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The Wiggles Wednesday, June 20, 8 p. Trace Adkins Thursday, June 21, 8 p. Cesar Millan. Gary Gulman Saturday, June 16, 8 p.

Hot Rize Wednesday, June 20, 2 p. Fri-Yay Art Days! Family Sundays at the Museum Saturday, June 23, 3 p. An Historian in the Gallery: Dr. Summer Garden Stones Children ages 3 and up can create their own colorful garden stone to celebrate the arrival of summer. Ongoing event through June Free with museum admission. Sunday, June 17, 2 p. Cafe Music at the Dolphin Sunday, June 17, a. Friday, June 15, 7 p. Park Ave. Inisfada Zen Sitting Meditation. Sunday, June 17, 11 a.

For more information, contact phylthomas gmail. To register, go to www. Wednesday, June 20, p. For further information or to reserve your place, call Friday, June 22, 1 p. Sessions are free, but pre-registration is required by calling. Admission is free, but seating is limited by calling To register for the event or for more information, call or go to northwell. Every Monday night through Sept. For more information, call Every Tuesday through Aug. All levels welcome. Fruits and Veggies Bingo Join this interactive class where you will learn how to eat healthier by eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables while playing a fun game of bingo at Magnolia Gardens, Broadway in Westbury.

Call or to register or for more information. Wednesday, June 20 and 27, 3 p. Caregiver to a Spouse Support Group Learn new ways of coping with demands of care giving and your relationship with your loved one over age 60 at the Port Washington Senior Center, 80 Manorhaven Blvd. For more information, contact Peter Cirona at Israeli Mossad agent Naomi is sent to Germany to protect Mona, a Lebanese informant who is recovering from plastic surgery to assume her new identity.

What should be a quick assignment turns into a labyrinth of espionage and intrigue inside a safe house. To purchase tickets, go to www. We celebrate their high level of academic accomplishment, strength of character, selfawareness and well-roundedness. These traits will translate to natural leadership as they go on to excel in high school, college and beyond. They join generations of Green Vale alumni in a commitment to improve the world we all share.

Manhasset Library ing from fellowship in June and will be a practicing Endocrinologist at Northwell Health starting in July. She is board certified in Internal Medicine.

Presswala is an avid clinical researcher and has several publications in the subject of Diabetes Mellitus. Chair Yoga is very versatile and appropriate for many populations that just might not want, or have the capability of getting up and down from the floor.

Please register at the Circulation Desk. Manhasset Library is located at 30 Onderdonk Ave. For more information about these and other events, go to www. West Texas provides the setting for this 21st century bank heist western focusing on two brothers — Tanner, an ex-con recently released from prison, and Toby, an unemployed oil worker and divorced father of two boys. After the death of their mother, Tanner and Toby risk losing their humble farm to Texas Midland Bank for. Stellar performances by Jeff Bridges, Chris Pine and Ben Foster bring a deep poignancy to this film while examining the desperate measures the brothers undertake to save their future generations from poverty.

Do you want to put the story of your life on paper? Join others in getting hints and strategies for jump-starting your memoirs. The Memoirs Writing Group meets the third Wednesday of every month. New faces are always welcome. She will be graduat-. Nearly 60 years after her death Marilyn Monroe remains an American cultural icon. Since her death in , biographers have tried to define the mystery of her allure.

She is a study in contrasts: beautiful and sexy yet sweet and vulnerable, sensitive and insecure. As a girl Norma Jean Baker lived in a fantasy world and dreamed of being a movie star. Overcoming a chaotic childhood defined by multiple foster homes and the mental illness of her mother, Norma Jean had an intense desire to succeed and created the blonde bombshell persona of Marilyn Monroe.

Off screen she was a humanitarian, an early supporter of civil rights, and a lover of books. Are you feeling overwhelmed with sadness and not knowing how to cope with your feelings? Learn more about the grief process and coping skills with other supportive people who are sharing the same experience.

Meetings take place the first and third Friday of each month from 11 a. For those 60 and over. Registration required. Please call or to register or for more information.

Peter of Alcantara or , located at Port Washington Blvd. For more information, contact Yvonne at or Rose at A Toastmasters group makes learning to speak in public a fun and empowering experience. From beginners to professional public speakers, the supportive learn-by-doing format encourages all participants to take their communication and listening skills to the next level. Meets first and third Mondays of every month, p.

Call — for more info. Toastmasters is a nonprofit organization. They have. They are also offering professionally run programs in T-ball, soccer, tennis, Monday night flag football, basketball skills clinics and 12 U and 14U softball. Registration is now open, space is limited in all teams so register early. Call , email pwpalinfo gmail.

For more information, call or go to www. All are welcome at this free event featuring fun outdoor games, live musical entertainment from 11 a. Come see the childcare facility and meet some of our parents.

For more information, call or visit trinitychild. Trinity Episcopal Church of Roslyn has recently completed its fundraising campaign for its Foundation Stabilization project.

Thanks to the enormous financial support of three foundations, one trust and several generous parishioners, the historic church is hoping to begin and complete construction over the summer to stabilize the foundation in the nave of the church. The Vestry determined this was the best use of these funds. The Landmarks Conservancy has made hundreds of grants to religious organizations to help save the many historic jewels in New York City and beyond.

Roslyn residents are familiar with the many historic homes and buildings that have benefited from the Trust, established by Roger and Peggy Gerry, longtime Roslyn Village residents. High School Orchestra Director Catherine Fish, a strong advocate of new music, emphasized how unusual it is to find a student who is already composing at such a high level. I knew right away that one of our orchestras absolutely had. Trinity Episcopal Church of Roslyn on Northern Boulevard recently finished its fundraising campaign for the Foundation Stabilization project.

The Church is very grateful to all of these interested organizations so that this magnificent historic structure will grace Roslyn Village for the next years.

The Very Rev. Margaret Peckham Clark has been the Rector for the. In addition to several self-help groups meeting at the Church, including Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, the Outreach Committee at Trinity serves approximately individuals or families in need in the greater Roslyn area. Students meet author M. Herlong A noted author from New Orleans, M. Herlong greeted the audience, telling students they are all authors because each of them has a story to tell. At the end of the conference, Herlong said that her visit with the stu-.

Doulton said the book also has a website for teachers that is fun and has interesting lesson ideas and activities that connect to the book. The legislation, which was filed for many years by the late Legislator Judy Jacobs and never called for a vote, has been refiled by her successor, Legislator Arnold Drucker D-Plainview.

Do you like to sing? Enjoy theatre and Broadway? To register please visit sa. Please consider my quickly written counterpoints, which you might not see on FOX. Re: No. Yes, there were a few bonuses and raises. But this tax bill tremendously increased the U. Because of this deficit, economists expect that the administration will institute cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Were you aware of that? Re No. It will now be virtually impossible for the U.

