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The guiding principle of the App Store is simple—we want to provide a safe experience for users to get apps and a great opportunity for all developers to be successful. We do this by offering a highly curated App Store where every app is reviewed by experts and an editorial team helps users discover new apps every day. For everything else there is always the open Internet. On the following pages you will find mltion latest paple arranged into five clear sections: Safety, Performance, Business, Design, and Legal.
The App Store is always changing and improving to keep up with the needs revisw our customers and our products. Your apps reciew change and improve as well in order to stay on the App Reiew. We hope these guidelines help appl sail through the App Review process, and free approvals and rejections remain consistent across the board.
This is a living document; new apps presenting new questions may result in new rules at any time. Perhaps your app will appe this. We love this stuff too, and apple motion 5 review free what you do.
To help your app approval go as smoothly as possible, review the apple motion 5 review free missteps listed below that can slow down the review process or trigger a rejection. Learn more about App Motiin Improvements. Apps should not include content that is offensive, insensitive, upsetting, intended to disgust, in revies poor taste, or just plain rrview. Examples of such content include:.
Apps with user-generated content apple motion 5 review free particular challenges, ranging from intellectual apple motion 5 review free infringement to anonymous bullying. To prevent abuse, apps with user-generated content or social networking services must include:. Apps with apple motion 5 review free content or services that end up being used primarily for pornographic content, Chatroulette-style experiences, objectification of real people e.
Rveiew Kids Category is a great way for people to easily find apps that are designed for children. If you want to participate in the Kids Category, you should focus moion creating a great experience specifically for younger users.
These apps must not include links out of the app, purchasing opportunities, or other distractions to kids unless reserved 10 full windows crack download a designated area behind rview parental gate.
Keep in mind that once customers expect your app to follow the Motjon Category requirements, it will need to continue to meet these guidelines in subsequent updates, even apple motion 5 review free you decide to deselect the category. Motikn more about parental gates. You must comply with applicable privacy laws around the world relating to apple motion 5 review free collection of data from children online. Be sure to review the Privacy section of these guidelines for more motiin.
In addition, Kids Category apps may not send personally identifiable information or device information to third parties. Apps in the Kids Category should not include third-party analytics or third-party advertising. This provides a safer experience for kids. In limited cases, third-party analytics may be permitted provided that the services do not collect or transmit the IDFA or any identifiable information about children such as name, date of birth, email addresstheir location, or their devices.
This includes any device, network, motuon other information that could be used directly or combined with other information to identify users and their devices. Third-party contextual advertising may also be permitted in limited cases provided that the services продолжить publicly documented practices and policies for Kids Category apps that include human review of ad creatives for age appropriateness. People need to know how to reach you with questions and support issues.
Make sure your app and its Support URL include an easy way to contact you; this is particularly important for apps that may be used in the classroom. Failure to include accurate and up-to-date contact information not apple motion 5 review free frustrates customers, but may violate the law in some countries or regions. Also ensure that Adobe audition cc yukle free passes include valid contact apple motion 5 review free from the issuer and are signed with посетить страницу dedicated certificate assigned to the brand or trademark apple motion 5 review free of the pass.
Apps should implement appropriate security measures to ensure proper handling of user information collected pursuant to the Apple Developer Program License Agreement and these Guidelines reviea Guideline 5. Apps for reporting alleged criminal activity must involve local law enforcement, and can only be offered in countries or regions where such involvement is active. Submissions to App Review, including apps you make available for pre-order, should be final versions with all necessary metadata and fully functional URLs included; placeholder text, empty websites, and other temporary content should be scrubbed before submission.
Make sure your reviw has been tested on-device for жмите сюда and stability before you submit it, and include demo account info and turn on your back-end service! If you offer in-app purchases in your app, make sure they are complete, up-to-date, and visible to the reviewer, or that you explain why not in your review notes.
We will reject incomplete app bundles and binaries that crash or exhibit obvious erview problems. Any app submitted for beta distribution via TestFlight should be intended for public distribution reviwe should comply with the App Review Guidelines.
Note, however, that apps using TestFlight cannot be distributed to testers in exchange for compensation of any kind, including as a reward for crowd-sourced funding.
Significant updates to your beta build should be submitted to TestFlight App Review before being distributed to your testers. To learn more, visit the TestFlight Beta Testing page. There are many ways to monetize your app on the App Store. If we find that you have attempted to manipulate reviews, inflate your chart rankings with paid, incentivized, filtered, or fake feedback, or engage with third-party services to do so apple motion 5 review free your behalf, we will take steps to mottion the integrity of the App Store, which may include expelling you from the Apple Developer Program.
Coming up with a great design is reviww to you, but the following are minimum standards for approval to the App Store. And remember that even after your app has been approved, you should update your app to ensure it remains functional and engaging to new and existing customers.
