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We used data on DoD job applicants captured through the federal government’s official online job listing site, , and compared it with information. Security in user interface is achieved through the use of “virtual As an online forum, government websites allow public officials. competitive positions for government workforces are posted on the Federal Government’s official employment site, USA Jobs, and are readily available to.

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We describe the way in which we have appeared on a job -fair, organised for the connection between employers and students. We have offered jobs in the nuclear branch and by gaining the interest of the participants mainly students were able to popularise nuclear energy. In this way we dealt with two big problems: the lack of new young professionals in the field and the public opinion, not generally in favour of the use of nuclear energy.

Job Hazard Analysis. Establishing proper job procedures is one of the benefits of conducting a job hazard analysis carefully studying and recording each step of a job , identifying existing or potential job hazards Job stress, fatigue, and job dissatisfaction in Dutch lorry drivers: towards an occupation specific model of job demands and control. Building on Karasek’s model of job demands and control JD-C model , this study examined the effects of job control, quantitative workload, and two occupation specific job demands physical demands and supervisor demands on fatigue and job dissatisfaction in Dutch lorry drivers.

Stepwise multiple regression analyses were performed to examine the main effects of job demands and job control and the interaction effect between job control and job demands on fatigue and job dissatisfaction. Moreover, in accordance with Karasek’s interaction hypothesis, job control buffered the positive relation between quantitative workload and job dissatisfaction. Despite methodological limitations, the results suggest that the inclusion of occupation specific job control and job demand measures is a fruitful elaboration of the JD-C model.

The occupation specific JD-C model gives occupational stress researchers better insight into the relation between the psychosocial work environment and wellbeing. Moreover, the occupation specific JD-C model may give practitioners more concrete and useful information about risk factors in the psychosocial work environment.

Therefore, this model may provide points of departure for effective stress reducing interventions at work. Job hunting by through the internet: The experiences of some Each year, thousands of graduates are turned into the labour market from over fifty tertiary institutions in Nigeria in search of jobs. In addition to the traditional methods of job -hunting, most of these graduates are increasingly using the Internet as a veritable source of job opportunities.

However, jobhunting through the Internet In this work, we consider the problems of job flow distribution and ranked job framework forming within a model of cycle scheduling in Grid virtual organizations. The problem of job flow distribution is solved in terms of jobs and computing resource domains compatibility. A coefficient estimating such compatibility is introduced and studied experimentally.

Two distribution strategies are suggested. Job framework forming is justified with such quality of service indicators as an average job execution time, a number of required scheduling cycles, and a number of job execution declines. Two methods for job selection and scheduling are proposed and compared: the first one is based on the knapsack problem solution, while the second one utilizes the mentioned compatibility coefficient.

Along with these methods we present experimental results demonstrating the efficiency of proposed approaches and compare them with random job selection. Sickness absenteeism during a period of job-to-job transition. We examine a novel pattern of workplace sickness absenteeism for job-to-job movers, covering the periods before and after their job transitions.

The movers display two opposite changes of absenteeism-an upward and a downward spike before and after job change. The estimates indicate a behavioural. Job Analysis and the Preparation of Job Descriptions. Mendip Papers MP This document provides guidelines for conducting job analyses and writing job descriptions. It covers the following topics: the rationale for job descriptions, the terminology of job descriptions, who should write job descriptions, getting the information to write job descriptions, preparing for staff interviews, conducting interviews, writing the….

To obtain an understanding of factors associated with job satisfaction of people with intellectual disability ID , this study investigates the associations of job satisfaction with job characteristics i. Data were gathered from people and their employment support workers, using structured questionnaires adapted from well-established instruments. Job resources and age were positively associated with job satisfaction. Job demands and personality showed no significant direct associations with job satisfaction.

Moderation analyses showed that for people with ID with high conscientiousness, enhanced job demands were associated with reduced job satisfaction, which was not the case for those with low conscientiousness. This study emphasizes the importance of job design. Railing for safety: job demands, job control, and safety citizenship role definition. This study investigated job demands and job control as predictors of safety citizenship role definition, that is, employees’ role orientation toward improving workplace safety.

Data from a survey of trackside workers were framed in the context of R. Karasek’s job demands-control model. High job demands were negatively related to safety citizenship role definition, whereas high job control was positively related to this construct. Safety citizenship role definition of employees with high job control was buffered from the influence of high job demands, unlike that of employees with low job control, for whom high job demands were related to lower levels of the construct.

Employees facing both high job demands and low job control were less likely than other employees to view improving safety as part of their role orientation. Copyright c APA, all rights reserved. Job sharing is a form of employment often overlooked by the average worker. Eight women were interviewed for this qualitative research study on the benefits and drawbacks of job sharing. Rather than simply allowing more time for them to spend with their children or on domestic chores, job sharing provided unanticipated opportunities to enjoy a….

Job satisfaction among health care workers in Serbia. According to literature review there seems to be a general agreement that job satisfaction among doctors is declining.

This study’s objective was to identify job satisfaction levels and their causes among health care workers, employed at the public health institutions. A job satisfaction survey of health care workers was therefore carried out in public health centers in the Republic of Serbia, primary health care centers and 40 general hospitals, in A satisfaction questionnaire, containing 24 items was used to investigate job satisfaction.

Respondents The reported level of satisfaction was the highest for their opportunities to use their abilities, cooperation with colleagues and fellow workers, and freedom to choose their own methods of work. Doctors, working in primary health care centers, reported higher level of job satisfaction than hospital doctors.

Overall, job satisfaction of doctors and nurses is relatively low. Increased pay rate and more adequate equipment, as well as possibilities for education and career improvement, would enhance their job satisfaction. We investigate a crucial event for job satisfaction: changing the workplace. For representative German panel data, we show that the reason why the previous employment ended is strongly linked to the satisfaction with the new job.

When workers initiate a change of employer, they experience relatively high job satisfaction, though only in the short-term. To test causality, we exploit plant closure as exogenous trigger of job switching and find no causal effect of job changes on job satisfaction Job satisfaction.

