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Usa jobs onboarding siteground hosting

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And when I want to teach my clients how to work with Siteground and WordPress, everything goes out the window because there’s all this other stuff happening now. Honestly, if you want to start with a blank WordPress site – it’s now easier than before – hit the exit button of the Starter and remove the plugin afterwards. You will get a completely default WordPress installation with no content, custom themes, etc.

Just the SG Optimizer plugin so it works with our caching systems. It’s an effort to help beginners and people new to the WordPress ecosystem to start and create a functional website but we always care about flexibility and experienced users like you. I also felt the same way when I saw this.

With this change, it feels like you’re moving towards their same business model It’s cool that you guys built it in React and it will be interesting to see how it evolves over time.

I understand the business reasons you’ve done this, it just doesn’t match up with the SiteGround I love. Trust me when I tell you that Bluehost are not a role model for us : However, I understand how this may look as a step in that direction.

However, once we update the rest of the system, it will be much, much better for both beginners and professionals. Right now everyone gets the Starter but soon we will be able to show it only to people who actyally want it. This is a bad move. My first reaction was that I’m now gonna have to get rid of all these plugins before I start working on my next site. You didn’t decrease my workload, you increased it.

Next, how is SiteGround assuming that these are the themes and plugins most people want. I’ve been building websites for more than 15 years and I know the best wordpress tools and some of these tools, even the well-known ones are not nearly as good as the plugins I use and recommend. My guess is that every plugin that siteground has an association with, is now being shoved down the necks of every new client so that siteground can make more money from these partnerships. For long I have recommended siteground as the host of choice but now I might have to reconsider if siteground doesn’t roll back these changes.

Greed, it seems has gotten better of this hosting company and now it seems siteground will, at least in my book, be joining the ranks of pushy hosts who are just out to make a buck. Horrible decision guys. Revert it ASAP.

Thanks for the feedback! It’s a feature toward the new WordPress user and I am sure that the sample data plus a visual editor will help many people build a functional website that would otherwise go to services like Squarespace for example. Now, I completely understand your other point – that’s why we will add an option to install a blank WordPress site with no themes and sample data installed on it so you can start new projects faster :.

Hristo – thanks for the reassurance! I trust that you guys will always remember what makes you great whilst you continue to grow bigger and bigger : I have noticed that there might be a bug related to this new plugin. It might be unrelated, but I wanted to alert you to it. Thanks for reporting this, we’ll be adding new stuff to it next week including an option for clean WP installation and will look into that further :. I’ve always considered SG ideal for professional web designers and Blue Host for newbies.

Looks like SG is now focused more on newbies as well. Professionals may end up looking elsewhere for services that are more about quality than hand-holding. Indeed, that service is focused towards beginners and newcommers to the WordPress world.

However, it’s part of the bigger update and soon we will have options for experienced users. Meanwhile, you can simply skip the Starter.

Bad move, seriously I don’t want to login and delete this new plugin, it shouldn’t be there in the first place or the SG optimiser. If I want a plugin I’ll go find one. Please stop making plugins and concentrate on hosting. As I said previously, that update is indeed for the WordPress beginner. We will have more options for experienced users to start new projects easier and faster than ever. Meanwhile, you can simply skip the Starter and it will not install anything but the caching plugin that’s mandatory.

I have two sites on Siteground, one of which has not been developed at all. Can I get access to this new WordPress Starter for that site? Yes, just install a new WordPress through cPanel and the process will start automatically :. Thanks Hristo When I say that the site is not developed, it does exist with a theme imported into it but it has no content! Can I just re-install WordPress onto it and will that then wipe what’s already there?

Site is marketingstory. Just delete the files in the folder for it and install a new WordPress. I’ve looked at several demos and I’m not seeing it when I resize my browser width. Would this replace creating child themes?

All of the featured themes are responsive, not sure why they haven’t moved, we plan adding mobile views on the demo lightbox soon to make that easier. As for Elementor – it’s a page builder, one of the best in my opinion, but using child themes is still a good practice! I have a working live site on a multi site installation of wordpress.

I want to start another site but i dont want it live for some weeks so i can work on it. I have heard many themes wont work on a multisite wordpress installation. I have several questions. Can i change a multisite installation to a single site?? If not can i use this new help for new websites on the multisite wordpress i already have?? Yes, you can migrate away but it’s not that easy.

Our website is hosted by Siteground but not a WordPress site, how difficult is it to transfer our current site to a WordPress site.

