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For instance, if a three-days unit is one such unit of time, then this system can retrieve three days worth of resumes that meet a certain criteria on a specified date that is so many multiples of three days from the pre-determined date. So, although this system will be retrieving data that is created between two dates that are three days apart, the stored date in the XML file will be a unique number identifying each of the three days.

Similar to the Gregorian calendar, which utilizes days, months and years as units of time, this system utilizes a number of time units, which are pre-determined by the implementers of the system.

Optimizing the data retrieval to the user’s liking influences the determination of the length and number of these time units. Smaller number of time units tends to cause the units to carry high values and will cause the system to retrieve a larger number of resumes. However, if you need to narrow the number of resume retrieved, then a large number of such units is established, where the units’ values will be narrowly spread out.

The system stores the salary in multiples of a predetermined series of values. For instance, an 82, U. This system retrieves all resumes whose desired salaries fall in a range whose length is one such dollar unit. All resumes in this dollar range, whose length is the value of the dollar unit, carry the same attribute or multiple of that unit.

Retrieving all resumes with a certain value of the multiple will retrieve resumes whose desired salary is with a range whose length is one such dollar unit amount. This system can retrieve resumes within a dollar range without having to execute data base retrieval statements that utilize the greater, smaller or between operators.

The system stores educational information, which includes degree, field of specialization, school name, and year of graduation.

This system allows the user to filter or retrieve resumes based on criteria related to education. Degrees are nested in a hierarchy. For instance, a resume of a candidate who holds a master degree will appear in nested enclosures for an associate, bachelor, and master degrees. The implementation can be made to accommodate any number of degrees that run in a hierarchy. Two degrees belong to the hierarchy when one implies the other. For instance, the holder of a Master’s degree either holds a Bachelor’s degree or has the qualifications of at least the holder of a Bachelor’s degree.

The system maps each skill or experience-related phrase to a number of broad terms or phrases when a candidate posts the resume to the system. The system stores the broad terms or phrases and their maximum possible duration of experience in the same fashion as it does for the narrow terms or phrases, from which the broad terms or phrases were derived.

Thus, the search will have a direct hit for requested skill or experience-related phrases as well as direct hits for their broad terms or experience-related phrases. Note that a broad term or phrase is a term or a phrase that is implied by another term or phrase. The latter term or phrase is the narrow term of the broad term that it implied. In this statement A implies B. Therefore, B is a broad term of A and A is a narrow term of B. After locating each skill or experience-related phrase, the system displays the data extrapolated from the resume to the candidate and allows the candidate to correct, add, or delete any information from the resume.

In another embodiment, the system assists the candidate with developing a resume by asking the candidate a series of questions designed in such a way that the answers will make up the phrases and sentences that comprise the content of a job assignment description. In another embodiment, when a hiring manager’s search identifies a suitable candidate, the system will generate for each employer’s job, a summary of the candidate’s background that highlights the experiences most pertinent to the job requirements.

The preceding features and advantages are presented to assist with understanding the invention and are neither an exhaustive nor an exclusive summary. It should be understood that these features and advantages are not representative of all of the inventions defined by the claims, to be considered limitations on the invention as defined by the claims, or limitations on equivalents to the claims.

Thus, these features and advantages should not be considered dispositive when determining equivalence. The accompanying figures best illustrate the details of the resume management and recruitment workflow system and method, both as to its structure and operation.

Like reference numbers and designations in these figures refer to like elements. In one embodiment, candidate a authors resume a in an electronic format and stores resume a in resume management and recruitment workflow system as a public resume.

Recruiter a determines a set of requirements and searches resume management and recruitment workflow system for any resume that matches the set of requirements. Each requirement includes at least one required skill or experience-related phrase and a required minimum duration of experience associated with the skill or experience-related phrase. If resume a matches the set of requirements, recruiter a retrieves a copy of resume a , optionally reviews the resume or interviews the candidate as an additional screening step, and sends it to hiring manager a for review.

Even though this embodiment only illustrates the interaction of candidate a , recruiter a , and hiring manager a , it is to be understood that resume management and recruitment workflow system can accommodate any number of candidates, recruiters, and hiring managers.

Recruitment team , as shown in FIG. Candidate b , candidate c , and candidate d each agreed to work with recruitment team Candidate b , candidate c , and candidate d author, respectively, resume b , resume c , and resume d in an electronic format and store resume b , resume c , and resume d in resume management and recruitment workflow system as private resumes.

As shown in FIG. In another embodiment, the private resume is a replacement for the public resume. The recruiters comprising recruitment team have access to both public and private resumes and search resume management and recruitment workflow system for any resume that matches the set of requirements defined by hiring manager a and another set of requirements defined by hiring manager b.

If resume c matches the set of requirements defined by hiring manager b , a member of recruitment team retrieves a copy of resume c , optionally reviews the resume or interviews the candidate as an additional screening step, and sends it to hiring manager b for review.

Even though this embodiment only illustrates the interaction of candidate b , candidate c , candidate d , recruitment team , hiring manager a , and hiring manager b , it is to be understood that resume management and recruitment workflow system can accommodate any number of candidates, recruiters, and hiring managers.

Network , as shown in FIG. Network shown in FIG. Comparable network architectures include the Public Switched Telephone Network PSTN , a public packet-switched network carrying data and voice packets, a wireless network, and a private network.

A wireless network includes a cellular network e. An intranet is a private communication network that provides an organization, such as a corporation, with a secure means for trusted members of the organization to access the resources on the organization’s network.

In contrast, an extranet is a private communication network that provides an organization, such as a corporation, with a secure means for the organization to authorize non-members of the organization to access certain resources on the organization’s network. The input hardware components shown in FIG.

Client computer is a general-purpose personal computer, workstation, or laptop configured to connect to network PDA is a portable handheld device, such as a Palm handheld or Microsoft Pocket PC, configured to connect to network either directly or via client computer When PDA disconnects from client computer , PDA operates upon downloaded data stored locally until reestablishing the connection to client computer and synchronizing the data.

Mobile device is a portable wireless device that connects to resume management and recruitment workflow system via network In another embodiment, mobile device is a land-based or wireless telephone that connects to resume management and recruitment workflow system via network Server computer is a general-purpose network computer that manages network resources and accepts connections from computers such as client computer via network It is to be understood that the input hardware components shown in FIG.

In one embodiment, candidate a operates the input hardware components shown in FIG. After storing resume a , candidate a operates the input hardware component to access resume management and recruitment workflow system via network and sends resume a to resume management and recruitment workflow system In another embodiment, candidate a operates the input hardware component to access resume management and recruitment workflow system and relies upon programmed instructions residing in resume management and recruitment workflow system to create resume a and store the resume on resume management and recruitment workflow system In another embodiment, candidate a operates the input hardware component to access resume management and recruitment workflow system via network and verify or update the content of resume a that was previously transmitted to resume management and recruitment workflow system In another embodiment, candidate a operates the input hardware component to access resume management and recruitment workflow system and verify or update the data parsed from candidate resume a.

In another embodiment, candidate a operates the input hardware component to access resume management and recruitment workflow system and search a database of job descriptions stored by recruiters such as recruiter a. In another embodiment, candidate a operates the input hardware component to access resume management and recruitment workflow system and submit resume a for a job description stored by a recruiter such as recruiter a.

In another embodiment, the resume bulk load is an automatic, scheduled process that occurs periodically. The output hardware components shown in FIG. It is to be understood that the output hardware components shown in FIG. In one embodiment, recruiter a operates the output hardware component shown in FIG. Each requirement includes a skill or experience-related phrase that a candidate a must possess and a minimum duration of time that the candidate a could have possibly practiced the skill or experience-related phrase.

