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Only one half of adults in the United States place a high priority on seeking health information. An examination of today’s health information seeker based upon health behavioral intentions, values, and priorities valuegraphics reveals that an individual’s level of health information seeking corresponds to the value he or she places or the quality of health desired, and current level of personal health involvement.

The relationship between valuegraphics and health status and health care use is also examined. Findings from a study that identified significant variance in Web use and satisfaction based upon the valuegraphic profiles of visitors to a hospital system-sponsored consumer Web site are also examined.

The implications of consumer health valuegraphic profiling to future Web development by health care organizations are discussed. Background: Accurate data on the health status, health behaviour and access to health care of asylum seekers is essential, but such data is lacking in many European countries. We hence aimed to: a develop and pilot-test an instrument that can be used to compare and benchmark the country health information systems HIS with respect to the ability to assess the health status and health care situation of asylum seekers and b present the results of that pilot for The Netherlands NL and Germany DE.

Materials and Methods : Reviewing and adapting existing tools, we developed a Health Information Assessment Tool on Asylum Seekers HIATUS with 50 items to assess HIS performance across three dimensions: 1 availability and detail of data across potential data sources; 2 HIS resources and monitoring capacity; 3 general coverage and timeliness of publications on selected indicators.

Two raters per country independently assessed the performance of country HIS and the inter-rater reliability was analysed by Pearson’s rho and the intra-class correlation ICC. We then applied a consensus-based group rating to obtain the final ratings which were transformed into a weighted summary score range: We assessed HIS performance by calculating total and domain-specific HIATUS scores by country as well as absolute and relative gaps in scores within and between countries. Results : In the independent rating, Pearson’s rho was 0.

Shortfalls in HIS capacity in both countries relate to the areas of HIS coordination, planning and policies, and to limited coverage of specific indicators such as self-reported health , mental health , socio.

Matching health information seekers ‘ queries to medical terms. PubMed Central. Background The Internet is a major source of health information but most seekers are not familiar with medical vocabularies. Hence, their searches fail due to bad query formulation. Several methods have been proposed to improve information retrieval: query expansion, syntactic and semantic techniques or knowledge-based methods.

However, it would be useful to clean those queries which are misspelled. In this paper, we propose a simple yet efficient method in order to correct misspellings of queries submitted by health information seekers to a medical online search tool. Methods In addition to query normalizations and exact phonetic term matching, we tested two approximate string comparators: the similarity score function of Stoilos and the normalized Levenshtein edit distance.

We propose here to combine them to increase the number of matched medical terms in French. We first took a sample of query logs to determine the thresholds and processing times.

In the second run, at a greater scale we tested different combinations of query normalizations before or after misspelling correction with the retained thresholds in the first run. Results According to the total number of suggestions around , the number of the first sample of queries , at a threshold comparator score of 0.

By combining Levenshtein and Stoilos, the highest F-Measure However, queries are composed by several terms that may be combination of medical terms. The process of query normalization and segmentation is thus required.

The highest F-Measure Conclusions Despite the widely known high performance of the normalized edit distance of Levenshtein, we show in this paper that its. Emergency mental health nursing for self-harming refugees and asylum seekers. This article describes the structure and function of emergency mental health nursing practice for self-harming refugees and asylum seekers on Temporary Protection Visas. Emergency nurses working in accident and emergency departments or as part of crisis intervention teams will see self-harming refugees and asylum seekers at the very point of their distress.

This clinical paper is intended to support nurses in their practice should they encounter an adult asylum seeker needing emergency mental health care.

Practical strategies are highlighted to help mental health nurses assess, care, and comfort refugees and asylum seekers in this predicament. Mental health nurses should, where possible, work closely with asylum seekers , their support workers, and accredited interpreters and translators to ensure the appropriate use of language when dealing with mental and emotional health issues without further isolating the asylum seeker from appropriate services.

To help strengthen continuity and integration of mental health supports for refugees and asylum seekers , well-resourced care must be experienced as coherent and connected.

A coherent, interdisciplinary and team-orientated approach will synthesize different viewpoints to shape clinical practice and create workable solutions in local situations. Asylum seekers in Denmark–a study of health status and grade of traumatization of newly arrived asylum seekers.

An unknown number of asylum seekers arriving in Denmark have been exposed to torture or have experienced other traumatising events in their country of origin. The health of traumatised asylum seekers , both physically and mentally, is affected upon arrival to Denmark, and time in asylum centres leads to further deterioration in health. The asylum seekers came from 33 different countries, primarily representing Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Chechnya.

Of the asylum seekers , 45 percent had been exposed to torture–approximately one-third within the year of arrival to Denmark. Unsystematic blows, personal threats or threats to family, degrading treatment, isolation, and witnessing torture of others were the main torture methods reported. The majority of the asylum seekers had witnessed armed conflict, persecution, and imprisonment.

The study showed that physical symptoms were approximately twice as frequent and psychological symptoms were approximately two to three times as frequent among torture survivors as among non-tortured asylum seekers. However, even the health of non-tortured asylum seekers was affected. Among the torture survivors, 63 percent fulfilled the criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder, and percent of the torture survivors were depressed, in anguish, anxious, and tearful in comparison to percent of the non-tortured asylum seekers.

Further, 42 percent of torture survivors had torture-related scars. Torture survivors amid newly arrived asylum seekers are an extremely vulnerable group, hence examination and inquiry about the torture history is extremely important in order to identify this population to initiate the necessary medical treatment and social assistance.

Amnesty International Danish Medical group is currently planning a follow. Employees and volunteers often feel insecure about the potential transmission of infectious diseases when taking care of asylum seekers.

It could be shown that overall only a minor risk of infection emanates from asylum seekers. However, aspects of occupational health and vaccination should be kept in mind.

Besides the standard vaccination the Standing Committee on Vaccination STIKO recommends for occupational indication, which is given for employees and volunteers in asylum facilities, vaccination against hepatitis A, hepatitis B, polio if the last vaccination was more than 10 years before as well as influenza seasonal. According to the German Occupational Safety and Health Act taking care of the employer has to determine which exposures might occur at the workplace risk assessment and define necessary protection measures.

Depending on task and exposure when taking care of asylum seekers different acts e. The Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority LGL has published several information sheets regarding “asylum seekers and health management” for employees and volunteers from the non-medical as well as the medical area www.

With theses publications insecurities in taking care of asylum seekers should be prevented. Furthermore the employer gets support in the implementation of legal obligations to ensure occupational safety for the employees. Asylum seekers are a unique population, particularly those who have endured persecution for their sexual orientation or gender identity. Little data exist about the specific experiences and needs of asylum seekers persecuted due to lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender LGBT identity.

Quantitative data were gathered regarding demographics, persecution histories, and mental health of 61 clients from a torture survivors program in New York City who reported persecution due to LGBT identity. Thirty-five clients persecuted due to their LGBT identity were matched by country of origin and sex with clients persecuted for other reasons to explore how persecution and symptoms may differ for LGBT clients. LGBT asylum seekers have a higher incidence of sexual violence, persecution occurring during childhood, persecution by family members, and suicidal ideation.

Understanding the type of persecution experiences and how these influence mental health outcomes is an essential step toward designing and delivering effective treatments. Cutrona, Sarah L. Understanding the behaviors of surrogate- seekers those who seek health information for others may guide efforts to improve health information transmission.

We used — data from the Health Information National Trends Survey to describe behaviors of online surrogate- seekers. Two-thirds Compared to those who sought health information online for only themselves, surrogate- seekers were more likely to live in households with others weighted percent On multivariate analysis, those who had looked online for healthcare providers were more likely to be surrogate- seekers OR 1.

In addition to seeking health information , surrogate- seekers create and pass along communications that may influence medical care decisions. People are at risk from noncommunicable diseases NCD and poor health habits, with interventions like medications and surgery carrying further risk of adverse effects.

This paper addresses ways people are increasingly moving to healthy living medicine HLM to mitigate such health threats. For example, outcomes from consumer health informatics research include empowering users to take charge of their health through active participation in decision-making about healthcare delivery. SEIPS 2. All rights reserved. Health and health care utilisation among asylum seekers and refugees in the Netherlands: design of a study.

Background This article discusses the design of a study on the prevalence of health problems both physical and mental and the utilisation of health care services among asylum seekers and refugees in the Netherlands, including factors that may be related to their health and their utilisation of these services. The questionnaire that will be used will include questions on physical health chronic and acute diseases and somatization , mental health Hopkins Symptoms Checklist and Harvard Trauma Questionnaire , utilisation of health care services, pre- and post-migratory traumatic experiences, life-style, acculturation, social support and socio-demographic background.