I don’t want to lose the functionality of our current site. Really depend on your current site but it’s usually generating a site anew on WordPress and them importing your previous content. Thanks Hristo, Conceptually this sounds like a good idea. A couple of questions: 1 Will this new Siteground plugin be applicable for wordpress websites already in development and nearly completed or will it restore the existing site to a blank wp website? The answer to your first question is No – it’s designed for new installations and help beginners in WordPress to create better and more functional sites.

As to your other question – that’s a very good recommendation and we will most definitelly look into it for our next updates but for now we lack this functionality. Right now we’ve focused on having recommended content, sample data that you can edit and a cleaner Dashboard. This is a good service to make available, though I’m not sure whether I’ll use it–I mostly do manual installs to avoid extraneous stuff.

For people who aren’t developers, I think it’s going to be helpful. You need to make some of those decisions before you get to the building a website part, but you shouldn’t be trying to fit everything else around your design. It makes much more sense to start with “What kind of site are you building?

Some of the biggest hassles I’ve had in site development for clients were in situations where they’d had everything designed before doing any kind of content strategy or figuring out functional requirements. Extra points for hiring a designer that’s thinking in terms of a non-responsive HTML site. While a well-built theme should be able to display output from any well-built plugin, starting with the theme is likely to send the new site owner down a rabbit hole for hours or days Gosh, Sallie, tell us how you really feel.

I’m a big fan of SG and I really like the idea of an onboarding process, but my experience has shown me that the theme really shouldn’t come first. Thanks Sallie! There were many questions on how to approach this. We’ve made it so flexible that once we gather some more data we can adjust the process the way people really feel best using it!

SG you never stop amazing me. They gave away a free year of SG to play with the site. I have never left since and never will. Everytime technology or web standards change, you are standing strong and are up to date and offering easy tools to get people up and running on your hosting platform.

There is a bit of accent barrier, but I am willing to slow down and listen carefully and be kind on the phone, knowing the situation will be taken care of properly.

Chat help is just as awesome! I enjoy picking up your signature socks at a local WordCamp. Everything else is substandard in my loving view of you. This is very important for our clients as we require certain plugins for our themes. It is leading to support requests probably for both of out companies so it would be good to fix that asap. The notification will not show until you deactivate the WordPress Starter plugin. Thanks for reporting this, I will look into it asap!

It’s bad move from my viewpoint. This might be great for a DYI website newbie. However, for a website design agency like ours, you’ve just created a boatload of additional work. We will have to delete all of this from our new WordPress installs.

We have our own list of standard plugins and themes that we install. Why force this on everyone? Why not have a checkbox to decide whether to install all this junk? It will probably be less work for us to download WordPress and do a manual install than to spend our time deleting all of this bloatware.

Did you reach out and ask any of your customers if this was what they wanted or needed? Especially any of your website design agency clients? I don’t see how that creates additional work for agencies – it’s a single button click to cancel the entire process and the rest is simply a plugin. Yes, we have asked our customers in surveys and multiple times in personal conversation on conferences, and newcommers do struggle with a completely blank WordPress site.

However, in the beginning of the next week we will add a checkbox to our WordPress installer which will ask you whether you want to use the WordPress Starter or have a completely blank WordPress installed. Hi Histro, ignore all those snobby techies! Of course there are lots of us who want blank WP sites and are happy to configure it to our needs, but there are also loads of people who just want a website, AND the good service that goes with a company like Siteground but get put off very quickly by the process.

I’ve just setup a site for my 77 yr old Mum – stuck a basic theme on and a page builder I’ve been using Beaver Builder but am willing to give this freebie a go. She’s working away now – for people like her who are tech-willing and tech-comfy but not necessarily tech-knowledgeable this would be great. In my professional life I’m a learning technologist – and I can tell you that there are a LOT of people who want to be blogging in Higher Ed – building communities of practice, networking, creating e-portfolios and resume sites and marketing their courses – and none of them want to learn how to build websites, and nor have they got much cash to pay someone else to do it!

People still assume it’s really hard! I for one will be looking into this with great interest – and may well be talking to you soon about tweaking it slightly for an e-portfolio in education model. There are different people with different needs.

When you host so many sites it’s a challenge to make your services good for everyone. We always believe that customers should have flexibility and options and so we will add an option to have a blank WP installation to the process so professionals can start right away, while newcommers to the WP world can have an easy start.