Bachelor thesis deals with job satisfaction. It is often given to a context with the attitude to work which is very much connected to job satisfaction. Thesis summarises all the pieces of information about job satisfacion, factors that affect it negatively and positively, interconnection of work satisfaction and work motivation, work behaviour and performance of workers, relationship of a man and work and at last general job satisfaction and its individual aspects.

In the thesis I shortly pay Job disamenities, job satisfaction, and on-the- job search: is there a nexus? This study explores the potential role of adverse working conditions at the workplace in the determination of on-the- job search in the Finnish labour market.

The results reveal that workers currently facing adverse working conditions have greater intentions to switch jobs and they are also more willing to stop working completely. In addition, those workers search new matches more frequently.

There is evidence that adverse working conditions consistently increase the level of job dissatisfacti Assessment of job satisfaction, job stress and psychological health Dec 31, Aim: The study assessed the job satisfaction, perception of job stress and psychological New York: Basic Books, Work Motivation, Job Stress and.

Investigating the effect of job stress and emotional intelligence on job performance. Full Text Available Researchers and scholars of management and behavioral sciences have tried to determine effective factors, which influence on efficiency and effectiveness in order to increase organization performance and they have tried to identify factors, which create job stress.

In this research, we investigate the effect of job stress on job performance through emotional, organizational and moral intelligence. The study is a descriptive-analytic one, which is based on correlation, uses survey method to gather data and they are analyzed using structural equation modeling. The population of this research includes all the personnel of Registry Organization in Arak city. The results suggest that job stress influences on job performance through organizational intelligence and moral intelligence, but job stress does not influence on job performance through emotional intelligence.

Regarding research hypotheses, results and findings after analyzing obtained data suggest that job stress influences on emotional, organizational and moral intelligence, but job stress does not influence on job performance. In addition, the results show that organizational and moral intelligence influence on job performance but emotional intelligence does not influence on job performance.

Full Text Available The purpose of the present study is to provide a critical review of the relation between organizational culture and the levels of job satisfaction experienced by employees. Organizational culture refers to a series of attitudes and behaviors adopted by employees of a certain organization, which affect its function and total well-being. The review shows that contemporary job -related phenomena like job satisfaction are related to their perceptions of their working environment, relations with colleagues, institution aims and strategies and success criteria.

Job Analysis. This bacherlor thesis deals with the importance of job analysis for personnel activities in the company. The aim of this work is to find the most suitable method of job analysis in a particular enterprise, and continues creating descriptions and specifications of each job. Full Text Available Despite significant increase of interest in job motivation among the global organizations, the role of an administrator is still unclear.

The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction i. A survey method was used to collect self-report survey of employees in Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department. The SmartPLS path model analysis revealed three key findings: first, job satisfaction is significantly correlated with job motivation. Second, intrinsic satisfaction is significantly correlated with job motivation. Third, extrinsic satisfaction is significantly correlated with job motivation.

In addition, discussion, implications and conclusion are also presented. Opportunities for training and development are paramount in decisions regarding employee career choices. Despite the importance, many research studies on job satisfaction do not address satisfaction with workplace training as an element of overall job satisfaction, and many job satisfaction survey instruments do not include a “satisfaction….

Full Text Available This study aimed to examine the effect of job satisfaction and perceptions of job opportunities to the turnover intention and organizational commitment as an intervening variable.

These studies use survey methods to collect data from selected samples. The chosen samples were managers who were placed at the middle management in stars hospitality field institutions.

There were respondents total taken in this research. Nevertheless research trip to 5-star hotels do not provide research permit due to not accepting study from any party, therefore samples were taken from 4-star hotel in East Java for 71 respondents. Research result indicates that the job satisfaction has a positive influence on turnover intention, the perception of employment opportunities positive effect on turnover intention and positive effect on job satisfaction organizational commitment.

But the perception of employment opportunities negatively affect organizational commitment, organizational commitment negatively affect turnover intention, not able to mediate organizational commitment to job satisfaction and turnover intention organizational commitment are not able to mediate the perception of job opportunities to turnover intention. After controlling for business cycle fluctuations, job creation is found to increase male wages.

The effect of net job creation seems present at all phases of the business cycle. Entry wages as well as wages of low tenure workers appear much more sensitive to idiosyncratic job creati Background Health care professionals, including physicians, are at high risk of encountering workplace violence. Methods The present study was a 4-year longitudinal survey study, with data gathered in and Results The results of covariance analyses showed that physical violence led to increased physician turnover intentions and that both bullying and physical violence led to reduced physician job satisfaction even after adjustments.

Conclusions Our results suggest that workplace violence is an extensive problem in the health care sector and may lead to increased turnover and job dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction and job content in Dutch dental hygienists.

This study compares the scope of practice of Dutch dental hygienists DHs educated through a 2- or 3-year curriculum ‘old-style DHs’ with that of hygienists educated through a new extended 4-year curriculum leading to a bachelor’s degree ‘new-style DHs’ , with the aim to investigate whether an extended scope of practice positively affects perceived skill variety, autonomy and job satisfaction. T -tests were used to analyse differences between old- and new-style DHs, and regression analyses were performed to assess the relation between scope of practice and skill variety, autonomy and job satisfaction.

New-style DHs have a more extended scope of practice compared with old-style DHs. The core business of DHs remains the prevention and periodontology services. New-style DHs combine these tasks with extended tasks in the caries field, which can lead to comparatively less job satisfaction, because of a lower experienced autonomy in performing these extended tasks. Based on an integration of job design and lifespan developmental theories, Truxillo et al.

Using an experimental policy-capturing design, we investigated age-differential effects of four core job characteristics i. Results of multilevel analyses showed that the positive effects of task variety, task significance, and feedback from the job were stronger for younger compared to older employees, whereas we did not find significant age-differential effects of job autonomy on job attraction.

