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The Staff Members page of Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinens website includes the title and e-mail address of each staffer and a list of each issue area that the staffer is responsible. The Current Staff page of Rep. Robert Andres website includes the title of each staffer, a description of the areas that each staffer is responsible for, and which office each staffer is in.

Pete Sessions website provide a biographical sketch of each staffer and includes the staffers areas of responsibility. Lisa Murkowskis Staff Directory page indicates the area of responsibility of each staffer.

The Congressional Black Caucus lists its staff at the end of the caucus’s press kit. Lisa Murkowskis website for giving users the ability to request a meeting online. The Foundations Gold Mouse Report: Lessons from the Best Web Sites on Capitol Hill page 45 identifies providing guidance on scheduling a meeting as an element of a successful Congressional website. The report pages 65 to 74 praises the sites of then-Rep. Christopher Carney, then-Rep. Brad Ellswoth, then-Rep. Mark Ferguson, and Rep.

Mike Thompson for providing either a form for requesting a meeting with the Congressman or providing instructions as to how to request such a meeting. The Foundations Communicating with Congress: Recommendations for Improving the Democratic Dialogue , page 40 recommends that each congressional website: Provide separate online Web forms for constituent service requests.

Trent Franks Scheduling Request page, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Reid Ribbles Schdeule a Meeting page. Devin Nuness Scheduling page, Rep. Reid Ribbles Invite Me to Speak page. The emerging standard is to have this information on the bottom of every Web page. The more detailed and helpful the contact information, the better.

Surprisingly, only 5. Jakob Nielsen, in About Us Information on Websites, September 29, notes that some sites seem to deliberately hide address listings and phone numbers. Doing so will backfire, though, because users view such sites as having very low credibility. Office sections of Rep.

Jim Langevins website. The two sections separate out information relevant to the Washington office from information relevant to the district office. Clear policies regarding email correspondence reassure citizens that the office will process their communications efficiently. Jeff Bingamans D-NM e-mail policy tells constituents how their correspondence is handled internally within the office and sets expectations for when they can expect a response from the Senator.

Jeff Bingamans site goes the extra mile, with a contact section that offers four different ways of contacting him: e-mail, postal mail, phone, or walk-in. His site also indicates which method is most effective for each type of request. While the volume of communications to congressional offices is at an all time high, few offices actually post substantive information on their Web sites about their correspondence policies. Because each office has different procedures, constituents would be well served if they could easily access specific Members policies on their Web sites.

Specific information would vary from office to office, of course, but a thorough communications policy would include: guidance on the most effective ways to communicate, an estimate of how long a response can be expected to take, an overview of what information the office needs to properly process the message and respond, information about delays in postal mail delivery, and any other requirements or restraints the office may place on e-mail communications.

One good example of this type of guidance can be found on the Web site of Congressman Earl Blumenauer. As part of the Contact Earl section, a page on Effective Advocacy gives visitors directions on how they can be the most effective in their communications by knowing how to make requests of the office. The Web site says, The communications that receive the most attention in our office often ask for something specific, such as signing on to a specific piece of legislation, or voting in a particular way on a bill.

Of course, we always appreciate updates and general information on issues you care about. However, you should think about whether there is something specific you would like Congressman Blumenauer to do. On Senator Kent Conrads Email Policy page, he answers the relevant questions about why he only responds to North Dakotans, why constituents are required to give their postal address, and how long they can expect to wait before receiving a response. Stating the offices policies upfront can set expectations and smooth interactions between Member offices and their constituents.

For example, making response policies clear on your Web site and in a re-direct message pointing back to the Web site if they would like to send in an additional message can reduce pen pals. Sometimes constituents do not expect or want a response to their message. Instead they merely wish to register their views. Consider utilizing a no response necessary checkbox or a register my views Web form. One way to ease the burden on congressional staff and meet constituent expectations is to add a no response necessary checkbox on the Members Web form or create a separate mechanism such as an online poll or survey where citizens can simply state an opinion.

All web forms must be protected against multiple submissions. Multiple submissions of web forms can often create denial of service conditions on the web server and affect servers in the enterprise.

Web forms to email a link to a friend need to be secured so that they cant be used to relay or spoof email. For instance, references to a particular district office should not be identified as being in Aspen Hill, MD in one part of a website, but as being in Silver Spring, MD in another part of the website.

Even though phone screens are small, users might still overlook the last option as they focus their attention on the top of the screen. Department of Health and Human Services , recommends that websites should [e]nsure that the format of common items is consistent from one page to another.

Also included are links to authoring tools and applications that make use of hCard formatted data. Use of the visibility:hidden; style sheets property is to deal with an apparent bug in Window-Eyes, which causes Window-Eyes to read text styled display:none;background:url, unless it is also styled visibility:hidden. The terms of service are different. Earl Blumenauers Effective Advocacy page for advising citizens about how to communicate effectively with Congress, by telling them what to ask, who to ask, how to ask, and how to follow-up.

Lincoln Davis Communicate Effectively page. See also, footnote Code provides that copyrightable material includes but is not limited to the following categories: 1 literary works; 2 musical works, including any accompanying words; 61 Material from state and local government websites; commercial websites; newspaper, television, or radio websites; educational websites; and non-profit websites should all be presumed to be copyrighted.

Code provides that: Copyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government, but the United States Government is not precluded from receiving and holding copyrights transferred to it by assignment, bequest, or otherwise.

House Report , pages 58 to 59, the House Judiciary Committee report for the legislation that enacted title 17 goes on to note that: The general prohibition against copyright in section applies to “any work of the United States Government,” which is defined in section as “a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties. Although the wording of the definition of “work of the United States Government” differs somewhat from that of the definition of “work made for hire,” the concepts are intended to be construed in the same way.

Czech language material see Government Resources 2 ; Language of Text; and Linking 16 Danish language material see Babel Fish; Government Resources 2 ; Language of Text; and Linking 16 Dates, Time, and Timeliness see also Download time; and Forms 12 1 If you dynamically generate the current date or time, use a server-side include, rather than grabbing the information from the users PC.

Do not assume that people off of Capitol Hill know what a particular congress is. The report notes that Information was considered timely if it was clearly from the current session of Congress. The report page 9 cites Rep. Carolyn Maloneys Health Care Reform page as an example of the main content of a page being updated with the most significant, recent action. The January 30, edition of the Foundations Congress Online newsletter further notes: Outdated links.

A lot of House sites have outdated or incorrect links. Web sites continually change, so its important to periodically review any link that goes off your site, especially at the beginning of each Congress so you dont have visitors looking at old information. Outdated content. We also saw an overwhelming amount of outdated content on Member Web sites, such as issue information referring to bills from previous Congresses as though they were current legislation. This is troublesome because few constituents will know that its the th Congress not the th, th, or th or bother to search THOMAS to double-check.

Instead, they will take the information on their Representatives Web site at face value and trust it. Congress is confusing enough to most people without outdated Member sites making it worse! Mary Bonos website, for instance, provides earthquake preparation information. The Congressional Management Foundations th Congress Gold Mouse Project Detailed Methodology, page 4 identifies Know your audience s as one of the 5 core principles of successful congressional websites.

In Prioritizing Web Usability, page , Jakob Nielsen and Hoa Loranger recommend that: Whenever you show dates on a Web site, remember to use the international date format, spelling out the name of the month instead of representing it by a number.

Different countries have different conventions for writing dates by numerals. Mary Bonos website for including information on earthquake preparedness information on earthquake preparedness. Dan Borens website has included information on ice storm preparedness. Gus Bilirakus Hurricane Season page, Rep. Steve Scalices Hurricane Preparedness page, and then-Rep. Robert Wexlers Hurricane Preparedness Guide provide information on hurricane preparedness.

Adam Smiths Flooding Assistance page includes information on flood preparedness. However, your Web site must remain current and sensitive to pressing public needs, especially when a national disaster occurs. You don’t want to convey the message that your office has not refocused its energies to help constituents cope with this crisis. Your Web site offers an excellent means for providing what constituents need, when they need it, and how they need it.

District Information see also Banner 7 ; Constituent Recognitions; Funding Requests; Maps and Directions; Navigation 5 ; and Government Resources 1 1 Member websites should indicate what makes their district unique.

Diana DeGettes district history page, which lists all of the Members of the House who have represented the district since , when Colorado became a territory; then-Rep. Jeff Fortenberrys former Interesting First District Facts page which provided information on noteworthy events from the s to the present that occurred in what is now the 1st District.

As such, they may want to feature and link to attractions and industries in their district. The Members Congressional Handbook Web Sites, Content 5 and the Committees Congressional Handbook Web Site Regulations, Content 5 , however, prohibit House Member and House committee websites from including any advertisement for any private individual, firm, or corporation, or imply in any manner that the government endorses or favors any specific commercial product, commodity, or service. Two practices have been developed by House offices that wish to provide links to external Web pages that provide information on attractions and industries in their district, while staying within the House rules: a Listing all of the companies in a Member’s district that are within a specific segment of the economy e.

Virginia Foxx for including a description of the district and what makes it unique. Michael Cupuanos 8th District Over the Years page which provides biographical sketches of all the Members of the House who have represented what is now the 8th District of Massachusetts from to the present and also tracks the districts boundaries since By doing so, Members 65 The Congressional Wine Caucus does not control the content of these websites, nor do these links constitute an endorsement by the Congressional Wine Caucus.