We’re always open for feedback and suggestions so don’t hesitate to reach out :. Way to go Hristo. Love what I’m experiencing with Site Ground hosting.

Love your post Isabel! She’s working away now It’s not only about you, guys. There are also people like me, my grandmom, granddad and all those who cannot afford those exorbitant web design and development costs :- Time for reflection during pandemic [PS I am aware this post was written by Isabel in ].

Hi Hristo, Thanks for continually making things better! I tried one of the WordPress starter sites and it will work great. I do not want to use anything that is copyrighted unless I have permission to use it for me and for others.

Can you tell me more about this please, especially what can be used and what cannot? Good job. I am a supporter of Siteground. Nothing is copyrighted, it’s a placeholder text to show you where to add your own copyright text. However, I will change that on demo content to avoid future confusion. Thanks for reporting it! I’ve already had a WordPress for years but it’s outdated and I would love to have someone at Siteground recommend someone who could take a look at my site from the backend and make recommendations about how to install plugins or update old ones, whether I need a new theme etc so that I can be sure I don’t have security vulnerabilities.

Considering the current global pandemic and the advance in technology, going remote has never been more enticing. The competition has never been more fierce — freelance jobs are on the increase, needing a variety of skills such as web development, graphic design, video editing, and more.

So, how can freelancers distinguish themselves from the competition? How easy is it to advance their freelance careers, and enhance their earnings? Well, aside from being good at what you do — collaborating with the right web hosting company could be a simple solution to these many queries.

One of the most important things you can do to stand out as a freelancer is to have a dedicated website for your freelance business. Having a strong website is one way to easily boost your online presence, along with any social media platforms you may be using. However, keep in mind that when building authority under your name, you ensure you take precautions so your site and online presence are secure. Your portfolio, content, and testimonials demonstrate that you are serious about doing business, as well as demonstrating clearly to potential clients what you are capable of.

However, simply having a website is not enough. You need a website with a beautiful design , that stands out from the competition whilst following current trends. Also, a website that has a fast and reliable performance is a huge bonus. Now, creating and maintaining your own website might sound like a second job altogether, but freelance web hosting — is where a good web hosting company comes in handy…. Nowadays, hosting companies deliver more than just a server of which to host your website.

Some of them actually provide you with professional tools for easy website launch and website management. And, even if you do, a good web hosting provider can save you a lot of time and trouble by doing most of the work for you by default. Trusted by the owners of over 2. Clients from around the world all choose SiteGround. Because of the simple yet powerful website management tools , and unique in-house solutions they craft to make websites run faster and safer.

Check out the testimonial below from Maua Gang :. With SiteGround , you can launch functional sites in minutes, as well as work on optimization and management within just a few clicks. Their automated in-house tools are designed for both newbies and experienced users , so everyone can get involved, no matter your level of expertise. The most common risk being, will you be able to attract a steady number of projects each month?

The internet provides limitless opportunities for earning a living online, but sometimes you may find yourself in a particularly dry spell …. Enter: affiliate marketing. No matter I thought, I would create a website on a temporary domain name you guys now offer in the interface and then simply switch out the domain name to the real domain name when I point the A Record to Siteground.

I was told by your support team that i could not do this and that you guys ‘need to be involved to transition the temporary domain website I am building to the live domain’. That is a big limitation as I don’t want to have to work with support to take a website live? Is there something I’m missing here as this is a very common thing I’ll need to do each time I have a client use you guys for hosting. Using the temporary server URL is generally bad practice. If you’re switching domains in the app configuration using the temporary domain is much better option.

As for your second comment – you’re absolutelly right. It’s inconvenient to have to post a ticket about it. That’s why we’ve added this functionality to the Client Area and you will be able to change the site’s domain with a few clicks. The tool has passed QA so I believe it will be available next week. Thanks for the reply Hristo. I’m glad to hear you guys have something in the works that will make this process more seamless. Anyway, glad to hear that it will be even simpler soon.

I guess the new interface is build on top of CPanel? Or have you made a complete inhouse alternative? No, it is completely different software built by us. Check out the blog post for more details! En hora buena, por los cambios. Mi consulta, es referente al soporte. Ambos con ustedes. Con ustedes, las pocas veces que tengo un percance el tema de mandar ticket y esperar una ayuda o respuesta es tedioso.

To speed the truth as a customer of Cloud plan, which has near cPanel accounts which i have all given to mine clients to login, I am bit afraid how this will work and how will mine clients react on this big change when they realize they are losing cPanel which has plenty of video tutorials over the web.