When services are included, we have a trade surplus. Trump seems to enjoy alienating our allies. He asked Prime Minister Trudeau if Canada burned our capitol building?

Trudeau asked when Trump if he was referring to the War of ? Trump, not well versed in U. Trudeau replied that the British burned the capitol. Canada was not even a country at the time! Are they implemented yet? The civil servants of the FBI and the Justice Department who serve for the good of our country are supposed to act in a nonpartisan manner, and many of them, contrary to what Fox would have us believe, hew to the Republican or conservative line of thinking. We need to curtail the use of private for-profit prisons to ensure the health of prisoners, and to reform the bail system even Rupert Murdoch supports it.

Sentences for non-violent low-level drug violations need to be reduced, which would cut the prison population. But, we do not know what actions this. Trump seems loathe to rule on the side of compassion. Large numbers of people are no longer able to secure health coverage. The Trump administration just recently has decided to no longer protect people with prior disabilities who seek insurance coverage. This seems to favor the health-care industry, but is it humane?

This administration is, I think, the most overloaded with appointees who do not respect the very department they lead. The media would be remiss if it did not report on this malfeasance and corruption! The free press is one of the most important elements of a free society. If you watch the history channel or heeded the events studied in history classes, all the evil demagogues in history to the present day, have sought to curtail the freedom of speech and of the press to better control their people.

Carol Kharivala New Hyde Park. My ordeal took place at the Great Neck Library Main Branch — a public spectacle few people witnessed — but for those who did — the memory and the sheer horror are, most assuredly, etched in their brains permanently. I was the target of publicly humiliating bullying in the Community Room on May To stay silent is to allow Great Neck resident, Rebecca Gilliar, and library personnel further power, and this type of inappropriate power, no individual, male or female should possess.

Grassroots Environmental Education Port Washington , was the highly anticipated speaker. GN resident, Rebecca Gilliar was responsible for initiating this event.

That same evening, under the direction of Ms. Gilliar, a familiar library employee, placed her hand on my back to escort me out of the Community Room. This inappropriate action occurred at the conclusion of a program I had worked tirelessly to promote over several months.

In a perverse twist, this same employee, who days earlier had praised me for my passion and dedication, was now instructed to escort me out of the room.

Sadly, I had walked into a premeditated trap concocted by Ms. Gilliar, with full participation and complicity by library personnel. I plainly stated this behavior was inappropriate and had crossed a line.

Jerry Kirschner had this to. These flyers enabled attendees to connect with each other. I queried her on what was permissible so that program. Corcoran advised it was permissible for me to give out my contact information to attendees. Gilliar first. Corcoran could not possibly have known that for the past two years, I have been on the receiving end of several hostile, aggressive emails from Ms. Requiring her permission was a set-up. I asked if the library could place a paid advertisement in the local press.

It was explained that paid advertising was strictly against library policy. Be Smart. My objective was to level the playing field so that Great Neck leaders would be in the best position to make informed, intelligent choices for our community. With such a generous and time-consuming volunteer effort, it makes the subsequent treatment by library personnel — towards me — unacceptable.

Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. To add insult to injury, on a day devoted to extolling the achievements and sacrifices of our heroic war dead, our current president, through Twitter, chose to engage in self-aggrandizement, extolling alleged achievements under his administration, alleged achievements with which, I believe, many Republicans and Democrats would take issue. My husband lost two brothers in the Vietnam War.

Americans must beware when they may hear Donald Trump compliment cruel and oppressive leaders around the world…. The worst. So fake. Have some Americans forgotten how the press was suppressed in Germany in the s when stories involving a rising dictator were being covered? What next? Their ratings are lousy, by the way… and compared to Fox. Kathy Rittel East Williston.

This I find quite troubling. It would be a hardship and a struggle to have benefits re-. In the last three years I have had four operations due to an aggressive cancer and have depended on Medicare benefits as well as my wife who had a recent operation.

And to add more insult to injury it has been reported the. As a senior citizen, I call for Congress to find solutions to keep these programs going. Senior citizens across this great nation have worked all their lives. And not to do this is an insult to all senior citizens and that would be a national disgrace. Frederick R. Bedell Jr. It appears that he thinks his response gives him great stature as an intellectual.

Continued on Page They have a vested interest in seeing that the subway signal system is upgraded, new subway cars are purchased, stations reach a state of good repair and more are brought into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.! One potential source of funding is a suspension of any new system expansion projects that are not already well into construction.! This is a good starting point to begin fully funding the backlog of NYC Transit subway and bus critical state of good repair projects.!

Why not first have the MTA reprogram! Cubic Transportation Systems for a new fare collection. Customer Service Ambassador program.! It is time for the MTA to stop wasting millions of dollars on transportation feasibility studies for future system expansion projects costing billions that will never happen in our lifetime. This includes! Phase 2 of the Woodhaven Blvd. Utica Avenue subway! And they should ensure that maintenance programs for all operating agencies assets are fully funded and completed on time for reliable service.!!!!

Starting in , under past. They repeatedly had the MTA refinance or borrow funds to acquire scarce capital funding formerly made up by hard cash from both City Hall and Albany. On a bipartisan basis, this included! Andrew Cuomo Dem continues to honor this practice.! For over 37 years, too many career politicians have insisted that the MTA continue financing more and more of the Capital Program by borrowing.

This has not changed. As a result,! This means less money is available for operations to provide more frequent and safe service to riders. It also means there is less money to maintain the state of good repair, safety and basic day to day service that riders desire.

Neither can transit riders and taxpayers.! Larry Penner Larry Penner is a transportation historian and advocate who previously worked 31 for U. No one Trump backer offers selective facts knows the person No one knows the person, Who hides behind the name, No one feels his passions, No one knows his pain.

He builds up a persona, He smiles every day, But no one knows the pain, That he keeps tucked away. Michael Cascio New Hyde Park. Continued from Page 53 Never mind that three hundred noted historians across the political spectrum have ranked Trump dead last at No.

I guess the transactional Nathanson has no concern for the nation we leave to our children and grandchildren — as long as Mr. Yes, and even Mussolini had the trains running on time!

Stringing these together in a flood of factoids does not address the damage Trump is doing, whether to the western. These are facts, not some biased opinions that Nathanson seeks to support in his endless search for validation. No amount of deal-making to make a profit here and there can replace the benefits we enjoy in an orderly world we oversee, where prosperity can be enjoyed by more of its citizens. Only petty dictators, real or potential, think otherwise in their narrow and petty need to stand supreme… as the gullible.

Strip away the moral authority of a vibrant democracy! And yes, my degree from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton! What to do about bed bugs, roaches? I have had a recent call about the pest situation in a building. I will not mention which one or what town or county where they are located. This person has had a very challenging time with management to resolve the issue. Fines could result from this action and no management wants this type of exposure, which could cause problems renting their units in the future.