They are presented here for informational purposes only. Christopher Shays Resources page provided that: These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Congressman Christopher Shays of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual.

Congressman Christopher Shays bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content. The Foundations th Congress Gold Mouse Project Detailed Methodology, page 7 also identifies having information about local or district resources as an element of a well-formed Congressional website.

Citizenship and Immigration Services page for providing [r]esources specific to the district. The report also recommends that congressional websites provide links to federal agencies.

Such information would include topics such as how to register cars and other vehicles , how to get utilities activated, and how to register children for school. Virginia Foxx for including a link to census data. Rush Holts former website. Some state government web sites e. Some state associations of counties also provide that information e. Brian Bairds website for having specific content for each county in his district, discussing local issues and problems and how he is addressing them.

Tom Allens website for an interactive map shows the Congressmans activities and accomplishments by county. Bud Cramers former 5th District of Alabama page, Rep. Jeff Fortenberrys former 1st District of Nebraska page, Rep. Jim McDermotts homepage interactive map, and Rep. Benny Thompsons Second District page. Charles Rangels Moving to the District page and Rep. Bobby Rushs Moving to the District page. Section 3. The system identifier may be changed to reflect local system conventions.

Such a declaration is required when the character encoding of the document is other than the default UTF-8 or UTF and no encoding was determined by a higher-level protocol. Section C. For compatibility with these types of legacy browsers, you may want to avoid using processing instructions and XML declarations. An XML declaration, therefore, should not be used on House Web pages as long as Internet Explorer 6 holds a significant market-share of browsers accessing those sites. Download time see also Graphics 1 and 5 Each Web page including all major functions on it should take no more than 10 seconds to download at connection speeds used by the bulk of the websites visitors.

A download time of 1 to 2 seconds will provide a far better user experience. For examples, see Rep. Ted Poes Obtaining a Fedral Document page. Note that all congressional district numbers must be entered as two-digit numbers e.

Users can sense a delay, and thus know the computer is generating the outcome, but they still feel in control of the overall experience and that they’re moving freely rather than waiting on the computer. From seconds, users definitely feel at the mercy of the computer and wish it was faster, but they can handle it.

After 10 seconds, they start thinking about other things, making it harder to get their brains back on track once the computer finally does respond. A second delay will often make users leave a site immediately. And even if they stay, it’s harder for them to understand what’s going on, making it less likely that they’ll succeed in any difficult tasks.

Even a few seconds’ delay is enough to create an unpleasant user experience. Users are no longer in control, and they’re consciously annoyed by having to wait for the computer. Thus, with repeated short delays, users will give up unless they’re extremely committed to completing the task.

The result? You can easily lose half your sales to those less-committed customers simply because your site is a few seconds too slow for each page. The Congressional Management Foundations Congress Online Turning the Corner on the Information Age page 55 recommends that Your site should load in 15 seconds or less using a standard Internet connection.

Earmarks see Funding Requests Earthquake Preparation Information see Disaster Preparation Information Election Campaign material see also Political Language 1 Material originally developed for or originally paid for by an election campaign should not be used on House websites.

Offices with questions about the extent of that prohibition should be urged to contact the Committee for either informal advice or for a formal written opinion. May not include personal, political, or campaign information. May not be directly linked or refer to Web sites created or operated by a campaign or any campaign related entity including political parties and campaign committees.

Include personal, political, or campaign information. Be directly linked or refer to Web sites created or operated by campaign or any campaign related entity, including political parties and campaign committees.

E-mail a friend Offices should avoid having e-mail this page to a friend features on their websites, because of their potential for creating security vulnerabilities.

The value of the attribute should be the URL for downloading an appropriate viewer. It should be the information or a link to it and not merely a description of the information. If appropriate, make that graphic a link to a separate page that displays all of the graphics. Dennis Moores website for including an inform a friend feature [that] allows users to share the site with others via e-mail Jeffrey Zeldmans, Designing With Web Standards 2nd edition, [] , p.

When pages utilize scripting languages to display content, or to create interface elements, the information provided by the script shall be identified with functional text that can be read by assistive technology. What it normally should do is provide the best equivalent of the material that the user would have received if scripting was enabled. Event handler names should therefore be in all lower case when used inside a tag though the value of the event handler may include any character.

This difference is necessary because XML is case-sensitive e. In practice, therefore, it is not necessary to duplicate this event [with a corresponding. If it is not possible to replace onmouseover with a:hover then, either: a include an onfocus event handler with the same value as the onmouseover event handler; b replace the onmouseover event handler with an onfocus event handler with the same value; or The regulations under of the Rehabilitation Act of 36 C.

Brian Higgins homepage. The U. The report Award Winners: Platinum, page 3 praises Sen. Lisa Murkowskis website for providing links to Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and social bookmarking links. Erik Paulsen for linking to his Facebook site. No date has been set for its reopening. Failure to designate a favicon may result in an undesirable default being displayed, e. Gabrielle Giffords cactus Rep.

Mary Bono Mack leaf Rep. Laura Richardson state abbreviation and district number Rep. Buck McKeon Members portrait Traditionally, favicons are named favicon. This is not a requirement, however, as long as the favicon has a. File Names and Extensions see also Banners 8 ; Favicons 2 ; Graphics 1 f ; Log files; and URLs 1 When redesigning a website, whenever possible reuse the file names of the old site in the new site, so that pre-existing bookmarks and links from other sites will continue to work.

If it is not possible to reuse the previous file names, then use redirects to take users who attempt to access the old pages and move them to the corresponding new page not just to your new homepage. Use of the. Using the domain name as the beginning of a file name may result in being redirected to the homepage of that Member, e. Financial Disclosure see also Funding Requests 1 Member offices should consider placing a copy of the Members financial disclosure statement on their website.

Do not move pages around; instead keep them at the same URL. It is very annoying for authors of other sites when their links either stop working or turn into pointers to something different because the original pages has been moved and replaced with something new.

Darrell Issa appears to have been the first Member of the House to publish his financial disclosure statement on his website July 20, Government information portal maintained by the U. See also the Financial Disclosures pages of Rep. Michael Grimm, Rep. Bobby Rush, and Rep.

Ed Towns. House Rule XXV, clause 5 b 5 , provides that the Clerk of the House is to make this information available for public inspection as soon as possible after they are received. On June 3, , the Speaker of the House directed the Chief Administrative Officer to publish the quarterly Statement of Disbursements for the House of Representatives in an online format at the earliest date. The Congressional Management Foundations Congress Online Turning the Corner on the Information Age page 4 notes that, A recurring theme of our focus groups can be summed up in one word: accountability.

House websites should, therefore, not contain references to FirstGov. Additionally, House offices should link to pages on www. Flags see also Forms 1 Member offices should be encouraged to include information on how to order U. The E-Flag Calculator will calculate the cost of a flag request including postage and produce an invoice that the constituent can mail to your office with their check.

Additionally, the cost of the flags are automatically updated by the House Office Supply Service and postage rates are automatically updated by the U. Postal Service. John Carters site for allowing constituents [to]. Responses varied little based on proficiency, time spent using a screen reader, and disability. As with images in HTML, text equivalents of images in Flash should convey the information that the graphic provides.

It is acceptable to use photo of in the text equivalent if the image is a photograph. Instead, use meaningful text in the link names to tell users what theyll get when they click. This helps users to quickly differentiate between links when they are scanning through them. If the non-text content were removed from the page and substituted with the text, the page would still provide the same function and information.

The survey does, however, caution that: Note: This should not be interpreted to mean that users prefer that all images be identified. Roger Hudsons Text Alternatives for Images September recommends that Web designers not use the image file name as the alt. With the Window-Eyes screen reader, the user hears, “Loadingload done. As the content changes, Adobe Flash Player 10 software sends a signal to the screen reader notifying it that there has been a change.

When the screen reader receives this notification, it automatically returns to the top of the page and begins reading it again. When Flash Player encounters. This problem can seriously erode the experience for screen reader users. While the Window-Eyes screen reader allows users to stop a Flash application by using Alt-Shift-M , the Jaws screeen reader does not appear to support such a function.

Floor Statements Member offices should be encouraged to include Floor statements made by the Member. Jason Altmires website. Use of points, picas, centimeters, or inches in that type of style sheet is appropriate. When specifying a sans-serif font for screen display, consider specifying Verdana, rather than Arial. Georgia and Verdana were designed for screen display, whereas Times New Roman and Arial were designed for printing.

Good at font points 10 or above. The best serif font designed for online reading. Generally good at font sizes 10 and above. Good for printed materials. Onscreen, readability quickly diminishes at small point sizes.

Only good at font sizes 12 or higher. The most readable online font, even in small type. Generally liked by people of all ages. Traditional-looking, but more modern-looking and readable than Times New Roman.

Good online serif alternative. Not recommended if you want to appear professional. Generally not preferred by audiences of any age. Modern, simple, professional. The recommended font for use in body text, where readability is critical. High in user preference. CSS 2. Foreclosure Information 1 Member offices should consider including information on their websites concerning home foreclosure and how to avoid it, see e. This can be achieved by providing links, buttons or linked images and the controls themselves should be as easy to find ex.

