that stretched across the river. There was a clever system of pulleys, rollers, and ropes, and midstream, there were anchors to adjust the tension to overcome currents and tides. Creative, right? It was certainly a special project of his — so much so that when they decided to take it down, Washington had to be on hand to oversee the operation himself.

Army, West Point, wrote the following to his wife about General Washington:. As assistant to Colonel Pickering, I got to sit in on all meetings and see the leaders at work. Colonel Pickering is so very calm, which I believe he has learned from General Washington.

General Washington took his entire staff down to River Bank to the chain emplacement and oversaw the removal of the chain personally. It took the entire afternoon and evening by torchlight to get the chain onto the shore and it was none too soon as the river had ice floating in it as we finished up last night.

General Washington is always at his best when riding. He becomes more animated and actually talks to almost everyone. Patriots, Redcoats and Spies , the first book in the series, features an adventure around an urgent spy letter from the Culper spy ring that needs to be delivered to General Washington. The stories were created by Robert and his father, Robert A. Skead now years-old to inspire readers to do great things and celebrate the creativity of colonial patriots.

The Skeads are members of the Sons of the American Revolution. Their ancestor, Lamberton Clark, one of the main characters in the stories, served in the Revolutionary War as a member of the Connecticut Militia and the Continental Army. Discover more at www.

Does China Make the World Flat? This exchange is the end of dimension one from the C3 unit titled Ancient China. In How We Think , Dewey discusses how important inquiry is to children. He stressed that children need to learn by doing and trying different things not just memorizing and repeating the information to the teacher. Inquiry is simply, investigating.

In social studies, teachers should set up lessons of inquiry to include diverse historical content and let students ask questions, then investigate to find the answers. Once a student has a firm foundation of the content, they can then begin to start connecting the past to the present. They may start to ask questions about their own community after learning about civil rights concerning injustice, voting rights in the community, or lack of representation on city council.

Once that connection is made, students need guidance to develop skills to research, answer questions, and learn how, for example, to start a grassroots campaign for change. The framework uses concepts, facts, tools, disciplinary and content literacies to successfully complete an inquiry in a social studies classroom p. It consists of four dimensions that build an inquiry arc and move the students through questioning, content, evaluation of sources, and eventual action to make change. Studying social studies, especially the four content areas highlighted in dimension two history, civics, economics, geography , show students that the precepts of democracy have not applied to all people in their history book.

This connection is key to inquiry. The C3 contains an inquiry arc and consists of four dimensions and subsections of those dimensions. The first dimension develops two types of questions, compelling and supporting.

Questioning is a main component of inquiry and allows students to develop both styles of questions to increase critical thinking and knowledge of content. Dimension two is the mainstay of the framework and encourages multidisciplinary history, civics, geography, and economics content literacy to emerge. Students use relevant sources, in dimension three, to develop claims and counterclaims while dimension four supports inquiry and disciplinary literacy by retrieving and analyzing data, answering student developed questions, communicating conclusions, and taking informed action.

Moving the students through these four dimensions can teach democratic skills and hopefully develop a more skilled, active, and responsible citizen. This dimension is instructing students to answer and develop questions that are compelling and supporting. A compelling question consists of a long-lasting issue, such as war, civil rights, or privacy while supporting questions include extracting answers from a source, finding definitions, or establishing a series of steps. Step 1: Selection of content.

As the title suggests, content is the first step to beginning dimension one. Gather the curriculum map, state standards, objectives, and premade unit or specific stand-alone topic to begin the C3 and develop dimension one. Using the objectives, begin to create a compelling question and supporting questions for the unit.

Both are used throughout the C3 to develop students thinking and give substance to the essay written after dimension four. Step 2: The compelling question and supporting questions. From experience, creating a compelling question that has an element of good confusion gets the students to think.