Will we get some white-labeled tutorials so we can put on our site to help clients? Basically whats the point of white-labeling your panel when all clients will sooner or later realize we are using your custom panel. One question for the end, how will clients login to their white-labeled panel, will there be any custom url or not? Best regards Hristo and truly hope this will not disrupt mine business.

The new login link is brand-less and quite generic as well. In Site Tools there is a Help module top right, in the header with pinned articles, which is available on every page. Sounds like you Apple-fied The Client Area resulting in a sleeker, sexier and more powerful offering. Can’t wait to try it out. Thanks to the team for focusing on what the customer really needs.

We love it when you do that!!! As someone who provides security and performance services I need those metrics to see what is actually hitting the site and to run down resource intensive plugins and bot hits.

Since SG has a hard ceiling on overages, we need a way to see the issue and then proof that it has been fixed. Indeed, when reworking our stats interfaces we wanted them to be more useful and friendly for the heavy users who are likely to exceed some of the account limits CPU and executions being the most essential ones. In your Client area for every hosting account you will see web space used, number of inodes, CPU seconds used, and program executions. And since the demo is a blank site, we can’t see how most of the new features work because they are empty.

Do you expect to add more features in the future? It would be nice to let your customers participate in a survey to see what we want in the new interface. In your Client area you will see your account stats such as web space used, number of inodes, program executions per day, and CPU seconds per day. Yes, we aim to add more features and we are most likely going to ask about that in our end-of-year survey, but you could also tell us which features you need here :. Looks good. Will I be able to see my site stats in this interface?

We discontinued that tool in cPanel a few months ago so I am not sure how you access that data. I would like it back! Any plans to put that tool back into this new interface? If not, how else can I get that data? Could you elaborate on the exact information you need? Colin, in full honesty, we have been talking for a while about removing the Joomla tools from cPanel and not provide them in Site Tools either.

We are seeing a solid drop in their overall usage and as you can imagine maintenance of these tools takes its toll. We don’t have a date when to discontinue them, as we were discussing if we can provide alternatives to users, but we’ll surely update you once we have a solid action plan.

I am a Joomla site developer and host Joomla sites on your platform, and have been doing so for over 5 years. I especially did so because of the CPanel integration. Now it looks like you are going to be phasing out support for Joomla in favor of WordPress. I would like to make a suggestion for SG consideration.

I have been watching the slow decline of support for Joomla over the last year or so at SG in favor of WordPress, so I was almost expecting something like this to happen.

We only aim to discontinue the maintenance of the peripheral tools we have added on top such as staging. The decline in the number of Joomla clients leads to a decline in the usage of these tools, which regardless how little that usage is still require a heavy and ongoing maintenance.

The decision regarding some of our Joomla tools is not associated to the switch to Site Tools and is not done in favor of WordPress or any other CMS either. It naturally follows the life cycle of Joomla itself. As I said we see a drop in the number of Joomla users on our platform, which corresponds to the drop in Joomla searches and overall interest in the software. The reason the two somehow coincided is because when we were evaluating the list of tools we needed to deliver in Site Tools, we have seen the stats with the usage of the Joomla tools and we realized it looked really bad.

Site Tools on the other hand is a stepping stones for the development of our service in the future and keeping cPanel is not an option. Reneta, In your above description you have this statement under the section entitled “Easier Site Creation And Onboarding Process” “A significant portion of our clients are single-site users.

They are small business owners, growing ecommerce shops, professionals, or bloggers. Is it going to be covered? Yes, the easy onboarding process is available to Joomla users as well. This looks like a great interface change and will make things easier. I’m on a GrowBig account.

Suggestion: add to the demo video an example of what we’re currently using before the update to how it translates so we can see it before we implement Activate Demo. Nothing is worse than not being able to access a website when you need to asap. I also manage client websites and they of course have access to their SiteGround Account.

When I direct them to this Demo Video they will be ‘lost. So if you have 3 sites in your current GrowBig account for example, all the three will be listed in the Website list and each will have a link to its Site Tools. From the Site Tools panel, you can also quickly switch among the 3 there is a drop down in the header. Your GrowBig account will be listed in the Services list and you can manage its renewal, cancellation, account stats, etc.