The report pages 67 and 76 singles out those features on the websites of Rep. Randy Forbes and Sen. Orin Hatch. See also the website of Rep. Howard Berman, which has this feature and also has a Changing Page Size page that explains different ways of changing display size. Howard Bermans Resources for Homeowners page, Rep. Jim Langevins Foreclosure Resources page, Rep. Jim Morans Foreclosure Guidance page, and Rep.

Peter Walchs Housing page. Mike Hondas four-time Mouse Award winning website, that The constituent is not going to want to go to the video section and look through the whole list of videos to see everything about healthcare, and then go to the photos page to get all the photos about healthcare, said Pierson.

What were looking for is to create issue-centered pages where you go to the healthcare page and it shows you the Congressmans perspective on healthcare, it shows all of the recent photos that hes posted that have been tagged with a healthcare tag, all of the videos of him speaking on the floor of the House of Representatives about healthcare issues, or blog posts that relate to healthcare, and have that all in one central place.

Its that kind of organization that makes it easy for the constituent to find exactly what they need without having to search through the whole site. The report pages 42 and 50 also advises: Dont bury the information. When in doubt, put it in multiple places or in one place and link to it elsewhere. For example, place links to educational information about Congress both in a general section about Congress and in an Issues section.

On the best sites on Capitol Hill, all of the content is synthesized, overlapped, and crossreferenced. The report page 69, 75, and 79 specifically praises the websites of Rep. Carolyn Maloney noting that All the information on the site is cross-referenced and integrated into multiple sections; Ideally, forms should be so self-explanatory that instructions are not needed.

Where a site has more than one form for a similar purpose e. Chris Dodd noting that By cross-referencing press releases, op-eds, blog posts, and other related documents, the site ensures that its users will find relevant content regardless of where they look for it; Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Republican Office noting that The content is also fully integrated and cross-referenced throughout the site.

Providing a variety of content in a number of different ways ensures that users will find the information that interests them, regardless of where they look for it. When instructions are absolutely necessary, cut them back to the bare minimum.

After constituents select the purpose of their inquiry, they are directed to customized forms specific to their request: an order form for constituents wishing to have a flag flown over the Department of Health and Human Services , notes that: Users. The Guidelines page recommends that a well-designed site should: Ensure that data entry labels are worded consistently, so that the same data item is given the same label if it appears on different pages.

If possible, employ consistent labeling conventions. For example, do not use single words or phrases for some labels and short sentences for others, or use verbs for some and nouns for others. Likewise, Luke Wroblewski, in Web Form Design, , page 37 recommends that when drafting the content of a web form, Ensure that your forms speak with one voice, despite questions from several different people or departments.

Placing a border around those cells, however, should not be the only method used to indicate that the field is a required field. The problem is that most users spend most of their time on web sites other than yours, and on forms other than yours. Their experience on other web sites habituates them to the idea that an asterisk means a field is required.

Reserve underlining for links. Because underlines provide a strong perceived affordance of clickability, users will be confused and disappointed if underlined text doesn’t have an actual affordance to match this perception. Each label and input field is grouped by vertical proximity and the consistent alignment of both input fields and labels reduces eye movement and processing time.

Users only need to move in one direction: down. Many congressional offices prefer to call constituents if their issue is particularly complex or urgent. As a result, some make the telephone number field on their Web forms mandatory.

However, because it is not essential in replying to the constituent, and because many Americans prefer not to give out their telephone numbers, CMF recommends For instance, use Search to submit a search request Generate Application to submit an instruction to produce an application based on the information contained in a form do not use Generate Application if the data in the form is being automatically transmitted to the office by e-mail or web service.

Many citizens will still fill in the field, but it will not alienate constituents who simply prefer to hear back from the office with a written response. Department of Health and Human Services , suggests that: The label of a pushbutton should clearly indicate the action that will be applied when the pushbutton is clicked.

Service Academy Nomination forms of Rep. Reid Ribble and Del. This button almost never helps users, but often hurts them. Reset clears away the user’s input on a Web form, but why would people want to do that? The Web is characterized by frequent movement between pages and users rarely encounter the same form twice. Thus, a Web form is almost always cleared when the user sees it. Even when a user revisits a form in a single session, it is usually faster to edit the old data than to erase it and start over.

The Reset button hurts users in three ways: The worst problem about Reset is that users click the button by mistake when they wanted to click Submit. Bang – all your work is gone! Having two buttons at the bottom of a form clutters up the interface and makes it harder for users to clearly see their next step.

Some small amount of wasted time is spent scanning the useless button and deciding which of the two buttons is the correct one. Even when users do want to eliminate some of the data they have entered into a form, it may slow them down to have a dedicated button for doing so, since the extra button means that users have a choice: It takes at least one second and often two seconds to decide between two possible interaction techniques which is why it is usually better not to offer users a choice.

Just as with , however, Congressional offices that do not abide by COPPAs standards risk being embarrassed if their non-compliance is publicized. We do not knowingly contact or collect personal information from children under Our site is not intended to solicit information of any kind from children under It is possible that by fraud or deception we may receive information pertaining to children under If we are notified of this, as soon as we verify the information, we will immediately obtain parental consent or otherwise delete the information from our servers.

If you want to notify us of our receipt of information by children under 13, please contact us. The best way to speed up that process is not to ask the question at all. That means if you want to be vigilant about optimizing your forms, put every question you are asking people to the test. Do you really need to ask this question? Nielsen notes that: The implications are clear: the material that’s the most important for the users’ goals or your business goals should be above the fold.

Users do look below the fold, but not nearly as much as they look above the fold. User name: E-mail address: xxx xxx. When were creating sites, we act as though people are going to pore over each page, reading our finely crafted text, figuring out how weve organized things, and weighing their options before deciding which link to lick. What they actually do most of the time if were lucky is glance at each new page, scan some of the text, and click on the first link that catches their interest or vaguely resembles the thing theyre looking for.

There are usually large parts of the page they dont even look at. Jakob Nielsen and Hoa Loranger in their Prioritizing Web Usability, page 35 further note that users of a website spend an average of 27 seconds on each interior page that they view and less than half of that time is used to read the main content area.

See, for. Labels for radio buttons and checkboxes are positioned after the field. These positions are defined because that is the usual and therefore most predictable position for. Checkboxes and radio buttons have a uniform width while their labels often do not. Having the radio button or checkbox first therefore allows both the buttons and the labels to line up vertically.

Jonathan Avila Chief Accessibility Officer at SSB Bart Group notes that: Having labels on the right for radio buttons and checkboxes is very important to users of screen magnification software.

Screen magnification will align the left edge of the magnified area before the checkmark and the text of the checkmark and radio button will often go past the edge of the magnified area on the right.

When the label is on the left the checkmark would likely be out of view. If you must use a drop down then keep the list simple. March 26, notes that: Making users suffer a drop-down menu to enter state abbreviations is one of many small annoyances that add up to a less efficient, less pleasant user experience.

Its worth fixing as many of these usability irritants as you can. Sites offer drop-downs for state abbreviations under the theory that doing so prevents input errors. But that’s not true: menus are more error prone than typing because the mouse scroll wheel often makes users inadvertently change the state field’s content after they’ve moved their gaze elsewhere on the screen.

In contrast, everybody knows how to type their own state’s two letters, and it’s always faster to enter this information through the keyboard than the mouse. Luke Wroblewski, in Web Form Design, , page 69, recommends that: its generally a good idea to avoid really long lists in drop-down menus, especially when people are likely to be familiar with the options like selecting the state they live in.

Caroline Jarrett and Gerry Gaffney, in Forms that Work: Designing Web Forms for Usability, , page 90, likewise note that: We often hear of a particular annoyance in the United States, being forced to select your two-letter state abbreviation from a state drop-down. And yet, most people who live in the United States find it perfectly natural to type this and are unlikely to make a mistake when doing so.

If you know that 90 percent of your customers live in the U. For instance, hotTopics would be an appropriate value for an id or name attribute, but whiteOnRed would not be an appropriate value. Since we first started researching Congress use of the Internet in , we have noticed that congressional offices utilize many different sets of prefixes that are often required fields on their Web forms.

In an effort to be inclusive, one congressional office lists possible prefixes from the usual suspects like Mr. Other offices provide prefixes for select members of the clergy, like Pastor and Sister but exclude their equivalents in other religions. CMF recommends that offices utilize a simple list of the most frequent iterations, or opt for a blank fill-in field rather than an exhaustive pull-down list that could and probably will exclude someone.

A lengthy drop-down list also increases the likelihood of user error, and could result in more time-consuming data entry fixes later. GOV domain, there needs to be a prominent message indicating that the material is not from the. Judy Chu and Rep. Bob Goodlatte. Grouping controls makes it easier for users to understand their purpose while simultaneously facilitating tabbing navigation for visual user agents and speech navigation for speech-oriented user agents. The proper use of this element makes documents more accessible.

Christopher Carneys website, which allows users to quickly identify and easily fill out the relevant forms. See also the forms libraries of Rep. Jim Moran, and Rep. Chellie Pingree. House of Representatives and that neither the office nor the House are responsible for the content.

HIR will display an exit notice stating that users are leaving the House of Representatives prior to linking to a non-House of Representatives Web site. In addition to their official house.

When a link to a web site outside the Members official site is imbedded on the Members official site, the Members site must include an exit notice advising the visitor when they are leaving the House. This exit notice must also include a disclaimer that neither the Member nor the House is responsible for the content of the linked site s.