Students will use their textbooks, appropriate internet sources, etc. The teachers will facilitate this activity and fill in gaps of content when necessary. Concerning compelling questions, the goal is not to have a textbook cookie cutter answer that all the students cut and paste from their notes or from an internet section of content. The goal is for students to be able to answer yes or no and then develop their argument using sources that are given or gathered throughout the C3.

There is no correct answer, only evidenced based answers. Compelling questions are asked after every dimension as a formative assessment to gather information about the students learning of the content and sources. At the end of dimension four, the compelling question essay is the summative or the authentic assessment.

Step 3: The hook. After the compelling question is designed, the teacher needs a hook to get the students interested in the unit topic. Hooks can look different depending on the topic or content objectives pulled from the curriculum map.

Usually, the hook relates to the compelling question in some aspect. The goal is to spark interest in a topic and connect it to the compelling question. For example, to start a Cold War C3, one teacher used gamification to begin the unit where students became CIA agents trying to catch a Soviet sleeper agent in the United States.

The goal was to get the students to feel stress and tension while going through the gamification CIA missions. Dimension Two is applying disciplinary concepts and tools using the four disciplines of history, geography, civics, and economics. Step 1: Gather curricular and conceptual content. Since each state and district is different, gather what you need for your unit. If you need to take the state standards and develop goals, objectives, etc.

Step 2: Disciplines. Once you have what you need, make sure that the unit covers the four main disciplines of history, geography, civics, and economics inside the unit. Step 3: Create dimension two unit and lessons.

Dimension Two is designed for the teacher to use content literacy to teach the facts, generalizations, concepts, etc. Teachers can use pre-made units containing different instructional strategies and activities for students to accomplish the objectives. Remember to include all disciplines in the content.

Step 4 Assessment. At this time in the C3, give the students a content assessment. This could be your own test from the pre-made unit or the common assessment used by your data team. This dimension is skill based by evaluating sources and using evidence. Students use the questions from dimension one to gather and evaluate sources that help answer those questions. After this is complete, students will develop claims arguments and counterclaims arguments using the evidence to support those claims.

Students develop their own supporting questions and begin to gather evidence asking those questions along the way. This allows them to progress through the inquiry and begin to develop solutions to a problem they see in the community.

Dimension three and four are student centered where the teacher becomes a facilitator. Step 1: The primary sources and skill sets. Prior to evaluating the primary sources, teachers need to start with historical thinking skills of sourcing, close read, annotation, contextualization, and corroboration. Teacher tip : teach these skills at the beginning of the school year for students to use in every C3.

Step 2: Evidence. After students have mastered the historical thinking skills, the teacher will transition to dimension three by gathering resources for a balanced set of evidence or have a list of appropriate texts and websites for research. Focusing on the content from dimension two and the new sources presented or collected, the teacher will take a facilitator role asking students questions when students get in a bind, rather than giving any answers.

Step 3: Writing an essay or other type of authentic assessment. After completion of dimensions one through three, students are ready to write an essay authentic assessment about what their claim is to the compelling question and use evidence found and connect content from dimension two.

Many different methods can be found to help the students complete the essay but one, has been efficient in working with the C3 framework and is called the P. Civic engagement is a very important part for students to encounter as a developing citizen. Dimension four is the authentic assessment for students to communicate conclusions and take informed action.

In dimension four, the students usually show the connections from dimension two, curricular and conceptual concepts, to today and their own lives. Then they develop a plan and act on that plan to solve a problem they found with the school or local community. The teacher continues to facilitate during this dimension as the students gain agency and sophistication to solve problems in a democracy.

Step 1: The essay and then the issue. Have the students discuss this in small groups, like Think, Pair, Share, four-to-five-member small groups, or as a whole class discussion. The teacher, only a facilitator, lists the issues on the board, and all are considered equal. Students discuss and narrow down the list of issues to one that works within school policy, time frames, COVID-policies, etc. For example, the seventh-grade class studying Ancient China decided that the world was flat because of globalization and trade as far back as the Silk Roads.