The questionnaire has gone through a translation process translation and back-translation, several checks and a pilot-study and cross-cultural adaptation. Respondents will be interviewed by bilingual and bicultural interviewers who will be specifically trained for this purpose.

This article discusses the selection of the study population, the chosen outcome measures, the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the measurement instrument, the training of the interviewers and the practical execution of the study. The information provided may be useful for other researchers in this relatively new field of epidemiological research among various groups of asylum seekers and refugees.

This article discusses the design of a study on the prevalence of health problems both physical and mental and the utilisation of health care services among asylum seekers and refugees in the Netherlands, including factors that may be related to their health and their utilisation of these services.

The study will include random samples of adult asylum seekers and refugees from Afghanistan, Iran and Somali total planned sample of , as these are among the largest groups within the reception centres and municipalities in the Netherlands.

The association between acculturation patterns and mental health symptoms among Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers in Israel. Past research has documented the role acculturation plays in the process of adjustment to new cultures among migrants.

Yet little attention has been paid thus far to the role of acculturation in the context of forced migration. Participants completed measures on sociodemographic information as well as detention history, mental health symptoms, exposure to traumatic events, and acculturation pattern, in their native language upon accessing services.

Consistent with our predictions, findings showed that acculturation predicted depressive symptoms among asylum seekers beyond the effect of history of detention and reports of experiences of traumatic events. Assimilated compared with integrated asylum seekers reported higher depressive symptoms.

Findings draw attention to the paradox of assimilation, and the mental health risks it poses among those wishing to integrate into the new culture at the expanse of their original culture.

Asylum seekers may be particularly vulnerable to the risks of assimilation in the restrictive policies that characterize many industrial countries in recent years. Internet health information seeking is a team sport: analysis of the Pew Internet Survey.

Previous studies examining characteristics of Internet health information seekers do not distinguish between those who only seek for themselves, and surrogate seekers who look for health information for family or friends. Identifying the unique characteristics of surrogate seekers would help in developing Internet interventions that better support these information seekers.

To assess differences between self seekers versus those that act also as surrogate seekers. Our dependent variable was self-report of type of health information seeking surrogate versus self seeking. Independent variables included demographics, health status, and caregiving. After bivariate comparisons, we then developed multivariable models using logistic regression to assess characteristics associated with surrogate seeking.

Our findings provide evidence that information needs of surrogate seekers are not being met, specifically of caregivers. Additional research is needed to develop new functions that support surrogate seekers.

The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between health literacy, health -care engagement, and shared decision-making SDM. We analyzed Health Information National Trends Survey 4 cycle 3 data for information seekers who had one or more non-emergency room health -care visits in the previous year.

Previous research has suggested that SDM may improve health outcomes across the continuum of care. Only about half of adults report always being involved in health -care decisions. Even more alarming is the fact that SDM has not increased from to Our findings suggest that increasing health literacy has the potential to increase health -care engagement and subsequently increase SDM. Effective intervention strategies are needed to improve health literacy and promote health -care engagement.

We performed a systematic review of literature on violence and related health concerns among asylum seekers in high-income host countries. We extracted data from 23 peer-reviewed studies. Torture history in clinic populations correlated with hunger and posttraumatic stress disorder, although in small, nonrepresentative samples. One study observed that previous exposure to interpersonal violence interacted with longer immigration detention periods, resulting in higher depression scores.

Limited evidence suggests that asylum seekers frequently experience violence and health problems, but large-scale studies are needed to inform policies and services for this vulnerable group often at the center of political debate.

A cross-sectional survey of the mental health needs of refugees and asylum seekers attending a refugee health clinic: a study protocol for using research to inform local service delivery. Refugees and asylum seekers have high rates of risk factors for mental disorders. In recent years, Australia has experienced a rapid increase in asylum seeker arrivals, creating new challenges for services in areas with high settlement numbers.

This paper describes the design, including analytic framework, of a project set in a refugee health service in the state of Victoria, Australia, as part of their response to meeting the mental health needs of their burgeoning local population of refugees and asylum seekers.

In order to assist service planning, the primary aim of this study is to determine: 1 an overall estimate of the prevalence of psychiatric disorders; 2 the specific prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder 3 the perceived need and unmet need for mental health treatment. The secondary aim of the study is to establish matched risk ratios based on an Australian-born matched comparison group from the National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being.

A cross-sectional survey is used to estimate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in refugees and asylum seekers attending a local refugee health service.

The paper describes a prototype for what is possible within regular services seeking to plan for and deliver high quality mental health care to refugees and asylum seekers.

A novel project output will be the development and dissemination of an epidemiological methodology to reliably compare mental health status in a relatively small target sample with a matched. Infectious disease health services for refugees and asylum seekers during a time of crisis: A scoping study of six European Union countries.

Systematic information on infectious disease services provided to refugees and asylum seekers in the European Union EU is sparse.

We conducted a scoping study of experts in six EU countries in order to map health system responses related to infectious disease prevention and control among refugees and asylum seekers. Thematic coding was used to perform a content analysis of interview material. Guidance on infectious disease screening and health assessments lack standardisation across and-partly-within countries.

Data collection on notifiable infectious diseases is mainly reported to be performed by national public health institutions, but is not stratified by migrant status.

Health -related information is not transferred in a standardized way between facilities within a single country. International exchange of medical information between countries along the migration route is irregular. Services were reported to be fragmented, and respondents mentioned no specific coordination bodies beyond health authorities at different levels.

Infectious disease health services provided to refugees and asylum seekers lack standardisation in health assessments, data collection, transfer of health -related information and partly coordination. This may negatively affect health system performance including public health emergency preparedness. Self-reported oral health and use of dental services among asylum seekers and immigrants in Finland-a pilot study.

The number of asylum seekers and immigrants arriving in European countries is growing explosively. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate self-reported oral health , oral health habits, dental fear and use of dental health care services among asylum seekers and immigrants in Finland.

The interview study carried out in comprised 38 participants 18 males and 20 females from 15 different countries, nine of whom were asylum seekers and 29 immigrants.

The youngest participant was 17 and the oldest 53 years old. Each interview took approximately 30 min. The participants reported high need for dental treatment. Compared with the immigrants, the asylum seekers reported significantly more frequently dental pain and other symptoms and were less satisfied both in getting a dental appointment and in the quality of treatment they had received. All the asylum seekers and almost half of the immigrants found it difficult to get an appointment.

The immigrants were more aware of good oral health habits than the asylum seekers. The asylum seekers suffered from dental fear more often than the immigrants. Despite the small number of participants, our interview-based study indicates that asylum seekers and immigrants have need for acute and basic dental treatment and health education.

In order to integrate library instruction seamlessly into an introductory biology course, two librarians collaborated with a biology faculty member to create a three-part series of instruction sessions known as the Science Seeker.

The Science Seeker taught students about the structure of scientific information by tracing the path that discoveries…. Health status of and health -care provision to asylum seekers in Germany: protocol for a systematic review and evidence mapping of empirical studies.

There are more than , asylum seekers registered in Germany, who are granted limited access to health services. This study aims to provide a systematic overview of the empirical literature on the health status of and health -care provision to asylum seekers in Germany in order to consolidate knowledge, avoid scientific redundance, and identify research gaps. A systematic review and evidence mapping of empirical literature on the health status of and health -care provision to asylum seekers in Germany will be performed.

We will apply a three-tiered search strategy: 1. Outcome measures will include physical, mental, or social well-being, and all aspects of health -care provision access, availability, affordability, and quality. Search results will be screened for eligibility by screening titles, abstracts and full texts. Data extraction comprises information on study characteristics, research aims, and domains of health or health -care services analyzed. The quality of studies will be appraised and documented by appropriate assessment tools.

The body of evidence will be evaluated, and a narrative evidence synthesis will be performed by means of a multi-level approach, whereby quantitative and qualitative evidence are analyzed as separate streams and the product.

Sexual health is dead in my body: participatory assessment of sexual health determinants by refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands. Background Although migrants constitute an important proportion of the European population, little is known about migrant sexual health. Hence, this paper explores how refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands define sexual health , search for sexual health information and perceive sexual health determinants.

Methods Applying Community-based Participatory Research as the overarching research approach, we conducted in-depth interviews with refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands.

The Framework Analysis Technique was used to analyse qualitative data. We checked the extensiveness of the qualitative data and analysed the quantitative socio-demographic data with SPSS. Results Our results indicate that gender and age do not appear to be decisive determinants. However, incorporated cultural norms and education attainment are important to consider in desirable sexual health promotion in refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Furthermore, our results demonstrate that these migrants have a predominant internal health locus of control. Yet, most of them feel that this personal attitude is hugely challenged by the Belgian and Dutch asylum system and migration laws which force them into a structural dependent situation inducing sexual ill- health. Conclusion Refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands are at risk of sexual ill- health.