Success Criterion 4. It does not label the individual page frame or inline frame iframe in the frameset. For instance, relative URIs within the embedded document resolve according to the base URI of the embedded document, not that of the main document. An embedded document is only rendered within another document e. Jeff Fortenberrys former constituent services FAQ. Dianne Feinsteins How to. Request Casework Assistance page.

Patty Murrays website. Department of Health and Human Services , identifies providing a useful set of frequently asked questions FAQ and answers as one of the elements that project credibility in a website. Carolyn B. The Appropriations Committee will consider funding only those requests that have been so posted. The website must contain the following information for each request submitted in FY The proposed recipient, and address of the recipient, The amount of the request, Jeff Fortenberrys former First District Earmarks page, for instance, started with an explanation of what earmarks are and the criteria he uses before seeking an earmark; and then listed the earmarks that he has succeeded in getting and provided a description of each.

Examples of appropriation request pages include Rep. John Micas FY10 Appropriations page. The November 6, Dear Colleage from the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, concerning The Water Resources Development Act of provides that the committee will not consider any requests to include projects in the Act unless the request has been posted on the requesting Members website.

The Congressional Management Foundations Gold Mouse Report: Lessons from the Best Web Sites on Capitol Hill page 42 also notes that Constituents are not typically familiar with Hill jargon, so make sure that acronyms and terms like motion to recommit and roll call votes are explained as well. Tammy Baldwin Rep. Kevin Brady Rep. Jim Cooper Rep. John Culberson Rep. Darrell Issa Rep.

Government Resources see also Constituent Services; District Information 4 ; FirstGov; and Linking 6 1 Member offices should be encouraged to include material about or at least links to the Federal courts that have jurisdiction within the Members congressional district.

David Wus Constituent Services page. House of Representatives homepage on each page. The Congressional Management Foundations Congress Online Turning the Corner on the Information Age page 24 notes that Too many congressional Web sites are generic they fail to reflect the personality of the Member and the distinctiveness of the district or state.

The Congressional Management Foundations th Congress Gold Mouse Project Detailed Methodology, page 7 identifies having information about local or district resources as an element of a well-formed Congressional website. Mike Doyles Judicial Branch page and Rep.

Reid Ribbles Local Agencies page. Marcia Fudge, Rep. Bob Goodlatte Rep. Brett Guthrie, Rep. The House Committee on Veterans Affairs website provides information on veterans benefits for its key audience. Tom Carper for broadening Also consider using thumbnails perhaps x 75 pixels that link large versions of the image. Best practices for findability and accessibility often overlap. Various standards have been suggested for how long an alt attribute should be before a longdesc attribute should also be used.

The to character standard was recommended by Jon Brundage of TecAccess. Joe Clarks Building Accessible Websites , page 68, suggests using the longdesc attribute when the value of the alt attribute exceeds 1, characters.

Standard A. A descriptive link will also be provided. Statewide Policy P Rev. Aarron Walter, in Building Findable Websites, page 30, recommends using the longdesc attribute if the description would exceed 99 characters. The default on HiSofts Cynthia Says accessibility validating software to recommend use of the longdesc attribute is when the value of the alt attribute exceeds 81 characters.

It is acceptable to use photo of in the alt attribute if the image is a photograph. Use style sheets to control size, color, background, positioning, etc.

This approach maximizes accessibility, scalability, and download speed. Dont use generic instructions, such as Click Here as a link name. Charts, diagrams, animations, photographs, graphic organizers, or other visual materials often help these users as a technique to satisfy Success Criterion 3. Red Eye: avoid using the Red Eye tool Shift-J because it tends to be too extreme turning dark gray whenever it finds any red.

Use the Marquee select Shift-M or the Lasso select Shift-L to capture each eye Shiftmousedrag to add to a selection, Alt-mousedrag to subtract from a selection. Try darkening a little so you do not end up with gray eyes. This works best on blemishes that are surrounded by the correct tonal value. Make your brush width 1 to 2 times the width of the blemish and click once over the blemish the blemish should disappear. For areas with the correct tonal value only on one side of the blemish, use the healing brush.

Alt-Select an area of the image that has the tonal value you want and then drag your mouse on the blemish. If the result is too harsh, then Edit-Fade immediately after to attenuate the effect.

Alternatively, step backward and choose a different Mode, e. Another approach is to try Smear Shift-R to smooth out the result. Levels: use the Control-L function. The ideal curve for levels is a double bell curve tailing off at the edges of the window with the left tail at black; the right tail at white; and the center at gray. If there are peaks at the edges, there is too much contrast. If the curve does not reach the edges, then the contrast is too low.

Color Balance: use Control-B. This is especially useful if the image is scanned or the flash was incorrectly set. Color balance is usually used to reduce the red in the midtones or highlights of an image or, conversely, to correct for overly sallow skin tone. Avoid setting the brightness and contrast control above 20 or below Once adjusting the shadows or highlights, it is usually necessary to readjust the color balance and or the brightness and contrast.

Resizing: use Bicubic as the Resample Image value. Style sheets should be used to control layout. Note: Photoshop 7. For instance, on a page devoted to providing assistance to constituents, avoid using stern pictures of the Member. If it is necessary to have two moving image area in the same screen view, then they should be well separated.

Graphs see Charts and Graphs Greek language material see Babel Fish; Government Resources 2 ; Language of Text; and Linking 16 Greetings see also Forms 1 Member offices should consider having information on their website as to how a constituent can receive greetings or a Congressional Citation from the Member to commemorate events of public distinction e. Howard Berman, Rep. John Tierney.

At times Members wish to send letters or mailings, or make other communications, that are not frankable in content under the House Franking Regulations, and hence may not be created or sent using official House resources. Examples of such communications include messages to constituents that are not official in nature, such as birthday greetings, holiday greetings, and letters of condolence.

In addition, while letters of congratulations for a public distinction are frankable, other letters of congratulation, such as for years of service at a business, or retirement, are not. Under House Rules, a Member may use campaign funds and resources to create and send cards, letters and certificates of these types to constituents. However, such materials may not be produced in or sent from any House office, and may not be produced or sent using any other House resource, including the office equipment or staff while on official time.

Example Congressman A wishes to create a “Congressman A Award of Merit” certificate that he will present to constituents who perform meritorious acts or services. The certificates may be printed with campaign funds, but their content must comply with the same restrictions that apply to campaign letterhead see discussion below on Laws and Rules on Campaign Letterhead.

In addition, official House resources may not be used to promote the certificates, or in connection with their presentation. Congratulations Section a 3 f [of title 39 of the U. Code] authorizes the franking of mail matter expressing congratulations to a person who has achieved some public distinction.

The Commission emphasizes that these messages of congratulations are limited to matters of public distinction as opposed to matters of personal achievement. Letters consisting solely of birthday, wedding, anniversary, retirement or condolence messages are not frankable.

However, legislative correspondence, which otherwise is frankable, may contain an incidental statement of condolence or of congratulations for personal achievement. For example, a response to a constituents request for assistance in obtaining survivor annuity benefits may contain an incidental statement of condolence.

Similarly, a letter enclosing Federal publications may contain a brief congratulatory message for personal achievement, provided the substance of the letter focuses on the content of the publication or other officially related subject matter rather than on the congratulatory remark. Note that neither House Ethics Manual nor the Franking Manual specifically address whether House websites can invite constituents to request Member recognitions of birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

What the House Ethics Manual and the Franking Manual do is prohibit or at least restrict the use of official funds, staff time, or other House resources to prepare and mail such recognitions.

Bob Goodlatte and Rep. After constituents select the purpose of their inquiry, they are directed to customized Mike Pences website for including information on Presidential greetings. See also, Presidential Greetings pages of Rep.

Chris Van Hollen. The Greeting Request Guidelines issued by the White House provide that Presidential Greetings can be issued for: Birth of a baby should be requested within one year of birth Birthdays of individuals 80 years-old or older should be requested at least 6 weeks before the birthday Weddings should be requested after the wedding, but no later than one year after the wedding Wedding Anniversaries for couples celebrating their 50th or greater anniversary should be requested at least 6 weeks before the anniversary Rep.

If there is no content associated with a heading, the heading should normally be eliminated. Headings contained in a box should normally be centered vertically, so there is equal padding above and below the text of the heading.

JAWS and WindowEyes all provide navigation via headings and provide information about the level of the heading.

The Opera browser provides a mechanism to navigate by headings. Additional plugins support navigation by headings in other user agents. Jakob Nielsens article F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content April 17, , based on a study of the eye movements of website users, recommends that Web designers: Start subheads, paragraphs, and bullet points with information-carrying words that users will notice when scanning down the left side of your content.

They’ll read the third word on a line much less often than the first two words. Though Nielsens study was based on sighted users, the technique he suggests is useful not only for sighted individuals, but also for blind individuals since an often-used technique in Jaws and WindowEyes is to have the browser skip from heading to heading or from list to list.

Homeowner Information see Foreclosure Information Homepage see also Navigation 3 and 14 ; and Privacy Policy 2 1 One of the primary goals of a Congressional website is to get constituents to return in the future. The first thing that most constituents will see, when they go to the offices site is the part of the homepage that will fit in a screen without. The best real estate on Sen. Jeff Bingamans D-NM home page is devoted to the constituent services provided by the office, such as casework and help for small businesses.