Students began to learn about economics and sweat shops in China. After doing research, they wanted to bring the issues of unfair wages, bad working conditions, and child labor of sweatshops in China to their community. Step 2 Research, creating a plan, communicating conclusions, and implementing action. After the students have decided on an issue, they need to research the issue.

Using dimensions two and three as a format, the students need to create a compelling and supporting questions concerning their issue. This needs to be written in another P.

L because it will be shared to groups or individuals that are stakeholders. Then the students need to implement the action. For example, the seventh graders found what fair trade meant, how to find fair trade businesses and then began to list clothing they wore, stores they shopped at, and business in the town. They then researched to see if these were fair trade or not. After finding the answers, the class wrote a P. L and presented it to the teacher and principal. The P. L described their compelling question and gave evidence of why they needed to create a public service announcement PSA for the community concerning fair trade.

Due to restrictions, the students decided to communicate through social media and tagged all the fair-trade companies for consumers to consider.

Why Vote? This bulletin is the perfect guide to assist teachers in making the space to practice inquiry and for students to develop an action plan and follow through to make change.

These C3 topics can be implemented in pre-made units or as stand-alone C3s to enhance a topic taught in the social studies classroom. A course taught at a midwestern university incorporates a chapter from this text to teach future social studies teachers how to implement the C3 Framework into units and practice the inquiry during a mid-level teaching observation and student teaching requirement.

Student and first year teachers from the program have adapted this framework and taught it from middle school through high school.

The chapter is titled Why Vote? The chapter moves the students through the four dimensions of the C3 Framework to answer the compelling question: Why Vote? The next few paragraphs will take the reader through the C3 as it was taught in the methods course and then in seventh through twelfth grade classrooms by graduates of the program. Dimension One begins with a bell ringer on the first day of the unit titled Civil Rights.

On the screen, a picture of two young men is shown to the students. The picture is black and white and shows one with his face painted white with VOTE on his forehead with the other standing behind him, holding an American flag. The students are asked to fill in a graphic organizer about the photograph.

Then the students are asked to source the photograph. After finding the answer using a search engine, a grand conversation begins to discuss key questions about the photograph and the compelling question is displayed at the end of the class.

The teacher facilitates another grand conversation, instructing the students to develop another graphic organizer to help map out the compelling question: Why Vote? Dimension Two consists of learning stations and curricular content. Teachers teach the local and state standards regarding the Civil Rights unit. This content is connected to examples from today about civil rights and voting through learning stations.

The teacher uses primary sources to connect the past to the present. Dimension Three is more student centered. Students begin to ask other questions in addition to Why Vote? One of the most popular questions is: why do people not vote? This requires students to search for the answer to this question using data from different governmental sources.

Then to check this data, the students create their own data set from the community they live in. From the data set, other supporting and compelling questions arise, and the students begin to find problems about voting in their community. The students write an essay answering the compelling question. Students develop an action plan and carry it out after completing dimension four communicating the conclusions found through their inquiry.

The students then carry out their plan that answered the question: Why Vote? Although the paragraphs seem to make the inquiry simple and quick, it is not. Inquiry is messy and sometimes very frustrating. Some questions that arise are hard to answer or cannot be answered. Students must have the space and time to follow the inquiry to the end. This does take many days but with the right amount of planning it will fit with pre-made units already in the curriculum.

As a side note, from the many classrooms I have observed, including my own, when this framework is presented, the middle or high school students love it. They get very excited to see their plan take root and feel pride in their accomplishments as developing citizens. They also learn to compromise and evaluate their own thinking and work with others. It is a truly a collaborative process. A hard process, a learning process, but a very rewarding process.

C3 is an inquiry framework from NCSS that takes the students through a hook of interest to implementation of action in four dimensions. Through the process, students learn a variety of historical thinking skills, collaboration, resilience, evaluation, writing, and how to develop questions and research answers.

Having the students move through this process is what Dewey may have envisioned in How We Think. Getting the students attention, teaching content, facilitating student learning, and watching students complete a plan of action to implement it can be the spark students need to develop as a citizen and start to make change in home town communities.