These findings are only partially consistent with propositions of Truxillo et al. The challenges and benefits of job sharing in palliative care education. This article examines the authors’ experience of job sharing a post in palliative care education. It discusses the concept of job sharing and examines factors such as power sharing, compatibility and other people’s perception of the job sharing role. Effective communication is identified as a key issue.

Benefits such as reduced professional isolation, increased job satisfaction and the opportunity to offer the knowledge and skills of two people are highlighted. The authors identify the factors which they consider to be crucial to the success of job sharing. Whose Job Goes Abroad? International Outsourcing and Individual Job Separations. This paper focuses on the adjustment costs of globalisation by studying the effects of international outsourcing on individual transitions out of jobs in the Danish manufacturing sector for the period A competing risks duration model that distinguishes between job-to-job and job Outsourcing is found to increase the unemployment risk of low-skilled workers, but the quantitative impact is modest.

Outsourcing is also found to reduce the job change hazard rate for all education groups. Thus, the paper provides evidence for small adjustment costs of globalisation Job opportunities still exist for teachers who are willing to go where jobs are. Areas of the country with teacher shortages, subjects in demand, and future trends are explored.

Demographics, salaries, and the economic health of various areas are discussed as are opportunities for teaching abroad. Job longevity as a situational factor in job satisfaction. This study investigates the relationships between overall job satisfaction and the five task dimensions of skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback-from- job for employees at different stages of their careers, as measured by their length of employment on their current jobs , as well as in their current organizations.

Basically, the analysis shows that the strength of the relationships between job satisfaction and each of the task dimensions depends on both the job longevity and organizational longevity of the sampled individuals. For employees new to an organization, for example, only task significance is related positively to job satisfaction, while autonomy has a strongly negative correlation.

The study presents other significant correlational differences and discusses the implications of its findings for task design, as well as for managing new employees. Approximately respondents from four different governments–two metropolitan, one county, and one state–participated in the collection of survey data. Mindfulness, job satisfaction and job performance: Mutual relationships and moderation effect. Purpose of the article: This article examines the relationship between mindfulness, job satisfaction and job performance.

We excluded 8 items from the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire Observing subscale following suggestions of other authors who measured mindfulness in a population without medit However, job Answering adverts in professional or trade journals.

New York: United Nations Development. Die funksie van Elihu Job in die boek Job. The Elihu speeches Job in the design of the book of Job are usually evaluated either totally redundant or literary fitting and functional.

Why were they integrated in the book of Job , without adding anything new or profound? A literary-pragmatic analysis was done on these speeches to detennine their function in Job. The text was analysed narratologically and poetically.

This was complemented with insights from reception-criticism “implied author”, “implied reader” and pragmatics politeness strategies in order to also. The exigency for the integration of the Elihu speeches in the book of Job seems to be the ironic exposure of the doctrine of retribution. Job control and social support as coping resources in job satisfaction.

This study examined the effects of active coping on job satisfaction in the context of the job demands-control-support model. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis examined whether effects of active coping on job satisfaction might depend on the extent of coping resources, such as job control or social support supervisor and coworker.

Analysis showed that the effect of active coping on job satisfaction depended on the extent of coworkers’ support, not on job control and supervisors’ support. The importance of job training to job satisfaction of older workers. If job training has positive impacts on worker satisfaction, then job training can have desirable consequences for an organization that result both directly through its effects on productivity and indirectly through its effects on job satisfaction.

Furthermore, the aging of the workforce implies that older workers will become increasingly important to firms and to the economy. This study, therefore, seeks to examine the relationship between job training and job satisfaction, focusing in particular on U. The results of ordered logit regression analysis indicate that availability and quality of training received directly affect job satisfaction. Mental health, job satisfaction, and job stress among general practitioners.

DESIGN–Multivariate analysis of large database of general practitioners compiled from results of confidential questionnaire survey. Data obtained on independent variables of job stress, demographic factors, and personality.

Dependent variables were mental health, job satisfaction, alcohol consumption, and smoking. The number of sick leaves due to job strain is increasing.

This study’s scope is to examine working conditions of neurologists in hospitals in regard to job strain and job satisfaction. The focus was on working conditions regarding job strain. Job strain was measured by a questionnaire consisting of items and scales from the short version of the Effort-Reward-Imbalance ERI questionnaire and the short questionnaire for working analysis KFZA.

By calculation ratios of distinct scales according to validated stress models a conclusion could be drawn as to whether or not job strain was present. The response rate was at Job strain was encountered by Keeping the negative implications of mental and physical health in mind, the working conditions of neurologists must be improved. As shown in this study, a possible way to do so is to increase job control in order to decrease a major stressor at work.

Predicting job -seeking intensity and job -seeking intention in the sample of unemployed. In addition to theory of planned behavior variables job – seek attitude, subjective norm, self – efficacy and controllability of job seek process we used several other psychological financial pressure, self – mastery, self – esteem and depression and demographic gender, age, education, marriage and lent of unemployment variables to build a model of predictors for both criterion variables.

Financial pressure, intention to seek employment, job seek – self – efficacy, job – seek controllability, marriage and job – seek attitude predicted job – seeking behavior, while attitude toward job – seeking, subjective norm, job – seek self – efficacy and financial pressure predicted job seek – intention.

Results are discussed in light of theory of planned behavior, current research of job – seeking behavior and recommendations are made for practice. Factors that affect the job satisfaction of Saudi Arabian nurses. To determine factors that influence the job satisfaction of Saudi nurses. Saudi Arabia has a chronic shortage of Saudi national nurses. This research contributes to a greater understanding of how job satisfaction influences the recruitment and retention of Saudi nationals within the nursing profession.

Qualitative data were gathered from Saudi nurses and content analysis was used to identify themes in the written responses. Four main themes emerged from the data: lack of educational opportunities and support and the poor image of the nursing profession, perceptions of favouritism, high workloads and stressful work environment and the effect of religion on job satisfaction.

Saudi nurses would be more satisfied with their jobs if they had greater access to educational opportunities and if there was a reduction in workload and the perceived favouritism in the workplace was addressed. Religion was also found to play a significant role in supporting job satisfaction. These findings suggest the development of educational scholarships, as well as policies that better support equity in the workplace, to address Saudi nurses’ level of job satisfaction.