Thank you for the suggestion regarding the video! We do aim to provide a video for existing clients highlighting the main differences before and after switch. How will awstats be implemented in the new system? We use Awstats as a data parser and will provide the same information available in it only with a new interface – traffic stats, split by audiences, sources, behaviour, technology and more.

Simple question. Will it have all cPanel features only presented in a different way? Yes and no. There will be no addons and we won’t use Softaculous any more so there’s the NO part.

Script installation is automated through Softaculous Remote, but through our own interfaces and all addons will be converted into independent sites with their own Site Tools. We aimed to provide a solution for everything else in a certain shape or form — file management, email service, MySQL and Postgre, FTP, cron jobs, stats, etc. In case we missed something important, we’ll certainly add it. Anything specific that you are worried about? If you activate the demo, you will be able to see what exactly is available.

What about all the tools that have been installed WITH softaculous? For instance Invoice Ninja? Our software that we have been using won’t be affected will they? A lot of us use backend intranet software and more beyond just hosting ‘websites’. Any software that you have already installed on your accounts will keep working without any problems :. Hi Reneta, I’m playing with the demo and I don’t see the clone functionality from Softaculous in the new interface.

That is a feature that I have used. Will it be available in the new interface? It currently isn’t, but we are looking into it as part of the conversation regarding a CMS-agnostinc staging environment. We’ll keep you posted on that and how we’ll approach it shortly. Hey Guys! I checked out the demo for the new layout and I love it. You did an incredible job! Do you know when it will actually be live? I’m ready to make the transition any time :.

We are very happy that you like it : We aim to start switching clients to the new interfaces in September, but that switch will be rolling over a few months until we convert everyone. Once we have a schedule, we’ll start contacting you to announce the switch dates. I would like to opt-in my account for this transition. I really like the interface. Is it possible to make a transition for my account prior to others.

I’m not saying c-panel is bad. But with this new interface, I can able to manage individuals sites with their own SIte-tools.

I really needed these new features, which are all lacked in shared web hosting so far. This is a great initiative by Siteground Team. This is why, when It comes to WordPress I prefer siteground rather than any other hosting company. Glad to see this transition! It wasn’t broken. We already have “site-level control”. The current interface is exactly what I look for and expect in a hosting account – it’s what I chose.

I’m glad to see this! I’ve heard about cPanel increasing its prices and what that could do to hosting fees. I look forward to checking out the new Site Tools. There should be a choice to customers, if they need cPanel or new panel. What does it makes it better than cPanel? If it is too good, why other web hosting companies don’t switch to their own systems?

Writing your own client interfaces is not an easy task. Depending on the complexity of the processes they have to service, it may take a few months to a few years to produce such software. That is why many hosts choose to start their business using cPanel and as cPanel is a solid and functional software they stay with it over the years. Their reasons are the same as ours — better control over the platform and more flexibility to add new features.

Every web host decides what kind of software will be available on their platform. We have taken the decision to discontinue using cPanel as we do not wish to conform with their framework any more.

Our Site Tools are better serving the needs of our platform and it is easier and faster to navigate and complete tasks on our servers with them. Did you have the chance to activate the demo? Your clients cannot be convinced that working with Site Tools will be easier for them, unless you are convinced in that. So let me know if there is anything specific that you are worried about, which we can walk you through and maybe simplify further?

As to the support, you actually get access to the Help Center from every page of our interfaces so it should be quicker to get assistance. The rest of the flow has not been changed — when you type your question, we suggest quick answers and then we direct you to the best resolution channel based on your inquiry. It is the same as in the old User area, just doing it through a new interface.

Cpanel has been bought by a new company, the same owning Plesk. And they raised their prices to the sky. This is what monopoly does. More hosting companies will follow Siteground’s way if they want to survive. Cause the new Cpanel prices are absurd. So you will soon have 2 choices: pay much more money for cpanel, or use a custom control panel. Hi I posted on Friday but my post has disappeared? I asked what the schedule was for “Joomla” based customers.

We are a GoGeek customer and I notice that there are no tools for Joomla on the demo. It is bias towards WordPress. Can you confirm that all the existing Joomla tools and functionality that we purchased will be present by the time the switch over occurs?

Hi Colin, your comment is published and I answered it yesterday. Unfortunately, with not so good news for Joomla users. Please refer to my previous reply. How will this affect reseller accounts? At the moment clients interested in reselling our services could consider our GoGeek plan or cloud servers where they can create multiple sites, add users to sites, and offer white-label hosting service.