Typically, a skill or experience-related phrase will appear in a resume in a context that implies a maximum duration of time that the candidate a has practiced the skill or experience-related phrase i. This mention of the experience-related phrase might also occur when candidate a has studied the subject matter represented by the experience-related phrase.

Although the phrase might not belong to a job with a duration of experience, the experience-related phrase might also be mentioned in resume a when candidate a is familiar with the phrase, had read about it, or other reasons that deemed candidate a to include it. If the context does not imply a duration of time i. Thus, the skill or experience-related phrase will be attributed to the resume. However, the weight attributed to the skill or experience-related phrase will be negligible.

Situations that will cause the maximum duration of time to be zero include candidate a attending a class or seminar on a particular subject matter, or being familiar with a subject matter, but having no formal experience with the subject matter. After creating a job, recruiter a operates the output hardware component to access resume management and recruitment workflow system via network and verify the status of a job that was previously created and stored in resume management and recruitment workflow system In another embodiment, resume management and recruitment workflow system automatically searches its database for any resume such as resume a that matches the job requirement and displays resume a and the contact information for candidate a on client computer for recruiter a.

Resume a is a match if it contains a skill or experience-related phrase in the job requirements and if the duration of experience derived from the context of the skill or experience-related phrase exceeds the maximum duration of time associated with the skill or experience-related phrase in the job requirements. XML table only stores a portion of the maximum-total-duration because the actual maximum-total-duration of each experience-related phrase extracted from resume a is rounded to the closest smaller duration tag in XML table Thus, the maximum-total-duration for a skill or experience-related phrase is the summation, over every job experience range in resume a , of the duration of time for the skill or experience-related phrase.

In another embodiment, recruiter a searches resume management and recruitment workflow system to locate matching candidates.

Candidate a is a match for a job if resume a includes each skill or experience-related phrase, or the associated narrow phrases, that comprise the requirements for the job and where, for each skill or experience-related phrase, the rounded maximum-total-duration of experience exceeds the required minimum duration of time.

In another embodiment, the job bulk load is an automatic, scheduled process that occurs periodically. Resume management and recruitment workflow system is a general-purpose computer. Bus is a communication medium that connects central processing unit CPU , resume database , data storage , and network adapter to memory Network adapter also connects to network and is the mechanism that facilitates the passage of network traffic between resume management and recruitment workflow system and network CPU performs the disclosed methods by executing the sequences of operational instructions that comprise each computer program resident in, or operative on, memory Resume management and recruitment workflow system also contemplates distributing resume database over multiple storage devices to suit efficiency, performance, backup, and data warehousing requirements.

In one embodiment, resume database utilizes a relational database management system such as Oracle 9i version 9. Another embodiment of resume database may utilize a different database management tool that is either homegrown or publicly available and traded.

Another embodiment of resume database may utilize an object-oriented database management system such as FrameD, open source software provided by SourceForge. In one embodiment, the configuration of memory includes user interface program , search data entry program , resume parser program , phrase mapping program , job creation program , resume searching program , resume generator program , and resume maker program These computer programs store intermediate results in memory and transmit final results via bus for storage in resume database or data storage It is to be understood that in another embodiment the configuration of memory may not simultaneously include these programs.

CPU coordinates loading a program when it is needed, storing intermediate results, transferring data from one program to another, and unloading the program when it is no longer needed. User interface program is a web-based graphical user interface such as a hypertext markup language HTML web page that is accessible using a general-purpose hypertext transfer protocol HTTP web browser such as Netscape Communicator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Mosaic.

In another embodiment, user interface program is a standalone application program implemented using an interface tool such as Java, or Microsoft Visual Basic. A user, such as candidate a or recruiter a , operates user interface program to access search data entry program , resume parser program , phrase mapping program , job creation program , resume searching program , resume generator program , and resume maker program A connection pool management program such as the OC4j version 1.

A description of these programs follows in the discussion of the flowcharts shown in FIGS. In another embodiment, a different set of software and hardware tools can service the connection and communication between the user or the user interface on one hand and the programs listed in memory of resume management and recruitment workflow system on the other hand.

Search data entry program is the tool that recruiter a uses to compose the criteria for searching resume database to identify resume a as possibly satisfying the requirements for a job and identifying candidate a as a possible match for the job. Candidate a is a matching candidate if the resume of candidate a contains the set of requirements whose rounded-down maximum possible duration of experience that is derived from the resume exceeds the rounded-up required minimum duration of experience for each of the skill or experience-related phrases required by the job and defined in the composed criteria.

Again, this maximum possible duration as known to the searchable XML table is the rounded figure, which is referred to in this disclosure as the rounded-maximum-total-duration of experience.

Search data entry program permits recruiter a to enter the criteria as a Boolean phrase of skill or experience-related phrases very similar to the data entry for search engines found in prior electronic systems. Search data entry program converts the Boolean phrase into an intuitive layout of a list of required skill or experience-related phrases and possible alternative skill or experience-related phrases. In another embodiment, search data entry program permits recruiter a to enter the criteria as the list of required skill or experience-related phrases and possible alternative skill or experience-related phrases.

Search data entry program then converts the intuitive layout of a list of required skill or experience-related phrases and possible alternative skill or experience-related phrases to a Boolean phrase.

The data entered in Search data entry program is the input to resume searching program Search data entry program will replay itself for the user allowing the user to possibly enter another criteria, which will be utilized to remove candidates from the list of candidates who fit the previously entered criteria.

In other words, search data entry program accepts mandatory criteria to which the qualifications of the resulting resumes have to adhere and optional similarly laid-out criteria to which the qualifications of the resulting resumes cannot adhere. A resume adhering to the second criteria will be taken out of the list of resumes that adhere to the firstly entered criteria. In another embodiment, search data entry program accommodates educational requirements in its search criteria.

Recruiter a can specify the required level of education and field of specialization. In another embodiment, search data entry program accommodates salary requirements in its search criteria. Recruiter a can specify a range of required salaries. An input to resume parser program is resume a in an electronic format.

A transmission means such as an electronic mail message will include resume a in an electronic format as an attachment. A transmission means such as an uploaded file comprises resume a in an electronic format that resume parser program receives via a protocol such as FTP.

A transmission means such as resume maker program is a specifically designed transmission means. After receiving resume a , resume parser program parses the resume to extract certain attributes of the candidate and all experience-related phrases and the maximum-total-duration of experience for each phrase. The attributes include the candidate’s name, residence or business address, telephone numbers e. During the parsing of resume a , resume parser program identifies the beginning and end of the experience portion of resume a.

In another embodiment, the beginning of the experience portion occurs at the start of resume a. The experience portion of resume a by-passes narratives on education, objective, references, hobbies, summary of skills, name, address, phone numbers, electronic mail address, awards, non-experience related achievements, non-experience related accomplishments, and other narratives that do not define experience over a specified duration of time.

The end of the experience portion occurs either when resume parser program reaches the end of the resume or when a heading appears such as education, references, hobbies, or other headings that are not related to a job experience.

Resume parser program extracts a start-date and an end-date from the description of each employer or job assignment in the experience portion of resume a. A job assignment description is all the text that starts with the line that includes the start-date and ends at the line before the line that includes the next start-date.

In another embodiment, a job assignment description in resume a ends at the end of resume a or one line before the appearance of a non-experience-related heading like references, education or hobbies in resume a. The duration of experience, the term of experience, or the experience range, is the duration of time resulting from the subtraction of the end-date for a job assignment description from the start-date for the job assignment description.

The start-date and end-date for a job assignment description in resume a appear on one line with a separator in between. In another embodiment, the start-date, separator, and end-date of a job assignment description in resume a appear on two or three consecutive lines respectively. When only two lines are used the separator might be a null, implied by a carriage-return or line-feed, a hidden or unprintable character, or non-existent.