Incorporated cultural norms and attained education are important determinants to address in desirable sexual health promotion. Yet, as their legal status demonstrates to be the key determinant, the prime concern is to alter organizational and societal factors linked to the Belgian and Dutch asylum system.

Perinatal health outcomes and care among asylum seekers and refugees: a systematic review of systematic reviews. Global migration is at an all-time high with implications for perinatal health. Migrant women, especially asylum seekers and refugees, represent a particularly vulnerable group. Understanding the impact on the perinatal health of women and offspring is an important prerequisite to improving care and outcomes.

The aim of this systematic review was to summarise the current evidence base on perinatal health outcomes and care among women with asylum seeker or refugee status. Twelve electronic database, reference list and citation searches 1 January July were carried out between June and July Quantitative and qualitative systematic reviews, published in the English language, were included if they reported perinatal health outcomes or care and clearly stated that they included asylum seekers or refugees.

Screening for eligibility, data extraction, quality appraisal and evidence synthesis were carried out in duplicate. The results were summarised narratively. Among records screened, 29 systematic reviews met the inclusion criteria. Only one exclusively focussed on asylum seekers ; the remaining reviews grouped asylum seekers and refugees with wider migrant populations. Perinatal outcomes were predominantly worse among migrant women, particularly mental health , maternal mortality, preterm birth and congenital anomalies.

Access and use of care was obstructed by structural, organisational, social, personal and cultural barriers. Migrant women’s experiences of care included negative communication, discrimination, poor relationships with health professionals, cultural clashes and negative experiences of clinical intervention. Additional data for asylum seekers and refugees demonstrated complex obstetric issues, sexual assault, offspring mortality, unwanted pregnancy, poverty, social isolation and experiences of racism, prejudice and stereotyping within perinatal healthcare.

This review identified adverse pregnancy outcomes among asylum seeker and refugee. This study aimed to explore perceived barriers to using health insurance and identify discriminant factors between health insurance information seekers and non- seekers. A total of domestic and international college students from a large university in the Southwest completed a cross-sectional survey. Findings imply that campus health providers…. Equity in access to health care among asylum seekers in Germany: evidence from an exploratory population-based cross-sectional study.

Research on inequities in access to health care among asylum- seekers has focused on disparities between asylum- seekers and resident populations, but little attention has been paid to potential inequities in access to care within the group of asylum- seekers.

We aimed to analyse the principles of horizontal equity i. Data were collected on health care access health care utilisation of four types of services and unmet medical need , health care need approximated by sex, age and self-rated health status , and SES highest educational attainment and subjective social status, SSS.

We contacted Educational attainment showed no significant effect on health care access in crude models, but was positively associated with utilisation of psychotherapists and hospital admissions in adjusted models.

Higher SSS was positively associated with health care utilisation of all types of services. The odds of hospitals admissions for asylum- seekers in the medium and highest SSS category were 3. After controlling for need variables none of the SES indicators were significantly associated with measures of access to care, but a positive. Online health information search and evaluation: observations and semi-structured interviews with college students and maternal health experts.

While the Internet is a popular source of health information , health seekers ‘ inadequate skills to locate and discern quality information pose a potential threat to their healthcare decision-making. We aimed to examine health information search and appraisal behaviours among young, heavy users of the Internet. In study 1, we observed and interviewed 11 college students about their search strategies and evaluation of websites.

In study 2, three health experts evaluated two websites selected as the best information sources in study 1. Familiarity with health websites and confidence in search strategies were major factors affecting search and evaluation behaviours. Website quality was mostly judged by aesthetics and peripheral cues of source credibility and message credibility. In contrast to users’ favourable website evaluation, the experts judged the websites to be inappropriate and untrustworthy.

Our results highlight a critical need to provide young health seekers with resources and training that are specifically geared toward health information search and appraisal. The role of health seekers ‘ knowledge and involvement with the health issue in search effort and success warrants future research. Surrogate health information seeking in Europe: Influence of source type and social network variables.

Health information seeking on behalf of others is an important form of social support by which laypeople provide important sources of information for patients. Based on social network theory, we analyze whether this phenomenon also occurs in offline sources. We also seek to learn more about the type of relationships between information seekers and patients, as research to date indicates that surrogate seeking mostly occurs in close relationships between the seeker and the patient.

Within the past year, Independent of the information channel, surrogate seekers primarily searched for health information for family members online: In a multilevel generalized linear model, living together with someone was by far the most relevant determinant for surrogate seeking, with differences between countries or Internet activity being less important. These results support the assumptions of social network theory.

Implications are discussed, especially with regard to the provision of adequate health information. Exploring antecedents of consumer satisfaction and repeated search behavior on e- health information. E- health information has become an important resource for people seeking health information. Even though many studies have been conducted to examine the quality of e- health information , only a few studies have explored the effects of the information seekers ‘ motivations on the perceived quality of e- health information.

There is even less information about repeated searches for e- health information after the users’ initial experience of e- health information use. Using an online survey of information seekers , e- health information users’ responses were collected. The research examines the relationship among motivation, perceived quality, satisfaction, and intention to repeat-search e- health information.

The results identify motivations to search e- health information and confirm the relationship among motivation, perceived quality dimensions, and satisfaction and intention to repeat searches for e- health information. Background Most households in the United Kingdom have Internet access, and health -related Internet use is increasing. Objective Our objective was to identify the characteristics and motivations of online health information seekers accessing the NHS Direct website, and to examine the benefits and challenges of the health Internet.

Questionnaire results were analyzed using chi-square statistics. Thematic coding with constant comparison was used for interview transcript analysis.

Results In total respondents completed some or all of the survey: Prior consultation with a health professional was reported by Within the motivation category, four. A state of limbo–in transition between two contexts: Health assessments upon arrival in Sweden as perceived by former Eritrean asylum seekers. Health assessments for newly arrived asylum seekers have become a regular practice in most EU countries, but what is performed, how it is organized and whether it is mandatory or not varies between countries.

The aim of the study was to explore and improve our understanding of how former asylum seekers from Eritrea perceived and experienced the health assessment during their asylum-seeking process. We used a qualitative research approach guided by grounded theory. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 former asylum seekers from Eritrea. Data were analysed based on constant comparative analysis. The asylum seekers expressed feelings of ambiguity and mistrust and felt that they were seen only as objects by the Swedish healthcare system during their asylum-seeking process.

Poor communication and inability to overcome language and cultural barriers seemed to be the most important findings in the narratives. The core category was defined as ‘A state of limbo – in transition between two contexts’.

There are reasons to believe that these issues with communication negatively affected both the quality of the health assessment and the number of asylum seekers attending the health assessment. Improved communication by the authorities towards the asylum seekers is, therefore, of vital importance. Function, health and psychosocial needs in job- seekers with anxiety, mood, and psychotic disorders who access disability employment services. Labour force participation of people with mental disorders varies according to the nature of their disorder.

Research that compares function and psychosocial need in job- seekers with different mental disorders, however, is scant especially in the Australian setting. Identifying rehabilitation needs of job- seekers with mental disorders receiving employment services is of interest to providers of disability employment services in Australia. This study sought to identify differences in health , social needs and function in people with anxiety, mood, or psychotic disorders accessing disability employment services to inform disability service providers of vocational rehabilitation interventions.

Differences between disorders were determined using one-way analysis of variance. Significantly better estimates of social functioning as measured by the Behaviour and Symptom Identification Scale BASIS were reported by job- seekers with psychotic disorders compared to those with anxiety or mood disorders.

However, job- seekers with psychotic disorders reported longer periods of unemployment compared to those with mood disorders and longer estimates of the time it would take to obtain work compared to both the other groups. Perceived psychosocial problems, such as poor social function in job- seekers with anxiety and mood disorders and perceptions of poor employability in those with psychotic disorders, should be considered when developing vocational rehabilitation interventions, or where additional support may be required once employment is obtained.

Expert Seeker. Expert Seeker is a computer program of the knowledge-management-system KMS type that falls within the category of expertise-locator systems. The main goal of the KMS system implemented by Expert Seeker is to organize and distribute knowledge of who are the domain experts within and without a given institution, company, or other organization. The intent in developing this KMS was to enable the re-use of organizational knowledge and provide a methodology for querying existing information including structured, semistructured, and unstructured information in a way that could help identify organizational experts.

More specifically, Expert Seeker was developed to make it possible, by use of an intranet, to do any or all of the following: Assist an employee in identifying who has the skills needed for specific projects and to determine whether the experts so identified are available. Assist managers in identifying employees who may need training opportunities.