We are not sure yet for how long the signups will be suspended. What about our credits we already purchased with reseller accounts? Will we get refunds on those? How will I know when client’s account is expiring and he needs to pay me for hosting?

Again for existing resellers you will know when your accounts expire — same way as until now. My previous reply regarding the reseller program referred to new reseller signups only. Expiration date will depend on your billing model. What about the cPanel Transfer tool?

What happens if I need to move out from siteground to another Hosting Company with cPanel, the transfer will work? We have not placed any limitations on transfers away from SiteGround, but there is no tool that could convert your SiteGround account into cPanel-compatible account.

You need to back up all your sites and export them as stand alone accounts. We aim to write automations for that, but I cannot guarantee that they will be available any time soon for our clients to use. When I try to access my cpanel, Siteground’s link hangs; and does not respond. How do I reach cpanel until you install your new system? Please, open a ticket in your Help Desk, my collegues from the support team will check your case and help you out!

Let me first say, I appreciate the hard work on the new system, it seems much faster, based on React. And obviously looks worlds better. However, as developers, we suggest this platform to hundreds of clients and use it daily so we have some expectations and a very specific functional workflow, which is why we love Siteground.

We were able to test, stage, and launch apps quickly. Everyone knows CPanel, we always knew what we were getting. You mentioned that features wouldn’t be removed, just changed or moved, which is great if that were completely true. However, in practice, there are some things that have been removed or at least aren’t working right now, I’ll report them here if it helps: – Cannot generate a free SSL certificate for a sub-domain, if the top level domain is not pointed to the server yet.

Which is common practice when we are prepping and testing site before a server move or launch. I’m aware we could use your temporary domain feature but there are tech reasons why we don’t and I can explain if you email me – Can’t use the ‘Database Wizard’ which creates the database, user, password all in one step for MySQL. This isn’t a big deal, more of an annoyance. I know you can add a label, but the actual name is auto-generated and can’t be customized from what I can see.

We have use cases where this is needed or at least will cause a big hassle if we can’t. It was to punch in an email and get a report of whether the server has received emails with that address and the status delivered locally, failed, etc That’s all for now, solid work overall.

Regarding the database creation and the wizard — we aimed to shorten the process to the absolute minimum click and create without any input. We even cut the password input field as a way to further speed up the creation with the added benefit of increasing the overall password strength level. Also, instead of guiding you through steps, on the success screen we feature the recommended next step.

Database names are auto-generated to avoid system conflicts — the name being the unique identifier of the database. Can you tell us a bit more about the case where you need to change the database names so we can think of a solution? What we have is enabled Delivery Status Notifications, which means that you can set your mail client to return messages if the email has been read by the recipient. Many mail clients have that and could be a healthy alternative. I personally change the database naming convention table all the time.

I notice the auto installer use wp prefixes for creating databases for wordpress which I believe to be a security risk because it’s the common generic one used. I change that prefix to something else to help with security hardening. I checked with the tech team regarding the table prefix – they will make it random. Thanks :. Appreciate the reply, and look forward to the SSL issuance improvement, that honestly was the biggest thing holding us back in our normal workflow.

They’ve been installing sslforfree. Times this by hundreds of websites and you can see our problem. Something that took 0 minutes before now takes 15 – 20 minutes per website.

RE: Database Names – The use case where we had this is in applications that we’ve built locally that use the database name in the code, custom apps. Not a huge deal, it’s a rare case. RE: Email Delivery – You’re probably right, I see this on some cpanels, but maybe you didn’t have it before either. It’s a cool feature that we would use, so I’ll throw my vote in for that.

Just to clarify, the Let’s Encrypt implementation has always been a tool, built by us. However, we took the chance to rework it when we launched Site Tools and the new Client Area, thus the delay.

I think we’re right now the biggest Let’s Encrypt certificate issuer in the world and as such we’re very close to a number of rate limits they have in place.

In order to avoid such problems in the future we had to come up with a pretty complex system behind the scenes which unfortunately we couldn’t finish before the launch. However, it will be available very soon and hopefully all those issues will become thing of the past. Thanks for your other recommendations too, we will most definitely look into that tool and include it in our email service improvement roadmap if it can fit the overall picture naturally.

As for database name, at this point we prefer not to allow custom naming in an effort to improve the security level of our customers accounts. Unfortunately, it comes with a bit of an inconvenience in cases like the one you’ve mentioned. Quick Update: We’ve just deployed the Let’s Encrypt tool patch, you can now issue new certificates for domains pointed via A records to your account :.