The maximum duration for any skill or experience-related phrase that appears in the description of that employer or job assignment is the duration of time between the start-date and the end-date. If the start-date or the end-date are not present in the description, then resume parser program sends an electronic message to candidate a requesting that candidate a edit resume a to include date ranges for each of the job assignment descriptions via user interface program In another embodiment, after receiving the electronic message sent by resume parser program , candidate a can edit resume a on client computer and retransmit resume a to resume management and recruitment workflow system Resume parser program also extracts each phrase contained in every job assignment description portion of resume a.

A phrase is a sequence of one or more consecutive words. A word is a sequence of one or more consecutive printable characters, numbers, or symbols. Extracted phrases from a job assignment description in resume a can have overlapping words or overlapping sub-phrases. Each experience-related phrase is stored in resume database and is associated with a maximum possible duration of time e. An experience-related phrase includes or describes a skill, job location, title, department, responsibility, duty, action, achievement, accomplishment, relationship, product, consultation, group, team, field, space, area of endeavor, company, industry, technical package, or tool.

When resume parser program finishes parsing resume a , resume parser program sends an electronic mail message to candidate a that includes a link to the parsed resume. Candidate a reviews the candidate attributes and the job experiences with their start-dates and end-dates as parsed by resume parser program and is able to revise any information that is incorrect.

In one embodiment, candidate a sends the revised copy as a replacement resume. Phrase mapping program maps all experience-related phrases to their possible synonyms and to their broad terms or broad phrases.

An experience-related phrase includes, but is not limited to skills that are utilized on the job, all functions that are performed on the job, and all other terms, acronyms, or phrases used in the job assignment description. The information and narratives in the job assignment description comprise statements or phrases that includes one or more words or terms where a word or a term includes one or more characters, numbers, or symbols.

Additionally, the word or the term would be preceded and trailed by a delimiter such as a space or non-alphanumeric character. Phrase mapping program maps individual words and consecutive words i. A broad term or phrase is a term or a phrase that another term or phrase implies i. Phrase A is a narrow term or phrase i.

Phrase mapping program is activated to map newly introduced mappings to mapping table Every time resume management and recruitment workflow system adds a map of a phrase to another phrase in mapping table , resume management and recruitment workflow system looks up in resume database all the resumes containing the narrow phrase. Resume management and recruitment workflow system utilizes the new mapping to introduce the broad phrase to all the corresponding records in XML table Note that, resume management and recruitment workflow system will attempt to avoid duplication.

The job assignment description or experience portion of a resume begins on the line that includes the start-date of a date range e. The resume management and recruitment workflow system will parse numerous layouts of date ranges including those that might appear on one, two or three lines.

Date ranges would initiate job experiences once the program determines that they belong within the experience portion of the resume. The verbiage of a job assignment description may also end when headings on non-job related matters appear. Such headings may include education, references, and hobbies. During the parsing of resume a , resume management and recruitment workflow system gives skill or experience-related phrases in a job assignment description their due weight, in units of time representing the maximum possible duration of experience.

As mentioned above, experience-related phrases in a job assignment description can range from one to any number of consecutive words. The duration between the start-date and the end-date in the date range, which defined and started the job assignment description or experience , is an attribute assigned to each of the experience-related phrases, mentioned above, along with their synonyms and broad phrases.

For each experience-related phrase in a single resume, the length of time associated with each appearance of the experience-related phrase in a job experience is tallied to compute a total duration for the experience-related phrase, its synonyms, or broad phrases for the whole resume.

By definition and inference, this total duration for each phrase represents the total duration of experience the owner of the resume could have had in the phrase describing, for example, a skill, job location, title, department, responsibility, duty, action, achievement, accomplishment, relationship, product, consultation, group, team, field, space, area of endeavor, company, industry, technical package, or tool.

This maximum duration of experience is referred in this disclosure as the maximum-total-duration. The duration is at its possible maximum because resume a and resume parser program provided all the possible experiences that contain the experience-related phrase. Additionally, during an individual job, candidate a could have used an experience-related phrase contained in resume a for at most the total duration of the job that contains the phrase.

The total of all the duration of all the jobs that contain the experience-related phrase is the maximum-total-duration of experience in the phrase for candidate a. The maximum-total-duration can be in any duration of time such as a number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, or decades. Resume management and recruitment workflow system indexes the experience-related phrase in an Extensible Markup Language XML table within a duration tag, that represents the largest duration tag among a series of duration tags that is smaller than the maximum-total-duration of the experience-related phrase resulting from resume a.

In one embodiment, the series of duration tags is chosen so as to optimize the search for candidates, the matching of candidates to jobs, and to get the narrowest possible results without missing any significant number of resumes.

For further discussion on the elements in the series of the duration tags, please refer to the section in this disclosure on XML table For example, if resume a includes a first job lasting 24 months and a second job lasting 36 months, each experience-related phrase in resume a will have a maximum-total-duration attribute with a value of 24, 36, or 60 months depending on whether the experience-related phrase appears in the first job, the second job, or both jobs.

Any experience-related phrase that appears in resume a has only one value for its maximum-total-duration attribute. When resume management and recruitment workflow system receives resume a , the experience-related phrases are mapped to their broad phrases. For candidate search and job-to-candidate matching purposes, the newly derived broad phrases become new experience-related phrases in the job assignment description that contains the original experience-related phrase from which the broad phrase was derived.

By recursion, this mapping and implication process is repeated until the entire original and derived experience-related phrases have been mapped to all their possible and available broad phrases. This mapping process refers to mapping table as the thesaurus for implication to broad phrases.

Since concatenating newly derived broad experience-related phrases does not occur within the job experience, neither a partial phrase of the newly generated experience-related phrases nor a concatenation of a number of the newly generated experience-related phrases with each other, with the original experience-related phrases, or with parts thereof generate any newer experience-related phrases.

After all the mappings are completed, the maximum-total-duration of experience for each experience-related phrase, original and new, is tallied. The tallying of the maximum-total-duration of experience does not differentiate between an original skill or experience-related phrase that appeared verbatim in the original resume and a derived broad phrase that came about as a broad phrase through implication by the thesaurus mapping table Note that a broad experience-related phrase might not have existed in the job that contained the original narrower experience-related phrase, from which it was derived, but it might exist in another job that does not contain the original narrower experience-related phrase.

It is therefore deduced that while the maximum-total-duration of the original narrow experience-related phrase might only be the length of the job that contains the narrow experience-related phrase, the maximum-total-duration of the broad phrase will be the total duration of both jobs. In other words, the maximum-total-duration of a broad experience-related phrase is at least, but can be more than, the maximum-total-duration of the narrow phrase that implied it.

The mapping process, the tallying process of maximum-total-duration, and the storing and indexing of the experience related phrases in XML table are performed when the resume is received by resume management and recruitment workflow system Resume searching program fetches preprocessed and already indexed data.

Job creation program enables recruiter a to utilize user interface program to enter data that describes a job and the requirements that a potential candidate should possess to be a match for the entered job.

Job creation program stores the entered data in job table In another embodiment, before storing the entered data, job creation program activates resume searching program to locate potential candidates whose resume is a match to the entered job.

In another embodiment, when resume a arrives, the system examines the resume to determine whether it matches any job entered by recruiter a and stored in job table If resume a matches a job stored in job table , resume management and workflow system automatically alerts recruiter a , the creator of the job, of the arrival of resume a. Recruiter a can review resume a and send it to hiring manager a or flag resume a for future reference. In another embodiment, after reviewing resume a , recruiter a does not send resume a to hiring manager a and does not flag resume a for future reference.