Assist managers in determining what expertise is lost when employees retire or otherwise leave. Facilitate the development of new ways of identifying opportunities for innovation and minimization of duplicated efforts.

Assist employees in achieving competitive advantages through the application of knowledge-management concepts and related systems. Assist external organizations in requesting speakers for specific engagements or determining from whom they might be able to request help via electronic mail.

Help foster an environment of collaboration for rapid development in today’s environment, in which it is increasingly necessary to assemble teams of experts from government, universities, research laboratories, and industries, to quickly solve problems anytime, anywhere.

Make experts more visible. Provide a central repository of information about employees, including information that, heretofore, has typically not been captured by the human-resources systems e. Symbolic violence and disempowerment as factors in the adverse impact of immigration detention on adult asylum seekers ‘ mental health.

The first objective of this qualitative component of a mixed-methods study is to provide a descriptive account of adult asylum seekers ‘ experience of detention in Canadian immigration detention centers. The second objective is to identify the main underlying factors accounting for their reported feelings of distress.

Researchers interviewed 81 adult asylum seekers held in two Canadian immigration detention centers concerning their experience of detention. Participants were drawn from a sample of detained asylum seekers who had completed structured questionnaires about mental health and detention conditions. Asylum seekers expressed shock and humiliation at being “treated like criminals. For trauma survivors, detention sometimes triggered retraumatization. Detention, even for brief periods in relatively adequate conditions, was found to be detrimental to asylum seekers ‘ mental health.

This adverse impact appears to be largely attributable to the combined effect of two factors: symbolic violence and disempowerment. Where people look for online health information. To identify health -related websites Americans are using, demographic characteristics associated with certain website type and how website type shapes users’ online information seeking experiences. User-identified websites were categorised into four types: government sponsored, commercially based, academically affiliated and search engines.

Logistic regression analyses examined associations between users’ sociodemographic characteristics and website type, and associations between website type and information search experience. Respondents reported using: commercial websites Older age was associated with the use of academic websites OR 1.

Search engine use predicted increased levels of frustration, effort and concern over website information quality, while commercial website use predicted decreased levels of these same measures.

Health information seekers experience varying levels of frustration, effort and concern related to their online searching. There is a need for continued efforts by librarians and health care professionals to train seekers of online health information to select websites using established guidelines and quality criteria.

Objectives: Asylum seekers in Germany represent a highly vulnerable group from a health perspective. Furthermore, their access to healthcare is restricted. While the introduction of the Electronic Health Insurance Card EHIC for asylum seekers instead of healthcare-vouchers is discussed controversially using politico-economic reasons, there is hardly any empirical evidence regarding its actual impact on the use of medical services. The aim of the study is to examine this impact on the use of medical services by asylum seekers as measured by their consultation rate of ambulant physicians CR.

Study Design: For this purpose, a standardized survey was conducted with asylum seekers in different municipalities, some of which have introduced the EHIC for asylum seekers , while others have not.

Multivariate analysis was done using a linear OLS regression model. Results: Asylum seekers in possession of the EHIC are significantly more likely to seek ambulant medical care than those receiving healthcare-vouchers.

Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that having to ask for healthcare-vouchers at the social security office could be a relevant barrier for asylum seekers. Older Job Seekers and Occupational Information. Help Elderly Locate Positions HELP , sponsored by the Emerald Empire Council on Aging and funded by the Administration on Aging, is a non-profit employment referral service for older workers, 55 and older, that has helped 1, elderly workers find jobs.

A major area of involvement at HELP focused on exposing the older job seeker to the…. The health status of asylum seekers screened by Auckland Public Health in and Approximately to applications for refugee status are made to the New Zealand Immigration Service each year. Approximately one third of these asylum seekers receive health screening from Auckland Public Health. We report here key findings from this screening programme for the period to Data on demographics, medical examination, diagnostic testing and referrals were analysed.

Nine hundred people, mainly from Middle Eastern countries, received screening. Important findings were: symptoms of psychological illness Immigrant communities in New Zealand have special healthcare needs, as well as experiencing language barriers, cultural differences and economic difficulties.

Healthcare providers should be alert to these needs. Appropriate resources are required to address these issues in a timely fashion.

Housing is an important social determinant of health ; however, little is known about the impact of housing experiences on health and wellbeing for people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds. In this paper, we outline a qualitative component of a study in South Australia examining these links. Specifically, interviews were conducted with 50 refugees and asylum seekers who were purposively sampled according to gender, continent and visa status, from a broader survey.

Interviews were analysed thematically. The results indicated that housing was of central importance to health and wellbeing and impacted on health through a range of pathways including affordability, the suitability of housing in relation to physical aspects such as condition and layout, and social aspects such as safety and belonging and issues around security of tenure.

Asylum seekers in particular reported that living in housing in poor condition negatively affected their health. Our research reinforces the importance of housing for both the physical and mental health for asylum seekers and refugees living in resettlement countries. Improving housing quality, affordability and tenure security all have the potential to lead to more positive health outcomes.

The oral health of refugees and asylum seekers : a scoping review. Improving the oral health of refugees and asylum seekers is a global priority, yet little is known about the overall burden of oral diseases and their causes for this population. To synthesize available evidence on the oral health of, and access to oral health care by this population. Analysis included descriptive and thematic analysis, as well as critical appraisal using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme CASP criteria for quantitative and qualitative studies.

The refugee populations in the studies showed higher burden of oral diseases and limited access to oral health care compared to even the least privileged populations in the host countries. Minimal strategies to improve oral health have been implemented; however, some have impressive outcomes. Oral health disparities for this population remain a major concern. More research is needed on refugees in developing countries, refugees residing in refugee camps, and interventions to bridge oral health disparities.

This review has utility for policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and other stakeholders working to improve the oral health of this population. Satisfaction with daily occupations amongst asylum seekers in Denmark. The aim of this study was to describe asylum seekers ‘ satisfaction with daily occupations and activity level while in a Danish asylum centre, and whether this changed over time. Another aim was to describe whether exposure to torture, self-rated health measures, and ADL ability were related to their satisfaction with daily occupations and activity level.

A total of 43 asylum seekers at baseline and 17 at follow-up were included. The results showed a low level of satisfaction with daily occupations at both baseline and follow-up. There was no statistically significant change in satisfaction or activity level between baseline and the follow-up. Associations between AMPS process skills–education, worst pain and activity level–were present at baseline, as was a relationship between AMPS process skills and satisfaction.

At follow-up, associations between WHO-5 and satisfaction and activity level and between MDI scores and activity level were found.

Asylum seekers experience a low level of satisfaction with daily occupations, both at arrival and after 10 months in an asylum centre. There is a need for further research and development of occupation-focused rehabilitation methods for the asylum seeker population.

It calls for better understanding of health information seeking behaviour and interactions between information seekers and information providers. Most diet information seekers post questions anonymously and without any detailed description. Individual experts or health organisations provide most answers. Overall, answers are positively received and had a high satisfaction rating. It was also found that information seeker -perceived helpfulness does not depend on who answered the question but to how an information seeker posted the question.

This study indicates that answers at WebMD Answers are helpful for diet information seekers. Factors associated with mobile health information seeking among Singaporean women. This study examined effects of age and social psychological factors on women’s willingness to be mobile health information seekers. A national survey of 1, Singaporean women was conducted to obtain information on women’s mobile phone usage, experiences of health information seeking, and appraisals of using mobile phones to seek health information.

Results showed that young, middle-aged, and older women exhibited distinct mobile phone usage behaviors, health information -seeking patterns, and assessments of mobile health information seeking. Factors that accounted for their mobile information -seeking intention also varied. Data reported in this study provide insights into mobile health interventions in the future.

Nutritional vulnerability seen within asylum seekers in Australia. To examine the extent of nutritional vulnerability seen in a cohort of asylum seekers in Australia. Twenty-one asylum seekers 15 males, 6 females that used a food bank were interviewed over a 6 week period at the Melbourne based Asylum Seeker Resource Centre about foods consumed in the previous h and any non food bank foods obtained.

A basket audit was conducted after participants accessed the food bank on the day of interview, Participants obtained significantly less than the minimum requirements for the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating in the vegetables and legumes P Health professionals working with asylum seeker populations need to be aware of this issue and the resulting potential for longer term ill health as a consequence. Experiencing ‘pathologized presence and normalized absence’; understanding health related experiences and access to health care among Iraqi and Somali asylum seekers , refugees and persons without legal status.

Asylum seekers , refugees and persons without legal status have been reported to experience a range of difficulties when accessing public services and supports in the UK.

While research has identified health care barriers to equitable access such as language difficulties, it has not considered the broader social contexts of marginalization experienced through the dynamics of ‘othering’.