The generally positive impact of cultural and religious beliefs is also highlighted in this study. As stand-alone concepts, job satisfaction and job training have each been researched extensively.

However, encouraged by researchers who have found a myriad of effects of job training on employee behavior in the workplace, the concepts of job training and job satisfaction are being examined together. Results of many studies indicate that the…. Data were gathered from people and their employment…. Full Text Available On defining the connection between job motivation and job satisfaction and between job satisfaction and work performance is still not complete agreement among experts, given the complexity of the phenomena studied.

Over time, the relationship between job motivation and job satisfaction has been addressed in many ways in the organizational psychology. The issue of the connection between job satisfaction and work performance is also at least as controversial as the issues mentioned above with respect to these phenomena.

Related to this connection, in the literature existed, over time, at least three points of view which held that: job satisfaction leads to work performance; work performance leads to job satisfaction; rewards are involved between job satisfaction and work performance. The paper aim is to present some aspects related to the connection between job motivation, job satisfaction and work performance.

The issues presented in this paper lead to the conclusion that in the work process, the connection between job satisfaction and work performance or the connection between job motivation and job satisfaction are not constant or linear connection. These connections should be nuanced interpreted, depending on the conditions of occurrence. These conclusions are based on the results of a survey conducted among enterprises dealing mostly in trade sector, in Romanian Western Region.

This study examined job satisfaction and job stress across 19 higher education systems. We classified the 19 countries according to their job satisfaction and job stress and applied regression analysis to test whether new public management has impacts on either or both job satisfaction and job stress.

According to this study, strong market driven…. The job self-efficacy and job involvement of clinical nursing teachers. This paper explored the present status of self-efficacy and job involvement of clinical nursing teachers and investigated the predictive power of teachers’ personal background variables on such, as well as the relationship between self-efficacy and job involvement.

A total of participants in the survey sample were chosen among clinical nursing teachers at 19 public and private institutes of technology and junior colleges in Taiwan in The self-developed structural questionnaire was categorized into three sections, including personal background data, job self-efficacy related to the clinical teaching inventory and job involvement related to clinical teaching inventory.

Findings indicated that both the job self-efficacy and job involvement of clinical nursing teachers are at a medium to high level and that significant differences exist in job self-efficacy and job involvement based on differences in age, marital status, teaching seniority, teacher qualifications, and job satisfaction. Second, samples have significantly different performance in self-efficacy due to differences in education level attained and the medical institution to which nursing teachers had been assigned.

Self-efficacy and job involvement are significantly positively correlated. These results can serve as a reference for the cultivation of nursing teachers and reform of clinical nursing education in the future. The study is to check the specialty of radiotherapists working in the department of radiation oncology and find job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job commitment having an effect on professional parts.

After making analysis of the mutual relation, it is to provide radiotechnologists with making progress in the future. From March 2 to March 30, we had carried out a survey with email. It is possible to have questionnaires answered in the survey. We make use of SPSS Frequency and a percentage are meant to show general characteristics, and t-test and ANOVA to do the difference between general properties and professionalism. Pearson’s correlation coefficient also is meant to do the correlation of professionalism, organizational job commitment and job satisfaction, and multiple regression analysis to do the factor for a relevant variable to affect professionalism.

There are subdivisions in the professionalism informing us of the self-regulation Grand mean turns out to be When it comes to a statistical relation between general characteristics and professionalism, the statistics have it that these come within age P opportunity for developing P job commitment, and job satisfaction, grand mean in organizational commitment proves to be There are subvisions showing affective commitment Job -sharing: an innovative approach for administration.

A job -sharing arrangement for the Assistant Directors of Physiotherapy at the Royal Jubilee Hospital proved to be an innovative and successful experience demonstrating the feasibility of job -sharing at administrative levels in rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy is traditionally a female dominated profession. By the time therapists are most highly skilled and clinically experienced, they have arrived at prime marriage and child-bearing years. Many valuable members are lost to the profession each year as therapists leave the work force to take care of their families, continue their education and participate in recreational activities. Alternative employment opportunities are needed to retain and return therapists to the work force. Convenience of work time is often important.

Financial expectations may become a secondary consideration. A search of the literature revealed that while job -sharing has much to recommend it, it is not yet generally accepted in most health professional situations. A few anecdotal references described job -sharing in nursing. An industry-wide literature search revealed few references to the application of job -sharing at administrative levels.

Safety behavior: Job demands, job resources, and perceived management commitment to safety. The job demands-resources model posits that job demands and resources influence outcomes through job strain and work engagement processes. We test whether the model can be extended to effort-related “routine” safety violations and “situational” safety violations provoked by the organization. In addition we test more directly the involvement of job strain than previous studies which have used burnout measures.

Structural equation modeling provided, for the first time, evidence of predicted relationships between job strain and “routine” violations and work engagement with “routine” and “situational” violations, thereby supporting the extension of the job demands-resources model to safety behaviors.

In addition our results showed that a key safety-specific construct ‘perceived management commitment to safety’ added to the explanatory power of the job demands-resources model. A predicted path from job resources to perceived management commitment to safety was highly significant, supporting the view that job resources can influence safety behavior through both general motivational involvement in work work engagement and through safety-specific processes.

Trends in the orthopedic job market and the importance of fellowship subspecialty training. Previous studies have examined possible incentives for pursuing orthopedic fellowship training, but we are unaware of previously published studies reporting the trends in the orthopedic job market since the acceptance of certain criteria for fellowship programs by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education ACGME in We hypothesized that, since the initiation of accredited postresidency fellowship programs, job opportunities for fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeons have increased and job opportunities for nonfellowship-trained orthopedic surgeons have decreased.

We reviewed the job advertisements printed in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American Volume, for the years , , , and We categorized the job opportunities as available for either a general nonfellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon or a fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon.