Hi SG Team, your amazing job looks to give a really good new interface. I have 2 questions about it : – You mentionned Let’s Encrypt managment but I did not find anything about that in the ddemo, did I miss something?

Will this new interface be a little lighter? We will no longer use Softaculous, but we have an Applications manager interface powered by Softaculous Remote in the backend from where you can install automatically applications and log into their admin panels or delete them.

We surely tried to make it simpler and we’ll appreciate any feedback once you get to try it :. Upon first look it looks like a very wordpress focussed move.

Will Joomla be just as supported? Hello Damian. That being said, given that the majority of our clients at the moment are WP users, there are some special conveniences that we have provisioned for them mostly shortcuts to WordPress tools from the Client area and Site Tools.

All other CMS-s are supported the same way as before. You can easily choose to install your preferred CMS upon site creation or from the App manager in Site Tools and then manage it from the App manager.

For Joomla specifically there are changes indeed. However, these changes are not associated with the new Site Tools, but rather with the overall Joomla usage drop we see over the last years. We plan on discontinuing the staging and auto-update tools from cPanel and Site Tools accordingly as they are heavy to be maintained, but we are still discussing if we could provide any alternative solutions.

We’ll keep you posted once we have a solid action plan. I use the Joomla tools ‘staging’ feature extensively. Reneta stated it will be discontinued and a replacement is only in the discussion stage. This would seem to be CMS-agnostic, as said elsewhere, and not tied to Joomla. That would be my dream as a product person : , but we have discussed that internally before and the bottom line of such conversations is that we would create a very raw product that would not do much good to anyone.

Creating a staging solution where in some cases the application needs to be reconfigured is very challenging because different CMS apps have specific set of configurations that must be taken into consideration when building a staging tool like ours. I have not given up on the idea though and we’ll surely keep thinking about it.

I’ve checked out the demo. It seems that you’re trying hard to make this new thing as easy and as useful as cPanel, but you’re not there yet. You have a way to go before it’s as user friendly as what we already have, which makes me wonder why you feel a need to reinvent the wheel. Having to switch between sites – especially when using File Manager – is a real step backwards in my estimation. The best praise I can give after checking out the demo is this: It’s not awful.

It’s not cPanel, but it’s not awful. I’ve been happy with Siteground since switching over a couple of years ago, but I am very disappointed with this move – it feels like something EIG would do. When we started rebuilding our product and interfaces, we had and still have to balance between what the technology dictates, following the principles of human interaction and what goals our customers are after.

We wanted to make it better for people who manage more than one website and still keep it easy with those with only one installation. Yes, it is easier to access File Manager once and click around all your addons but the new interface has its advantages because: 1.

You have separate Site Tools for each site. If you want to hand over ownership to someone or even ask for help from a dev, you can just give them access to that particular site and not to all of your data within that account. If you use the top left dropdown while on the File Manager page, you will be redirected to the same page for your other installation. That might be easier than finding where did you set that particular addon domain. Looks very interesting! Bring it on :- I’ve been shopping around for a VPS for the prime reason of being able to manage the files, websites, emails etc separately, and not in the same tree.

I am no longer shopping, I think I’ll be staying put in my GoGeek. I know how certain changes can make people nervous, especially ones this big, it’s human nature, as we are creatures of habit. With that said, I don’t think SG took this decision lightly, having invested what I’m sure is a monumental amount of time and money in this. It also seems the virtual doors are open, in that they are listening to their clients.

I have the habit of logging into cPanel by adding port to the end of my primary domain. Can I keep doing that? What about ? By going site-centric we eliminate two problems – the inability ot easily grant full access to a single website under an account to another person and the shared environment between all addons.

As to your other question, at this point there’s no such shortcut but we’re brainstorming if it would be possible to come up with one while keeping a single auth for all your sites :. Thanks for that reply, Hristo; but I disagree. What you guys seem to be touting as a major improvement – “separate site tools” – seems more of an impediment to efficiency to me.

Efficiency and ease of use isn’t an issue with cPanel, just in my opinion. I can’t give this departure from what I bought and signed up for much time to “grow on me” – my yearly hosting fees are due in just under a month so I have to decide very quickly if I’m going to live with your not too successful attempt to improve upon cPanel. Like I said earlier, it’s not awful; but it’s not cPanel. I don’t know yet what functionalities will be missing as you guys aren’t addressing those questions directly.