In another embodiment, job creation program allows recruiter a to clone a job. Recruiter a will be able to enter or create a job similar to an existing job upon the click of a button. The cloning will create a new job with the same specifications, required criteria, and hiring manager a of the cloned job. The new job will have the cloning date for the creation date and will not share notes and job activities with the original job.

Resume searching program searches resume management and recruitment workflow system for the resumes that meet input criteria. Resume a meets the input criteria if the rounded-up required duration of each required experience-related phrase or its stated alternative in the job criteria is less than the maximum-total-duration tag of the experience-related phrase or its alternative in resume a.

This excludes those phrases specified by the excluding criteria where the excluding criteria is laid out similar to the required including criteria. For example, resume a includes four jobs with a respective duration of 10, 20, 60, and 60 months.

Using every combination of the four jobs, the only possible values for maximum-total-duration of experience i. When indexing, the nesting of the possible values of the maximum-total-duration tags is in ascending order. Between these tags, there are monthly tags that contain no skill or experience-related phrases. It is to be understood that the outer tags implicitly contain the skill or experience-related phrases contained in any of the inner higher valued tags.

The maximum-total-duration tag or attribute becomes a key. The resume identifier, the maximum-total-duration tag and the skill or experience-related phrase, to which it is an attribute, make up a virtual composite key to the XML table. In another embodiment, when XML is not utilized, the resume identifier, the experience-related phrase, and each period less than or equal to the maximum-total-duration tag make up a composite key to an indexed table that points to resume table In the criteria, resume searching program allows for substitution of an alternative for a required experience-related phrase.

For resume a to be a match, the maximum-total-duration tag for the alternative in resume a should be greater than or equal to the rounded-up required duration in the criteria of resume searching program In addition, resume searching program implicitly allows for the substitution of a narrow skill or experience-related phrase of a required experience-related phrase for the required experience-related phrase if the narrow experience-related phrase’s maximum-total-duration tag in resume a is greater than or equal to the rounded-up required duration of the required broader experience-related phrase.

This substitution is implicit because it does not take place at search time. Again, the substitution was accomplished when resume a was received by resume management and recruitment workflow system and the broad phrase was derived as an experience-related phrase wherever its narrow phrases existed as experience-related phrases.

Upon receipt of resume a , phrase mapping program of resume management and recruitment workflow system has already included the broad phrase as an experience-related phrase in the index.

The maximum-total-duration tag of this broad newly generated experience-related phrase is at least the maximum-total-duration tag of the narrow experience-related phrase from which it was implied.

Therefore, once the maximum-total-duration tag of the newly derived broad experience-related phrase is more than its rounded-up required duration by the search, resume a becomes a match to the job or search requirement. Although the original resume a did not contain the phrase in the search criteria, the developed index of experience-related phrases for resume a does contain the phrase and when the maximum-total-duration tag is greater than or equal to the rounded-up required duration, resume a becomes a match.

Additionally, an experience-related phrase associated with a duration of 70 months of experience will have its own nest and will not appear in the 80 months nest or in the outer nests that represent 60, 30, 20, and 10 months.

Since the nesting includes every possible duration that the job experiences of a resume can provide, each experience-related phrase of a resume will belong to one and only one nest. In a series of monthly nests, there will be additional nests to the ones mentioned above for each month from one up to the highest number of months less than or equal the largest maximum-total-duration attribute among the maximum-total-duration attributes of the experience-related phrases in resume a.

In another embodiment, resume searching program accommodates educational requirements in its search criteria. Candidate a will satisfy the required educational level when the highest degree that is earned by candidate a is higher than the required educational level. The field of specialization is met when the degree for candidate a satisfies the degree level requirement and is in the required field of specialization or in a narrower field that implies the required field of specialization as per mapping table For example, candidate a satisfies a requirement for a bachelor degree in biology when candidate a holds a Ph.

In another embodiment resume searching program accommodates salary requirements in its criteria. Resume searching program selects a salary range unit for searching based upon the difference between the maximum and minimum salary for the required salary range. For example, a salary range unit can be a 20,dollar, 5,dollar, or 1,dollar unit.

If the search is for an individual whose salary is between , and , dollars, then the 20,dollar unit range will be searched on first. Resume searching program will search for multiples of 13, 14 and 15 of the 20,dollar range. If a 12, but not 13 or higher, multiple of the 20,dollar range is found then, a 50 or 51 multiple of the 5,dollar range should be present for candidate a to fit the criteria.

If a 13, 14 or 15 multiple are found of the 20,dollar range then candidate a meets the salary requirement criteria. Resume searching program performs a search and displays the result of the search via user interface program The search results include a job applicant’s resume and the candidate attributes.

User interface program displays candidates in a split screen format with the attributes of a selected candidate from the list on one side of the screen and the candidate resume on the other side of the screen. The default display presents the latest copy of the candidate’s incoming resume however, a user such as recruiter a may also choose to view other resumes for the same candidate, if available.

The user may also choose to display the attributes and resumes of other candidates from the output list. The user may also scroll up and down the list selecting the next and previous candidates on the list or directly jumping to a candidate on the list without scrolling. For individual candidates, the candidate attributes, the candidate activities, the candidate notes, a copy of one of the candidate resumes, and the results of the search will simultaneously remain displayed on the screen while recruiter a is flipping from one resume of the candidate to another.

User interface program displays the same corresponding information for each new candidate selected from the output list. The user is only limited by the size of the display screen when adjusting how much of the resume, candidate attributes, candidate activities, and output of the search shows on the screen.

A candidate having more than one resume stored in resume table of resume database will have different records in XML table corresponding to each resume. For the candidate to be a match to the requirements of a job or to a search, only one resume needs to match the job requirements or the search criteria. The candidate will appear once on the list of matched candidates. Resume generator program uses the job data entered by job creation program and resume a to generate a new version of resume a for candidate a.

In one embodiment, resume a is a match to the job requirements. In another embodiment, resume a is not necessarily a match to the entered job. For example, resume a may not include a phrase specified in the job requirements, but does include a narrower phrase or a broader phrase for the phrase specified in the job requirements. In both cases, resume generator program produces a new resume that highlights the skill or experience-related phrases required by the entered job and summarizes the job’s requirements that are found in resume a.

Resume generator program produces a resume summary that includes the total duration of work experience of candidate a , the duration of experience that candidate a possess in each skill or experience-related phrase required by the job, the duration of experience that candidate a possess in each of the phrases that are stated in the job requirements as alternates to the required experience-related phrases, and the duration of experience that candidate a possess in the narrow phrases of both the required skill or experience-related phrases and their alternates.

Educational background of candidate a and the original summary from resume a are also included in the newly produced summary. The summary also includes prior job titles for candidates a. The summary will also contain the duration of each of the job titles. Resume generator program makes use of the output of resume parser program to derive the total duration of work experience and the duration of experience in each of the required experience-related phrases, their alternatives, and the narrow phrases of both.

Additionally, resume generator program makes use of the output of resume parser program to arrive at the educational background of candidate a and the job titles that candidate a has held. The generated summary includes statements from existing summaries in the original resume. The newly generated resume contains all the experiences found in the original resume. In the newly generated resume, resume generator program highlights e. The newly generated resume will only contain information derived from, extrapolated from, or implied by the contents of resume a.

Resume maker program enables candidate a to make resume a. Prior electronic systems and resume management and recruitment workflow system provide the capability that enables candidate a to enter their name, address, home phone number, work phone number, facsimile number, cellular telephone number, electronic mail address, earned degrees, field of specialization, the name of educational institutions attended, graduation years, expected salary, and job history.

Prior electronic systems and resume management and recruitment workflow system allow candidate a to chronologically enter a job history for each prior employer. The job history includes a start and end date for the employment, titles held by candidate a , a description of the functions, responsibilities, and duties performed by candidate a or an organization to which candidate a belongs, accomplishments attributed to candidate a , and tools that candidate a used during the employment.