However they are the size of an apple seed and are brown to red in color and their shape is flat and are not so easily identified, unless you are looking for.

They can hide pretty much anywhere and can be transferred by clothing or any other object from one location to another. Female bedbugs can produce and lay up to 5 eggs a day and up to per year! Bedbugs can live up to one year without food. Indications of an infestation in your home or business or any other location can include a red, very itchy swelling on your skin, brown or red fecal spots on bedding or upholstery, molted bed bug skins and excessive infestations may have a sweet smelling odor associated with them.

However, there is a product you can purchase online that will also kill bedbugs immediately and this could be another more economical process to minimize and eliminate bedbugs. It was invented by some university entomologists and from the reviews, it works very well.

You can call me for product suggestions too. It takes several hours for this process to work. Some compa-. Call me if you need some advice on who to hire. I have used boric acid in the past only use with a professional exterminator and do not use this yourself, as a respirator is required.

The holistic approach to minimizing and riding oneself of roaches is to make sure all the cracks, crevices and holes where water pipes go through the home or apartment are sealed with steel wool, thereby preventing their entrance into your place. You surely do not want these pests in your place when your home is being shown, so do your preventive maintenance or get the issued resolved asap! He has earned the designations as a graduate of the Realtor Institute and is a certified international property specialist.

Com or by cell to answer any of your questions or article suggestions or provide you a free comparative market analysis on your property.

The information about the homes and the photos were obtained through the Multiple Listing Services of Long Island. The homes are presented based solely on the fact that they were recently sold in Manhasset and are believed by Blank Slate Media to be of interest to our readers. The survey, which also provided statistics, said about 63 percent of the students in Advanced Placement courses take one or two courses, while 21 percent take three or four AP classes and 16 percent are taking five or six at a time.

Of the 1, parents surveyed from across the district, about 43 percent. Twenty-nine percent of the parents expressed concern that there was no consistency in grading between departments. Senior goalie Krissy Kowalski served as the backbone of the defense with seven saves. Kowalski, who will play at the University of Pennsylvania next fall, said that this win was something she had only dreamed about. Kowalski won the Most Valuable Player award of the game.

Senior midfielder Katie Bellucci received the sportsmanship award. The players who were recognized on the all-tournament team were Kowalski, Garcia, Olivia Dooley and Caroline Mondiello.

Before the final game, Manhasset Coach Danielle Gallagher said, she encouraged her players to play the way they have the entire season. This was a dream come true. According to Gallagher, the goal was to just continue playing as one.

After each was recognized, the board then addressed members of the community who had public comment. The memorial would consist of 20 to 30 American flags flying along Port Washington Boulevard during the month of September to honor those who perished in the attacks and in the line of duty during the War on Terror. They said it would be similar to a memorial at Roslyn High School and would be funded by the community. Sloan said the board would look into the matter, but said after the meeting that she would not comment on it further.

It was all about the team. Despite losing valuable seniors, Gallagher said she remains optimistic about her team. The majority of scorers in the championship game were underclassmen. Plandome revises proposal Continued from Page 57 gross floor area of 7, Reach reporter Amelia Camurati by email at acamurati theislandnow. Teddy Bear clinic teaches prevention Injured teddy bears were lined up at Lee Avenue Elementary School recently in Hicksville, with kindergarteners taking on the roles of doctors and nurses to treat the injuries.

Slings were made, cuts tended to, and teddy bear pulses checked. NYU Winthrop trauma nurses assisted students in treating the injured bears, and they were aided by Adelphi University nursing students. Presentations educated 75 children in total. Buckle up! This warning criticized Sea Year, when midshipman spend a year aboard a merchant vessel, prompting the academy to temporarily suspend it to hold student training for acceptable behavior following bullying and sexual harassment.

The athletes were deferred from graduation before commencement, prompting the students to sue the Department of Transportation, the academy and Helis. The students were ultimately allowed to graduate and receive their diplomas and licenses after private executive board meetings.

The students have denied the allegations. Aside from Chaminade activities, Plante helped establish a youth choir at his parish, St. Thomas, during his junior. Looking back on his high school experience, Plante said he is extremely grateful for the relationships he has forged and his experiences at Chaminade. In the back! Wear a helmet! Students also went home armed with flyers providing tips for parents to keep children safe, including the proper safety belt fit.

According to Safe Kids Worldwide, a non-profit organization, road injuries are the leading cause of preventable deaths and injuries to children in the U.

Unintentional pedestrian injuries are the fifth leading cause of injury-related deaths for children ages 5 to 19, with teens particularly at risk. The Hospital works throughout the year with local communities to spread awareness about safetyrelated issues and advocate for policies to improve the safety of Long Islanders. For more safety tips go to www. Because he has extensive senior management experience and a finance degree, he runs the village like a business and is always focused on how our tax dollars are being spent.

This seems like common sense and it is. The fact that this is the first time in several decades that a mayor is running for re-election unopposed is not a coincidence. Jim Avena is doing an outstanding job of running our government and is constantly looking for ways to improve on. I feel that we are honored to have someone with the impressive credentials and dedication to a job very well done running our village.

I for one am voting to re-elect Jim Avena for mayor and Priscilla von Roeschlaub for trustee on June Even though they are running unopposed, I hope other Manorhaven residents will join me and show their support for Jim Avena and Priscilla von Roeschlaub by casting their votes for them at Village Hall on June Chrisann Sevoian Manorhaven.

County Dems push for transgender legislation Continued from Page 50 Nicolello R-New Hyde Park , who said the current human rights law already protects the transgender community. The event followed a transgender rights rally the weekend before and fell the day after the Long Island Pride Parade in Long Beach.

In a previous interview, Drucker said there should not even be a perception that the transgender community is not protected under county law. When the Sexual Orientation NonDiscrimination Act was put together in it did not include language protecting the transgender community. The year Pequot Avenue cell tower issue in the Village of Manorhaven has come to an end.!

While purported talks of a possible compromised settlement to reduce a 55year lease with AG Towers to a lesser term, none occurred.! Five months of empty exchanges resulted in the Appellate Court losing patience and moving ahead with a decision March 21, ! The premise being that the village ratified the lease beyond the five years — correctly written or not — by accepting rental payment from AG Towers. This arduous and costly year challenge by multiple residents — some more than others — often using personal sums in the thousands, speaks courageously for those who desperately want protection from the electromagnetic field — radiation, being spewed from this tower.!

Like the brave young students who are begging for gun control have learned, in their tender teenage years, money talks and B. Our leaders have failed us. Government of the people, by the people, for the people is fast perishing from the face of the earth…. Barbara Mallon Port Washington. English Study Skills M. Dual Specializing in Certifications Learning Disabilities. Advertising on this page is only open to N. Call and let us begin listing you in our Professional Guide and Professional Services pages.

