Zoom Rooms for Windows 10 – Free download and software reviews – CNET Download – Requirements
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Windows 10 touch screen zoom free download

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Zoom Rooms for Touch works with a dual monitor setup that has one touchscreen monitor and one regular monitor. The touchscreen monitor displays Zoom Room controls e. Changing the Monitor Used as a Touchscreen.
Follow these steps if Zoom Rooms incorrectly identifies the touchscreen monitor and you need to change it. Help Center. Download Center.
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How can we help? Overview Zoom Rooms for Touch works with a dual monitor setup that has one touchscreen monitor and one regular monitor. Prerequisites Windows PC with dual monitors one must be a touch screen monitor. Zoom Rooms will display the following message on both monitors. Note : If you don’t see this message, Zoom Rooms is not detecting a touchscreen monitor. Make sure your touchscreen monitor has the correct drivers installed.
Also check if it needs a secondary connection to your PC. Most touchscreen monitors require a USB connection in addition to a video connection e. The touchscreen monitor will display the homepage controls, while the regular monitor will display the Zoom Room background image.
While in a meeting, the touchscreen monitor displays the whiteboard and in-meeting controls , while the regular monitor displays participant’s video. To change what displays on each monitor, you can customize the display settings in the Zoom web portal. Changing the Monitor Used as a Touchscreen Follow these steps if Zoom Rooms incorrectly identifies the touchscreen monitor and you need to change it.
Sign in to Zoom Rooms for Conference Room. Click Settings in the bottom-right corner of the meeting controls screen. Click Displays and enter the room’s passcode if prompted. All rights reserved. Legal Policies About Ads.
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