Herczog, M. Historical Thinking Skills. L paragraph. National Council for the Social Studies. Background: Short History of Civic Education. Public schools were established with the goal of creating informed citizens.

Civic literacy was seen as essential to maintaining a representative democracy and the schools were viewed as the place for young people to learn about their government. Until the s, it was common for schools to have civics courses in upper elementary and middle school classes, as well as a separate, required course in civics and government in high school. By the s, the civic mission of schools was basically abandoned in favor of preparing a new generation of skilled workers.

The No Child Left Behind Act in accelerated this push with the hope that test scores in reading and math would predict and improve college and workplace performance. Meanwhile, national assessments have shown how little our young people know about government or the role of a citizen in a democracy. While math and reading skills have improved since , less than a quarter of students demonstrated proficiency on the National Assessment of Educational Progress NAEP in Civics in , , , or Yet, for example, in , only 50 percent of eighth grade students understood that the U.

Congress has the primary legislative power to pass bills. With funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, a nationwide coalition to study and reinvigorate the civic mission of schools was formed in By , thirty states had a required civics course.

But, there was no requirement for civics at any grade level in New Jersey. It was left to local discretion. With funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Fund for New Jersey, a New Jersey Coalition to Support the Civic Mission of Schools the Coalition —a statewide partnership of educators, parents, school administrators, business leaders, legislators and others interested in the future of our civic education and our democracy—was created.

Several statewide conferences were held resulting in the recommendation that all New Jersey public school districts be required to have a course of study in civics. Only three states Utah, Missouri and Tennessee required a semester of financial literacy at the time, while 18 other states required that personal finance be incorporated into other subjects.

The State Board of Education added a semester of financial literacy to the high school requirements but did not include a semester of civics. After further discussion, the Coalition concluded that perhaps the better place for a required civics course was in middle school. By age 11 or 12 sixth or seventh grade , students have the ability to do the higher order thinking necessary for a rigorous, relevant, reflective course in civics, and students at this age are more open to attitudinal changes than at older ages.

By , forty other states had a required course in civics. The Center argued that the social studies standards were written within a chronology, and that many basic civic concepts such as the purpose of government, the basis of authority and its abuse, privacy, judicial review, the common good, and enlightened self-interest were not included within the historical framework of standard 6. However, once it was clear that Governor Christie did not support the idea, the bill was no longer pursued by its legislative sponsors.

Meanwhile, as the center in American politics seemed to split into two warring factions and faith in government plummeted, the momentum to promote and reinvigorate the civic mission of schools as a response was building both nationally and in New Jersey, with numerous articles in newspapers and law and policy reviews. In , Senator Shirley Turner introduced a bill to require a course of study in civics in middle schools.

Other legislators were concerned that civic education should not end in middle school. Senator Troy Singleton had introduced a bill to require that civics be taught in high school. The Center noted that N. To address both the middle and high school concerns, the two bills were merged into a substitute bill, S, sponsored by Senators Turner, Singleton and numerous other cosponsors, to require a course in civics in middle school beginning with the school year and directing the Center to provide professional development and resources for middle AND high school teachers.

Civics must be more than how government functions. Civic education is seen by Americans of all political stripes as the most positive and impactful lever to strengthen national identity. However, while 42 states New Jersey will make it 43 require at least one civics course, few incorporate proven pedagogical principles like classroom-based deliberation and decision-making, critical discussion of current events, simulations of democratic processes, guided debates and deliberations, project-based learning, service learning or media literacy.

The goal, however, is not simply content knowledge about how government works, but also an understanding of the values and ideals that underlie our system of government, and, probably most importantly, the role of the citizen in a democratic society. The focus is on developing critical thinking skills and civic dispositions in addition to civic knowledge, consistent with many of the student performance expectations in the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, which are also to go into effect starting in September If the goal is for our young people to become informed, active citizens, they need instruction about how government functions and about the role of the citizen, political participation and deliberation, democratic principles, and civic mindedness.