Give your child a helping hand. Available for private tutoring. Old Toys?? Old Pulps?? Have to Move?? Have TV or Movie Memorabilia??

CO M Call Mr. H Nassau. Justify wins at Belmont Stakes Continued from Page 22 in , almost a century ago. In the last 99 years, only 12 others have accomplished the task. For many, Saturday was a chance to experience history firsthand.

A resident of Floral Park, living just blocks from the racetrack, he has attended at least 10 Belmont Stakes. His first one was in when he was They should have just fixed up the [Nassau Coliseum]. As Justify made his way down the home stretch and across the finish line, Creighton was celebrating with the rest of the 90,, even if he had seen this before. Leo Giacometto was among those heading to Penn Station, where he would then catch a train back to Washington, D.

He had come to see the race all the way from his ranch in Montana. It turns out his faith was justified. We assume no responsiblity for an error in and beyond the cost of the ad.

Cancellation Policy Ads must be cancelled the Monday before the first Thursday publication. All cancellations must be received in writing by fax at: There are no refunds on cancelled advertising. An advertising credit only will be issued. Apply today at:. We are looking for responsible individuals. You must be at least 25 years of age with clean driving record and pass a DOT physical.

Must be able to lift 75 lbs. Raises and Bonus based upon performance! Work harder to make more money! Apply in person between between 9amam Mon. If you currently care for your relatives or friends who have Medicaid or Medicare, you may be eligible to start working for them as a personal assistant. No Certificates needed. Great benefits and retirement.

Experience in some landscaping or maintenance type work. Base salary starts at 38K a year without a CDL and increased commensurate with experience. I enjoyed the challenge of a new job, learning about the trees, and meeting some wonderful people. Being a vandweller was both a help and an inconvenience for a job like this, but I found ways to make it work. I learned a lot about how I use the space and made some changes. Aerin is a vandwelling nomad who has big dreams and is using a combination of frugality, zero waste, healthy living, alternative sources of income, and whatever else comes along to help achieve them.

Aerin also makes masks, modular utility belts, and more at Hermit Crab Creations. Some of us may be self-isolating in a still-open campground or while boondocking on public land. You can use these posts to learn about everything from safety on the road and how to prepare for disasters to how to deal when the weather is bad and how to train your canine companion for life on the road.

Especially if you are just beginning your nomadic journey, these posts can help you prepare for a nomadic life. So here we go. Before you hit the road, familiarize yourself with the basics of living nomadically. From lingo to budgets and all the preparation in between, these posts will help you get ready to go. Many nomads are going to have to work , at least part time. These posts will offer you tips on getting a variety of jobs , from camp host to house sitter to human guinea pig.

Staying safe is important to everyone, especially when driving a large, powerful rig or living alone. Check out these posts for tips on staying safe while living on the road.

Maintaining mental health is extremely important too. These posts will offer advice for staying mentally healthy while you travel. Unfortunately sometimes disasters happen.

Here are some precautions you can take to help you avoid disasters. Here are some of the things I recommend. These posts can help you purge and organize. These posts will help you stay comfortable when the weather is less than pleasant. Need help staying busy and connected while traveling? Many of these campsites are free.

If you want to learn from other nomads , check out these interviews, as well as the post all about blogs written by other vagabonds, nomads rubber tramps, and van dwellers. I hope this post helps you pass the time and sends you on your way to so much good information. If you read all of the posts listed here, by the time you come out of self-isolation you will be totally ready to hit the road.

Hit the donate button in the toolbar to the right or go to Patreon to become my patron. There were only a few customers in the store when the fellow approached the counter. He seemed to be in his mids and had short dark hair. When he began talking, his accent gave him away as a non-native speaker of English. His lack of English words when he tried to express himself reinforced my first impression. This guy? Sir , I said, shaking my head. If he had told me the name of a town, a campground, a region even, I may have been able to help him figure out how far it was from where he was staying to the hot springs, but he gave me exactly nothing to work with.

There were yurts in the campground where the Mercantile was located. The yurts were basically glorified tents with wooden floors and furniture. The furniture included a futon that converted from a couch into a double or maybe a queen bed, a bunk bed with a double bed on the bottom and a singe on top, a wooden bedside table, and a wooden rocking chair. Unlike the traditional Mongolian dwellings on which these camping structures were based, these yurts had windows with flaps outside that rolled down for privacy.

There was no electricity in the yurts—or anywhere in the campground—and no running water within a ten mile radius. The yurts were also without heat. Even so, the half dozen yurts in the campground were booked nearly every weekend and often during the week too.

I could understand the appeal. Some people have physical limitations that make sleeping on the ground impossible. Some people are too afraid of spiders, snakes, bugs, and other critters to even contemplate sleeping on the ground with them.

The yurts were sort of a middle ground between sleeping in a tent or not going camping at all. Not only were the yurts lacking in electricity, running water, and heat, no linens were provided for the beds. This lack of bedding was a practical consideration.

Sheets and blankets and pillow cases would have to be changed between guests, and the nearest place to the campground to do laundry was 25 mountain miles away. Each yurt would need a minimum of two sets of sheets and blankets for each bed so fresh linens would be available even in the event of back-to-back check ins. Someone probably the already overworked camp host would have to drive the dirty bedding the 50 mile round trip to the tiny laundromat with one one coin operated washer and one coin operated dryer.

Whenever visitors in the Mercantile asked me about the yurts and multiple people asked every week , I always explained that folks who stayed in the yurts had to provide their own bedding, either sheets and blankets or sleeping bags , I spelled it out for them. While the website gives the questionably punctuated information. Hopefully when a person actually reserves a yurt, the reservation information includes details on the lack of bed linens.

Sometimes people staying in the yurts brought bedding, but not enough of it to stay warm. The camp hosts in were super sweet and lived in a converted school bus with plenty of room, so they would loan their personal extra bedding to yurt dwellers who were cold. Secondly, sometimes people are harboring bugs!

Besides, campers should plan ahead and prepare for all eventualities, even if they are going to sleep in a yurt. Yurts are a bit sturdier than regular tents, and the walls are a bit thicker, but not by much. Javier and Sandra, the camp hosts my last year on the mountain were nice people too, but they were also vandwellers without room to spare for extra bedding.

When campers arrived unprepared for their night in a yurt, there was nothing the camp hosts could offer but sympathy. One evening I was hanging out with Javier and Sandra on their campsite when a European couple arrived. The couple drove off, and I began saying my good-byes so Sandra and Javier could finish their work before they ran out of daylight. Before I could leave the host site, the European man had driven back to the front of the campground and was asking about bedding.

Did Sandra and Javier have any sheets and blankets they could use? I asked if they had sleeping bags. I thought maybe if their itinerary included actual camping at some point they might have camping gear.