You could also rotate the various services to coincide with important dates flags for Veterans Day, student loan assistance before colleges and universities begin a new year or focus on one specific area, like Rep. Mike Capuano DMA is with his immigration casework. Though not traditional constituent services, Rep. Mary Bono R-CA has information on earthquake preparedness and links to pandemic flu resources on her home page, while Rep. Highlight a Legislative Priority.

One of Rep. John Petersons R-PA top priorities in Congress is revitalizing rural communities, such as those in his district, through economic development and job creation. Check out the employer directory to find out what you need to know about the companies looking to recruit the best graduates. This is a great tool for locating the physical address of a company.

Can post resumes for a fee. Good job advice for that area. Also offers the MenStyle video. You need to surf to get to the questions on 1, interview questions.

Earthworks promotes paid, volunteer, and internship opportunities in national parks and wildlife refugees managed by nonprofit conservation organizations. Job seekers typically pay a small sum for using this site. Employers can post jobs for free. You also may join chats and scan news items. The information on this site is most useful to the human resource professional working on benefit program design but it gives the average employee insights into how benefit programs are designed.

With all of their current positions listed by region on the site, they place over interns each year into environmental positions. Also provides environmental news and conferences to help members stay up-to-date. This site allows you to unearth the salaries of some of the highest paid executives.

Search by company name, ticker symbol, location, or business type. Once you locate the company, click on the name to view the summary. Definitely useful when asking for a raise! The U. Department of Education offers this annually updated site as a financial aid primer that gives links to the FAFSA, the departments free application for federal student aid.

They maintain an extensive database that contains applicants from over seventy countries of the world–nearly 20, worldwide applicants that are purged on a monthly basis. Teachers and students can make new friends and practice their English within the chat room. Tour “Embassy Row” or browse the “Foriegn Embassies” directory, both of which allows companies serving the international community, and those working, living, and traveling internationally, to find their audience.

Shows maps, surrounding eateries and attractions, and allows you to book online. Power and Associates has just ranked Embassy Suites the highest overall in guest satisfaction among all-suites hotel chains.

A member of the Hilton family of hotels. It provides invaluable recruitment tools to lawyers, law students, paralegals, employers and law schools. The site was developed specifically for the Australian market and continues to introduce value-added software making the site more attractive to both recruiters and job seekers. Their job match service does all the searching for you, providing you with regular email updates on relevent positions and their online resume service allows you to store a resume.

For each resume or job profile that you store, you will need a separate registration number. Registration is free and your details are kept strictly confidential. Tools for job seekers include millions of available jobs right at its users fingertips by searching not only their job postings but also currently over 3,, jobs in over major career sites simultaneously.

Become a registered user for FREE and receive a web based email account, calendar, and organizer and access to a resume search reminder service — and once again, it’s all FREE. This site has links to over 9, different companies, employment agencies, and placement firms world wide. There are tons of links for hundreds of different companies.

On this site you can post your resume in the freelance marketplace or job board for free. It’s free, quick and useful!

Discusses locating capital, building a customer base, expanding business, marketing techniques, etc. Helps identify fellow business owners. EOP has led the way from affirmative action to diversity recruitment by publishing career-guidance and recruitment magazines for women, members of minority groups, and people with disabilities.

Check out the resume Database which provides the opportunity to have your resume sent FREE to any advertiser who is looking to hire. Also check out the list of the dates and locations of career fairs and job expos across the country.

Students , International Jobs Global. Their conferences would be great for career networking purposes for graduates interested in sports marketing.

Excellent career advice to those wishing to do volunteer work or work as a paid staff member of a not-for-profit firm. Services people seeking none traditional employment in social change organizations. As founder and director of The Protocol School of Palm Beach, she teaches manners, helps CEOs master the art of “schmoozing,” and shows high-ranking executives how to create a favorable impression in the boardroom or at the dinner table.

You can also find expert advice on Career Planning, useful links to other great sites and details about postgraduate options. Here you can click on a country in Europe and find the vacancies available. Also, there is a job robot that will help you find the career of your choice. The partnership is coordinated by the European Commission. After selecting a preferred language, you can search through job information, job openings, and obtain helpful career guidance.

It contains official press releases from the EU institutions and information on major forthcoming events. Also view European maps. Position information is generated from members, search firms, and corporations who post their openings for free.

There are many thousands of listings covering all fields and specialties. Career tips and other resources are updated regularly. The membership idea and networking connections provide an excellent vehicle for senior level executives to facilitate their careers.

Also offers up to date article applicable to overseas relocation issues. Need driving directions to and from your destination? Find anything you would need to know regarding flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, and more. Browse through the “deals” for various vacation packages from casino destinations to sports and adventure, from skiing vacations to Hawaiian vacations.

Also ranks the best travel destinations, provides slide shows and tourse, and gives you seasonal weather conditions. Once you’ve decided on a destination, use the detailed street maps of the United States and road maps of Canada, Mexico, and Europe to find your way. Or get accurate directions to U. Register and create a resume that can be viewed by employers who will contact you when you’re the right match for a position or search through a database of thousands of jobs and internships targeted to the entry-level demographic to find the one that fits YOU.

Additional resources include the ability to research over 25 industries including non-profit service, e-commerce, journalism, arts, consulting and financial services , view more than company profiles, participate in virtual job fairs, and read articles containing career and life advice.

In order to use this site you have to sign up, it is a free process that only takes a few minutes and is worth your time. After the initial sign-up you will be eligible for discounts on valuable products and services. Also on this site you can research markets, find buyers and suppliers and monitor late breaking news. Food and Drug Association, this site has received numerous web related awards for it’s content and clarity.

Looking for some information in particular? Use the index or the search function. The database is updated every work day, contains verified positions for which a federal agency is actively recruiting, provides the information needed to apply for the job contact, telephone number, etc.

This site offers information about chapters and members as well as information about conferences and career services. In all spheres, FMF utilizes research and action to empower women economically, socially, and politically.

Provides links to available positions with Feminist and Progressive organizations and many articles. Specific resources include information for international students, disabled students, female students, veterans, etc.

The site also features easy to use financial calculators that allow users to experiment with different scenarios and make the best decision for them. Visitors to the FindLaw site will find a broad array of features that include Web search utilities, cases and codes, legal news, and community-oriented tools, such as a secure document management utility, mailing lists, message boards and free email.

You CAN do it. Whether you’re looking to manage your finances, get information on your stocks, ask a Foolish question, or mock the Wisemen of Wall Street, there’s a place here for you. Either take a tour or dive right in. And sign up for free email newsletters. The extensive resources and original content was taken from student’s experiences and research. With over pages and more than 5, carefully selected links, ForeignMBA. You will find information specifically targeted to the foreign MBA student like immigration issues, special challenges in the recruiting process, etc.

A very comprehensive site. Provides useful articles, a search engine to find work, and allows you to create a personal profile to manage your business. Serves mid-level professionals with a free and confidential service in areas like consulting, legal, IT, HRM, accounting, finance, marketing, sales, etc. Upon registering, you get customized feedback on culture, positions, industries, etc.

Does not advertise jobs but asks if you want your information send to a specified job. Visit employer website pages and search from over jobs or go directly to the job listings database and search jobs by profession, location, etc. Includes a special link to job opportunities from employers that need you now! Post your resume to help for gay friendly employer to view or search the employer profiles to find out more about a specific employer.

Other information includes: viatical settlement options and procedures, investment clubs, mortgages, group insurance, tax strategies for unmarried couples, estate planning and news on publicly traded corporations about their benefits and workplace policies for their gay and lesbian employees and investors.

Excellent articles and links to other related sites. Advises employers on how to make their telecommuting programs more successful by growing and developing employees. Great career advice to employees who need this option. Global Careers is the place for transportation, commerce, and finance majors. They offer global recruiting, free posting of resumes, recruitment services, and application tools. Soon Global Careers will be adding branding, sales and marketing, information technology, consulting, and communications to their list of majors they service.

The easy to use drop-down menu system is a precise, yet fully functional way to access information by country or industry. Every student looking for the answers to these and many other questions should visit this site. It features easy access to information about applying to graduate business school and financing an MBA, a searchable database of more than graduate management programs, direct links to business schools with their own websites, and a Calendar of Events including schedules for MBA Forums and Destination MBA events.

Job seekers find links to various jobs including playing musical instruments in the Army band as well as some nifty enlistment incentives. This site offers daily trade news, trade offers, a weekly newsletter, and links to other related business sites. The Golden Bridge Trade Center is one of the top sites of its kind on the web today. Membership includes free online skill testing, and other services like online training and benefit plans.

It pulls up all the jobs that match that criteria, broken out by career fields. Or try the advance search which allows you to select the field and location parameters.

Gives a brief computerized description of graduate school programs and how to make further contact. Many programs advertise here and provide direct links to their own sites. Immigration for Canadian Businesses and Professionals: Contains information about temporary and permanent U. International Students. This site includes brief factual information on the GRE General Test and Subject Tests, information on scheduling and financing the tests, test preparation guidance, and more.

Information on what camp directors seek in prospective camp counselors. Affiliated with the Petersons’ Guide organzation. GRIP posts a list of the top business schools in the nation as well as a list of universities throughout the United States. They focus their efforts on the finance and consuliting industries. This is a prime site for researching in your field and for finding links to relevant hiring associations and organizations.