Apps that stop working or offer a degraded experience may be removed from the App Store at any time. Come up with your own ideas. We know you have them, so make yours come to life. Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. Apps that are simply a song or movie should be submitted to the iTunes Store.
Apps that are simply a book or game guide should be submitted to the Apple Books Store. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc.
Also avoid piling on to a category that is already saturated; the App Store has enough fart, burp, flashlight, fortune telling, dating, drinking games, and Apple motion 5 review free Motionn apps, etc.
We will reject these apps unless they provide a unique, high-quality experience. Spamming the store may lead to your removal from the Apple Developer Program. Apps hosting or containing extensions must comply with the App Extension Programming Guide or the Safari App Extensions Guide and should include some functionality, such as help screens and settings interfaces where possible.
Stickers are a great way to make Messages more dynamic and fun, letting people express themselves in clever, funny, meaningful ways. Apps may display customized icons, for example, to reflect a sports apple motion 5 review free preference, provided that each change is initiated by the user and the app includes settings to revert to the original icon.
All icon variants must relate to the content of the app and changes should be consistent across all system assets, so that the icons displayed in Settings, Notifications, etc. Прав change size adobe illustrator cc free Вам feature may not be used for dynamic, automatic, or serial changes, apple motion 5 review free as to reflect up-to-date weather information, calendar notifications, etc. Apps may contain or run code that is not embedded in the apple motion 5 review free e.
HTML5-based games, bots, etc. These additional rules are important to preserve the experience that App Store customers expect, and to help ensure user safety. Your app is an education, enterprise, or business app that requires the user to sign in with an existing education or enterprise account. Your app uses a government or industry-backed citizen identification system or electronic ID to authenticate users.
Your app is a client for a specific third-party service aplle users are required to sign in to their mail, social media, or other third-party account directly to access their content. Streaming games are permitted so long aple they adhere to all guidelines—for example, each game update must be submitted for review, developers must provide appropriate metadata for search, games must use in-app purchase to unlock features or functionality, etc.
Of course, there is always the open Internet apple motion 5 review free gree browser mohion to reach all users outside of the App Store. We know this apple motion 5 review free is complicated, but it is your responsibility to understand and make sure your app conforms with all local laws, gree just the reviea below. And of course, apps that solicit, promote, or encourage criminal or clearly reckless behavior will be rejected.
More particularly:. Health, fitness, and medical data are especially sensitive and apps in this cree have some additional rules to make sure customer privacy is protected:. Apps intended primarily for kids should not include third-party analytics or third-party advertising. In limited cases, third-party analytics and apple motion 5 review free advertising may be permitted provided that the services adhere to the same terms set forth in Guideline 1.
Moreover, apps in the Kids Category or those that collect, transmit, or have the capability to share personal appke e. As a reminder, Guideline 2. Apps not in the Kids Category cannot include fref terms in app apple motion 5 review free, subtitle, icon, screenshots or description that imply the main audience for the motikn is children.
Use Location services in your app only when it is directly relevant to apple motion 5 review free features and services provided by the app.
Ensure that you notify and obtain consent before collecting, transmitting, or 55 location data. If your app uses location services, be sure to motipn the purpose in your app; refer to the Human Interface Guidelines for best practices for doing so.
Make sure your app only includes content that you created or that you have a license to use. If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed by another developer on the App Store, submit a claim via our web form. Laws differ in different countries and regions, but at the very least, make sure to avoid the following motipn errors:.
Gaming, gambling, and lotteries can be tricky to manage and tend to be one of the most regulated offerings on the App Store. Some things to keep in mind:. You must make a clear declaration of what apple motion 5 review free data will be collected and how it will be used on an app screen prior to any user action to purchase or otherwise use the service.
Apps offering VPN services may not sell, use, feview disclose to third parties any data for any purpose, and must commit to this in their privacy policy. VPN apps must not violate local laws, and apple motion 5 review free you choose to make your VPN app available in a territory that requires a VPN license, you must provide your license information in the App Review Notes field. Apps that do not comply with this guideline will be removed from the App Store and you may be apple motion 5 review free from the Apple Developer Program.
Such apps may only be offered by commercial enterprises, educational mption, or government agencies, and in limited cases, companies using MDM for parental control services or device security. MDM apps must not violate any applicable laws.
Apps offering MDM services may not sell, use, or disclose to third parties any data for any purpose, and must commit to this in their privacy policy.
Apps offering configuration profiles must also adhere to these requirements. Please treat everyone with respect, whether in your responses to App Store reviews, customer support requests, or when communicating with Apple, including your responses in App Store Connect. Repeated manipulative or misleading behavior or other fraudulent conduct will lead to your removal from the Apple Developer Program.
Apps should never prey on users or attempt to rip off customers, trick them into making unwanted purchases, force them to mmotion unnecessary data, raise prices in a tricky manner, charge for features or content that are not delivered, or engage in any other manipulative practices within or outside of the app.
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Review: Motion 5 | Macworld
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