The fellow said no. Then he asked if there was any place nearby that might sell bedding. I told him the Mercantile had sold out of both sleeping bags and blankets. However, during the last cold snap, unprepared campers had wiped us out of all things warm. She also mentioned the store 35 miles away in the opposite direction that sold outdoor supplies.

Maybe that store had sleeping bags. He explained it was at the bottom of the mountain and about 60 miles from the campground. He just stood there and looked at us, and Sandra kept repeating that she was sorry. Finally the camper got back in his car and drove to the yurt where he and the lady would be spending a chilly night. At least they might have enjoyed the cuddling they probably had to do to stay warm. I do know if I were paying to stay anywhere other than a conventional hotel or motel, I would find out if bedding was included instead of assuming it was.

The Mercantile where I worked sold bear bells. Some sources say hikers are better of talking or singing or clapping their hands when moving through ursine territory. However, since the store I worked in sold bear bells, I tried not to discourage customers from buying them.

I mentioned clapping and singing and talking as bear deterrents too. The company that manufactures the bear bells takes precautions to cover their corporate ass. Each bell came in a little black mesh bag. A magnet is sewn into the bottom of the mesh bag. One day a couple of young women in bikini tops and short shorts were browsing in the Mercantile.

One of them saw the display of bear bells and decided to examine them carefully. She picked up one of the bells and gave it a little shake. The magnet must have been in the perfect position to hold the inner metal ball in place because the bell made not a sound. She held the bell up and said, Does this make a sound only bears can hear? What will you do to celebrate? Well, probably most things, including the gross and the stinky.

When I worked on the mountain, pit toilets at the very busy trailhead and the campground next to it had to be pumped several times between the middle of May and the middle of October. The truck that came up to pump the toilets was the same kind that removes the waste from porta-potties. A long, flexible hose was dropped down into the chamber also referred to the pit or the vault below the seat. A pump on the truck sucked up all the waste materials from inside the chamber and deposited everything into a big holding tank mounted on the truck.

It stinks to high heaven. To put it simply, it smells like death, and death does not smell one bit pretty. As GI Joe taught us, knowing is half the battle. On a regular day, the smell from the pit toilets was often enough to make them mighty uncomfortable. When the city folks were present for the pumping or its immediate aftermath, they were quite surprised and quite disgusted and quite unhappy.

They had no idea shit and piss could smell so nasty. Here we go , I thought. I knew the visitors were going to be melodramatically grossed out, and I was sure to hear complaints.

The pump truck went down to the middle of the parking lot where the two pit toilets were located. Yes, as always, the churned up human waste smelled horrific. Finally the pump was switched off and the quietude of nature prevailed.

I knew the stench would settle, but at the moment the entire parking lot was enveloped in an awful aroma.

The driver hopped out with clipboard in hand and asked me to sign the form stating he and his partner had been there and done the job. I agreed, wanting the reeking truck away from me as soon as possible.

Just before I signed the form, I glanced over at the truck. What I saw gave credence to the idea that humans can grow accustomed to anything.

The other pump truck worker, a young guy probably in his early 20s, was sitting in the passenger seat munching a sandwich.

The tourists were reeling, practically dry heaving and passing out, and this guy was sitting in the stink truck, nonchalantly having lunch.

I wondered if he had no sense of smell or had simply become so accustomed to the stench that it was basically background noise—or perhaps more accurately, background stink. In any case, he seemed to be enjoying his sandwich, not at all bothered by the odor that was causing the rest of us so much grief. It was a pretty good record. Not long after the other clerk went to lunch, I saw Cindy from the parking lot leading a kid up to the Mercantile. They were walking slowly, and it was obvious to me there was a problem.

The kid was big but probably only eight or nine years old. He wore one of those sun hats with cloth hanging in the back to protect the neck. The hat was khaki and too large for his head. When he looked at me, his dark eyes were huge with fear.

While the parking lot in front of the Mercantile had been busy all morning, things inside the store had been slow. Things got busy in the Mercantile right at noon. Moments after the other clerk went to lunch, shoppers swarmed the store.

Once the line formed at the cash register, all I could do was ring up purchases. I could only scan barcodes and hope the people in the store would behave like upstanding citizens. The other clerk had been gone about twenty minutes when I saw Cindy walk up with the kid who turned out to be lost. About five minutes after I saw Cindy and the kid walk up, the other clerk came back into the store.

The car was parked in the main parking lot. The boy and his family had gotten separated on the trail, the boy said, when he fell behind the group. Quantity discounts available. Use this contact to offer story tips, local news, church news, obituaries: Jennifer Roberts, or email cmonitor mchsi. Dows Coordinator: Deb Oelmann, or email dowsadvocate gmail,com, by mail at P. Box , Dows, Iowa ; by delivery at W. Please include your name, address, and phone number with all items. Paper or Internet Advertising: Frankie Aliu: , ext.

Composition: Sarah Tassinari, , or by email at cmonitor mchsi. Written by Dorothea Benton Frank, who always writes about the South Carolina Lowcountry, it is story of three generations of women buried in secrets. Her daughter, Liz, is caught up in a demanding career that will eventually open all their eyes to a terrible truth. The Lowcountry has endured its share of war and bloodshed like the rest of the South, but this storm season we watch Maisie, Liz, and Ashley deal with challenges that demand they face the truth about themselves.

After a terrible confrontation they are forced to rise to forgiveness. Need Kleenex close by. I left the note on the book and checked it out to the next patron who agreed with the previous reader. In his Memorial Day address, he extolled the courage and sacrifice of the two young men buried side by side in the graves before him: Travis Manion, a fallen US Marine, and Brendan Looney, a fallen US.

Navy SEAL. When the magazine is abruptly shut down, Billie agrees to stay on in the empty office, maintaining the hotline for reader complaints in order to pay her bills. Come in and see us: Monday through Wednesday between noon and p. Secondly, would Mr. In many cases, landowners have worked their entire lives to buy their farm, use it for retirement income and pass down to the next generation.

It is insulting for Mr. Mike and Kent Keninger Ackley. Contact Karen in Clarion at: or. A new threat is on the rise. A dangerous organization, led by a ruthless madman and identified by a silly sounding acronym.

We are living in a cartoon world. NE, Clarion, Iowa Join the fun at the Clarion Public Library each week in July from ! News Tips: The Monitor welcomes any and all news tips. At the office, call , or email cmonitor mchsi.

Monday Breaking News 9 a. Even the back story behind ISIS reads like something out of fiction. Last week their push continued as the militants took control of the town of Tal Afar and their air base. So what do we do, if we do anything at all? We just got our troops out of Iraq. Nobody but the idiots who lied to us about weapons of mass destruction are hankering to throw more American lives into the meat grinder that is Middle Eastern politics. Travis Fischer is a news writer for Mid-America Publishing and now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

See us for all your landscaping needs! The Wright County Monitor welcomes opinions of our readers, as long as the expressions are not in bad taste, and do not attack individuals within our circulation area without documentation or justification.