Land a job with sponsorship for H-1B visa fast. Does not guarantee companies in database are currently looking for employees. Link to the Career Center and find additional resources including various assessment sites and career planning guides. Search the jobs by job type, industry, field of interest, company or use the keyword function. Be sure to check out their International Gateway for job openings all over the world. Registered users can post their resume and save frequently used search criteria at no charge.

And with the over 30 targeted online job fairs offered, the feature that sends a “reminder” of the upcoming event is a real plus.

Click on the Resource Center to see the full outline of their features. The site emphasizes career opportunities with hospitals, healthcare corporations, long-term care facilities and other healthcare organizations.

Opportunities available in the fields of nursing, physicians, marketing, financial, administrative positions, and nearly every other medical specialty.

Access the fully searchable job database or sign up for their Job Search Agent and receive jobs via email that match your search requirements. Also post your resume for free and let employers find you. Department of Health and Human Services, Healthfinder can lead you to selected online publications, clearinghouses, databases, websites, and support and self-help groups, as well as the government agencies and not-for-profit organizations that produce reliable information for the public.

Contains a vast amount of information on health issues, as well as a drugs and pharmacies. Selection emphasizes quality information aimed at assisting health care professionals as well as consumers in meeting their health information needs. Also be sure to check out their leisure and business packages. After you complete the free registration process you are free the browse the different career postings on Hire.

They provide quality services and networking opportunities while linking multicultural and bilingual professionals with the fastest-growing, most-profitable industry sectors both nationally and internationally. This site is for all levels of experience, from seasoned multicultural professionals to college graduates to interns. Here you’ll find excellent career opportunities with companies interested in hiring top talent from the Hispanic American community. Also contains many useful articles.

Can protect confidentiality with email only response. You can search by company, agency, or job title. Find tips on how to compose an application letter and write an appropriate resume. Also find useful hints when preparing for an interview and techniques used during interviews. Check out their last minute deals and promotions, and learn more about as well a join their Priority Club. The “lifestyle optimizer” allows users to create a list of the 10 best cities for them to live in, based on user-specified ranking criteria e.

This site also provides crime indexes for over U. Related links include tools for analyzing relocation costs and organizing your relocation. Recently acquired by Hilton. The Career Center section offers links to over 12, company profiles, job openings, job search tools and to a career links section with useful tools like a salary calculator, relocation guides and job hunting tips.

Job postings can be searched by category or date and contains an interesting array of jobs in the hospitality industry. HRN provides discount accommodations in more than 3, premiere properties in over major destinations in the U.

You can also view jobs sorted by location, title, date of posting, and then link directly to the real job description. Use the advanced search feature to search on keyword, company, or location. Also offers a message board, an excellent career magazine, and a unique career fair. With a Web-based email account, you can check your email from any computer hooked up to the Web. While providing a great service, the sign-up process is somewhat lengthy and you have to provide some detailed information to feed the advertisers that support the site.

This site also provides access to customer service and company information, including job opportunities. WorkNet can help you find information on which employers have LGBT-friendly policies, how to get domestic partner benefits at your company, the laws in your state, what’s in the news about LGBT issues in the workplace, and many more.

They provide a section for work-ready individuals who want a quick path to job listings, work search help, resume writing and workplace information, as well as information on career and personal development through governments, school boards, private trainers, and other community agencies.

And they offer benefits and financial assistance to millions of Canadians through a number of different programs. There are various other specialized links as well. Surfing through the catalog gives you a great idea of the work of the H. Also contains articles about HR issues.

Everything you could ever want to know about HTML, organized into tutorials. This is a super-stop for anyone wanting the basics of putting together a website or to enhance an existing site. All sorts of freebies are readily downloadable, plus you can sign up for free email. Company’s team consists of psychologists, psychophysiologist, mathematicians and has 30 years of experience in application and development of comprehensive tests.

Cross-classified in several different ways with complete contact information. It is intended for companies wishing to export or expand into foreign markets as well as for those interested to acquire products and services from other countries. IBCC strengthens the global chambers network.

It provides a unique world chambers forum for the international exchange of experience and expertise on issues affecting global chambers of commerce, particularly those in emerging and transition economies. As the chamber centre, IBCC has as members over chambers of commerce and national associations, and regional organizations of chambers of commerce.

It also offers assistance and training for world chambers, encouraging entrepreneurial development in commerce and industry. A review of how the CEFs fared during the last business day, organized based on price movement, NAV estimate movement, discounts, volume activity, and relative discounts based on a broad range of moving averages of the discount.

In addition, you can use Idealist to define what information you’d like to receive by email from among the job openings, volunteer opportunities, internships, events and resources posted here by organizations all over the world. Allows job seekers to view positions by location, keyword, entry-level, or international locations. Contact information is available members can post their resumes for free.

There are many career articles in salary information posted on the site. It contains a long list of job links to various professional organizations. This site contains a forum for 35, members to post employment listings. Offers extensive information on the profession relevant to candidates interested in HR careers. At this site, you may investigate flight schedules and prices; order your tickets; find out about Southwest’s frequent flyer program; and drop off your resume. It promotes professional growth through educational programs and provides numerous opportunities for members to share experiences, ideas, and solutions that will help them add value to their companies through information management.

These are people who move across continents, who bridge sectors and industries, and who are at home in several cultures. Their lives, their businesses and their tastes require a daily newspaper that is at once as broad and as focused as they are. This paper combines the extensive resources of its own correspondents with those of The New York Times and The Washington Post–a global publication that leaders in business and government rely on to tell them how important events around the world affect their work, their political choices, their investments and their families.

Global , Online Publications. The site’s multicultural “villages” offer tips for breaking down walls, and getting help when needed. Profiles and articles provide prospective on how far workplace equality has come and how much further it needs to go. IMEX Exchange helps international focused companies, organizations, and countries develop and implement their Internet strategies through web page design, marketing, networking, and education.

The search engine can be use to find jobs by keyword, job title, state, or internships. An interesting concept called “villages” has been created for African, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, and other global minorities. Magazine articles on career management are specific to each community.

Diversity recruiters aggressively use this site. Offers specific volunteer options and career advice. Online provides consulting to people starting and running businesses, including resources such as books, videos, software, conferences and seminars.

Archive articles from Inc. More firms are turning to pay for performance incentive compensation programs. HR professionals can use this to select incentive factors, goals, objective, employee evaluations, and qualifying scores. The focus of this site is politics and law. This site tries to pull all the best resources in GLBT politics and law together in one place.

This index is selective with emphasis on sites of national or international interest rather than those limited to particular states or cities. It provides links to external sites containing job postings, advocacy and support organizations, and information pertaining to current laws. The Center also acts as a link between international students, international students organizations and the general community.

The various services, programs and events sponsored by the Center are intended to emphasize the positive aspects of cultural, social and political diversity among peoples the world over.

This bulletin is updated each Tuesday morning, and positions remain open until p. This is a listing of external links to research resources that provide students access to contact names, addresses, company information, and other useful career-related information.

It coordinates one of the country’s foremost programs in Russian and East European Area studies. The Employment section contains istings in various field for people who are seeking employment in Russia or Eastern Europe or who have expertise in the languages, history, or culture of these areas. Very current job openings are noted, older ones are in the archives. Announcements are removed after the application deadline or thirty days, whichever comes first.

It is a powerful Web-based matching and reporting system that is coupled with personal assistance, consultations, a toll-free hotline, resource materials, and much more which will help to increase the number and quality of internships in the state.

There are more than 2, IT companies within the state employing 41, people. By joining INITA will put you in touch with the information technology community, help you learn about the trends, provide you an opportunity to promote your products or services, and grant you access to industry information. Helping Industry Recruit Employees link is a great way for job seekers to get their names in front of potential employers.

Job seekers simply provide basic information and the Chamber provides the information to member companies that are looking for candidates. In addition, the link will connect students to information on Indinanapolis-area companies, demographic and economic market data, and details on cultural and recreational amenities.

There is a classified section complete with job listings as well as a white pages section with email and street addresses. It contains a listing of all forms and applications necessary for visas and work permits, as well as permits and forms required to be filed by employers of immigrants and the fees associated with filing them.

Many of these forms and applications are downloadable, and those that are not can be ordered by mail.

You also can do an exhaustive search of the law database on specific criteria. This site also included links to other government offices, including Congress and the White House. InstantQuote presents a list of products based on the personal data you submit and the products available, along with preferred premiums and standard premiums side by side. The site also includes an underwriting guideline chart for each insurance company searched, thereby enabling you to match the lowest premium that fits your profile based on the underwriting criteria used by the insurance company.

Along with real-time quotes, policy comparisons and information on locating companies, you may scan advice and get information on small business insurance.

Tools at the site include savings quizzes, a life insurance needs analyzer, a body mass index calculator and quick quotes. This site allows you to look at employment options by regional location, global finance or general MBA careers.

The site also offers your general career search helpful hints. It is a free service to students. This site is a good resource of international organizations and volunteer options. There are three ways to navigate this site and find a career: the hottest positions, featured employers, and a quick job search. With these three links you can easily steer your way through this site.

In addition, they sponsor career fairs, publish the International RECRUIT magazine IRm , and maintain a proprietary database which includes more than 40, Japanese-English bilingual students, recent graduates, and mid-level business professionals in the U.

It also includes opportunities for experienced managerial and technical professionals to work in the U. You must register to become a member and pay a subscription fee. You will then receive International Career Employment Weekly , access to “late-breaking” current job openings, email notification of special job openings, and various other services.