If you’re going to reinvent the wheel, you should probably at least keep it round in shape because merely making it an oval or a square is not an improvement even if some people say that it is. Sorry to dismiss your hard work and good intentions – but you guys are trying to fix that which isn’t broken from my perspective. I also understand that from where you stand some of the advantages of the new Site Tools are not visible — they are long-term opportunities without immediate positive impact on your workflow.

Let me know if there is anything else we can do to help you in your decision-making process. I am available to answer any question and maybe show you how to do specific things that you need. I do hope you will renew and continue using our services :. Hello, I tried the demo of the new dashboard. In the demo, I can’t find some tools that are very useful like “Secure Admin Panel” to make the administration panel accessible only from selected predefined IP addresses don’t want to manually edit.

These tools are really handy, hope they will be included is the new dashboard as well. Thanks to confirm We have kept all the functionality that you had in the WordPress Toolkit but moved things around so they are accessible in a more natural way. We will make this tool available within a week! I have tested the demo today and this is my review and suggestion Very clean and minimal design – I Loved it! I like the Monthly Statistics very much.

The button which said “Add” under extras made me nervous to click through. It looks like I am adding directly without knowing the details. But when you click, it shows the details of the products with another final add button.

If the first excerpt button could be “Details” or “know more” I think it would not be confusing. How to go to PhpMyAdmin? Where to change the PHP version? I wish everything could be there on the dashboard first-page. How to create an FTP account? Every tool is directly accessible from the left column. We will look into it further for the new Client Area. I will pass that on to our UX team and our project managers for review.

Probably, a better wording is possible here. In Site Tools you can use the Pinned Tools functionality and actually do that. Hi Hristo, Oh! Why is it hidden there??!! It always is! The menu shouldn’t be hidden on desktop, what’s your monitor resolution if I may ask? Not from a desktop but MacBook 13 inch.

I think it will be fine on my desktop 24inch. Where has the web chat disappeared to?? The support is slow and not clear any more.

Please can you fix this! We are not getting the help that we have experienced in the past. I can assure you that our support team is handling chats and tickets fast than ever looking at response stats and the reason we moved things around was to make that response process better.

Click on the question mark icon at the top right of the Client area or Site Tools. You will see some pinned articles which we selected to address the most common client inquiries on every page. I’m a new customer, so the changes don’t concern me much. However, I think switching current customers from September might be a little rushed.

Like some people mentioned, some customers use SG to build and maintain websites for their customers. Even if all the features of cPanel can be found in the new interface, they will be “hidden” under different names and perhaps what once was in one place, will now be scattered across the panel.

It’ll be stressful for the customers. All that being said, I think that before the migration, there should a detailed guide on how to perform each action of each cPanel tool in the new interface. Otherwise SG might be risking losing their old and loyal customers. I remember there’s a rule about novelty: it’s great but it needs to be familiar. If you change too much, people will panic. I believe SG is doing it for the best interest of everyone, but it’s a huge step so take it slow and good luck.

Thank you for your suggestion : We do realise that the biggest challenge in this change is managing the fear of the new. We have started working on guides to help our clients get used to the “new ways” and we’ll keep adding new content based on feedback like yours and any suggestion we get during the next month or so.

You can click on the question mark icon in the top right part of your page and then select View Help Center.

From there, you can go to the Contact Us page and follow the instructions :. Will customers who contacted for cPanel be honorably refunded when cPanel is eliminated? Clients who wish to stop using our services and are eligible for a refund will be refunded according to our Terms of Service.

However, these Terms do not provision refunds due to a change of software. Will the cPanel API still be available to use after the transition? Could you share more info on how you were using it? I have a script running on an offsite server with a dynamic ip which would use the API to update the A record of one of our subdomains.

I can adapt the script to your interface with selenium if need be though. Yes, it’s possible but you need to adjust your script. Please, email me directly at hristo. I don’t have a support tab in my user account. How can I contact support? You can click on the question mark icon in the top right part of your page and click on View Help Center. Under the new Site Tools setup, you can currently only install a LetsEncrypt certificate if the domain uses SiteGround nameservers.

For a number of reasons, I don’t want to point some client nameservers to SiteGround just so I can install the LE cert. When existing cPanel accounts are migrated to Site Tools, will the existing LE certificates continue to autorenew if the A record points to the SiteGround IP address but the nameservers point elsewhere?

You will be able to issue LE certificates for domains pointed via A records shortly.



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