Some prior electronic systems provide tool tips in the form of samples of resumes, text from existing resumes, or instructions on the expected content of the description of the performed function. However, resume maker program is unique because it composes the description of the performed function for each of the jobs held by candidate a. A series of scripted questions that are part of resume maker program are administered to candidate a. The mentioned scripted questions comprise multiple choice questions, questions that can only be answered with a yes or a no, and questions that can only be answered with a word, a phrase, a list of words, or a list of phrases.

Resume maker program then composes full sentences from the answers to the scripted questions and makes up the description of the performed function. Resume maker program asks candidate a a subset of the totality of questions that it contains.

In order to compose the description of the performed function, resume maker program dynamically chooses which questions to ask based on the answers to previously asked questions. For example, resume maker program asks candidate a for their title at a job. Resume maker program asks candidate a to state their individual responsibility, the responsibility of each person they supervised, the department they worked in, and the company that they worked for.

Resume maker program asks candidate a to state the hierarchy of the organizations that he worked for and their titles e. Resume maker program asks candidate a for the names of the tools, processes, machinery, or systems that he used.

Resume maker program also asks candidate a for the names of the tools, processes, machinery, systems, services, products, or duties he produced or performed. Resume maker program then composes full sentences out of the responses of candidate a to the questions asked by resume maker program The resulting narrative is then presented to candidate a for proof-reading and editing.

No further questioning is then performed. Paper resume includes summary narrative , experience narrative , and closing narrative Summary narrative includes resume headings and their content such as the executive summary, career objective, education, professional summary, and professional certifications. Experience narrative includes the employer or job assignment descriptions that comprise the work experience heading of the resume or a synonymous heading.

Closing narrative includes resume headings and their content such as hobbies, security clearance, references, or technical skills. Resume management and recruitment workflow system converts paper resume into XML resume Lines of XML resume represent the conversion of paper resume Lines of XML resume represent administrative sections that identify the recruitment team ID, salary requirement, and creation date of XML resume Lines of XML resume define the experience-related phrases and education data parsed from the paper resume Note that any skill or experience-related phrase that occurs in experience narrative is associated with a maximum-total-duration of three or more months.

Thus, the skill or experience-related phrases are stored in nested tags and, when the experience-related phrase is indexed under the tag, the skill or experience-related phrase, the corresponding duration tag and the resume identifier become a composite key to XML table Furthermore, the resume identifier, the maximum-total-duration, and the associated experience-related phrase comprise a virtual composite key to XML table Also, XML resume represents a candidate whose total experience is more than six months but less than the duration represented by the next or third series tag that is higher than six months.

Candidate a whose resume a generated XML resume does not have experience beyond or more than the third tag in the series. Therefore, the third and higher tags do not need to appear in XML resume Among them are the tags, which are the highest tags smaller or equal to each of the 24, 36 and 60 months correspondingly. In one embodiment, the database management tool uses XML to index and store the experience-related phrases and their maximum-total-duration of experience. In another embodiment, a different database tool may employ another tool to store the same information and make it rapidly accessible at search time.

In another embodiment, an experience-related phrase and the highest tag series element that is smaller than the maximum-total-duration of the experience-related phrase can be used as an indexed composite key to a table that points to resume a. Additionally, for each such composite key, more composite keys are generated from the experience-related phrase and each of the elements in the series that are less than or equal to the maximum-total-duration.

All of these keys would be indexed in a table that points to resume a in resume table For example, for a tag series with data elements using a number system in months i. Again, no tallying of years of experience at search time will be required. Resume database comprises candidate table , job table , mapping table , XML table , and resume table In another embodiment, the system distributes the tables that comprise resume database among several computers configured similarly to resume management and recruitment workflow system In another embodiment, resume database also includes tables containing candidate activities and notes, job activities and notes, recruiter table and level of authorization, recruiter activities and notes, as well as joining tables to optimize the storage and performance of the system for an ideal normalization level.

The distributed architecture will improve load balancing by distributing the processing required to populate, search, maintain, and backup the database. Candidate table stores information related to each candidate such as data extracted from the candidate’s resume, data entered by the candidate or an administrator on behalf of the candidate and notes and recruitment activities entered by recruiter a , pertaining to the candidate.

The data extracted from the candidate’s resume and the data entered by the candidate or an administrator on behalf of the candidate include personal identification and contact information, work experience data, job assignment descriptions, education credentials, job skills, and other experience-related phrases. The notes input by the recruiter include a synopsis of conversations between the candidate and the recruiter, the candidate’s interview schedule, and the candidate’s availability status.

Job table stores information related to each job or position that a hiring manager needs to fill such as requirements for a job and notes relating to candidates for the job. Job table includes the employer or hiring manager identification and contact information, the recruiter identification information, if different from the employer or hiring manager, the requirements for the job, and the notes and recruitment activities pertaining to the job.

The requirements for the job include the work location, the duration of the job assignment, and the pay scale. The requirements for the job also include required skill or experience-related phrases and their alternatives, and the required minimum duration of experience for each required skill or experience-related phrase, and the required minimum duration of experience for each stated alternative of each skill or experience-related phrase.

Whereas enabling flexibility, relying on the Internet also poses new risks if security measures are not taken. This paper is organized as follows: In Sect. Google Chrome ranks third in this repository and accounts for 6M downloads.

Microsoft Skype, the 28 , was downloaded 3M times. Therefore, every action in these repositories has potential to affect million users. In this scenario, every small percentage matters in the long-tail. Table 1 summarizes the diverse operation of the software repositories.

It shows who starts the procedure to include a software in the repository e. For most repositories, the process for adding a new software is started by the user filling some form. This will be further reviewed by the website managers.

All repositories advertise they assure the software quality, but no guideline is specified for any repository. FileHippo does not accept user requests and its managers decide by themselves which application will be included.

Once a software is included, its download page mentions the software creator, but they do not report who requested the software to be included. Most repositories allow the software to become popular by themselves, according to the number of downloads. CNET is a noticeable exception, allowing developers to sponsor their applications and climb ranking positions. Therefore, the application ranked first in the CNET repository is not necessarily the most popular application among all.

Most payloads are stored on internal repository servers and some repositories also allow users to directly get files from external sources as an alternative link option.

Requests are performed along with tokens which allow identifying the request origin. On the other hand, internal links always served distinct files than the official release mostly outdated versions. All repositories claim the provided files are security checked. Despite that, it is not clear to what extent analyses are performed. In this section, we describe our methodology for our experiments in collecting and analyzing programs distributed via online software repositories.

Repository Selection and Programs Collection. We selected the five most popular online software repositories according to Alexa score [ 2 ]: Softpedia [ 32 ], Source Forge [ 34 ], CNet [ 10 ], File Hippo [ 11 ], and File Horse [ 12 ]. Our intention was to ensure a broad range of samples and, at the same time, to be able to process all collected data on a daily basis. Our crawler operates as follows: i it first traverses all application ranking pages enumerating the available software and pages; ii it selects the top most downloaded apps in the ranking; iii it accesses each selected application page and retrieves the download links; iv it downloads the file to our storage.

Automated Application Installation and Analysis. Although some installers enable unattended software installs, most of them requires users to interact with GUIs to proceed with installing steps Fig. More specifically, we developed an Autoit [ 5 ] script to click the Next and Finish buttons displayed within graphical windows, allowing installers to proceed without human interaction.

Automated Installation Example. AutoIT scripts click on the next button until the installation is complete. To do so, we propose to match behaviors identified in installers to those knowingly exhibited by malware and suspicious software [ 16 ].