Please note that these are cumulative scores for an entire agency, which might house several different departments. Sell Your Skillz It required several things to happen for each agency and provided a frame- work for that agency to be judged against the requirements and guide- lines set forward by the NIST. One of the harsh realities of contractor work is that if your con- tracts go away and your company cannot find other work for you, you are likely out of a job very quickly.

With the big companies over 5, employees , you will likely have more sta- bility and feel more secure in your position. Also, the primary growth method of large companies is acquiring other companies and their contracts.

Medium-sized companies to 5, employees , may not offer as much sta- bility as the larger companies, but they are better poised to offer newer business ser- vices on a faster timetable. A medium-sized company can usually provide quicker access to resources to develop a new service, like software code review or database security testing. Medium-sized companies will likely not spend as much money on acquisitions, but rather, invest in research and development for new technologies for additional business offerings.

Small companies fewer than employees , are all about speed and maneuver- ability. They may not have the huge cash reserves or large contract portfolio of the larger entities, but they can adapt much easier to changing trends. As a result, the risk is significantly higher when you work for one of these companies, but the potential for reward is also higher.

These companies usually are willing to invest some time — and money — into radical approaches if the potential is there for a new business opportunity. Institutions of higher education are probably the most stable places to work, along with government jobs.

As long as the budget does not dramatically change, you will likely be able to start and retire there. The benefits offered are usually better than some of the smaller and medium-sized companies, as well. One issue with educational insti- tutions is that they are much slower to adapt to new trends, as a whole. As always, there are exceptions, some universities have started sharing more information about control- ling disruptive technologies, such as Peer-to-peer P2P and IRC Bot nets.

As a contractor, your work is defined by the contract itself. There are differences between the way commercial organizations and government departments work, so their contracts have different information. You will find this in commercial contracts but not in government contracts. Any government contract can be voided by the government, and all money paid to the contractor refunded to the government.

The main point of this is, violating contract terms is serious, so make sure what you do is totally in line with the contract terms. Make sure when you go through your tasks, they match up against the SOW. FFP is just what it sounds like. During contract negotiation, a price is agreed upon by both sides and fixed into the contract. You might end up with a contract requiring you to build a firewall and secure 10, nodes, but only giving you 60 hours to complete the task.

FFP contracts are avoided as much as possible by con- tracting companies. You will find more FFP contracts for short-term contracts, anywhere from a few weeks to a year. When you are working on a contract, is it possible that your company is not the only one on the contract.

In fact, on large contracts, it is likely that it are not. It is common practice for one company to have a contract, but not have the resources to complete all tasks for that contract. In that case, there will be a prime contractor, the one who actually wins the contract, and multiple sub-contractors, the companies that do the tasks the prime contractor is not equipped to do. Coming from a hacker background, you should have the experience from doing ground-level work on securing and bypassing these disciplines; use it to your advantage, and seek out jobs like this that play to your strengths.

As far as work environment, there are no certainties. You may be considered an expert in the field, or you may be treated as a second-class employee because you are not in-house. Stability in contract work may be more risky, and there is a higher possibility that you may be out of work if the contracts for which you are qualified become hard to find; however, you also get move of a chance to move around to different jobs and work with different tech- nologies than if you worked at the same location for 10 years.

Digging for Information Now that the targets have been identified, it is time to start working towards the new job you have always wanted. Like any successful hack, you have to know what you are looking for and the best place to find it. Company or institutional sites themselves often have tons of information that you can use to plan your approach to getting the job. News sites, from the global to the local, depending on the size of your target companies, are excellent places to start, as well.

Company History The first thing you need to explore is if your target is actually hiring. I crafted this Google query using the OR operator, represented by the pipe symbol. This is a basic example of an information search. Acquisitions and divestitures are common for larger companies. A smaller company recently acquired might be looking to replace or supplement existing staff. The example in Figure 2. In the first six hits, we see references about three acquisitions and one divestiture, the divestiture being a company listed in the second hit, DynCorp.

What we can learn from this is that CSC is actively participating in the business growth process and is likely to need more workers for new work gained from these acquisitions. Be wary, however, of a company that seems to do nothing but buy and sell smaller companies.

They may not have a great strength in winning new work; their only work may be by what they can buy from smaller companies. Good Results A company that does well will often garner awards and recognition for their work. It is always a good idea to look and see if the company you are researching has www. If you receive a hit for your target company, you can follow up with another search for val- idation.

Often CNN. You can bet that if a company wins one of these awards, they will provide a link to that fact on their site. Make sure you do a detailed search of the Web site of your target for recognition. Many companies offer a Public Relations PR site that should sununarize this information, or at least give you contact information to their PR people with whom you can follow up for more information.

Again, information like this is great to use to customize your later efforts for a specific company. Has your target company has won new work recently? Many times a new win will directly correlate with hiring, especially in the contractor space. Since contracting and consulting companies often minimize over- head costs, they usually will not hire for potential work until the work is approved or granted. Bad Results Along with the desired qualities of your company, awards and recognition and new contracts, there are also times when companies get in trouble.

If a company is hit with items such as negative court deci- sions, governmental investigations into misconduct, or even grassroots protesting events, it can decrease the number of contracts or business awarded. In some cases, it may even result in layoffs or pay cuts. For your desired company, make sure you check out the different news outlets, enforcement agencies, and international media outlets if your company does business out of the country.

For example, if company XYZ was publicly chastised for a network intrusion that exposed the sensitive per- sonal information of employees or clients, and you have experience in securing sen- sitive data on publicly-available systems, that is definitely something you should emphasize in your hiring process. A com- pany that has just gone through a high-profile compromise may bring on workers for a new approach to their security posture.

A smaller company that might have had some problems and that had never understood the financial benefit in having INFOSEC might also decide to create a new capability and look for new personnel.

You may feel that it is more important to know the field than to know who is in the field, and to a large extent, you are correct.

However, it is much easier if you can leverage a personal contact when looking for employment. Many companies now require two to five references to be supplied when you apply for a job, and they will check them, especially when you are looking for security work. You can hack away at a local target all day long and be very satisfied with the results, as well as make progress.

Once you have learned all you can at that level, you need to start seeing how other remote resources affect your work. The same is true for job searching; you can base all your work on your own experience and knowl- edge, but take advantage, where you can, by making personal contact with those already working where you want to be.

In the Front Door Companies are interested in prospective employees who will take the time to search them out, rather than wait for a technical recruiter to track them down. Human Resource departments often host functions allowing job hunters to interact directly with those working in different areas of their company. Such functions are designed to give you access to these people in a professional setting and give you the chance to ask whatever you want.

Job Fairs Whether they are hosted by your target company or by another organization, you should use job fairs to the fullest. They are free, usually common to larger cities, and draw lots of different companies. Do not go into a job fair thinking that you will be www. This is especially true in the larger fairs where plus com- panies may be in attendance.

Instead of using this opportunity solely to spread your resumes out, which you should still do, gain some person-to-person time with the recruiters and, hopefully, some of their INFOSEC employees. Therefore, in order for them to be able to represent their com- panies when they do need candidates, they attend and get resumes without any jobs to offer.

Note that this is not an every rime occurrence; most companies go to job fairs to find new candidates for jobs. Ask them if they are actually looking for new employees. Also note that some companies have so many openings that they may offer multiple job fairs for different types of work. If you want to get more information about the cultural aspect of the company, attend those fairs to see if you can glean anything from the recruiters and attendees. At a mul- tiple-industry job fair, ask a bank, grocery store, or chemical company about their IT department.

The representative of the company may not be in charge of hiring for the IT department, but they may be able to put you in contact with the person who is.

The Job Fair is the first place for you to sell yourself to a prospective company. You have a chance to talk with representatives in an open manner and ask questions that you may not want to ask in a more formal setting. Making that first impression is critical, so make sure you present yourself in the most positive manner when you engage your prospective company at a job fair. Although some internships do not pay, or do not pay well, they offer the advantage of making contacts in that company, and frequently lead to offers of employment.

If you have the opportunity to qualify for some internships, you should try them out. Many intern- ships take place during summer breaks, especially those that have a multi-stage internship process. Some companies will have a first-level internship over a month during the summer, then pick their candidates to work the latter summer months, or even during a semester that you take away from your studies. Those often pay better, as you have to make up those hours you cannot take during that semester.

Outreach and Training Programs Some companies practice outreach to the community by offering programs free of charge, or at a reduced rate, for topics like certification, personal skill development, or marketing. Seek out these programs as they are often taught or lead by skilled staffers volunteering their time for the company.

You gain personal contacts with the company; you learn something new, and you per- ceived as someone who takes personal time to better their skills and knowledge. Other com- panies participate in similar programs to give their existing employees practice in presenting and teaching, while giving back to the community.