Based on the advertisements posted in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American Volume, a trend exists in the orthopedic job market toward seeking fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeons. As individuals age, their motives, abilities and values change as suggested by life-span development theories Lang and Carstensen, ; Kanfer and Ackerman, Their growth and extrinsic motives weaken while intrinsic motives increase Kooij et al.

However, there is significant individual variability in aging trajectories Hedge et al. In addition, the changing nature of work, the evolving job demands, as well as the available opportunities at work may no longer be suitable for older workers, increasing the likelihood of person- job misfit.

The potential misfit may, in turn, impact how older workers perceive themselves on the job , which leads to conflicting work identities. With the traditional job redesign approach being a top-down process, it is often difficult for organizations to take individual needs and skills into consideration and tailor jobs for every employee Berg et al.

Therefore, job crafting, being an individualized process initiated by employees themselves, can be a particularly valuable mechanism for older workers to realign and enhance their demands-abilities and needs-supplies fit. Through job crafting, employees can exert personal agency and make changes to the task, social and cognitive aspects of their jobs with the goal of improving their work experience Wrzesniewski and Dutton, Building on the Life Span Theory of Control Heckhausen and Schulz, , we posit that job crafting, particularly cognitive crafting, will be of increasing value as employees age.

Through reframing how they think of their job and choosing to emphasize job features that are personally meaningful, older workers can optimize their resources to proactively redesign their jobs and maintain congruent, positive work identities. Full Text Available Aging at work is a dynamic process.

Attrition, burnout, job dissatisfaction and occupational therapy managers. At a time when there is growing concern about the person-power shortages in occupational therapy, there is a need to address reasons why therapists leave the job market. Two job -related reasons for attrition are burnout and job dissatisfaction. The burnout phenomenon occurs as a result of personnel shortages, high-stress demands on therapists, the severity and complexity of client’s problems, and the therapist’s own ”worker personality.

Occupational therapy managers can consider the causes of burnout and job dissatisfaction and initiate resources to retain therapists. Managers can increase the job benefits, such as flexible working hours, take steps to reduce stress in the workplace, offer career laddering opportunities , and promote staff development.

By identifying the causes for attrition and by addressing those causes, the threat of losing therapists from the work force may be averted. They reported a variety of strategies to reduce job dissatisfaction, burnout, and attrition. When these problems were present, managers cited bureaucratic red tape, lack of opportunity for advancement, and increasing role demands as contributing factors.

Trends in the orthopedic job market and the importance of fellowship subspecialty training. Previous studies have examined possible incentives for pursuing orthopedic fellowship training, but we are unaware of previously published studies reporting the trends in the orthopedic job market since the acceptance of certain criteria for fellowship programs by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education ACGME in We hypothesized that, since the initiation of accredited postresidency fellowship programs, job opportunities for fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeons have increased and job opportunities for nonfellowship-trained orthopedic surgeons have decreased.

We reviewed the job advertisements printed in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American Volume, for the years , , , and We categorized the job opportunities as available for either a general nonfellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon or a fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon. Based on the advertisements posted in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American Volume, a trend exists in the orthopedic job market toward seeking fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeons.

In the years , , , and , the percentage of job opportunities seeking fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeons was These differences were statistically significant analysis of variance, Ptraining is thus a worthwhile endeavor. Looking Forward: New Challenges and Opportunities.

It is essential for higher education professionals to remain abreast of industry trends, emerging fields, and changing requirements that affect the job market and advanced education opportunities for new graduates. Equally important is a continual review of evolving strategies for success in the job search itself. Common practices in today’s…. Job demands as a moderator of the political skill- job performance relationship.

Perhaps, most Children of the so-called “net generation” began joining the nurse workforce from the mids. Studies on the characteristics of this generation have been done primarily outside of Taiwan, and results may not adequately reflect conditions in Taiwan due to cultural differences. This study aimed to investigate the relationships amongst work values, job characteristics and job involvement in “net generation” nurses.

This study employed a cross-sectional design. A randomized sample of nurses born between and working in a medical center or a community hospital in Southern Taiwan accepted our invitation to join this study.

A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. This study provides insights that may be of potential value to nursing administrators. We suggest that administrators adopt democratic management practices, build diverse learning methods, strengthen autonomy, completeness, and feedback, and provide appropriate work guidance for nurses to increase job involvement. This paper reveals how equal educational opportunities , equal job opportunities and equality of opportunity for welfare are related to each other, and how they are related to other demands for justice.

There are several important objections to the emphasis on equal educational opportunities. Nevertheless, this paper shows that demanding equal…. A social work study on different entrepreneurship opportunities. Full Text Available Entrepreneurs are big potentials for developing economy in any countries. They provide new job opportunities and help economy boost. There are literally many industries, which rely on new these people and they are considered as the primary source of generating new jobs.

In this paper, we discuss three entrepreneurship opportunities including universities, technical and vocational centers and women. Universities are able to educate highly skilled people and send them to business and they are able to create new ideas.

Technical and vocational centers are, in fact, the best place for training basic or recent advances in technological skills through short term or long term planning.

The survey also indicates that women can be considered as a good source of job creation. In this paper, we review the recent related literature on entrepreneurship opportunities in the world and discuss some of the related issues more specifically in Iran.

Spatial flexibility in job mobility: macro-level opportunities and micro-level restrictions. Disequilibria among regional labour markets persist through spatial inflexibility in job mobility resulting from restrictions in migration and long-distance commuting. Job hunting by through the internet: The experiences of some Each year, thousands of graduates are turned into the labour market from over fifty tertiary institutions in Nigeria in search of jobs.

In addition to the traditional methods of job -hunting, most of these graduates are increasingly using the Internet as a veritable source of job opportunities.

However, jobhunting through the Internet However, job Answering adverts in professional or trade journals. New York: United Nations Development. Opportunities for training and development are paramount in decisions regarding employee career choices.