Our young people need to develop critical thinking skills so that they know how to examine and evaluate evidence to determine what supports fact-based truth. They need to develop communication skills so that they are able to civilly discuss controversial issues and to influence public policy.

Our future citizens need to develop civic dispositions so that they appreciate WHY they should be involved in influencing public policy for the common good. To achieve this goal, the Center has prepared an Inquiry Framework of questions to guide the development of a middle school civics curriculum. Links to suggested lessons, classrooms activities and resources are being added over the summer, with professional development to begin in August and continue through and into the future.

Developing a suggested curriculum guide integrating civics, economics, and New Jersey history and government into the required U.

History course in high school will begin in the fall of A robust civics education program that provides the skills for every student to be able to negotiate life, work and government offers the best promise for equality and justice for all.

New Jersey can be at the forefront of reimagining civic learning for the 21 st century. Join us in this endeavor! How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. The New Jersey Department of Education has taken an important step in avoiding a climate disaster. Beginning in September , every New Jersey student in Grades K will be studying the causes and effects of climate change in their community, state, nation, and world.

In Social Studies classes, students will be researching, debating, proposing, and implementing solutions to reduce their carbon foot print, propose strategies for a sustainable environment in their schools and community, propose solutions at the state and national level, and collaborate with students and professionals in other countries about global initiatives.

The goal of changing behavior at this critical time is to educate students with an interdisciplinary model and approaches in all disciplines. Bill Gates focuses on solutions to the impending climate crises regarding the harms of the 51,,, billion tons of greenhouse gases that 7,,, billion people contribute to every year! Although on the average this is 70 tons a day, the per person contribution is significantly higher in the United States, New Jersey, and some other countries. Europe has a plan to become the first continent to become carbon neutral in 30 years.

And could Europe become the first climate-neutral continent? World Economic Forum weforum. The first application in How to Avoid a Climate Disaster is with the metaphors that will help students in the elementary grades to understand the effects of global warming. For example: Imagine a bathtub of water with the drain closed that is slowly filling up with water. What will eventually happen? What will be the damage to the room or house?

Why is it not enough to slow the amount of water filling up the bathtub? Imagine sitting in a car with the sun shining on the glass windows. What happens to the temperature inside the car? Will opening the window half an inch make the car safe for passengers? Why is the temperature of the earth increasing every year? What will be the result if it continues to increase? Teachers will find valuable resources for teaching young children how electricity and cars contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

For younger children, teachers need to help their students understand how much electricity megawatts and kilowatts one family contributes. The average home uses 28 kilowatt hours of electricity per day. For example, my electric bill stated that our home consumed kilowatt hours over 28 days or 23 kilowatt hours per day.

Ask your students to identify everything in their apartment of home that uses electricity. Then compare kilowatts to a cup or glass of water that would be emptied into a sink or tub with the drain closed. Have your students explain the effects of increasing and decreasing the amount of electricity consumed. The more electricity used and the more people using electricity will generate additional greenhouse gases that will harm the environment.

Another important understanding for younger children is to understand that each item they identify as using electricity uses different amounts of energy. For example, a light bulb might use 40 watts but the hair dryer uses 1, The critical application for younger students is to understand that by reducing the amount of electricity consumed helps the environment. In this context, teachers should scaffold to a higher conceptual level by understanding the impacts of more people in the home, community, and world.

Reducing greenhouse gases is very difficult which is why understanding that everything we do and everything we produce has a harmful effect on our planet. The second application is the useful information to support middle school student debates on the solutions to reduce greenhouse gases at the local, state, and national levels. Middle school students should understand how human activity is accelerating climate changes by warmer temperatures.

The technology of renewable sources, i. However, the cost, amount of space needed to produce energy for a city, and the durability of the equipment are important areas for student research, problem-solving, and debate. In the United States we have replaced energy several times over the past century. Many homes have fire places but wood burns quickly and heat is lost through the chimney.