If you have a partic- ular topic that you want to get more information on, do some searches and see if your target company does anything like this. It is time to move in and engage the target. When going through the initial meetings with the company, such as in job fairs or meetings, always present a good attitude. Read up on casual information about the company so that you are literate about their concerns in conversations. Be mindful of any constraints that they may require you to work under.

Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome There are two keys to putting forth a good impression with HR personnel and company contacts. Blend in enough to not set off any alarms, but not so well that you are just another face in the crowd, and be flexible. Instead of reacting in surprise, take it in stride, and give some thought to it later, if it is an issue that will affect your decision. If you hope to sow anarchy and chaos wherever you go, professional INFOSEC is not the field for you, so save your- self some time now and look elsewhere.

If you had wanted to never make waves and accepted anything presented to you, you would not be where you are with your skills. Employers want those skills, but they also do not want to be apprehensive about them. Putting forth a pleasing appearance is the first step.

Chances are, at a function such as a job fair, or a training program, you will not be hit with the most technical questions; those are reserved for interviews.

Be pre- pared to speak in broad strokes, over high-level topics. If a topic is presented that totally throws you for a loop, say so, but be tactful about it. You may know how the two technologies are used separately, but have never touched on inte- grating the two.

All of these topics will be covered in more detail when we discuss the interview process in chapters to come. Get the Background Based on the industry or sector of your target company, become as knowledgeable as possible, if you are not already. Depending on the sector, there may be professional associations or affiliations that can provide background and detailed information about the sector.

Also, being that this is a commer- cial entity, being familiar with ISO – Information technology – Code of Practice for Information Security Management would also be very useful. Although ISO requires a paid download, there are communities where it is discussed freely, so resources are available. Those are heavily tied into those soft skills we discussed in the previous chapter.

Although hard skills are required to get the job done, if you have some idea about the concerns of management, a more pleasant working environment will be assured. Continued www. Very dry informa- tion, but this is very important at the Security Program Manager level and higher. Although this is not technically program-level information, it is a critical document to know when working in the federal space. Understanding risk management will help you understand how vulnerabilities are rated and handled in a procedural manner.

Federal systems are required to perform a self-assessment yearly, as part of their reporting for FISMA. Many companies assist in compliance and audit base their activities off of Watch Out for Mines Depending on the company you pursue, there may be unseen consequences and changes you need to make if employed. Employees of financial services corporations are often restricted from doing business with clients of the parent company, such as the use of credit cards, home loans, or stock ownership of those clients.

If you work for a federal agency, there are strict rules that prohibit many types of gifts from ven- dors and other outside agencies. Many companies will ask you to sign a non-com- pete agreement stating you will not work for a company that does business with the same clients if you leave. In addition, Non-Disclosure Agreements are common today, so that any exposure you get to any sensitive technology or information is strictly governed.

Consequently, when you make your first contacts, if you have strong feelings about these topics, it is best to get them answered quickly so you can adjust your pursuit. Sell Your Skillz. Since the mid-sized company is located in Anytown, you check out the Anytown Courier newspaper Web site and discover that ABC has been working with a series of volunteers providing secure network access to local school districts and libraries.

You go out and spend a weekend working with their engineers in wiring up the local library, making valu- able contacts. You find out that these engineers really love their job; one of them has worked for ABC for 1 0 years.

ABC is a large sponsor at a local job fair, so you attend the fair wearing business casual clothes tie and slacks for men, comfortable blouse and either skirt or pants for women with a stack of resumes. You meet the recruiter and two of the engineers you met at the volunteer weekend and discuss their recent business win, as well as your high-level of skill with both PKI and dynamic wireless re- keying.

This gives you an opportunity to study those topics and refresh your memory before you go in for an interview.

Checklist 0 Are you comfortable in making the decision whether to work as a contractor or in-house? In-bouse and contract employees have different challenges.

If you decide to pursue a federal job, FISMA scores are a starting point, as well as a goal for understanding the environment.

Much information is available publicly for federal and private sector companies. Recent contract wins and any enforcement action should be noted, as well as awards and recognition for outstanding work and employee satisfaction.

Purchases and sales of smaller companies are a good indicator of business growth opportunities, as well as knowledge about skills important to the company. In order to gain internal information about the company, try to get personal interaction with employees of your target. Human Resources departments some- times hold job fairs or community outreach allowing you to get more information about the employees and their opinions.

Research into newsgroups and mailing lists can turn up topics of interest to the company. Solutions Fast Track Narrowing Your Choices 0 For in-house work, try to match up your skill sets to a company with the same needs and challenges, in other words, remote connectivity, database intensive operations. Large companies have stability, but are slower to move. Medium-sized companies are less stable, but more likely to create new opportunities.

Small companies have a high level of risk, but are very flexible for new business and if successful, they are likely to be acquired.

Digging for Information 0 Search for company history on hiring and layoff trends. Make sure your prospect does not show up as having excessive compliance issues or enforcement actions. Researching for Rewards 0 Use Public Relations and Human Resource departments to gain personal interaction with employees.

Making the Contacts 0 Blend in for personal interaction, and be flexible with your responses. American Petroleum Institute Security Guidelines. Did bring up a lot of popups though. Ql When you talk about in-house work being stable, does that mean boring? A; Not at all, in-house work is more stable from a skill perspective. The systems are less likely to change, and you will be working in a more stable environment than a contractor would. Those for whom constant change is stressful would usually be happier with in-house work.

Ql Why are you pushing so much information about federal systems? This has caused the Washington DC Metro area to become a very popular place, for employment. Therefore, there is little base documentation.

A; When all is reduced to the bottom line, companies survive to make money. If www. Q; Do you really think spending a weekend volunteering to gain some kind of per- sonal interaction with different company employees is going to help?

Al Yes. When different candidates are being considered for the same job, especially for entry-level positions, it can be the smallest difference that may influence the decision.

Being known to the hiring personnel or workers as someone who takes the time to help out and learn new skills is a big plus in your favor. Enumeration is one of the most important steps a penetration tester performs.

It is also extremely valuable to job seekers. In most cases, job seekers enumerate the positions that are available.

In order to successfully find your first INFOSEC job, you also need to enumerate your own skills and the ways to highlight those skills to prospective employers. Chances are you have a pretty good idea of your skills. Chances are you have no idea how to make those skills work for you. Networking, education, increasing your profile in the community; all are important, but what does that mean? Where do you network, and with whom? What type of education should you pursue? This chapter teaches you these concepts and more.

Finally, some proven ways to increase your value to potential employers are presented. Some of the principles outlined in this chapter are fun; some are hard; some are hard and fun What Should I Do First? Ok, if you made it through that daunting introduction, not to mention the first two chapters, chances are you are still interested in pursuing a job in the INFOSEC field.

Believe it or not, chances are you have already taken the first step in pur- suing your new career Before you get worried, you can put those Cisco manuals down. There are several different types of meetings. Defcon Groups DC Groups www. Usually, there are one or two topics per meeting, and can range from beginner- level to extremely technical.

They are presenting information so that others can learn from their experiences. Although cliche, it is true that the question you feel silly asking is probably on the minds of several others in the room.

Go beyond asking questions. Engage the speaker in a dialogue. You may have some information that is new to the speaker. Everyone will learn from you as well as the speaker. Once you have been to a few meetings and feel comfortable with the people and the material being presented, take it to the next level. Ask the group coordinator for a slot for you to speak at an upcoming meeting.

Before you start worrying that you may have bitten off more than you can chew, relax. Rather, you want to get in front of them and make sure they know you, know who you are, and start to get a feel for your abilities.

Furthermore, public speaking is a sought after skill, and getting experi- ence and recognition as someone who can speak will benefit you down the road.

Another great strategy is to make time both before and after meetings to socialize. Remember, many of the attendees at these meetings are already working in the industry. You are looking to get your foot in the door. Personal references from a respected employee go farther with prospective employers than almost any other tool in your arsenal. Taking time for one-on-one conversations with other people in the industry, while making sure to let them know of your desire to work in the industry, can result in a www.

It is easy for people to spot someone trying to use them to further their personal agenda. On the other hand, it is equally easy to spot a person that is genuine.

Pretty much any type of technology has some form of user group community. The Snort Intrusion Detection System www. You probably already know what you are interested in, intrusion detection, forensics, vulnerability assessment, operating systems Linux, BSD, and so on.

Many of these user groups have mailing lists that you can subscribe and contribute to. Although e-mail or Internet contact is not always as fruitful as face-to- face contact, many strong, valuable relationships can begin with an online introduc- tion. Hey, eharmony. Additionally, almost all of these smaller, more specific communities have Internet Relay Chat IRC channels where you can begin to cultivate relationships.