Despite the importance, many research studies on job satisfaction do not address satisfaction with workplace training as an element of overall job satisfaction, and many job satisfaction survey instruments do not include a “satisfaction…. Librarians recognize the importance of professional learning as their roles and responsibilities evolve in the shifting teaching and learning environments of the twenty-first century.

However, the literature on meaningful, job -embedded learning opportunities for academic librarians is scant, and opportunities are especially scarce in the fields of…. Job insecurity and health. As employers respond to new competitive pressures of global capitalism through layoffs and the casualization of labor, job insecurity affects a growing number of workers. It appears to harm mental health, but less is known about its effects on physical health and health behaviors and the mechanisms through which it may act.

The prevailing individual-centered conceptualization of job insecurity as the perception of a threat to job continuity precludes systematic investigation of the social patterning of its health effects. Analysis of data from a Canadian national probability sample of adults determined that high levels of job insecurity lowered self-rated health and increased distress and the use of medications, but had no impact on heavy drinking. The findings support one possible mechanism of action whereby job insecurity reduces feelings of control over one’s environment and opportunities for positive self-evaluation; these psychological experiences, in turn, have deleterious health consequences.

There is little evidence of social patterning of this relationship by gender, education, household income, age, marital status, and social support at work. Job sharing is a form of employment often overlooked by the average worker. Eight women were interviewed for this qualitative research study on the benefits and drawbacks of job sharing. Rather than simply allowing more time for them to spend with their children or on domestic chores, job sharing provided unanticipated opportunities to enjoy a….

The prospective effects of workplace violence on physicians’ job satisfaction and turnover intentions: the buffering effect of job control. Health care professionals, including physicians, are at high risk of encountering workplace violence.

At the same time physician turnover is an increasing problem that threatens the functioning of the health care sector worldwide. The present study examined the prospective associations of work-related physical violence and bullying with physicians’ turnover intentions and job satisfaction.

In addition, we tested whether job control would modify these associations. The present study was a 4-year longitudinal survey study, with data gathered in and Analyses of covariance ANCOVA were conducted while adjusting for gender, age, baseline levels, specialisation status, and employment sector. The results of covariance analyses showed that physical violence led to increased physician turnover intentions and that both bullying and physical violence led to reduced physician job satisfaction even after adjustments.

We also found that opportunities for job control were able to alleviate the increase in turnover intentions resulting from bullying. Our results suggest that workplace violence is an extensive problem in the health care sector and may lead to increased turnover and job dissatisfaction. Thus, health care organisations should approach this problem through different means, for example, by giving health care employees more opportunities to control their own work. Job Demand and Job Resources related to the turnover intention of public health nurses: An analysis using a Job Demands-Resources model.

Considering sex-based differences in occupational stress, I analyzed women’s answers in The average age of respondents was For public health nurses, there was a turnover intention of 9. The ” job demands” section consisted of 29 items and 10 factors, while the ” job resources” section consisted of 54 items and 22 factors. The result of examining the structure of job demands and job resources, leading to turnover intention was supported by the JD-R model. Turnover intention was strong and the Mental Component Summary MCS is low in those who had many job demands and few job resources experiencing ‘burn-out’.

Enhancement of work engagement and turnover intention was weak in those who had many job resources. Enhancement of work engagement and turnover intention is weak in those with many job resources. This suggests that suitable staffing and organized efforts to raise awareness of job significance are effective in reducing. Municipal opportunities. The panel discussing market opportunities for municipal electric companies was moderated by Markham Mayor Don Cousens. He expressed himself in favour of deregulation and was optimistic about the benefits it will bring to municipal electric utilities and their customers.

Barry Chuddy, General Manager of Business Development for TransAlta Energy discussed the advantages of recent cogeneration and district energy for municipal utilities in Ontario and Quebec, and expressed his support for incentive-based regulation based on a level playing field, competitive generation, and a reasonable charge for stranded assets.

Toronto City Councillor Dan Leckie described cogeneration and district energy as a tremendous opportunity to reduce the cost of doing business in the city core through local job creation and by keeping money in the local economy. Karl Wahl, General Manager of Hydro Mississauga expressed optimism that the government will move expeditiously toward competition, choice and lower-cost supply. David McGarry, President of Elecsar Engineering of Sarnia spoke about the significant job creating potential that deregulation will bring to the electrical industry.

He cited several examples from Ontario and British Columbia. POC is defined as employees’ perception of their opportunity to craft their job. In Study 1, the perceived opportunity to craft scale POCS was developed and tested for its factor structure and reliability in an explorative way. Study 2 consisted of confirmatory analyses of the factor structure and reliability of the scale as well as examination of the discriminant and criterion-related validity of the POCS. The results indicated that the scale consists of one dimension and could be reliably measured with five items.

Evidence was found for the discriminant validity of the POCS. Full Text Available Introduction: Employees are regularly offered opportunities to make their work more appealing and rewarding.

These opportunities might be as simple as making fine changes to their daily tasks to boost happiness and to connect with more people at vocation.

Hence, an attempt is made to assess job -crafting behavior among the dental academic faculty. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among dental academic faculty from five dental colleges. Mean scores were calculated for different domains of JCQ. Results: A total of dental faculty members with a mean age of The mean value of job -crafting behavior was found to be highest among female faculty Male faculty scored higher in task-crafting domain and female faculty scored higher in both cognitive- and relational-crafting domains.

The professors scored highest in all the three domains of job -crafting behavior as compared to that of senior lecturers and readers. Conclusion: Job crafting is an effectual workplace intervention, where employees assume an active role in shaping their work experience to enhance their job satisfaction and well-being.

The overall score of job -crafting behavior was found to be highest among both professors and female faculty members. Male faculty members scored higher in task-crafting domain. With regard to individual domains, the participants scored highest in cognitive crafting followed by task and relational crafting.

A preliminary study to measure and develop job satisfaction scale for medical teachers. Background: Job satisfaction of medical teachers has an impact on quality of medical education and patient care. In this background, the study was planned to develop scale and measure job satisfaction status of medical teachers. Materials and Methods: To generate items pertaining to the scale of job satisfaction, closed-ended and open-ended questionnaires were administered to medical professionals.