Our hypothesis is that benign software will exhibit none or few suspicious behaviors. The dynamic analysis consisted of running the samples in a virtualized sandbox machine with a malware monitoring system [ 7 ] to observe processes creation, filesystem operations, registry key changes, and network traffic. All valid Windows binaries were uploaded to that sandbox, in which each one was installed using our clicker. Thus, our goal is to provide an overview of common practices implemented by the applications installers, avoiding focusing on particular cases.

In this section, we present the results obtained from the evaluation of the programs distributed by the five selected online software repositories. Our experiment consisted of the following steps: i description of the collected dataset; ii evaluation of the content distribution dynamics within the repositories; iii drawing a landscape associating installers interaction with operating system internals; iv comparing the behavior exhibited by installers of the same software, but distributed by different repositories; v investigation for evidences of software trojanization.

During the days of collection, we successfully downloaded 46, files from the five online software repositories and built a dataset with 2, unique files, related to 1, distinct programs Table 2. Dataset overview. The number of unique files differs due to changes in distribution over time. The number of unique files is greater than that of unique applications because the distributed files vary over time among distinct repositories as well as within the same repository , and the total number of downloaded files does not correspond to the expected sum of each repository downloads.

The reason is that 3. In Table 3 , we show that most repositories do not share files among themselves even for the same programs, implying that they distribute distinct program versions or installers.

File sharing among repositories. They usually do not share files for the same programs. Programs distributed by the repositories are packaged in multiple formats Table 4. Although Trojanization can be implemented via any packaging type, we focused on binaries with Windows PE file format [ 25 ], since they are the prevalent file format in our dataset, and are also self-contained installers, which makes Trojanization easier for attackers.

Most PE files present in our dataset are bits, still reflecting the long-term trend of developers that delay the adoption of new programming techniques to native support bit applications, as reported in [ 36 ].

Interestingly, some installers are packed with UPX 2. Only File types distribution. Self-contained PE files are the prevalent type of program installers. The differences in files sizes is important due to storage issues and because they may reveal implementation strategies behind the installer: smaller binaries usually only implement a client that downloads the actual payload from the Internet Type I installer ; larger binaries embed the payload themselves, dropping them at installation time Type II installer.

Although the first approach enables content creators to keep distributing up-to-date versions of their software, it makes security checking harder, as the distributed content changes very often. In terms of Trojanization, an attacker who controls a Type-I installer might implement a downloader [ 27 ], whereas an attacker who controls a Type-II installer might implement a dropper [ 16 ].

Small binaries are associated to downloaders and large ones to droppers. In addition, if it is easier for newly added software to climb the top ranking positions, their infection might become even more impacting. To delve into those dynamics, we evaluated the samples crawled daily from the repositories.

In Fig. Overall, all datasets grew almost linearly due to our daily queries to the top ranking positions. The daily number of collected programs was mostly constant, if we consider each repository, with few days presenting peaks or valleys in the crawling process. The observed variations were related to Website updates or unavailability. Daily Downloads. Each repository distinguishes itself regarding the samples successfully downloaded, as in the addition of new samples.

We notice that FileHippo has many more new additions each day than the other repositories except for particular peaks in Softpedia, Sourceforge, and CNET. This is caused by the frequent update of the distributed payloads, which indicates that FileHippo is more volatile about the content of its distributed installers therefore may be riskier for users. Download of new unique files. The observed strategy of payload replacement led us to hypothesize that the top programs may also change their ranking positions frequently.

To investigate this hypothesis, we measured the fraction of programs whose ranks changed each day. Ranking position changes of the top downloaded programs in each repository, but FileHorse. Observation days vs. The ever-changing operation of software repositories is highlighted when we limit our analyses to the most downloaded programs.

Initially, we believed that their ranking positions would hardly change, given their popularity. In practice, we observed that ranking changes affect even the most downloaded programs, occurring more frequently among the top-5 in all repositories.

Understanding the phenomenon of frequent rank changes is important because it shows how quick a new potentially malicious software can reach the top of the ranking after its release.

It also allows us to evaluate the extent of potential damages according to the number of affected users based on the popularity of programs. To explore this possibility, we measured how many programs change their ranking position at least once within a given repository, and how many positions on average they scale up the rank. We also observed that more programs increased their ranking instead of having it decreased.

It happens due to the repository removing some programs from the top lists to add newer software, thus creating a gap in the former individual ranks while naturally allowing the latter to scale up some positions. Distribution of Programs in Ranking Positions. Most programs increase their ranking position at least once. Although most programs does not reach the top of rankings, some of them scaled from the last pages to the first positions. We also observed that this growth occurred in a short period of time only 4 days for Google Chrome and a month for other programs.

The popularity of these programs raise concerns about the potential harm that might be caused if one of them is Trojanized. Highly popular programs, such as Google Chrome, were not expected to be low in the rankings any time. However, in times of Google Chrome version releases, The possibility of changes in the binaries distributed for the same application over time also raises security concerns, since Trojanized versions of them could serve as a replacement to the legitimate ones.

To evaluate this hypothesis, we measured how many repositories implement this practice and how frequent it is deployed by them. The rate of the software in each repository which had their binaries changed at least once in the observed period indicates that there is Trojanization opportunities for malicious actors: FileHorse We consider these rates significant as they show that the repositories evolve not only by adding new software entries over time but also by modifying existing ones.

The update of the distributed binaries is not homogeneous for all programs. Figure 7 shows the frequency in which each one of the applications have their distributed binaries updated during the observation period. We notice that while most programs are updated only few times—probably due to software updates—the remainder programs are updated very often.

Some programs were updated more than 50 times considering distinct repositories , an update rate greater than one time per week during the observation period. This constant updating routine opens a significant attack opportunity window, since at the time of the security analysis of previously distributed binaries is complete, the repository is already distributing a novel, not-yet-analyzed software version.

Distributed Binaries Updates. Most programs were updated few times, whereas some others, every week. Among the programs whose binaries were updated more frequently, we highlight once again the importance of paying attention to the popular applications.

Those changes referred to updates either in the software version or in its distributed installer discussed next in Sect. Repositories usually provide program installers, which perform numerous interactions with the underlying OS. For instance, they are responsible for copying contents to the correct directories, setting environment paths, adjusting Registry keys, loading drivers, installing additional services, and so on.

The implementation strategies to accomplish those tasks is varied: installers may download payloads and related configuration files from remote servers, or directly extract them from embedded resources; their system configuration changes may affect a single user or the whole system; they may rely on system libraries or install their own ones; they may require privilege escalation or not. All of these actions affect system security, thus we present an overview of which of them were found in the evaluated installers, so as to draw a landscape of installers operations and the associated security risks.

Installers Modularity. We observed that installers present highly modular constructions. Installers rely on child processes for multiple tasks: i The remaining modules invoked by installers were system processes intended to perform generic tasks. A major motivation for installers launching child process is to execute payloads extracted from the main installation binary.

Code 1. Their goal is to distribute multiple components as a single file. Installers might also retrieve payloads from the Internet— On the one hand, downloading payloads from Internet allows installers to retrieve them according to the installation environment e. This request was encoded to not reveal much information about its content.

The prevalent file types are libraries, which allow code reuse. Executables are the second most popular ones, since they represent the programs being installed.

Temporary files are the third most popular extensions, mostly due to the objects dropped during installation procedures: installers usually drop small pieces of data to files to reconstruct global, complex structures, and the temporary files are used to store binary blobs, raw text, and proprietary structures.

We also identified that VPX files—closed source files used by Avast and AVG antiviruses to store malware definitions—are very popular within installers, being used to deploy signature updates. Finally, we observed that some installers write SYS files, which allow them to load kernel drivers and affect the system as a whole. Network Usage. Payload downloading enables updated software versions install e. However, download mechanisms proper deployment may be challenging, resulting in security issues.