Coal and oil were more efficient resources to heat homes. They were eventually replaced in many homes with natural or propane gas. In the s and s the government supported high-powered transmission lines for electricity and underground pipes for natural gas. In the s we transitioned from leaded gasoline to a more expensive grade of unleaded fuel. Understanding the processes of continuity and change over time for how people live is critical to understanding the societal costs of inexpensive fossil fuels.

In Zurich, Switzerland there is a DAC direct air capture facility operated by Climeworks which can remove or absorb carbon from the atmosphere as it is released. The United States has a per person carbon footprint of 15 tons per person.

There are interesting hypothetical scenarios in How to Avoid a Climate Disaster regarding a place near Seattle or a large city the size of Tokyo. In these scenarios, students will find enough information for them to ask probing questions or search for more research regarding the average number of days with sunlight or wind speeds, the impact of severe weather, the amount of space on land or in water to build an energy farm, the costs to transmit electricity over long distances, and how to store sufficient power for evenings and when energy supplies are less than what is demanded.

Another interesting topic for middle school students to debate or discuss is the impact of electric vehicles on home energy supplies. Students need to consider the impact of charging multiple vehicles per household and in a city with high-rise apartments. The book also provides basic information that should motivate students to research the technologies of fusion, batteries, and nuclear power.

Is fusion the magical answer for our goal of zero carbon emissions? Teachers will find empirical evidence in this book regarding current technology and experiments which are essential when teaching students how to support their claims and arguments with evidence. The third application is for high school students to determine proposals for reducing the one-third of greenhouse gas emissions that come from producing plastics, cement, and fertilizers. The media focuses on emissions from the fossil fuels of vehicles and the generation of electric power.

Two areas that may not be familiar to students are that 19 percent of global emissions come from the production and application of fertilizers and 31 percent from industrial production. The combination of these two areas represents about one-half of the 51 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions currently contributing to the increase in temperature.

When studying continuity and change over time, students visually see how communities and cities change over years, 50 years, or less. For example:. When studying the impact of land use on climate, students should explore the environmental costs to society from the use of cement, steel, glass, generation of electricity, loss of forested land, waste, and traffic.

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster provides an opportunity for classroom exploration, research, inquiry, collaboration, and solutions. The contribution of the social sciences to understanding the causes of greenhouse gas emissions, strategies for changing the way we currently are doing things, and analyzing the externality of societal costs is found in what students do best — asking questions, researching, debating private and public solutions, analyzing the costs and long-term benefits, and presenting information clearly and concisely in graphs, tables, maps, and images.

Standard 6. The competitive advantage of Social Studies in learning about the biggest issue to impact our planet in history is with our ability to engage in problem solving, understanding perspectives from different cultures, historical lessons of strategies to address problems over time, the ability to analyze the economics of the problem and solutions, and to debate the effectiveness of public and private solutions.

The Social Studies classroom, especially in grades , is a laboratory for analyzing the marginal costs and losses of incremental changes, preventative solutions, investments in research and development, and the cost of inaction. One of the best chapters in How to Avoid a Climate Disaster is the one on government. The perspectives on the electrification or rural America, installing natural gas lines, building the interstate highway system, implementing the Clean Air Act or , the Montreal Protocol of , and the Human Genome Project provide empirical examples of what the government of the United States has accomplished in the 20 th century.

The lessons of innovation and the call to debate solutions for reaching the goal of zero carbon emissions are opportunities that should be integrated into the existing curriculum.

The Sunshot Initiative sponsored by the U. Department of Energy to reduce the costs of solar energy is one example worth studying in Economics or U. Here are some examples:. As teachers in New Jersey begin to implement the K mandated curriculum standards on climate and environmental sustainability, they should consider an interdisciplinary model that includes learning in every grade focusing on causes, effects, and solutions at the local, state, national, and global levels.