Repeated letter from the same writer may not be used. The Wright County Monitor also will not accept letters that are duplicated, reprinted, copied or otherwise reproduced. Letters should be original, typewritten or neatly handwritten and signed in blue or black ink.

If emailed, it must be from an original email address. The Wright County Monito does not care to print letters which. We are interested in sincere personal views and not publicity releases for an individual or a cause.

If you cannot assure us that it is individual and personal, it will not be accepted. Probate No. Krieger, Deceased, who died on or about May 31, You are hereby notified that on June 4, , the last will and testament of Shirley J. Krieger, deceased, bearing date of September 10, , was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Dennis H. Krieger and David A. Krieger were appointed executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred.

Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and.

Dated this 6th day of June, Dennis H. Motion carried unanimously. The amendment was adopted after compliance with the public notice, public hearing, and public meeting provisions as required by law. TO 2,, , 22, 2,, , , , , 7,, LOUX, Deceased. Loux, deceased, who died on or about June 4, You are hereby notified that on the 13th day of June, , the Last Will and Testament of Richard J.

Loux, deceased, bearing the date of July 5, was admitted to probate in the above-named court and that Dora Willard, Gil Loux and Terry Loux were appointed Executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the Will must be brought in the District Court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this Notice or one month from the date of mailing of this Notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the Will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred.

Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the Clerk of the abovenamed District Court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this Notice or one.

Members present were Rasmussen, Helgevold, and Watne. Minutes of the previous regular meeting of May 27, , were read and approved. Approved claims for payment. This was for testing of the concrete, steel, etc. Motion by Watne, and seconded by Helgevold, to approve this invoice and have the chairman sign. Motion carried. Held continued discussion concerning the 28E agreement for providing financial support of the ambulance service for transfers with Iowa Specialty Hospital.

An adjustment was suggested that the hospital could provide the supporting documentation to the county annually or bi-annually and then a payment will be made. A change to the 28E will be made and presented next week. Motion by Watne, and seconded by Helgevold, to adjourn the meeting.

Passed and approved this 27th day of May, Opened the bid letting for DD There were five companies that submitted bids for the project. There was then a motion by Watne and seconded by Helgevold to approve the bid from Holland Construction. Motion carries. The Humboldt County Supervisors met to discuss the E sharing of equipment. With some of the new requirements from the State, it would make sense to share cost between the two counties to purchase equipment and utilize the fiber optics from Clarion to Humboldt for connectivity.

Wright County. Part of the discussion is concerning who the accountable care organizations are and the flow of money. It is the opinion of the two boards to be prudent into looking at all options and make sure that our citizens are being well taken care of.

Motion by Helgevold and seconded by Watne to adjourn the meeting. The source of our water is groundwater. Our groundwater is drawn from the Mississippian aquifer. Our water quality testing shows the following results:. Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population.

These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. Clarion water supply is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components.

When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking.

If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Dated this 17th day of June, Anyone wishing to comment on or object to the proposed issuance of this permit must do so in writing within forty-five 45 days of the date shown at the top of this notice. All comments received will be considered in the final determination.

If no objections are received within forty-five 45 days, the Department will issue a final permit. You may request the Department hold a public hearing by submitting a written request stating specific reasons why a hearing should be held.

Copies of the proposed permit and other information may be viewed on WWPIE at the web address noted above. This information is also on file and available for public inspection from AM to PM Monday through Friday at the above street address.

In addition, copies of this information may be requested by calling Brandy Beavers at or email at brandy. Note: Contaminants with dates indicate results from the most recent testing done in accordance with regulations. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants.

There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not. Minutes of the previous regular meeting of the May 19, , were read and approved. Motion by Rasmussen, and seconded by Helgevold, to approve the fireworks permit for Roger Haupt. Motion by Watne, and seconded by Helgevold, to approve the Wright County drainage district assessments for Additional information is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline The Mississippian aquifer was determined to be slightly susceptible to contamination because the characteristics of the aquifer and overlying materials prevent easy access of contaminants to the aquifer.

The wells will somewhat susceptible to activities such as not be susceptible to most contaminant sources except through pathways to the aquifer such as abandoned or poorly maintained wells. A detailed evaluation of your source water was completed by the IDNR, and is available from Tim Fletcher at Decisions regarding the water system are made at the City of Clarion council meetings held on 1st and 3rd Mondays every month at 5 p. Please note: This report will not be mailed to individual customers.

Este informe contiene informacion muy importante sorbe su aqua bebar. Traduzcalo o hablo con alguien que lo entienda bien. Minutes of the previous regular meeting of June 2, , were read and approved. He would like the Board of Supervisors to consider a guarantee on the loan to the Clarion Foundation for the purchase of the fitness center building.

This will be considered on the next week agenda. Motion by Watne, and seconded by Helgevold, to approve the change to the 28E Agreement with Iowa Specialty Hospital for allowing annual or semi-annual submittal for payment request.

Held the re-bidding on televising DD There were 3 bids submitted. Kieth Hubbard explained that since we only got one bid submitted at the last bid letting, we are rebidding the project. He continued to state that we have received two bids this time. Logan Holmes addressed the board during Open Forum with his concerns about the sale of the Dows Building.

He questioned the timing of the sale, if the sale could be delayed so other possible uses of the building could be explored, and why the public in Dows was not included on the process of selling the building. Motion by Severson to Approve Minutes of the previous meeting held on May 12, Second by Jackson.

Motion carried At P. Motion by Schultz to direct Dr. Second by Jacobsen. Days, Second by Schultz. Second by Severson. Set Monday, July 14, at P. Motion to adjourn by Jackson. Meeting adjourned at P. Life Oaks Garden Spot, Supplies-library Many citizens are Urness Hardware, Supplies Arnold Motor Supply, Supplies Motion Maxheimer, to Ahrendsen, Becky, Supplies-library Nail Nancy, Maint.

Aramark, Services May Airport Hanger Sec Lights De Lage Landen, Copier Lease Heiss, Rachel, Services May White, Jacob, Meter Refund Fitz, Patricia, Meter Refund City of Clarion, meter deposit refunds Contact Andy Yackle Harvey, legal, and Lisa L. Asche, legal, both of Goldfield, June 11, David N. Hill, 31, and Jaqueline R. Wilson, 30, both of Clarion, June 11, Peter R. Smith, 34, and Heather N. Durham, 23, both of Clarion, June 11, James M.

Kranz, 31 and Miranda M. Hildman, 25, both of Waterloo, June 17, Jerry R. Wagner, 22 and Abigail A. Mayo, 46, and Julie L. Wempen, 43, both of Belmond, June 19, Thomas J. Korthas, legal, and Rhonda J. Schulze, legal, both of Belmond, June 20, Reece B. Boller, 31 and Amanda R.