For instance, flawed cryptography or the lack of support for encrypted connections may expose users to payload tampering via Man-In-The-Middle MITM attacks [ 26 ]. To test whether the installers were actually vulnerable to payload tampering, we performed a MITM against them. Despite the unencrypted payload downloads, all popular installers, including AVs, were not vulnerable to payload tampering, since they are able to realize payload changes through certificates and checksum verification.

Other programs, such as the BullGuard backup solution, are vulnerable to this type of attack 1 : its installer downloaded our supplied payload and executed it without any checks.

This opens a significant infection vector for the execution of any attacker-supplied code if the installer is executed in a hostile network. Installation Tracking. Additional tracking data might be sent after the program runs for the first time e.

Application installers collect tracking data for many reasons, such as identifying software popularity by keeping track of the number of installations, and displaying targeted ads campaigns. Unfortunately, most installers do not make this user data collection explicit.

For instance, the privacy terms for Code 1. Besides the claims that the program collects a wide range of data, it is not clear what kind of data is collected during website visits, software execution, and software installation. Moreover, the installation step deserved a single line in the whole privacy term, showing that the impact of software installation is often understated. To access the Internet, some installers end up performing intrusive system changes.

While some installers define new proxies, others only remove previously defined proxy settings. Although it may happen with the solely purpose to ensure that the payloads are downloaded from a proper source, it affects all further network requests.

Installers Persistence. Installers may change Registry keys to allow binaries to be invoked upon a system reboot. One reason for installers implement persistence is to set the installed program as a background daemon. Another reason for the persistence behavior is because it allows splitting the installation process in multiple steps. This is required when the installation of some components requires rebooting e.

Whereas daemons are often set by writing to the AutoRun Registry keys, multi-step installers often implement their own counters, as exemplified in Code 1. Affected System Scope. Installers may modify several other Registry keys. In many cases, these modified keys affect the whole system instead of the single user running the installer process. Application Removal. Most installers do not implement proper cleanup routines after finishing the installation process.

Allowing software to be properly removed is as important as to properly install the application. We identified that distinct binaries have been distributed for the same application over time and across repositories. Understanding the modifications that these binaries underwent might provide important insights to improve installers development and security.

Differences in Installers Within the Same Repository. We first evaluated how the binaries available for the same program and distributed by the same repositories change over time.

We initially hypothesized that these binaries could be subject to significant modifications. However, we discovered that the modifications overall are more structural than behavioral, thus suggesting that the differences occur more due to installers evolution than due to other code insertion mechanisms. In the cases when the installers were effectively modified to embed additional applications, their most prevalent payloads referred to toolbars and browsers add-ons.

In cases where the installers do not directly perform a toolbar installation, they managed to change the native Internet Explorer configurations to display customized settings, which includes adding new bookmarks and cookies Code 1. These applications, known as adware advertisement software , often run in background and keep collecting users information to feed targeted ads campaigns.

Differences in Installers Among the Repositories. The tracking capabilities present in the installers are clearly revealed when we compare installers for the same applications downloaded from distinct repositories.

While we were unable to identify any significant difference in the behaviors exhibited by the binaries, we easily noticed their tracking capabilities. We notice that the UserId values considered in each installation is different for each binary. We executed many installation attempts and discovered that this number is not randomly generated, but seems to be tied to each binary. We considered this an indication that the installers are able to identify the origin of their installation.

The major problem associated with downloading software from third-party repositories is that the downloaded binary may be a Trojanized version of the original software. This type of attack has been becoming popular to the point of some installers explicitly warning users about this possibility, as shown in Fig.

Security Warning. Trojanization has become popular to the point of some installers warning users about this possibility. To verify if Trojanization cases occur in practice, we performed AV scans on all downloaded binaries. We submitted all binaries to VirusTotal [ 35 ] and normalized the retrieved labels using AVClass [ 30 ]. We further investigated the nature of these detection occurrences by inspecting the assigned AV labels, whose distribution is shown in Fig. AV Labels Distribution. Many samples were considered either as malicious or as trojanized.

This finding shows that, as hypothesized, there is a real risk of application Trojanization in online software repositories. Some AVs also detected the adware software embedded in part of the programs as malicious.

This type of detection happens because the AV understands that the embodiment of advertising software to the original application implies on privacy leak risks to the user. The detection of Trojanized apps is not uniform among the AVs, as shown in Fig. This shows that the AVs employ very distinct criteria for detecting Trojanization e. This highlights the need of checking multiple AVs in addition to the ones considered in the repository pages, as this AV might have a very lax detection criteria.

The detection is also not uniform among the repositories, as shown in Fig.



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Effective date : Year of fee payment : 4. Year of fee payment : 8. A computer system and method for managing access to a resume database. For each skill or experience-related phrase in a resume, the system computes a term of experience based on an experience range associated with a contextual use of the phrase in the resume.

The term of experience for a phrase that occurs multiple times in the resume is the summation of the term of experience for each occurrence of the phrase associated with a different contextual use.

The system stores each phrase and the term of experience in a parsed resume. The resume database also stores job descriptions that include required phrases and a required term of experience for each required phrase. The job descriptions also store a required level of education or field of specialization, and a required salary range. A recruiter searches the resume database to find matching resumes that satisfy a job description. The present invention relates, in general, to computing systems and data processing.

In particular, the present invention is a computer system and method for managing access to a resume database, searching the resume database, generating a resume summary based on a stored resume and job description, accessing a resume management and recruitment workflow system via a graphical user interface, and composing a resume for a candidate.

When an employer decides to hire a new employee, a hiring manager determines requirements for the new employee. The requirements include mandatory characteristics for the new employee. With the requirements in mind, the hiring manager begins to review resumes that the employer receives from potential candidates. A resume, or curriculum vitae, summarizes a candidate’s career and qualifications. The resume is a mechanism to convey personal and business-related characteristics that the candidate believes to be relevant to a prospective employer.

The resume typically includes the candidate’s career objective, usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google interests, professional affiliations, educational background, employment history, and a description of work experience. Reviewing /22911.txt resumes is typically a manual process that involves the hiring manager reading or scanning each paper or electronic resume in a stack of resumes with the requirements for the new employee in mind.

After reading or scanning a resume, the hiring manager decides whether the candidate’s qualifications described in the resume can possibly satisfy the job requirements. For each resume that seems to satisfy the requirements, the hiring manager contacts the potential candidate and attempts to schedule an interview.

Once the potential candidate accepts the invitation to interview, the potential candidate becomes a candidate for the new position. One disadvantage of this process is the time required by the hiring manager to review resumes that do not possibly qualify for the position.

The hiring manager is reviewing a large number of resumes for usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google purpose of narrowing them down to a few resumes that describe candidates who might qualify for the position and warrant an interview or hire. Furthermore, the accuracy of the process depends on the accuracy of the hiring manager who is reading or scanning the large number of resumes. Thus, the manual process does not lend itself to reviewing a large enough number of resumes and is likely to miss the resume of a qualified potential candidate or find the resume of an unqualified potential candidate.

Prior electronic systems improved перейти на страницу the manual process by creating a database of resumes and tools to search the database. The impetus for developing these systems was to reduce the time required to review resumes, eliminate the tediousness of the узнать больше здесь, and improve the accuracy of the search.

These prior systems typically scanned a database of documents using usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google textual word search of the resume content. The textual word search did not account for alternative terminology, spelling, format, or case differences between the search terms and the resume content. The textual word search also did not take into account the length of the duration of an experience. Since these prior systems rely upon key words to describe the resume content, the disadvantages of these prior systems are similar to those of the manual process.