Students who are age five in Kindergarten in will be 34 in Teachers who are age 25 or 30 now will be in The curriculum that is planned and implemented will have a measurable legacy in the foreseeable future. In , a nuclear bomb, sending a man to the moon, CT images, Global Positioning Systems GPS were impossible to imagine but by the middle of the 20 th century they were in development of considered possible.

Social Studies teachers must look beyond what is predictable today and teach students for a world that may be in conflict and crisis or one that can be safer and better. A Question of Freedom:. Having taught the colonial unit for decades as part of the U. The history of slaves in Maryland and the role of the Society of Jesuits in conducting the business of a tobacco corporation in complicated.

As a result of reading A Question of Freedom , I have a new perspective and credible documentation of how slavery became rooted in the laws of our colonies, states, and national government. The opening chapter is a compelling account of the life of Edward Queen who sued for freedom in because he was the son of a freewoman, his grandmother.

Hepburn by the U. Supreme Court in His attorney was Francis Scott Key. Teachers who are looking for the right questions to engage students in historical inquiry and investigative research will find the questions presented by Professor Thomas University of Nebraska, Lincoln a valuable resource.

This book is filled with inquiry based questions that encourage exploration and debate. In fact, this decision resulted in the freedom of twenty members of the Queen family. He discovered that Elizabeth M. Duckett claimed slaves at the end of the Civil War. The document reported Henny Queen, age 35, and her five children ages six months to eight years old.

Teachers interested in teaching about Continuity and Change will see insights in Chapter 2 about how the aftermath of the Seven Years War and the American Revolution gave rise to the election of liberal and conservative members in the British House of Commons. In America, laws about slavery were limited to each colony before but in the case of England, its protection, importation, manumission, and abolition applied to a global colonial empire.

Even though the importation of slaves was legal in the United States until , slaves who were brought to England were not compelled to leave according to a common law decision by Chief Justice Lord Mansfield in the decision of James Somersett. James Somersett, a slave, was taken to England by his master, Charles Stewart, a customs officer in Boston.

He ran away and was eventually tracked down and placed in prison. A writ of habeas corpus was issued for his release by the abolitionist Granville Sharp in connection with a pending case by merchants from the West Indies who wanted assurance by common law that slaves were a safe investment.

The case of Somersett v. Stewart , became a landmark case that inspired hope for slaves held in bondage throughout the British empire.

The language of the S omersett decision indicates the complexities of the status of slaves as persons under natural and moral law or as property protected by laws. England will not abolish slavery for 60 years but without a specific law in England to sanction slavery, a person with the legal status of a slave in a colony could not be forced to leave England and return to slavery. James Somersett continued with his status as a slave but could not be forced to return to chattel slavery.

The language is confusing in stating that slavery was odious but a temporary presence in England did not guarantee manumission, and questions would continue regarding if the common law ruling applied only to the definition of being in England or if being on a ship or at a port in the Tames River applied. Whatever slavery was, it was not sanctioned by English common law.

As a result, Somersett v. Stewart wiped out the line of seventeenth century precedents that had once propped up slavery as a lawful form of property. Professor Thomas researched the case of Mahoney v. Ashton in Maryland. Ashton was like almost no other petition for freedom in American history.

The basis of the trial dated back to Ann Joice, grandmother of Charles Mahoney. Ann Joice was a black indentured servant from Barbados who spent time in England before coming to Maryland to work for Lord Baltimore.

As an indentured servant, she should be entitled to her freedom, as should her 1, descendants who were slaves in Maryland. People of color born from a free woman were not slaves! Unfortunately, it was difficult to provide evidence that she was in England. The research provided in this case, with its twists and turns, is worth your reading.

In the trial, the jurors heard testimony from hearsay of Mary Queen, a free black woman who came to Virginia from New Spain instead of the Popo region of West Africa as claimed by Benjamin Duvall, representing the slaveholders. The decision made sense. A higher court determined Edward Queen was free, so surely his mother, Phillis should be also. As a result of this decision, twenty related lawsuits freed over fifty children and grandchildren.