Nielsen, Gary Nielsen, Kathryn A. Nielsen Revocable Trust, , , , as desc. John, Kathleen St. John, Kathy St. John, James E. John to Kathleen M. John Trustee, Kathleen M. John Trust, James E. John Trustee, , , , , as desc. White to Donna J. White Trustee, Donna J. White Revocable Trust, , , as desc. Faiferlick to Tracy E. Vadeer, Sandra R. Vadeer to Juan Duque, Maria D. Krieger to Francis J. Krieger, , , as desc. Moore of St. Box , Charles City, vs. Nicole L.

Isaacson, W. Washington, Dows. The case was originally filed April Midland Funding, LLC. The case was originally filed May District Court State of Iowa vs. Fabian A. Ramirez, S. Lucas, Eagle Grove. The defendant pled guilty June 13 to both Count 1 of 3rd degree burglary and Count 2 of 3rd degree criminal mischief.

The fine was suspended and he was sentenced to days in jail which Kruger Seeds L. Call or contact any fair board member! Count 3 of trespass causing injury or property damage was dismissed. Defendant was ordered to pay the statutory 35 percent surcharge plus court costs. City of Eagle Grove vs. Jeremy L. State of Iowa vs. Hector Emanuel A. Chavez, Ellis St. Jason D. Morris R. Petersen, N. Jefferson, Goldfield. Manfred Figueroa, N. City of Belmond vs.

Shane M. Lewis, 2nd Street NE, Belmond. The sentence is the result of an investigation June 9 by the Belmond Police Department. Martalano G. Tavalon, 5th Ave. NW, 1, Clarion. The sentence is the result of an investigation June 16 by the Clarion Police Department. Highway 69 when she passed a sign stating there was water over the roadway.

Upon coming to the water, she hit the brakes and a Honda Civic driven by Luis R. Ruiz of Belmond, and owned by Honda Lease Trust, was following her and swerved to try to avoid her but struck the rear of the Perez vehicle which sent the Ruiz car into the waterfilled ditch.

Iowa DOT workers were on the scene at the time, and stated flashing warning lights were on but. There were no injuries listed and no charges filed. Thompson of Goldfield, and owned by Daryl Thompson of Wesley, was eastbound on County road C20 when a skid loader he was hauling came loose from the trailer. He attempted to stop the truck, but lost control and entered the ditch causing the skid loader to roll off the trailer and land on the roadway.

There were no injuries reported and no charges were filed. The bill provides additional homestead credits to certain disabled veterans. The Bill is retroactive to January 1, However, eligible veterans and families must complete and submit the form to their county assessor no later than July 1, to receive the property tax exemption for Note: The application form, along with a current Benfits Paid.

Letter, must be submitted no later than July 1, to obtain the tax exemption this year. Veterans Affairs , visiting a U. The application form is available on the Iowa Department of Revenue website www. Instructions for completion of the application can be found on the form. Three bedrooms and 2 baths!

Plenty of room for parking! Room in the backyard for kids to play or for entertaining! Check out interior pictures at w w w. Will have new office hours from June 18 to July The office will be open a. Thank You for You cooperaTion! NE, Clarion Rev. John, Clarion. Weekend pm Mass at St.

Francis in Belmond, pm Spanish Mass at St. Weekend am Rosary at St. John in Clarion, am Mass at St. John in Clarion, a. Francis, Belmond. John Clarion, am Mass at St.

Sara Hill, Pastor www. Use north door. New members always welcome! Eskridge St. High Youth, Adult prayer meeting. Women of all ages and stages of fitness welcome. District No. Rita gave a beef presentation and was also interviewed by the judges in the district competition held in Hampton.

The daughter of Mr. John R. Young, father of the reborn gazebo, are pictured with one of the trees, a hackberry which had just been planed with a mechanical tree planter. The two trees are gifts to the community from the Brenton Bank and Trust Co. Anderson received a message from her sister in Denmark Saturday which was sent through the International Red Cross.

The message was written March 18, and said she was well and that their family home was still untouched by Germans. Jesse Whitman have received a letter from their son, Willard Bud , stating that he has met his brother, Toby, on a street in Naples, Italy, recently and that they had been able to spend two evenings together. They had not seen each other for two and one-half years.

Axel Sheverland preached his last sermon at the Lutheran church Sunday where he has been temporary pastor for several months. The Rev. Floyd Lien of Park River, Minn. There will be services next Sunday. Worship B ; a. Worship, LC ; a. B Bible Study. Family Eye Care. Funeral services for Scarlett Dickerson will be held at A. Pastor Ron Nelson will officiate.

Burial will take place in the Fairview Cemetery in Dows. Visitation for Scarlett Dickerson will be held from — P. She graced them for nearly two weeks under the dedicated care of the doctors and nurses at Mercy Infant Care Unit. Entries need to be brought to the 4-H building at the fairgrounds in Eagle Grove on Thursday, July 10 between and am.

Entries need to be picked up on Sunday, July 13 at 5 pm. Official rules. There are no entry fees and prize money and ribbons are given to winning entries. If you would like to fill out entry tags early, call Barb Ainger at to get tags. UDMO , W. Broadway, Eagle Grove, IA Thank you in advance for your support! Together we are making a difference!

Upper Des Moines Opportunity, Inc. The agency helps prepare children for lifelong learning, helps families become more self-sufficient, helps communities improve and expand housing opportunities and helps local governments by working in conjunction with general relief offices to provide emergency assistance programs and services to residents in need.

Our Central office is located at Robins Street in Graettinger. Please feel free to contact our Executive Director, Jamey M.

Whitney, at , Ext. They have lived all their married years in Clarion. Kenny and Dode have 13 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.



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I had come down usajobs government jobs federal jobs overseas adventureland long the mountain for supplies. It was hot and dry in the valley, and I was dog dead tired. I had one more stop to make before I could samples builder de synonyme essayer usa entreprendre jobs resume back to higher elevation, cooler temperatures, and the last few hours of my day off from my work camper job. I went into the 99 Cents Only Storewhere some prices were a lot less than 99 cents and some prices were substantially more.

I perused the bargain baskets in the front of the store, cruised down the aisles of beans and other canned goods, and grabbed the best looking produce at the best prices. When I got up to the cash register, I told the worker that I wanted two sacks of ice, and I even remembered to extract them from the usajobs government jobs federal jobs overseas adventureland long in the front before I hit the exit door. I pushed my cart over to my van, which I had parked at the edge of the parking lot.

My Chevy G20 conversion fsderal was a hulking beast and easier to park in places where there were no other vehicles around. I threw open the side doors, as much to gain access to the interior as to let the parched air escape. I climbed into my van and lifted the lid of the ice chest.