Regardless of the way that you make contact face-to-face at meetings or through some form of online community , the principles mentioned in the Local Hacker Meetings section also apply for user group meetings.

Listen, learn, speak, and be genuine. If you get nothing else out of this chapter get these four words: Google Is Your Friend!

The easiest way to alienate yourself with a user community is to ask ques- tions that are easily answerable using a search engine. Rather, search first. Is Education Important? Is a formal education important? The answer will depend on who you ask. However, ssking the same ques- tion of someone with a Masters of Science in Information Security will bring a completely different answer. So who should you believe? No single factor – education, experience, reputation, or anything else, is going to get you the job you are looking for.

Rather, a combination of all of these factors is going to be required. Experience This is probably the hardest to get. Remember though, you are a hacker. You have been finding ways around things most of your life. Remember, formal experience is not the only type of experience employers look at. Volunteer experience also looks great on a resume, and almost every type of organization in your area uses some form of information technology — schools, churches.

Girl or Boy Scout groups — you name it. They are all great places to vol- unteer your time and talents. Contact the school board and let them know that you are pursuing a career in Information Security and that you would like to volunteer your services at a local high school.

Since this puts you around kids, which tends to make some people nervous, you will have better luck if you know someone on the board or at a specific school who can recommend you hey Churches on the other hand are usually much more receptive to any type of volunteer help they can get.

Be creative; find an orga- nization in your area that will let you practice your trade while building real world experience. Keep plugging away. You have a valuable skill, and there is someone out there who will let you use it. Your reputation is gold. Well, you hope it s gold anyway. If you have a good repu- tation in the user group community, or in the community where you live, it will carry you a long way. If a prospective employer searches for your name on Google yes, they actually do this and finds three or four presentations at a local hacker group, and several well-written, informative posts on INFOSEC message boards or mailing lists more on those later , they are likely to be impressed.

This both increases your chances of getting an interview and increases their opinion of you before you even set foot in the door.

If, on the other hand, they search for your name and find a string of poorly written, abusive posts, several pictures your college roommate took of you passed out with your pants around your ankles, and a bunch of questions posted to message boards that could have been answered with a cursory Google search These are all factors in your reputation.

Keep Your Nose Clean Most of us have heard stories of attackers that get arrested for compro- mising a network, get a couple of years in jail, and then come out to six figure salaries and instant fame. Does this mean the best way to improve your odds of getting that dream job is to get arrested?

Absolutely not. If there is one mistake you can make that will, in all likelihood, sink your chances of securing a job in the INFOSEC field, it is the mistake of getting arrested for committing a computer crime. Prospective employers will run a background check on you.

Few rep- utable employers will consider you if you have a criminal record, and working for the government is out of the question. You can possibly open your own business, but who will want to hire you? This curiosity is what drives the skills that you have. Set up a network at home and come up with a hundred different ways to compromise your systems. Once you cross the line, though, and access computer resources that you are not authorized on, it is just a short time until your fledgling INFOSEC career comes to a screeching halt.

That brings us back to education. Is formal education necessary? Maybe not. It sure is. The fact is, a college degree does more than demonstrate what you have learned. It demonstrates to a prospective employer that you have the ability to stick to a task and see it through for an extended period of time. Just having the degree tells a prospective employer that he can count on you to stay the course. Setting aside the benefit of demonstrated tenacity for a minute, look at your decision to obtain a degree a different way.

Think of it from a purely selfish stand- point. Without obtaining a degree you may not make it past the Human Resource HR resume screeners to even get an interview. A college degree is often one of these requirements.

When these people look at your resume and see no experience and no degree, well There are several good choices of potential degrees. A bachelor of science degree in other fields will probably meet the degree requirement. These are just the degrees that employers often list as acceptable in job descriptions. In addition to the bachelors of science degrees, there are several masters degree programs that specialize in Information Security. While a masters degree is rarely required, especially an entry level position, if you are inclined to pursue a higher degree, a Master of Science in Information Security can never hurt.

Certifications: Magic or Myth? Some will say that certifications are the greatest asset you can have and that an alphabet soup after your name only increases your value. The truth lies somewhere in between. Getting selected certifications can be beneficial. Much like a degree, this is something a HR person will screen resumes looking for.

CISSP certification is also useful when applying for analyst work such as risk assessment or compliance auditing positions. On the other hand, some people in the industry tend to think the CISSP has been devalued and is no longer a realistic indicator of the skills an individual possesses. This can be the case with any certification. When the job market becomes saturated with a particular certification, the value of that certification decreases. Individuals with MCSE certification were widely sought after and could command high starting salaries with relatively little experience.

In addition to two examinations, students were required to complete a practical assignment within six months of taking the GIAC training until April 15, This requirement was dropped as of that date. GIAC certifications are available in a wide range of disciplines. Information about the GIAC certifications can be found at www. Obtaining professional certifications can be in your best interest. For more information on the lAM and lEM, check out www. Most operating system vendors also offer some form of operating system-specific security certification.

There are wireless security certifications available, as well as network security certifica- tions from vendors and third-party organizations. A few targeted certifications can help beef up your resume and show a prospec- tive employer that you have some background knowledge and skill in the specific area they are looking for. If, on the other hand, you pursue every certification out there, you run the risk of employers concluding that you are possibly a good test taker, but without experience to back your certifications up, they may just pass.

There are several ways to make this happen. Here, we discuss a range of methods — from things you can do in your own house for little or no money, to more expensive and time- consuming strategies. The Bugtraq mailing list www. Before subscribing to any mailing list, it is a good idea to read through the archives for the last few months. This will accomplish a couple of things. Some lists are very high volume, like Full Disclosure. You will get at least 10 or 1 5 e-mails per day from the Full Disclosure mailing list.

If a new vulnerability is a hot topic of discussion, that number will triple or even quadruple. Similarly, the Bugtraq mailing list traffic increases significantly with new, hot topics of discussion.

Because not everyone wants to get a continuous stream of e-mail from mailing lists, most of them offer a digest option. This is a single e-mail that is sent out daily containing all of the posts to the list in the past 24 hours. This can be a great option for high-volume mailing lists. The Bugtraq mailing list is hosted by Security Focus www. You will spend all your time reading and sifting e-mail to find the relevant information you need. You can then skim them much easier, rather than spending all your time han- dling the noise on the list, and you can use that time to respond to a topic that interests you.

Another advantage of using RSS to handle multiple lists is that some lists choose to update frequently and can easily overwhelm your capacity to stay cur- rent. Other outlets may pick up the information later that day or week, but with RSS you can be up-to-date with the information and not overloaded by the sheer number of posts. Forums Forums, love them or hate them, are a prominent fixture in the Internet community.

In many ways, they are the evolution of the bulletin board, some of the first com- munications channels used between hackers and professionals. It sounds silly, but a well-established presence on boards such as these can do wonders, especially if the HR people have used those forums for reference in the past. Membership to these boards is usually restricted to certified members, but there are related forums that offer open membership.

Those are great avenues to try to find like-minded colleagues who might have more specialized skills. Since there are as many lists for skills, almost, as the skills themselves, I will not list them all here. One way to narrow down the search, however, would be to include a prominent tool, vendor, or aspect of the skills to focus the exposure.

An example of one way to gain recognition in wireless networking and security is to check out the previously-mentioned NetStumbler forums, as well as Kismet, www.

Don’t Just Read Why should I even bother filling my inbox up with all this mailing list traffic? You already told me that archives are online. In order to really get your name out there, you need to contribute. You can contribute by asking insightful questions or by providing new information, depending on the type of list. For instance, if you have discovered a new vulnerability in a product, the Bugtraq and Full Disclosure mailing lists are good places to report them.

Be careful with this type of disclosure though. Irresponsible disclosure can be counterproductive, and more detrimental than no contribution at all.

Before posting a vulnerability to one of these lists, you should contact the vendor and provide them with information about the vulnerability. After an agreed upon time for the vendor to develop and release a patch, a joint announcement between the vendor and you to these lists is an outstanding way to get your name out to the community. There will be cases where vendors decline to fix a vulnerability, or an inordinate amount of time passes after vendor notification.

In these cases, you are forced to make a decision. Should you disclose the vulnerability, or not? There is no hard and fast rule. Some people will tell you that the benefits of alerting the community to a vulnerability so that they can try to find ways to mitigate the effects outweigh the potential for an attacker to use the information for untoward means.

Other people www. You will have to make this decision on a case-by-case basis, but always keep in mind that an irresponsible disclosure could backfire and hurt your reputation in the community.

If, as an example, you have developed strong Solaris skills, you can begin to get your name out by answering questions on the Focus on Sun mailing list.