The job satisfaction questionnaire was developed and rated on Likert type of rating scale. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to ascertain job satisfaction among health science faculty of an autonomous educational institution. Factor loading was calculated and final items with strong factor loading were selected. Data were statistically evaluated.

Results: Average job satisfaction score was The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was 0. There was statistically significant difference in job satisfaction level across different age groups P 0.

Opportunity for self-development was biggest satisfier, followed by work, opportunity for promotion, and job security. Factors contributing toward job dissatisfaction were poor utilization of skills, poor promotional prospects, inadequate pay and allowances, work conditions, and work atmosphere.

Conclusion: Tertiary care teaching hospitals in autonomous educational institutions need to build infrastructure and create opportunities for their medical professional. Job satisfaction of young entrants needs to be raised further by improving their work environment.

This will pave the way for effective delivery of health care. Full Text Available Background: Job satisfaction of medical teachers has an impact on quality of medical education and patient care.

Job satisfaction of medical teachers has an impact on quality of medical education and patient care. To generate items pertaining to the scale of job satisfaction, closed-ended and open-ended questionnaires were administered to medical professionals. Average job satisfaction score was Tertiary care teaching hospitals in autonomous educational institutions need to build infrastructure and create opportunities for their medical professional.

Retention of women accountants: The interaction of job demands and job resources. Retaining women CAs might therefore lead to an increase in women in leadership. The Job Demands-Resources model presents a framework to investigate organisational job -related factors that promote or deter voluntary turnover of women CAs. Research purpose: The primary objective was to investigate which organisational factors promote or reduce the risk of turnover intentions for South African women CAs.

The secondary objective was to investigate the moderating potential of job resources on the relationship between job demands and turnover intentions. Motivation for the study: There is a fair amount of research on the problems associated with the retention of women CAs in public practice but very little is known about how those problems interact with each other, and whether there are factors that could buffer them.

We used structural equation modelling together with moderated regression analysis. Main findings: Job demands promote turnover intentions, whereas job resources have a negative effect on turnover intentions. Counter-intuitively a negative direct effect was found between job insecurity and turnover intentions. Statistical support was found for the moderating role of all job resources, except financial advancement, on the relationship between work—family conflict and turnover intentions; and growth opportunities , on the relationship between job insecurity and turnover intentions.

Contribution: This is the first study to investigate factors that may retain women CAs in public practice audit, tax, and advisory firms Big Four Accountancy Firms using the JD-R model. Few studies have investigated the. The logic of job -sharing in the provision and delivery of health care. By definition the practice of job -sharing starts from the premiss that there is a full-time job to be shared by those who want to balance their work with other commitments.

In a public sector institution, such as the National Health Service NHS , where most employees are female, it seems logical to believe that a job -sharing policy would be able to promote equal opportunities , to increase employee job satisfaction and to reduce labour costs.

Hence, this paper attempts to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a job -sharing policy, and to analyse the reasons for the limited number of job -sharers in the NHS despite the apparent benefits of job -sharing to both the employees and the employer. This study was carried out in 15 NHS Trusts in northern England and Scotland, by the use of questionnaires and interviews, and found that most NHS managers did not see the practice of job -sharing as a major cost-saving opportunity or as a working pattern that would enhance employee satisfaction and commitment.

They saw job -sharing as just a routine equal opportunities request which did not deserve such managerial attention or long-term strategic thinking. It is argued in this paper that job -sharing is a potentially useful option against a background of demographic and other social and economic changes which require the development and use of long-term strategic policies.

Therefore, it is concluded that, in the NHS, there is a need for a more active and creative approach to job -sharing, rather than the reactive and passive approach that has dominated the practice so far.

Therefore it is concluded that, in the NHS, there is a need for a more active and creative approach to job -sharing rather than the reactive and passive approach that has dominated the practice so far. On-the- job Training: Differences by Race and Sex. A recent national survey suggests that women and Blacks receive less on-the- job training and training opportunities in their jobs than White males.

This is especially true of young Black men. The factor of low wage does not seem to play a large part in this discrepancy. Job satisfaction among primary health care physicians and nurses in Al-madinah Al-munawwara. Job satisfaction is the affective orientation that an employee has towards his work.

Greater physician satisfaction is associated with greater patient adherence and satisfaction. Nurses’ job satisfaction, have great impact on the organizational success. Knowing parts of job dissatisfaction among physicians and nurses is important in forming strategies for retaining them in primary health care PHC centers. Also, to explore the relationship of their personal and job characteristics with job satisfaction. A descriptive cross- sectional epidemiological approach was adopted.

A self completion questionnaire was distributed to physicians and nurses at PHC centers. A multi-dimensional job scale adopted by Traynor and Wade was modified and used. The studied sample included health care providers, Job dissatisfaction was highly encountered where Professional opportunities , patient care and financial reward were the most frequently encountered domains with which physicians were dissatisfied.

The dissatisfying domains for majority of nurses were professional opportunities , workload and appreciation reward. Exploring the relation between demographic and job characteristics with job satisfaction revealed that older, male, non-Saudi, specialists physicians had insignificantly higher mean score of job satisfaction than their counterparts. While older, female, non-Saudi, senior nurses had significantly higher mean score than their counterparts.

It is highly recommended to reduce workload for nurses and provision of better opportunities promotional for PHC physicians and nurses. Factors that affect the job satisfaction of Saudi Arabian nurses. To determine factors that influence the job satisfaction of Saudi nurses. Saudi Arabia has a chronic shortage of Saudi national nurses. This research contributes to a greater understanding of how job satisfaction influences the recruitment and retention of Saudi nationals within the nursing profession.

Qualitative data were gathered from Saudi nurses and content analysis was used to identify themes in the written responses. Four main themes emerged from the data: lack of educational opportunities and support and the poor image of the nursing profession, perceptions of favouritism, high workloads and stressful work environment and the effect of religion on job satisfaction.