The ice had melted completely and left the cooler feveral full of water. In the water floated overssas small broccoli florets that had turned limp and yellow before I could eat them and stray bits of cabbage that had been jostled from the most recent head. At the bottom of the cooler lay the waterlogged plastic ice bag left behind when the ice became liquid.

I had to get all of this out of the cooler before I could put the new ice and groceries in. I pulled the plastic bag from the bottom of the cooler. The water it sat in was tepid and smelled a bit sour. I let the water drain from the bag and into the cooler. When most of the water was out of the bag, I threw it onto the floor of the van.

Next I had to dump the water from the ice chest. I figured since any vegetable matter floating in the water was natural, it was ok to let it fall onto the asphalt. I lifted the cooler and wrangled it to the open doors. I lowered it to the floor of the van, then slowly tilted the container so the water drained onto the ground. On this day, the big wet spot I left had plant matter in it too. Once I got the cooler back in place, I wiped it out with a oberseas of paper towels, then loaded in the two slippery and deliciously cold sacks of ice.

After that, I carefully placed the eggs and milk and orange juice and produce and whatever other cold usaajobs I lobg that day into the chest. Why the driver decided to park next to me instead of elsewhere in the vast parking lot will always remain a mystery. I glanced out and saw usajobs government jobs federal jobs overseas adventureland long older Latina lady getting out of here car.

I suppose the desert wind had kicked up while I was busy packing the cooler and sucked the bag right out of the open doors.

My parking neighbor took a look around and saw the plastic bag as well as the huge wet-but-rapidly-drying spot dotted with limp, yellow broccoli and waterlogged bits of cabbage. I saw her shake her head and say under her breath but loudly enough for me to ueajobs her completelyBasura. This blog post was written before we knew about COVID as a threat, before there was a global pandemic affecting usajobs government jobs federal jobs overseas adventureland long all. If you want to follow up on the information offered here, you will have to jbos your own research.

Aerin the author of this post and I are both in a vanlife Facebook group. When I heard Aerin was going to fedral at a Christmas tree lot during the holiday season, I asked if they would be interested in writing a report for my blog.

I was excited when they said yes. The information that is out there is from the perspective of Governnment couples managing lots. Are you a fan of the holiday season? You know, that magical time of year when some traditions call for bringing the carcasses of dead evergreens into our homes to be the backdrop for our revelry. Well, I was just an unsuspecting nomad looking for work at the beginning of December when I spotted the post in a workamping Facebook group.

Not really. I could have usajobs government jobs federal jobs overseas adventureland long elsewhere and driven in to work. There was no requirement to ojbs onsite, aside from adventurelahd managers, and the rest of the staff drove in. However, it was a selling point that I adventursland be around in case things got unexpectedly busy governmnet they needed someone to usajobs government jobs federal jobs overseas adventureland long in right away.

The person who had responded to the post before me had a large RV and was looking for something that offered hookups. This job was adveentureland in a parking lot. Как сообщается здесь that was technically the property of the swim school next door, so space could be at a premium when both businesses were crowded.

One extra vehicle of regular size was not usajobs government jobs federal jobs overseas adventureland long to crowd things. The lot that hired me is affiliated with Valley View Christmas Trees. Valley View has lots all over the Phoenix metro area. Each lot is managed by a workamping couple who have the authority to hire staff. From conversations with my managers, I learned that governmeng get bonuses at the end of the season if they hit a certain threshold in total sales and keep labor costs below a certain percentage of sales.

Otherwise, they are paid a flat salary, and at least one of them is expected to be working every single day. For me, I was labor staff. Not awesome, but it did come with several useful perks:. Each ovdrseas had the same five types of fir trees: Douglas, grand, Fraser, noble, and Nordmann.

A big part of my job was fedrral the difference and a little bit about each to assist customers. After a sale, I moved the tree to the back area adventurelwnd processed it for loading. Loading was either putting it in a truck bed or tying it to the roof of a car. Aside from sales, my job also involved restocking.

Trees that were delivered from Valley View grown in Oregon needed to get the jobbs drilled for our center spike standsstands pounded in, moved into place, twine wrap cut off, and bowls filled with water.

Most olng were in some partial state of readiness. For example, if things were slow, we might usajobs job search login 365 login 365 a bunch of trees in succession so it would be easier ffderal restock govfrnment. Drilling takes a minimum of two people, sometimes hovernment or more for larger trees, so getting that done all at once is more efficient.

Trying to guess whether a tree is standing up straight is difficult. Redrilling an unwrapped tree is even less fun. My hours varied week to week depending on overeas the managers expected to be busy as we got closer to Christmas.

Valley View does not pay overtime, so a strict cap of 40 hours also meant some creative shifting посмотреть еще make usajobs government jobs federal jobs overseas adventureland long enough jons were working.

The lot itself was open from 9am to 9pm every day. The managers were required advntureland work all day every day for their salary. Towards the end of the season, one of the узнать больше managers for Valley View came with a sprayer so we could try painting the trees. It was a mess. We did end up with a purple, blue, and white tree though. Believe it or not, the blue and white ones did sell. I liked it overall.

Technically the job started towards the end of November, but I came in a bit later. I started on December 5 and the job ended December 24, so I was working or on call for 20 days. Also, my paychecks came on time, on approximately the 15th and 30th of the month.

It is a lot of manual labor. That meant I was being paid to exercise. I am primarily a digital nomad, but it can adventurelanx difficult to make time for physical fitness. I was sore a lot and developed bruises on my legs from the trees, but nothing serious. The port-o-pottie was pumped out every gvoernment, so using it was not an issue. It never got to smelling bad.

I was happy to not have to use my camp toilet or walk somewhere. I was a paid employee of Valley View, meaning they took taxes out of my pay. This may not be a positive for everyone, fedearl I prefer to have the money taken out now and worry less about paying it later.

Also, my paychecks came on time. The second check went through electronically. It was cold, but never unbearable. However, I would not want to do this job any further north. It is easiest to just wear the same outfits over and over again. I had two pairs of usajobs government jobs federal jobs overseas adventureland long, three long-sleeve shirts, and two vests that I cycled through so things had a chance fededal dry fedetal before being worn again. I did laundry maybe twice usajovs whole time I was there.

Since I wore my heavy work boots every day, I had a towel down as a kind of rug by the door so I could take them off and let them air out a little before the next day. They needed to air out for a full 24 hours once I was finished. Not very healthy or frugal. All of the above are tough in a very small space. Everything gets everywhere. I was constantly sweeping dirt and pine needles out of the van.


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At Step 5, click “Continue to Agency Site”. STEP 3 – Complete the 2nd part of the application process (DOL) On the Department of Labor (DOL) page, create a DOL Account if you have . Services are how the federal government describes categories of jobs that provide different options and benefits to the future employee. There are three services in the federal . The USAJobs () federal job search site is managed by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). They advertise an average of 14, federal job vacancies daily and .