If you have done research on firewalls that you feel would benefit the community at large, then posting that infor- mation to the Firewalls mailing list would be an outstanding way to begin getting your name out to the community. Remember, your goal in posting to these lists is to get your name out in the community to either prospective employers, or to other professionals. Name recogni- tion can go a long way toward getting an interview. You can, however, shoot yourself in the foot by participating in flame wars and being condescending on these lists, particularly when you are a new poster.

Additionally, it is in your best interest to craft your e-mail using proper grammar and spelling. Using proper spelling and grammar demonstrates to prospective employers that you have this necessary skill. Unfortunately, there are many conferences out there, and many of them are very expensive. The presenta- tions at most of these conferences range from introductory level INFOSEC concepts to advanced, previously unreleased information.

The technical talks are obviously beneficial to you as you round out your arsenal of security knowledge, but the management-level presentations can also be very helpful. By understanding the issues that managers have to deal with, you can better prepare yourself for an interview with them. Before deciding which conferences to spend your money on, you should understand that different conferences attract different types of attendees.

If you are looking for a conference that is mainly attended by other hackers, Defcon www. If your goal is to meet other hackers and people that have a recognizable name or handle in the hacker underground, you will find a lot of them at Defcon. You may, however, find that it is difficult to get any one-on-one time with these people because of the sheer number of other attendees vying for their attention. Fortunately, in addition to the big conferences, there are several smaller confer- ences that take place throughout the year.

Also, Canada offers CanSecWest www. These conferences are all INFOSEC specific and can provide you with an opportu- nity to attend a conference without having to travel as far, if at all.

Additionally, because these conferences generally have smaller attendance bases, you will probably have more of an opportunity for one-on-one time with the speakers, staff, and other attendees. Most of these conferences provide PDFs or Fowerpoint slides of past presenta- tions on their websites. In addition to providing a wealth of knowledge, these past presentations will give you a jumping off point for conversations with speakers when you meet them at a future conference.

Most speakers at professional conferences are more than happy to spend some time talking with attendees about their presenta- tions current and past. Asking insightful questions will allow you to begin to get your name out to individuals with established reputations in the INFOSEC field. As with presentations at smaller user group meetings, it is imperative that you are sin- cere.

If a conference speaker believes that you are trying to use him to further your own reputation, or that you are being disingenuous, they are very likely not going to spend much time with you and are likely to remember you in a negative way. Speak at Conferences One of the greatest ways you can increase your chances of landing your first INFOSEC job is by not just attending security conferences, but speaking at them. As we mentioned earlier, many of these conferences are attended not only by people www.

By pre- senting at these conferences, you are providing a prospective employer with hard evi- dence that you are a leader in your area of expertise. Your interview process will be significantly easier because employers will be able to gauge your knowledge level before they even meet you.

In addition to routine background checks, most employers also run rudimentary search engine queries on people they plan to interview.

A simple query of your name and the word presentation which you will obviously mention on your resume will provide a prospective employer with valuable information about your ability and standing in the community as shown in the example in Figure 3.

Figure 3. By pulling up and viewing some of the presentations, he could determine the level of technical ability of an individual in a specific area. After this initial research, the interview process will likely be much easier for you because if the company representative decided to call you in after reviewing your conference presentations, chances are very good that they were impressed with your skill level.

At this point, it is probably your job to lose, rather than something you have to fight tooth and nail for. Regardless of the method or methods you choose to get your name out there, you need to use your real name, not your handle, if you have one. Companies hire Chris Hurley. Although it take an accomplished individual to offer SANS classes, you can do the same on a smaller scale.

Libraries and other public institutions are often budget restricted and welcome someone offering to give lessons to the community. This is an excellent way to give back to the com- munity also discussed in Chapter For example, to get your foot in the door, you could teach a basic Windows security course. Chances are, if you have bypassed security on them, you have a pretty good idea about how to reinforce them.

Also, this is a good way to complete continuing education hours required by some certifi- cations, such as the CISSP. On the receiving side of training, the ability to list many INFOSEC-related skills on your resume is critical when developing your resume. Projects like Nessus, www. If you are planning to pursue a career in penetration testing or any type of assessments, get very famihar with these tools, as they are common throughout INFOSEC.

Certifications can be included here, as well, although they usually www. Some companies offer free or discounted certifications through sites like Brainbench, www. Take advantage of those as much as possible. Any opportunities to gain vendor certifications should also be uti- lized, as long as you do not rely on them solely for gaining work opportunities. Understanding Opportunities and Gaining Experience Everyone needs experience.

Earlier in this chapter we looked at ways to gain uncon- ventional experience. While unconventional experience is great, traditional, conven- tional, actual experience is virtually impossible to replace on a resume. A couple of years experience can be the difference between getting an interview and being passed over. It can mean the difference between being offered a job or having it offered to an equally qualified, but more experienced candidate.

There are ways to get real, traditional experience — the experience that many potential employers value very highly. Experience that can often give you the edge you need. Without having to have any prior experience? Chances are, you would either think you were being conned, or you would ask where to sign up. Well, sign up is probably the best way to describe it. Now, before you slam this book shut and throw it across the room like it was trying to bite you, read on for a page or so.

Unlike many other employers, the military looks at your aptitude for doing a specific job rather than your experience and education level. For someone trying to break into a particular field, the military offers the opportunity for you to gain both training in that field, and then experience.

As you know, this is a culture that is www. In fact, in many cases, it is that disdain for restraints and restrictions that initially drew you to the hacker community. At this point, you are going to have to make some choices about what is important to you. You need to be willing to wear appropriate attire to work instead of shorts and t-shirts. You are going to have to follow the direction of your manager or supervisor. The military may take these things to an extreme that makes you uncomfortable uniforms and orders instead of button- down shirts and tasking , but the concepts are basically the same.

All allow you to choose and be guaranteed a specific job, if you are able to demonstrate an aptitude for that specialty. Once you have completed your initial training, you can gain experience per- forming the duties associated with that job.

Additionally, many prospective employers appreciate the discipline and ideals that the military stands for, and this will give you an additional leg up. The military also offers tuition assistance to active duty servicemen and women that pays up to 75 percent of college course fees.

And, in lieu of enlist- ment bonuses, tens of thousands of dollars for education can be chosen for use after enlistment ends. This provides you with traditional experience and the ability to obtain formal education — both of which prospective employers desire. The military is not for everyone. You should be realistic about this fact. You are going to need to assess your ability to adhere to the restrictions placed on you by the military.

As favorable as an honorable discharge from the military can be, a dishonorable discharge, or a general discharge under less than honorable conditions, will almost certainly sink your chances with most employers.

To some of you, working for the government equates to sleeping with the enemy. However, government positions offer several advantages and oppor- tunities. It allows you to search current listings for available positions. When looking for entry-level positions, narrow your search to only positions listed between the pay grades of GS-1 and GS M9 00 lAO p« yaw Most government positions that have an experience requirement allow you to substitute education for experience.

In addition, many government positions only require general experience as opposed to specialized experience. You can almost always apply the volunteer and non-traditional experience mentioned earlier in this chapter to a general experience requirement.

Government positions offer several potential advantages over commercial posi- tions. This means that many agencies budgets include line items for Information Security. Big budgets mean good equipment. It is always fun to have the latest and greatest equipment available to you, and govern- ment positions often afford you that opportunity.

Also, while corporate America is controlled by the bottom line, and layoffs, even for INFOSEC professionals are common, government positions generally offer a strong level of job security.

Security Clearances One of the most frustrating aspects of searching for INFOSEC jobs can be that so many of the positions require some form of government security clearance. A search ofMonster. Loam moro. Unfortunately, getting a security clearance is not as easy as requesting one.

Most of the time, companies are reluctant to invest in the background investigations required for a clearance and would prefer, and in some cases require, that an appli- cant have an active clearance. This puts entry-level job seekers at a decided disadvan- tage. There are a couple of ways to get this clearance. In addition to the benefits mentioned earlier, the military is not reluctant to invest in putting you through the clearance process.

If your job requires a clearance, the military pays for it. It is as simple as that. Many people join the military for this benefit more than any other. This method can be expen- sive. Using a corporate sponsorship works this way.

Two years on overhead is very costly to a company, even for an entry-level position. During this time you will have to continue working at a different job. Most compa- nies are reluctant to do this type of sponsorship for a couple of reasons. First, clear- ance-required contracts specify a certain number of cleared positions.

These billets are usually filled by people actually working on the contract. Second, the company has no real guarantee that you will take the position with them after you have been granted a clearance. Clearance Fu When reading job descriptions for jobs that require clearance, the types of clearance and acronyms can be difficult to understand.

The following list explains the U. Government security clearances available. Most agen- cies have some form of clearance and many of them share names and meaning.


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