These prior systems retrieve a much larger number of resumes than the number of possibly qualified resumes. Thus, these systems retrieve a large number of irrelevant resumes. To narrow the output to a short list, these systems require a further manual review tallying the maximum possible duration of experience for each required skill or experience-related phrase.

This manual review is still timely and prone to error. Borrowing a term from the science and art of data mining, the precision ratio of prior systems has been extremely low. Other prior electronic systems attempted to solve the reduction of the large number of resumes to a short list of possibly qualified candidates by ignoring the resume and relying upon the candidate to input the duration of experience that they have in a skill or experience-related phrase.

A search performed by these systems include the duration of experience on only a predetermined set of skill or experience-related phrases and rely on the /10973.txt or the candidate’s representative to correctly enter the duration usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google experience for the skill or experience-related phrase.

These systems may consider alternate terminology, spelling, or formatting differences, but only for the predetermined set of skill or experience-related phrases. There are three principal disadvantages to these systems. First, prior electronic systems provide usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google very time consuming set-up for candidates or their representatives.

The candidate must enter each acquired skill or experience-related phrase and the associated duration of experience. This becomes a particularly daunting task when considering the number of recruitment systems to which an applicant might want to post a resume or list of qualifications. It is also a daunting task for the recruitment systems managers because their staff must read each resume or interview each candidate to obtain as many skill or experience-related phrases as possible from their previous experiences.

Second, prior electronic systems are not dynamic. They cannot consider a skill or experience-related phrase and its possible duration of experience as soon as the resume arrives into the system. In these systems, a new skill or experience-related phrase will never be searchable for a given duration of experience unless the users of the system grant the skill or experience-related phrase the status of being searchable by duration of experience, irrespective of the existence of the resume in the system.

Third, prior electronic systems tally the duration of experience for a skill or experience-related phrase at search time by utilizing traditional search techniques. Performing the tallying of years of experience at search time optimizes storage and data normalization and provides a simple traditional construct to the SELECT statement of a relational database. Unfortunately, tallying the duration at search time is a processor intensive operation that negatively impacts the system performance.

Thus, there is a need for a resume management and recruitment workflow system that includes search and recruitment workflow tools to reduce a resume database to a manageable number of resumes by identifying a set of candidates who can possibly satisfy the qualifications and requirements sought by a hiring manager. The search should identify any resume that includes the sought after qualification or usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google and should also interpret synonymous or alternative terms to be equivalent to the sought after qualification or requirement.

Furthermore, the search should identify most resumes that can possibly include the sought after qualification or requirement and should avoid identifying resumes that cannot possibly include the sought after qualification or requirement.

The qualifications and requirements should include any skill or experience-related phrase that appears in a resume, but should also accommodate requiring a candidate to possess the qualification or requirement for a specified minimum period of time.

The present builders firstsource login microsoft addresses this need. A computer system, method, and computer program product for managing access to a resume database. The method comprises receiving a resume that includes at least one skill or experience-related phrase, storing the resume in the resume database, computing a term of experience for each skill or experience-related phrase, and storing a parsed resume in the resume database.

The parsed resume includes each skill or experience-related phrase, the term of experience, and a relationship between the term of experience and each skill or experience-related phrase. The resume further includes a contextual use for each skill or experience-related phrase, the contextual use having an experience range.

The term of experience for each skill or experience-related phrase being derived from the experience range of the associated contextual use. When the experience range is zero, the term of experience is set to zero.

When the experience range is greater than zero, the term of experience is the time difference between the start time and the end time of the experience range rounded down to a unit of time, such as a number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, or decades.

For each skill or посмотреть еще phrase that is a repeated entry, the computation of the term of experience is the sum of the time difference for each repeated entry that is in a different experience range. The storing of the parsed resume further comprises storing each skill or experience-related phrase having an identical term of experience as an element defined by a markup language e.

The start tag and the end tag include the identical term of experience, and the content data includes each skill or experience-related phrase having the identical term of experience. In another embodiment, the content data further includes a nested element comprising a nested start tag, nested content data, and a nested end tag.

The nested start tag and the nested end tag include a nested term of experience, and the nested content data includes each skill or experience-related phrase having the nested term of experience. In another embodiment, the nested term of experience is greater than the identical term of experience. In another embodiment, the method further comprises receiving a job description, storing the job usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google in the resume database, sending a database query to the resume database, receiving a result set in response to the database query, and sending a portion of the result set.

The job description including at least one job requirement, where each job requirement includes a required skill or experience-related phrase and a required term of experience. The result set includes at least one matching resume from the resume database with each matching resume satisfying the job description. The required term of experience is rounded up to a unit of time, such as a number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, or decades.

In another embodiment, the job description further includes a required level of education or a required field of specialization. In another embodiment, the job description includes a required salary range comprising a minimum required salary and a maximum required salary.

In another embodiment, the method comprises associating at least one of the skill or experience-related phrases with at least one implied skill or experience-related phrase, storing searchable phrases in the parsed resume, and computing a term of experience for each of the searchable phrases.

The searchable phrases include the skill or experience-related phrases and each implied skill or experience-related phrase. To associate skill or experience-related phrases with implied skill or experience-related usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google, the method retrieves each implied skill or experience-related phrase from a mapping table that relates skill or experience-related phrases to implied skill or experience-related phrases.

The term of experience for each searchable phrase is derived from the experience range of the contextual use associated with the searchable phrase. In another embodiment, the method comprises receiving a request to search the resume database, receiving search criteria, sending a database query to the resume database, receiving a result set in response to a database query, and sending the result set in response to the request.

In another embodiment, the method comprises sending a request to search the resume database, sending search criteria, and receiving a result set in response to a database query to the resume database.

The result set including at least one matching resume from the resume database, where each matching resume satisfies the search criteria. In another usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google, the method comprises receiving a request to generate продолжение здесь summary of a resume, selecting a job description, sending a database query to the resume database, receiving a result set in response to the database query, and storing the resume summary.

The result set including the resume and the resume summary, where the resume summary includes the required skill or experience-related phrases. In another embodiment, a graphical перейти interface comprises a first data entry region, a second data entry region, and a search button. The first data entry region includes at least one required skill set, where each required skill set comprises a required skill or experience-related phrase and a required term of experience.

/7305.txt second data entry region includes a search string comprising at least one search phrase, where each search phrase includes one of the required skill sets and a one-to-one mapping exists between the search phrases and the required skill sets.

The search button being operative to send to a resume database, a database query that includes the search string. In another embodiment, usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google system updates the search string in the second data entry region to reflect changes made by a user editing the required skill sets in the first data entry region.

Similarly, the processor also updates the required skill sets in the first data entry region to reflect changes made by a user editing the search string in the usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google data entry region. In another embodiment, the method comprises sending scripted questions to a candidate, receiving responses to the scripted questions, and composing grammatically correct sentences based on the responses. The responses describe a job history for each job held by the candidate.

The preceding summary of the invention is presented to assist with understanding the invention and is neither an exhaustive читать далее an exclusive summary. It should be understood that this summary of the invention is not representative of all of the inventions defined by the claims, to be considered limitations on the invention as defined by the claims, or limitations usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google equivalents to the claims.

Thus, this summary of the invention should not be considered dispositive when determining equivalence. Additional features and advantages of the invention will become apparent from a review of the detailed description, figures, and claims. The resume management and recruitment workflow system allows a candidate to store requisite experiences, capabilities, and competencies by merely posting their electronic or digital resume to the system.

The candidate does not need to complete forms and assign years of experience to a predefined set of skill or experience-related phrases. The system retains all of the experiences, skills, and experience-related phrases for the candidate and assigns usa jobs federal jobs government jobs open sourceforge download google maximum possible duration of experience for each utilizing this information for the employer to execute a search with great accuracy, i.