Search by category, state, region, or use the keyword search. Also allows you to search positions listed for specific companies currently listed in the database. Additional resources include links to professional organizations, organization directories and related databases. Notifies both qualified and unqualified applicants of decisions. They can provide information on specific stock and fund recommendations and model portfolios, commentaries on companies and markets, and give you up-to-date hotline alerts.

Most information on this site is free. Searches can be tailored to factors such as experience, location, responsibility levels, company size, education level, etc. Access articles and editorial opinion by leaders in the real estate industry, and consumer advocates. IREX’s efforts encompass academic research, professional training, institution building, technical assistance, and policy programs between the United States and the countries of Eastern Europe, the New Independent States, Asia, and the Near East.

With its traditional base in the university research community, and in collaboration with partners from the policy, corporate, media, and private foundation sectors, IREX sponsors and supports programs of advanced field research, professional training, international conferences, seminars, and comparative analysis. This site covers topics such as measuring and evaluation performance, performance management systems, training, and research in the field.

Features included are a study program database containing information on over 1, programs, a way to fund your study through the scholarships link, work options outlining hundreds of volunteer or intern abroad options. Global , International Jobs Global. Allows for online booking, provides several vacation packages for the couple on their honeymoon to the annual family trip.

Used by thousands of career professionals and individuals to purchase career development materials. Subscribe to their free newsletter. And be sure to check out their career resources center. There are links to University Placement Offices as well as online reference materials designed to aid students in resume preparation and conducting job searches.

You’ll find a question bank, mock interviews, illegal questions, tips for answering difficult interview questions, and links to more information. The job seeker enters their criteria and it waits for their individual results. Candidates post their resume on the site and recruiters are emailed resumes that match their job openings. Services, Job Descriptions. Using technology and leveraging the efficiency of the Internet, JobDirect satisfies the needs of three communities: employers, college campus career offices and students.

As an early pioneer, it allows employers to conduct extensive searches, for a subscription fee, in a database of thousands of student resumes. Employers view resumes, track candidate status, and get statistical reports. Student resumes come from college placement offices and custom-designed foot technology vehicles that tour hundreds of colleges and universities allowing students to enter resumes.

These events are presented by Indiana University and Purdue University campuses statewide and are open to any person looking for professional or internship positions. Also post and forward a copy of your resume at the click of a button.

Browse through the more than company profiles. Sign up for a free email newsletter with expert job-hunting tips and advice for managing your career and much more. Job seekers can post their resumes, learn about the fastest growing occupations, read interview tips, review job search techniques, study tips about body language during job interviews and more.

The site is updated daily by staff and human resource departments all over Israel. You can search the job database by keyword or index. JOBNET is not a placement bureau, so information on the identity of the employer and contact information such as fax and email, and often the name of a contact person and telephone number as well are available to you.

The site has good job postings, and a feature that sends listings to you via email. Search by a multitude of variables including job type, company name, location, education level, and previous experience. Will also automatically forward your credentials to potential employers if you upload your resume to their database.

Firms receive weekly emails containing qualified candidates. There is an excellent section on career tools for job candidates as well as HR professionals. Your complete on-line job application solution. You can apply to jobs, post your resume for recruiters to view, monitor the traffic viewing your resume, track your job applications, and store customized cover letters.

You can also set-up your account to have new jobs emailed to you. After registering an email, your skills are matched with various positions and the results emailed immediately. The resume database can be accessed by recruiters or they can request resumes matching their posted jobs be sent to them automatically.

For recent college graduates there is a lane moving them to www. This site gives a good list of upcoming fairs in your area. Engineering and computer professionals should visit the Virtual Job Fair. Also lists opportunities to join the JobsAmerica team. JobsBazaar provides high-quality services and expert assistance for your job search. Some services include: directing recently posted job listings to your inbox based on your unique specifications; searching an extensive database of jobs according to specific criteria including, your skills, preferred location, and more; a location to post your resume; and a discussion Forum where you can expand your network and share ideas with fellow job seekers worldwide at our global JobsBazaar Forum.

This site doesn’t take job listings, it pools together the employment sites of individual companies who have their own online employment listings. Not a fast and friendly site yet. You will also be able to post your resume, for employers to read, and browse through our list of sports and industry contacts. The service is free for job seekers to search openings, post resumes, apply for jobs online, receive alerts via email about jobs matching their criteria, and see the statistics on how often their resume has been viewed by companies.

Search the thousands of current UK job openings by industry or have them emailed to you every night. Find the jobs that’s perfect for you and apply directly to the recruiter either online or through traditional routes. As well as applying for specific positions, job hunters can distribute their CV to hundreds of relevant recruitment agencies at the touch of a button.

You can search through the over 10, job listings, or you can set-up a profile and the system will email the job matches to you. Contains a tremendous amount of career information so if you can’t find what you’re looking for, use the “Search JobWeb” feature. Post your resume and have employers contact you, or select criteria to match your qualifications and have jobs emailed to you.

Good demographic links as well as a virtual job fair. Resources include tips for success on the job, writing resumes and cover letters, informational interviewing, careers in the FBI, volunteering and self-employment. Global , International Jobs Europe. Information concerning location, the time period, housing, and coursework is provided for each program, as well as an overview of each program and the IU contact and overseas contact.

Place professional staff as well ad administrative and technical support staff. Many smaller employers rely on hiring from their temps so it can be an entry way into senior level jobs. You can post your resume and email it to the local Kelly Offices in your area. Their newsletters, directories, and conferences are value leaders for employment professionals and professional level job seekers for information on search firms and web career related search sites.

Backed by nearly 2, experienced recruiting specialists, Kforce offers services including online resumes and job postings, interactive interviews and job placements and career management strategies. Kforce is one of the nation’s leading full-service staffing, consulting and training companies operating through more than offices in 45 markets in North America.

Focus is on criteria in rating systems with a standardized scheme for goal setting and writing effective evaluations. Software includes job descriptions, personal policies, industry specific competency modules, team building, and coaching. There is a fee for this assessment. You can register for free email, sign up for a free LatinoWeb home page, pursue Latino-related publications, and yes, browse jobs.

They provide access to the most progressive, high-growth companies, using personalized tools to make the process effective, efficient and convenient. Candidates can post resumes anonymously, receive emails instantly announcing new job opportunities that match their profile, and read expert advice on job-seeking. Offerings allow you to manage your practice with web-based and desktop applications, track breaking developments in the law, research issues and cases, attend online continuing legal education seminars, explore nationwide job openings in the legal industry, and much more.

Providing the legal community with the tools and intelligence to compete and succeed in today’s wired world. Net effectively provides a wide range of services valuable to anyone desiring legal information. Their web hosting services provides attorneys with affordable websites to effectively acquire new clients. You may also post questions and answers about any legal matter or list job opportunities in the legal community. The Law. Net directory lists legal resources by category or use the search engine to make it easier to find resources by key words and geographical areas.

You may also subscribe To Law. Net News for regular updates on legal issues and events around the world. Provides job openings for the legal profession. Gives clues on what attorneys do and their salaries.

An extensive database of materials covers more than legal topics ranging from business issues, such as commercial, taxation, bankruptcy, real estate and intellectual property law, to consumer-related issues, such as estate planning, health, family and employment law. And with a searchable directory of more than one million lawyers and legal professionals, and tips on how to find and interview potential counsel, Lawoffice.

Use these options to enhance your business skills at the fraction of the normal costs by choosing the right mix of content, technology and services to meet your needs. Assists in locating links to training opportunities on all types of topics held in various locations. Check out their site for course descriptions. There is a fee for these services. Check out the course descriptions as well as the online demo.

However, you may search to find links to career exploration sites which may be useful to those from other geographical areas. Practical advice about careers, job hunting, and obtaining health and pension benefits. Contains a database of several hundred business magazines and a reference guide. Temporary agencies work with managers, engineers, technical and professional staff in addition to secretaries and administrative assistants.

Excellent way to get a foot in the door, recognized, and moved-up. Jobs are searchable by location. Users can display addresses on a map, view nearby businesses, get driving directions, and plan a trip with Mobil Travel’s rated lodging, restaurant, and city information.

The MapQuest site is consistently rated as the top Travel site on the Web, and one of the top 20 websites overall. The Mapping Services Group is a leading provider of digital mapping products and services for business, government, and education. The Education Division produces three Web based curriculum services for the K market.

Currently, there are over 3, schools across The U. But should you choose to register, you can save your preferences and create an address book with your home and work addresses, plus your favorite restaurants, stores, parks, museums, and more! It’s FREE! New Companies are added and updated continually to make the database the most timely and comprehensive financial database in the industry.

Provides, to the individual investor, the same quality information on over 12, publicly traded companies. The worlds largest and most comprehensive society of marketers. Surf this site being sure to hit the job site, referral services, and resource guide.

Find out information regarding specific hotel locations as well as partner hotels. Also enroll to receive Marriott Rewards when staying at any of their 1, hotels worldwide or find the perfect location to host a meeting with their Meeting Planner. There’s also an “MBA Survival Guide” where professors, faculty members, and second-year students at ten of America’s most recognized business schools contribute survival advice and lessons. But much of the content on the site is of great value to anyone who is interested in the education that an MBA represents.