Saudi nurses would be more satisfied with their jobs if they had greater access to educational opportunities and if there was a reduction in workload and the perceived favouritism in the workplace was addressed. Religion was also found to play a significant role in supporting job satisfaction. These findings suggest the development of educational scholarships, as well as policies that better support equity in the workplace, to address Saudi nurses’ level of job satisfaction.

The generally positive impact of cultural and religious beliefs is also highlighted in this study. Background Health care professionals, including physicians, are at high risk of encountering workplace violence.

Methods The present study was a 4-year longitudinal survey study, with data gathered in and Results The results of covariance analyses showed that physical violence led to increased physician turnover intentions and that both bullying and physical violence led to reduced physician job satisfaction even after adjustments. Conclusions Our results suggest that workplace violence is an extensive problem in the health care sector and may lead to increased turnover and job dissatisfaction.

Job creation potential of solar. This document defines the size of the job market within Canada’s solar industry and presents a preliminary forecast of the employment opportunities through to The issue of job potential within Canada’s solar technologies is complicated by the wide range of different fields and technologies within the solar industry.

The largest energy generator of the solar technologies is passive solar, but the jobs in this sector are generally in the construction trades and window manufacturers. The Canadian Solar Industries Association estimates that there are about to firms in Canada with the primary business of solar technologies, employing between to 1, employees. However, most solar manufacturing jobs in Canada are for products exports as demonstrated by the 5 main solar manufacturers in Canada who estimate that 50 to 95 per cent of their products are exported.

The main reason for their high export ratio is the lack of a Canadian market for their products. The 3 categories of job classifications within the solar industry include manufacturing, installation, and operations and maintenance. New approaches to job -sharing of training posts in the North Thames region. This paper proposes a new way of managing the provision of flexible training opportunities by job -sharing.

It shows how the difficulties of implementing job -sharing can be overcome, and gives an example of implementation of job -sharing in the context of flexible training. This training curriculum is designed to inform entry level tradeswomen about the green job opportunities in areas such as deconstruction, weatherization, eco or solar roofing, stormwater systems and more.

The challenges and benefits of job sharing in palliative care education. This article examines the authors’ experience of job sharing a post in palliative care education. It discusses the concept of job sharing and examines factors such as power sharing, compatibility and other people’s perception of the job sharing role. Effective communication is identified as a key issue.

Benefits such as reduced professional isolation, increased job satisfaction and the opportunity to offer the knowledge and skills of two people are highlighted. The authors identify the factors which they consider to be crucial to the success of job sharing. We conducted an on-line survey among specialists in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine in Italy who completed their training between October and July , to assess their training experience, employment opportunities and current job satisfaction.

Mean age was 35 years. Job , pay, and training satisfaction are often below expectations with geographical differences that would need to be further investigated. Job Prospects for Civil Engineers. Government programs and renewed industrial activity have combined with stable enrollments to create bright job prospects for civil engineers.

Areas with good opportunities include highway reconstruction and rehabilitation, water-resource management, and new factory construction. The subspecialty of structural engineering has a growing need in…. Social Services programs for social inclusion through employment: facing challenges of transverslity, multidimensionality and creation of job opportunities. Full Text Available In a context without employment and with high labour precarity it is necessary to rethink the activation commitments linked to the inclusion policies of social services.

The main goal of this paper is to debate about the limitations, potentialities and differences in terms of inclusion capacity, about 9 socio labour programs of social services. The analysis identifies three key outcomes: the need of collaboration between social services and employment departments, the importance of creating employment opportunities for people at risk of social exclusion and guaranty the multidimensionality of the intervention.

Especially in a context of high unemployment and low quality jobs. These results highlight the need to reconsider the care system that, in line of European recommendations, must focus on social investment policies. Assessment of pharmacists’ job satisfaction and job related stress in Amman. This, in addition to other possible factors, is believed to have influenced pharmacists’ job satisfaction and stress level in different practice settings in Jordan. This study aimed to determine the level of job satisfaction and job related stress among pharmacists in Amman.

Moreover, the main causes of dissatisfaction and stress-related factors affecting pharmacists at their working positions were also explored. The study was conducted in four pharmacy practice settings: independent and chain community pharmacies as well as private and public hospital pharmacies.

The study adopted the self-administered survey methodology technique using a pre-validated pre-piloted questionnaire. The questionnaire was adapted from one previously used in Northern Ireland.

Data were entered into SAS database and analysed using descriptive statistics, Chi square and regression analysis. Other job stressors like long working hours, lack of advancement, promotion opportunities and poor physician pharmacists’ relationship have also been reported by participants. The study concluded that community pharmacists in Amman are found to be less satisfied with their jobs than their hospital counterparts.

Pharmacists’ job satisfaction should be enhanced to improve pharmacists’ motivation and competence. Consequently, this will improve their productivity and provision of pharmaceutical care. Job Outlook Information: Careers for the Future. Job outlook information forecasts the growth and decline of jobs in the near future–usually for a year period.

Job Prospects for Metallurgical Engineering. Job prospects in mining, metal-extraction, steel, and refining industries are depressed, but technological discoveries are opening up new fields for metallurgical engineers. Job satisfaction among Australian doctors: the use of latent class analysis. To identify patterns of job satisfaction among Australian doctors using latent class analysis, and to determine the relationships of these patterns to personal and professional characteristics so as to improve satisfaction and minimize medical wastage.

The study collected information on doctors about their job satisfaction, demographic characteristics, their health, country of medical training, opportunities for professional development and social interaction, taking time off work, views of patients’ expectations, unpredictable working hours, hours worked per week, preference to reduce hours and intention to leave the medical workforce. Four latent classes of job satisfaction were identified: 5. Low job satisfaction was associated with reporting poor health, having trained outside Australia, having poor opportunities for professional development and working longer hours.

Low satisfaction was associated with a preference to reduce work hours and an intention to leave the medical workforce. To improve job satisfaction and minimize medical wastage, policies need to address needs of overseas trained doctors, provide continuing professional development and provide good health care for doctors.

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