In this same year, the Maryland legislature allowed manumission by last will and testament for individuals in good health, under the age of forty-five, who could support themselves. The defeat was total. Sandford in The Question of Freedom provides insights into why laws for voting based on the ownership of property were changed to qualifications based on race and skin color.

Judges provided instructions to jurors that the burden of proof fell on the enslaved person to prove their freedom and that the color of their mulatto skin was white. Testimony about the racial features of their ancestors would give greater weight than what contemporaries said about their status as free persons. The Impact of the Domestic Slave Trade.

The freedom case of Priscilla and Mina Queen Queen v. Hepburn offers unique insights into the slave trade, black market trade of enslaved persons, impact of bankruptcy on slaveowners and enslaved persons, and changing financial markets. The case began in and a successful outcome depended on Priscilla and Mina Queen proving their grandmother was Nanny Cooper, the daughter of Mary Queen who was in England, and establishing that she came to Maryland as a free woman before years ago.

John Hepburn, inherited over one thousand acres in and over the years overspent his fortune in a lucrative life style. As a result of filing for bankruptcy, his creditors could acquire slaves, sell them, and separate them from their children. Blacks, both free and slave, were in high demand to meet the labor needs for the construction of buildings and roads in the new capital city of Washington D. The U. As a result of the increasing population of people of color in the new capital, strict black codes designed to limit freedom in the evening were enacted.

Chapter 5 presents the facts in a concise manner that offers teachers an opportunity to create a mock trial simulation of Queen v. Hepbu rn and Queen v. These cases have twists and turns regarding hearsay evidence, transcription errors in documents, and connections to shipping records and wills. There is also a map of Washington D. The research is splendid and the controversial issues for students to debate provide a powerful understanding of both systemic racism in the United States and the depth of individual freedom.

The arguments for the protection of property are real and the right to individual freedom is powerful. Students should ask questions about the rules of evidence in trials, especially in the case of slaves who lacked birth records and travel documents. In the 21 st century lawyers and judges argue over what evidence is credible and what needs to be excluded.

Many judges were open to hearsay evidence in freedom trials, especially when it was supported by multiple individuals. With the rejection of hearsay evidence, Priscilla Queen and Nina Queen both lost their suit for freedom. However, Nina Queen appealed her decision to the U. Supreme Court in February After reading Question of freedom, I realized this needs to be taught much earlier.

Capitol, ships for our navy, and house servants for elected members of our government. It is a valuable resource for teachers, as is Solomon Northrup, Twelve Years a Slave , who want to teach about continuity and change and how the questions relating to slavery, property, and individual freedom changed in the first six decades of the 19 th century. Jesse Torrey, circa , p.

Slave Trades in Washington D. The story of Ann Williams captures the fear that every black person faced daily as the demand for labor intensified with the construction of roads and buildings and the cotton economy in the South. Ann Williams and her two young daughters were taken from their home in Bladensburg, Maryland and marched in chains for seven miles to Washington D.

She pried open a window and jumped three floors breaking her spine. George Miller, the tavern owner, kept her on a wooden pallet providing her with food and water. Engage your students in reflective thinking to determine if his motives were for humanitarian reasons or for profit from the children she would likely give birth to after she was healed. This is a powerful story that your students will never forget. Furthermore, the Circuit Court in D. The questions presented by Professor Williams are at times clearly stated and they are also hidden in the perspectives.

For example, the argument by George Miller that slaves were property and could be denied a writ of habeas corpus are of national importance. With every economic crisis in , , with the changing markets for labor, with burgeoning individual debts and personal bankruptcy, enslaved persons were vulnerable. Henry Clay. Teachers must ask their students how did economics influence the principles of slaveholders such as Francis Scott Key, John Marshall, Roger B. Taney, Henry Clay and other prominent Americans who are also understood as reformers?

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Whatever slavery was, it was not sanctioned by English common law. Omni Group.