This site attemps to “tame information overload” by providing informative links and articles, market research, and recommended readings. Also provides tools and resources to foster cross-program networking and collaboration i.

A very comprehensive and detailed site of MBA resources. This site is for “free agents” who are searching for opportunities outside the traditional full-time arrangements, including interim positions, one-off consulting projects, temp-to-perm positions, and sweat-for-equity opportunities.

MBA FreeAgents. You can create, publish, and update your Professional Profile online. The profile allows for a level of privacy where you choose how much of your personal contact information is published. If you prefer to be anonymous, you can publish your Profile without your name and address, supplying instead, for example, just an email address or phone number.

Then, recruiters interested in your skills and qualifications can contact you directly to discuss employment opportunities. Highlights include “How to tie a Tie” and links to visit books they have reviewed and feel are worth mention.

You can post your resume, search a job database, and access articles about your career search. Resources include global comparisons of salaries and benefit packages, along with information on the latest laws and rules affecting employee benefits worldwide. Services, International Info. Features job openings in Australia and Europe. This site is your direct access to hundreds of qualified positions throughout Europe, in Australia and the United States.

You must subscribe in order to use this service. Since the focus is on a region and not on any particular topic, the scope of content ranges anywhere from Business Opportunities and Trade, to Travel, Cultural Information and Retirement Options. Top news, classifieds, and a people search are a few of the resources available on this site. It helps individuals and organizations to promote their products and services as well as help them advertise their needs e.

The “Hot Links” section offers categorized links to the most useful contents in the Middle East and the rest of the world.

Upload your resume and profile into MightyPeople’s database and you’ll reach the world’s best companies. Each description includes information on work duties, requirements, working conditions, and training provided. Covers civilian counterparts for transitional purposes. Covers all of the U. Military services and how to make contact with the recruiters. You’ll gain free, instant access to thousands of positions nationwide and valuable information you can use to manage your career and to adapt to changes in the constantly evolving workplace.

They arrange career placements throughout Canada and the United States. On this site you view all available IT postions or search by keyword. Click on the job you are interested in and a description along with contact information will be made available to you.

Navigate using the buttons provided, or use the search engine to go directly to your topic of choice. Also provides a map and virtual tour of campus. This site allows you to do everything from reading the most up-to-date market reports to tracking your investments. Also get quotes, check out stock ratings, do mutual fund research, and more. Features include: My Monster, resume management, a personal job search agent, a careers network containing a global link to 15 different countries with more countries coming soon , chats and message boards, privacy options, expert advice on job-seeking and career management and free newsletters.

And sign up for the job search agent which will email jobs that match your search requirements. Also view employer profiles of employers hiring nationwide and participate and view the salary survey. Topics include Visa concerns, recruitment strategy, and research. International Students , Professional Associations. The Association advocates student aid and gathers timely, accurate regulatory and technical information for its members.

Its efforts are also complemented by a number of paper and online publications, as well as electronic services, distance education, and the Standards of Excellence Review Program. They can provide high quality drug tests to individuals and employee drug test services to corporate human resource managers with a network of over drug test collection sites and a network of national drug testing laboratories to meet all levels of drug screening needs.

Contains many resources for anyone who teaches and wants to keep student attention. The founders of National Job Fairs have over a decade of targeted job fair and recruitment experience. Locate a job fair near you now! You can also sign-up for P. Scout, one of the better email agents, which sends jobs to your email address. The value-added part of this site comes in the lists of specialized job databases it maintains. You find speciality job areas, such as Accounting, Administrative and Clerical, Advertising, Education, and dozens more.

It is a forum where employers, placement agencies and job seekers can exchange information, quickly, effectively and inexpensively. You can search for jobs, upload your resume, create your home page, visit employers’ home pages and visit other Indian and International career sites.

The site has superior graphics and snazzy, well-designed layout. Navy opportunities show you great opportunities in healthcare as well as in high-tech and scientific areas. NBCC , an independent not-for-profit credentialing body, was incorporated in to establish and monitor a national certification system, to identify for professionals and the public those counselors who have voluntarily sought and obtained certification, and to maintain a register of those counselors.

The mission of NCDA is to promote the career development of all people over the life span. The NCDA provides service to the public and professionals involved with or interested in career development, including professional development activities, publications, research, public information, professional standards, advocacy, and recognition for achievement and service. This site is one of the largest players in the temporary employment market.

It cost nothing for the “consultant” to post their resume to this site. Jobs can be searched by location, contract employment, full-time employment, or keyword.

Resumes are required through the use of spiders that access dozens of Web resources. The job tools and search agents and networking facilities make this one of the most productive sites for individuals who are interested in project work. Search the database by employer, position title, location, etc. Not a “high volume” site for number of listings, but lists are “high quality.

Updated every Thursday, you can view the over 2, jobs available in science using this fully searchable database. From advertising and public relations to management and editorial, we hope to make these openings more accessible to women and minorities. All jobs listed on the site are available on an Equal Opportunity basis.

You’ll find everything from job-hunting tips and other job banks to information about upcoming minority job fairs. It is a complete, one-stop resource center for non-profit organizations, individuals seeking job opportunities in a non-profit organization, and people who wish to volunteer.

If you have a target organization in mind, chances are high that you can find the organization via this site. One nice feature is the mapping utility, called the Nonprofit Locator, which can find over a million tax-exempt organizations for you. After you find an organization, you see all the pertinent information, such as income, assets, and contact name. Government, established by the National Science Foundation Act of Their goal is to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; and to secure the national defense.

It provides information on upcoming events, membership, their scholarship program, and a career connection that lists job opportunities. This site also links to several of the affiliate chapters. Excellent career information for engineers, computer technologists, consultants, and anyone interested in a technical or semi-technical assignment.

This site has a good list of firms interested in technical talent. This site offers currency converters, currency power tools, foreign exchange protocol, and financial forecasting services. On this site you can search the many job openings in the UK and throughout Europe. This newsletter is free and is published twice monthly. By checking these resources, you can find a good selection of the large and small employers hiring in Ohio.

One of the fastest growing services in HR. Provides staff in skill categories such as office technology, accounting, finance, systems, engineering, and marketing support with over offices. The information is updated daily and is provided at various levels, from introductory to in-depth. You may begin your search with a guided tour or go on your own. It contains a global database that lists virtually every country in the world and provides some information on work, study, volunteer and travel programs available in each country as well as visa requirements, guide books and links to sites on history and culture.

Going abroad — look for discounted fares. If your travel plans are flexible enough to accommodate some restrictions, you may find highly discounted international air fares here. Look up domestic and international hotels and reserve the hotel of your choice. Also see was car rentals are available, check prices, and reserve. The Teaching Jobs link outlines the basic paperwork and other requirements for teaching in Korea, gives you access to announcements of job availability in schools around the country and allows you to see contracts and photos from around the school of your choice before making your decision.



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Alison Doyle is a job search expert and one of the industry’s most highly-regarded job search and career experts. Alison brings extensive experience in corporate human resources, management, and career development, which she has adapted for her freelance work. She is also the founder of CareerToolBelt. Are you interested in a job with the United States Federal Government?

Do you already have a job with the federal government and are seeking a new position? Or perhaps you are a veteran looking for a job? With thousands of positions listed on the site, it’s the place to put in an application and find employment information for federal government jobs. If you find the sheer volume of job openings overwhelming, use this guide to help tailor your search and apply for jobs successfully. By creating an account on USAJOBS, you can save specific jobs or save your job searches, and even receive emails for updates on new jobs that fit your search criteria.

You can choose to receive daily, weekly, or monthly email alerts for new jobs that meet your needs and interests. USAJOBS account members can post up to five resumes online, apply for federal jobs online, save job searches, and set up search alerts. Recruiters can search through the resumes online to find candidates for vacancies. There is a ‘resume builder’ that will help you create a resume.

Since you can post several resumes on the site, be sure to tailor your resume to match the specific position you are applying to. Even if you are applying to several federal jobs with similar job titles, the requirements may vary between the postings. You can also upload other necessary documents, including cover letters, transcripts and more. Search USAJOBS by keyword you can put in things like job title, department or agency as well as location,which can be as broad as a country or as narrow as a zip code.

You can also filter your search results using filters on the right side of the search results page:. Users can also search for jobs by specific hiring paths. These hiring paths include current federal employees, veterans, individuals with disabilities, current and recent students, military spouses, Native Americans, family of overseas employees, Peace Corps and AmeriCorps Vista volunteers, and more.

Some federal jobs are open to the general public, but others are only open to certain people based on their eligibility. You can filter your search to include only jobs for which you are eligible. Not sure what kind of job you are looking for? You can use this list to get a sense of what kinds of jobs are in demand. For example, the current list of high-demand jobs includes economist, statistician, nurse, information technology manager, human resources manager, contractor, auditor, chemist, civil and mechanical engineer, physical scientist, biological scientist, and computer scientist.

Find student job opportunities with the government. Learn about government jobs for non-U. Sign up with login. If you want to work for a specific agency, find its website through the A-Z Index of Government Agencies. Explore local and virtual federal hiring events and training opportunities. There is never an application fee or a testing fee to apply for a government or U. Postal Service job.

If you’ve served in the military and want to find a federal job, check out FedsHireVets. It has information on:. Uses Schedule A , a non-competitive hiring process.

It’s faster and easier than the competitive process. Provides reasonable accommodations to qualified employees.